Jothi Priyanka Thiruraman
Affiliations: | 2014-2021 | Physics/ ESE | University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, United States |
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Chen J, Balan A, Masih Das P, et al. (2021) Computer vision AC-STEM automated image analysis for 2D nanopore applications. Ultramicroscopy. 113249 |
Thiruraman JP, Dar SA, Masih Das P, et al. (2020) Gas flow through atomic-scale apertures. Science Advances. 6 |
Thiruraman JP, Masih Das P, Drndić M. (2020) Correction to Ions and Water Dancing through Atom-Scale Holes: A Perspective toward "Size Zero". Acs Nano |
Thiruraman JP, Masih Das P, Drndić M. (2020) Stochastic Ionic Transport in Single Atomic Zero-Dimensional Pores. Acs Nano |
Thiruraman JP, Masih Das P, Drndić M. (2020) Ions and Water Dancing through Atom-Scale Holes: A Perspective toward "Size Zero". Acs Nano |
Masih Das P, Thiruraman JP, Zhao M, et al. (2019) Atomic-scale patterning in two-dimensional van der waals superlattices. Nanotechnology |
Thiruraman JP, Masih Das P, Drndić M. (2019) Irradiation of Transition Metal Dichalcogenides Using a Focused Ion Beam: Controlled Single‐Atom Defect Creation Advanced Functional Materials. 29: 1904668 |
Thiruraman JP, Fujisawa K, Danda G, et al. (2018) Correction to Angstrom-Size Defect Creation and Ionic Transport through Pores in Single-Layer MoS. Nano Letters |
Masih Das P, Thiruraman JP, Chou YC, et al. (2018) Centimeter-Scale Nanoporous 2D Membranes and Ion Transport: Porous MoS2 Monolayers in a Few-Layer Matrix. Nano Letters |
Thiruraman JP, Fujisawa K, Danda G, et al. (2018) Angstrom-Size Defect Creation and Ionic Transport through Pores in Single-Layer MoS. Nano Letters |