Miguel Eduardo Bosch
Affiliations: | 1998 | Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, France | |
1990-2015 | Universidad Central de Venezuela |
"Miguel Bosch"Mean distance: (not calculated yet)
Sign in to add mentorAlbert Tarantola | grad student | 1998 | Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, France |
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Bosch M, Bertorelli G, Álvarez G, et al. (2015) Reservoir uncertainty description via petrophysical inversion of seismic data Leading Edge. 34: 1018-1026 |
Bosch M, Morales D, Gomez Y, et al. (2014) Elastic seismic inversion and reservoir characterization in the Llanos Basin, Colombia Geophysics. 33: 734-744 |
Bosch M, Lacruz A, Colmenares T, et al. (2014) Time-lapse seismic sensitivity to monitor an in-situ combustion process Seg Technical Program Expanded Abstracts |
Bosch M, Morales D, Gomez Y, et al. (2014) Seismic Inversion and Reservoir Characterization at the Llanos Basin in Colombia Seg Technical Program Expanded Abstracts |
Bosch M, Justiniano A, Alvarez G, et al. (2012) Seismic inversion and statistical classification of lithology and fluids at Rubiales field, Colombia. Seg Technical Program Expanded Abstracts |
Bosch M, Bertorelli G, Alvarez G, et al. (2012) Deterministic and stochastic seismic inversion methods for gas discrimination at La Creciente Field, Colombia Seg Technical Program Expanded Abstracts |
Perez-Perez A, D’Onofrio L, Bosch M, et al. (2011) Association between magnetic susceptibilities and hydrocarbon deposits in the Barinas-Apure Basin, Venezuela Geophysics. 76 |
Bosch M, Mukerji T, Gonzalez EF. (2010) Seismic inversion for reservoir properties combining statistical rock physics and geostatistics: A review Geophysics. 75 |
Bosch M, Campos C, Fernández E. (2009) Seismic inversion using a geostatistical, petrophysical, and acoustic model Geophysics. 28: 690-696 |
Bosch M, Carvajal C, Rodrigues J, et al. (2009) Petrophysical seismic inversion conditioned to well-log data: Methods and application to a gas reservoir Geophysics. 74 |