Martin C. Gutzwiller
Affiliations: | 1963-1993 | IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY, United States | |
1993-2014 | Physics | Yale University, New Haven, CT |
Theoretical physicsWebsite:
"Martin Charles Gutzwiller" OR "Martin C. Gutzwiller"Bio:
1925 - 2014)
DOI: 10.1063/PT.3.2426
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Sign in to add mentorWolfgang Ernst Pauli | research assistant | 1945-1949 | ETH Zürich | |
(Diplom thesis (~ M.A.) Über das magnetische Moment von Nukleonen in der Vektor-Mesontheorie) | ||||
Max Dresden | grad student | 1951-1953 | University of Kansas | |
(Quantumtheory of Wavefields in a Space of Constant Curvature) |
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Gutzwiller MC. (1998) Moon-Earth-Sun: The oldest three-body problem Reviews of Modern Physics. 70: 589-639 |
Gutzwiller MC. (1994) Chaos with Few Degrees of Freedom Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement. 116: 1-16 |
Gutzwiller MC. (1993) Poincare surface of section and quantum scattering. Chaos (Woodbury, N.Y.). 3: 591-599 |
Haake F, Reichl L, Gutzwiller MC. (1992) Quantum Signatures of Chaos and the Transition to Chaos in Conservative Classical Systems: Quantum Manifestations Physics Today. 45: 67-68 |
Gutzwiller MC. (1988) From classical to quantum mechanics with hard chaos The Journal of Physical Chemistry. 92: 3154-3163 |
Gutzwiller MC. (1985) The Geometry of Quantum Chaos Physica Scripta. 1985: 184-192 |
Gutzwiller MC. (1983) Stochastic behavior in quantum scattering Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena. 7: 341-355 |
Gutzwiller MC. (1982) The quantization of a classically ergodic system Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena. 5: 183-207 |
Gutzwiller MC. (1980) The quantum mechanical Toda lattice, II Annals of Physics. 133: 304-331 |
Gutzwiller MC. (1977) Bernoulli sequences and trajectories in the anisotropic Kepler problem Journal of Mathematical Physics. 18: 806-823 |