Michèle Leduc

Universite Paris 6, Paris, Île-de-France, France 
"Michèle Leduc"
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Leduc M, Tanzilli S. (2016) Avec la physique quantique, des technologies nouvelles pour le futur Reflets De La Physique. 28-33
Leduc M, Ferlaino F. (2014) Une jeune physicienne européenne qui réussit : Francesca Ferlaino Reflets De La Physique. 54-55
Vassen W, Cohen-Tannoudji C, Leduc M, et al. (2012) Cold and trapped metastable noble gases Reviews of Modern Physics. 84: 175-210
Leduc M, Cohen-Tannoudji C. (2010) Ultracold metastable helium: From atoms to exotic molecules Laser Physics. 20: 13-22
Leduc M, Lemonde P. (2010) Atomes froids: réseaux optiques et horloges Reflets De La Physique. 927: 46-51
Portier M, Leduc M, Cohen-Tannoudji C. (2009) Fano profiles in two-photon photoassociation spectra. Faraday Discussions. 142: 415-28; discussion 4
Leduc M, Dugué J, Simonet J. (2009) Laser cooling, trapping, and bose-einstein condensation of atoms and molecules Aip Conference Proceedings. 1119: 37-42
Moal S, Portier M, Kim J, et al. (2008) Mechanical effect of photoassociation for ultracold metastable helium atoms: A new method to measure the scattering length Epl. 83: 23001
Schearer LD, Leduc M. (2008) Tuning characteristics and new laser lines in an Nd:YAP CW laser Advances in Laser Science-I. 146: 253-254
Moal S, Portier M, Zahzam N, et al. (2007) Lifetime of weakly bound dimers of ultracold metastable helium studied by photoassociation Physical Review A. 75: 33415
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