Peng Xi

Biomedical Engineering Peking University, Beijing, Beijing Shi, China 
"Peng Xi"
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Yang Z, Li X, Sun T, et al. (2024) Multicolor Tuning of Perylene Diimides Dyes for Targeted Organelle Imaging In Vivo. Analytical Chemistry
Xu X, Wang W, Qiao L, et al. (2024) Ultra-high spatio-temporal resolution imaging with parallel acquisition-readout structured illumination microscopy (PAR-SIM). Light, Science & Applications. 13: 125
Fu S, Shi W, Luo T, et al. (2023) Field-dependent deep learning enables high-throughput whole-cell 3D super-resolution imaging. Nature Methods
Xu X, Jia S, Xi P. (2022) Raster-scanning Donut simplifies MINFLUX and provides alternative implement on other scanning-based microscopes. Light, Science & Applications. 11: 293
Guan M, Wang M, Zhanghao K, et al. (2022) Polarization modulation with optical lock-in detection reveals universal fluorescence anisotropy of subcellular structures in live cells. Light, Science & Applications. 11: 4
Xu X, Zhao K, Ren W, et al. (2021) A protocol for single-source dual-pulse stimulated emission depletion setup with Bessel modulation. Microscopy Research and Technique
Wu J, Lu Z, Jiang D, et al. (2021) Iterative tomography with digital adaptive optics permits hour-long intravital observation of 3D subcellular dynamics at millisecond scale. Cell
Man Z, Cui H, Lv Z, et al. (2021) Organic Nanoparticles-Assisted Low-Power STED Nanoscopy. Nano Letters
Liu Y, Zhou Z, Wang F, et al. (2021) Axial localization and tracking of self-interference nanoparticles by lateral point spread functions. Nature Communications. 12: 2019
Wu Z, Xu X, Xi P. (2021) Stimulated emission depletion microscopy for biological imaging in four dimensions: A review. Microscopy Research and Technique
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