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Leopoldo M. Falicov grad student 1975 UC Berkeley
 (The electronic properties of the transition-metal monoxides)
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King C, Schoenfield JS, Calderón MJ, et al. (2020) Lifting of spin blockade by charged impurities in Si-MOS double quantum dot devices Physical Review B. 101
Dusko A, Koiller B, Lewenkopf C. (2019) Disordered Si:P nanostructures as switches and wires for nanodevices Physical Review B. 99
Abadillo-Uriel JC, Koiller B, Calderón MJ. (2018) Two-dimensional semiconductors pave the way towards dopant-based quantum computing. Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology. 9: 2668-2673
Dusko A, Delgado A, Saraiva A, et al. (2018) Adequacy of Si:P chains as Fermi–Hubbard simulators Npj Quantum Information. 4: 1-5
Saraiva A, Júnior FSA, de Melo E Souza R, et al. (2017) Photonic Counterparts of Cooper Pairs. Physical Review Letters. 119: 193603
Baena A, Saraiva AL, Menezes MG, et al. (2016) Donors in Ge as qubits —Establishing physical attributes Epl. 116: 20002
Dusko A, Saraiva AL, Koiller B. (2016) Mitigating valley-driven localization in atomically thin dopant chains in Si Physical Review B. 94: 115425
Saraiva AL, Salfi J, Bocquel J, et al. (2016) Donor wave functions in Si gauged by STM images Physical Review B. 93: 45303
Saraiva AL, Baena A, Calderón MJ, et al. (2015) Theory of one and two donors in silicon. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter. 27: 154208-154208
Gonzalez-Zalba MF, Saraiva A, Calderón MJ, et al. (2014) An exchange-coupled donor molecule in silicon. Nano Letters. 14: 5672-5676
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