Chamkor Singh, PhD
Affiliations: | 2016-2019 | Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Göttingen, Niedersachsen, Germany |
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Sign in to add mentorPrasanta K. Das | grad student | IIT Kharagpur (Chemistry Tree) | |
Marco G. Mazza | grad student | Max Planck Insititute for Dynamics and Self-Organization, Göttingen, Germany | |
Abhishek Chaudhuri | post-doc | IISER Mohali |
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Singh C, Chaudhuri A. (2024) Anomalous dynamics of a passive droplet in active turbulence. Nature Communications. 15: 3704 |
Yadav M, Singh C. (2023) Anisotropic short-range attractions precisely model branched erythrocyte aggregates. Soft Matter. 19: 8717-8728 |
Singh C. (2021) Guided run-and-tumble active particles: wall accumulation and preferential deposition. Soft Matter |
Singh C, Mazza MG. (2019) Electrification in granular gases leads to constrained fractal growth. Scientific Reports. 9: 9049 |
Singh C, Mazza MG. (2018) Early-stage aggregation in three-dimensional charged granular gas. Physical Review. E. 97: 022904 |
Singh C, Das AK, Das PK. (2018) Levitation of non-magnetizable droplet inside ferrofluid Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 857: 398-448 |
Singh C, Das AK, Das PK. (2016) Single-mode instability of a ferrofluid-mercury interface under a nonuniform magnetic field. Physical Review. E. 94: 012803 |
Singh C, Das AK, Das PK. (2016) Flow restrictive and shear reducing effect of magnetization relaxation in ferrofluid cavity flow Physics of Fluids. 28 |