Leandros Perivolaropoulos
Affiliations: | 1992 | Brown University, Providence, RI |
"Leandros Perivolaropoulos"Mean distance: (not calculated yet)
Sign in to add mentorRobert H. Brandenberger | grad student | 1992 | Brown | |
(Macro- and micro-physics of topological defects) |
Sign in to add traineeSavvas Nesseris | grad student | 2008 | University of Ioannina |
Ioannis Antoniou | grad student | 2019 | University of Ioannina |
Foteini Skara | grad student | 2021 | University of Ioannina |
Georgios Alestas | grad student | 2022 | University of Ioannina |
Lavrentios Kazantzidis | grad student | 2022 | University of Ioannina |
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Perivolaropoulos L, Kazantzidis L. (2019) Hints of modified gravity in cosmos and in the lab International Journal of Modern Physics D. 28: 1942001 |
Gannouji R, Kazantzidis L, Perivolaropoulos L, et al. (2018) Consistency of modified gravity with a decreasing $G_{\rm eff}(z)$ in a $\Lambda$CDM background Physical Review D. 98: 104044 |
Kazantzidis L, Perivolaropoulos L. (2018) Evolution of the f σ 8 tension with the Planck15 /Λ CDM determination and implications for modified gravity theories Physical Review D. 97: 103503 |
Antoniou I, Perivolaropoulos L. (2017) Constraints on spatially oscillating sub-mm forces from the Stanford Optically Levitated Microsphere Experiment data Physical Review D. 96: 104002 |
Nesseris S, Pantazis G, Perivolaropoulos L. (2017) Tension and constraints on modified gravity parametrizations of $G_{\textrm{eff}}(z)$ from growth rate and Planck data Physical Review D. 96: 23542 |
Perivolaropoulos L. (2017) Submillimeter spatial oscillations of Newton’s constant: Theoretical models and laboratory tests Physical Review D. 95: 84050 |
Pantazis G, Perivolaropoulos L. (2017) A general realistic treatment of the disk paradox European Journal of Physics. 38: 15204 |
Perivolaropoulos L. (2016) Fate of bound systems through sudden future singularities Physical Review D. 94: 124018 |
Antoniou I, Perivolaropoulos L. (2016) Geodesics of McVittie Spacetime with a Phantom Cosmological Background Physical Review D. 93: 123520 |
Pantazis G, Nesseris S, Perivolaropoulos L. (2016) Comparison of thawing and freezing dark energy parametrizations Physical Review D. 93: 103503 |