Mark Stephen Noble

1992 Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, France 
"Mark Noble"
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Belhadj J, Romary T, Gesret A, et al. (2018) New parameterizations for Bayesian seismic tomography Inverse Problems. 34: 65007
Luu K, Noble M, Gesret A, et al. (2018) A parallel competitive Particle Swarm Optimization for non-linear first arrival traveltime tomography and uncertainty quantification Computers & Geosciences. 113: 81-93
Belayouni N, Gesret A, Daniel G, et al. (2015) Microseismic event location using the first and reflected arrivals Geophysics. 80: 1-11
Lameloise CA, Chauris H, Noble M. (2015) Improving the gradient of the image-domain objective function using quantitative migration for a more robust migration velocity analysis Geophysical Prospecting. 63: 391-404
Gesret A, Desassis N, Noble M, et al. (2015) Propagation of the velocity model uncertainties to the seismic event location Geophysical Journal International. 200: 52-66
Donno D, Chauris H, Noble M. (2010) Curvelet-based multiple prediction Geophysics. 75
Noble M, Thierry P, Taillandier C, et al. (2010) High-performance 3D first-arrival traveltime tomography Geophysics. 29: 86-93
Taillandier C, Noble M, Chauris H, et al. (2009) First-arrival traveltime tomography based on the adjoint-state method Geophysics. 74
Nguyen S, Baina R, Alerini M, et al. (2008) Stereotomography assisted by migration of attributes Geophysical Prospecting. 56: 613-625
Bégat SL, Chauris H, Devaux V, et al. (2004) Velocity model estimation for depth imaging: Comparison of three tomography methods on a 2D real data set Geophysical Prospecting. 52: 427-438
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