David Walsh
Affiliations: | Physics | McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada |
"David Walsh"Bio:
Ph.D. University of Nottingham, 1966
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Ifesemen O, Mcwilliams D, Young A, et al. (2020) Thu0100 Fatigue: A Prevalent And Persistent Symptom In Early Rheumatoid Athritis Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases. 79: 264-264 |
Schofield L, Walsh D, Feng Z, et al. (2019) Does ethnic diversity explain intra-UK variation in mortality? A longitudinal cohort study. Bmj Open. 9: e024563 |
Schofield L, Walsh D, Feng Z, et al. (2018) OP16 Does ethnic diversity confer protective effects on population health? intra-UK comparisons of ethnicity and mortality Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. 72 |
Carpenter L, Norton S, Nikiphorou E, et al. (2018) FRI0023 Five-year progression of rheumatoid arthritis disease activity and quality of life in 2002 and 2011. have reductions in disease activity in recent years resulted in improvements in quality of life? Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases. 77: 558-558 |
Walsh D, McCartney G, Collins C, et al. (2017) History, politics and vulnerability: explaining excess mortality in Scotland and Glasgow. Public Health. 151: 1-12 |
Carpenter L, Norton S, Nikiphorou E, et al. (2017) SAT0040 Assessing 5-year radiographic progression in rheumatoid arthritis patients with moderate disease: findings from a uk multi-centre prospective observational study Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases. 76: 782-782 |
Smith M, Williamson AE, Walsh D, et al. (2016) Is there a link between childhood adversity, attachment style and Scotland's excess mortality? Evidence, challenges and potential research. Bmc Public Health. 16: 655 |
Walsh D, McCartney G, Collins C, et al. (2016) P85 History, politics and vulnerability: explaining excess mortality in Glasgow Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. 70 |
Walsh D, McCartney G, McCullough S, et al. (2014) Comparing Antonovsky's sense of coherence scale across three UK post-industrial cities. Bmj Open. 4: e005792 |
Taulbut M, Walsh D, O'Dowd J. (2014) Comparing early years and childhood experiences and outcomes in Scotland, England and three city-regions: A plausible explanation for Scottish 'excess' mortality? Bmc Pediatrics. 1-10 |