Giuliano Preparata

Physics University of Milan, Milano, Lombardia, Italy 
"Giuliano Preparata"

His advisor was Raoul Gatto, which whom he graduated at University of Rome in 1964

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Alzetta R, Pera RL, Liberti G, et al. (2016) The coherent nucleus: the low-energy photoabsorption cross-section Nuovo Cimento Della Societa Italiana Di Fisica a-Nuclei Particles and Fields. 110: 179-187
Preparata G, Xue S. (2016) The mass ratio between neutrinos and charged leptons Nuovo Cimento Della Societa Italiana Di Fisica a-Nuclei Particles and Fields. 110: 135-142
Mele R, Preparata G, Villa S. (1997) A Quantum Field Theory Approach to Simple Liquids:. The Elementary Excitations of Helium 4 International Journal of Modern Physics B. 11: 337-354
Preparata G, Xue S. (1997) Getting around the Nielsen-Ninomiya theorem, towards the Rome approach Physics Letters B. 395: 257-263
Preparata G, Xue S. (1996) The emergence of a heavy quark family on a lattice Physics Letters B. 377: 124-128
Preparata G, Xue S. (1996) The standard model on Planck lattice: mixing anglesvs. quark masses Nuovo Cimento Della Societa Italiana Di Fisica a-Nuclei Particles and Fields. 109: 1455-1460
Alzetta R, Liberti G, Preparata G. (1995) Non-leptonic Λ decays in hypernuclei Nuclear Physics. 585: 307-308
Preparata G, Ratcliffe PG. (1995) Comment on “analysis of data on polarized lepton-nucleon scattering” Physics Letters B. 355: 356-362
Preparata G, Ratcliffe PG. (1995) The Pomeron in QCD Physics Letters B. 345: 272-276
Preparata G, Scorletti M. (1994) Nonperturbative QCD and the meson (q-q̄) spectrum Physical Review D. 49: 5984-6002
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