Alan W.P. Poon, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 1998 | Physics | University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Vancouver, BC, Canada |
1998- | Nuclear Science Division | Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA, USA |
Astroparticle PhysicsGoogle:
"Alan Poon"Mean distance: (not calculated yet)
Sign in to add mentorR. G. Hamish Robertson | grad student | 1998 | UBC |
Chris Waltham | grad student | 1998 | UBC |
Kevin Thomas Lesko | post-doc | 1998- | LBNL |
Sign in to add traineeMarc Bergevin | grad student | 2011 | University of Guelph |
Giovanni Benato | post-doc | LBNL | |
Adam W Bradley | post-doc | LBNL | |
Charles Currat | post-doc | LBNL | |
Jason A. Detwiler | post-doc | LBNL | |
Alexey Drobizhev | post-doc | LBNL | |
Lukas Hehn | post-doc | LBNL | |
Reyco Henning | post-doc | LBNL (Astronomy Tree) | |
Ryan Martin | post-doc | LBNL | |
Susanne Mertens | post-doc | LBNL | |
Jordan Myslik | post-doc | LBNL | |
Gersende Prior | post-doc | LBNL | |
Nikolai R. Tolich | post-doc | LBNL | |
Michael Willers | post-doc | LBNL | |
Bjoern Lehnert | post-doc | 2018- | LBNL |
Rebecca Carney | post-doc | 2020- | LBNL |
James Loach | post-doc | 2007-2012 | LBNL |
Nicolas Abgrall | post-doc | 2016 | LBNL |
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Guinn I, Arnquist I, Avignone F, et al. (2020) Results of the MAJORANA DEMONSTRATOR’s Search for Double-Beta Decay of 76Ge to Excited States of 76Se Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 1468: 012115 |
Mertens S, Hegai A, Radford D, et al. (2019) Characterization of high purity germanium point contact detectors with low net impurity concentration Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section a: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. 921: 81-88 |
Altenmüller K, Arenz M, Baek W, et al. (2019) Muon-induced background in the KATRIN main spectrometer Astroparticle Physics. 108: 40-49 |
Myslik J, Alvis S, Arnquist I, et al. (2018) Recent results from the MAJORANA DEMONSTRATOR Arxiv: Instrumentation and Detectors. 46: 1860049 |
Arenz M, Baek W, Beck M, et al. (2018) The KATRIN superconducting magnets: overview and first performance results Journal of Instrumentation. 13: T08005-T08005 |
Arenz M, Baek W, Beck M, et al. (2018) First transmission of electrons and ions through the KATRIN beamline Journal of Instrumentation. 13: P04020-P04020 |
Abgrall N, Arnquist I, Avignone III F, et al. (2018) The processing of enriched germanium for the Majorana Demonstrator and R&D for a next generation double-beta decay experiment Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section a: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. 877: 314-322 |
Elliott S, Abgrall N, Arnquist I, et al. (2017) Initial Results from the Majorana Demonstrator Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 888: 012035 |
Abgrall N, Arnquist I, Avignone III F, et al. (2017) The Majorana Demonstrator calibration system Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section a: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. 872: 16-22 |
Abgrall N, Aguayo E, Avignone F, et al. (2017) Muon flux measurements at the davis campus of the sanford underground research facility with the majorana demonstrator veto system Astroparticle Physics. 93: 70-75 |