Najva Akbari

Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, United States 
Multiphoton Microscopy, Neurobiology
"Najva Akbari"
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Tatarsky RL, Akbari N, Wang K, et al. (2024) Label-free multiphoton imaging reveals volumetric shifts across development in sensory-related brain regions of a miniature transparent vertebrate. Biorxiv : the Preprint Server For Biology
Akbari N, Tatarsky RL, Kolkman KE, et al. (2024) Label-free, whole-brain in vivo mapping in an adult vertebrate with third harmonic generation microscopy. The Journal of Comparative Neurology. 532: e25614
Akbari N, Tatarsky RL, Kolkman KE, et al. (2022) Whole-brain optical access in a small adult vertebrate with two- and three-photon microscopy. Iscience. 25: 105191
Hontani Y, Akbari N, Kolkman KE, et al. (2022) Deep-tissue Three-photon Fluorescence Microscopy in Intact Mouse and Zebrafish Brain. Journal of Visualized Experiments : Jove
Akbari N, Rebec MR, Xia F, et al. (2021) Imaging deeper than the transport mean free path with multiphoton microscopy. Biomedical Optics Express. 13: 452-463
Chow DM, Sinefeld D, Kolkman KE, et al. (2020) Deep three-photon imaging of the brain in intact adult zebrafish. Nature Methods
Greenbaum A, Akbari N, Feizi A, et al. (2013) Field-portable pixel super-resolution colour microscope. Plos One. 8: e76475
Greenbaum A, Feizi A, Akbari N, et al. (2013) Wide-field computational color imaging using pixel super-resolved on-chip microscopy. Optics Express. 21: 12469-83
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