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Gerd Burkhardt grad student 1956 Technical University of Hannover
 (Kritik einheitlicher Feldtheorien: Beiträge zum allgemeinen Formalismus, eine Interpretationsmöglichkeit und einige Quantisierungsprobleme)
Cornelius Lanczos research scientist 1971 Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies
 (William R. Davis went to Dublin to work with and visit Lanczos for about two months while on a John Simon Guggenheim fellowship during the spring of 1971)


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Marvin K. Moss grad student 1962 NCSU
James Wesley York grad student 1966 NCSU
BETA: Related publications


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Park JB, Davis WR, Franzon PD. (2019) 3-D-DATE: A Circuit-Level Three-Dimensional DRAM Area, Timing, and Energy Model Ieee Transactions On Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers. 66: 756-768
Chen X, Zhu T, Davis WR, et al. (2014) Adaptive and reliable clock distribution design for 3-D integrated circuits Ieee Transactions On Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology. 4: 1862-1870
Harris TR, Priyadarshi S, Melamed S, et al. (2012) A transient electrothermal analysis of three-dimensional integrated circuits Ieee Transactions On Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology. 2: 660-667
Priyadarshi S, Saunders CS, Kriplani NM, et al. (2012) Parallel transient simulation of multiphysics circuits using delay-based partitioning Ieee Transactions On Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems. 31: 1522-1535
Melamed S, Thorolfsson T, Harris TR, et al. (2012) Junction-level thermal analysis of 3-d integrated circuits using high definition power blurring Ieee Transactions On Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems. 31: 676-689
Priyadarshi S, Harris TR, Melamed S, et al. (2012) Dynamic electrothermal simulation of three-dimensional integrated circuits using standard cell macromodels Iet Circuits, Devices and Systems. 6: 35-44
Chen X, Zhu T, Davis WR. (2011) Three-dimensional SRAM design with on-chip access time measurement Electronics Letters. 47: 485-486
Davis WR, Oh EC, Sule AM, et al. (2009) Application exploration for 3-D integrated circuits: TCAM, FIFO, and FFT case studies Ieee Transactions On Very Large Scale Integration (Vlsi) Systems. 17: 496-506
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