Fei Ding
Affiliations: | University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark |
Nanophotonics, plasmonics, metasurfaces, quantum nanophotonicsGoogle:
"https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=cCx-LLUAAAAJ&hl=en"Mean distance: (not calculated yet)
Sign in to add mentorSailing He | grad student | 2010-2015 | Zhejiang University |
Sergey I. Bozhevolnyi | post-doc | 2015-2019 | University of Southern Denmark |
Sign in to add traineeYadong Deng | research assistant | 2020-2021 | University of Southern Denmark |
Rucha Anil Deshpande | grad student | 2017- | University of Southern Denmark |
Yinhui Kan | grad student | 2019-2020 | University of Southern Denmark & Shanghai Jiao Tong University |
Cuo Wu | grad student | 2019-2021 | University of Southern Denmark & University of Electronic Science and Technology of China |
Chao Meng | post-doc | 2019- | University of Southern Denmark |
Zhengli Han | post-doc | 2023- | University of Southern Denmark |
Shiwei Tang | post-doc | 2019-2020 | University of Southern Denmark & Ningbo University |
Shailesh Kumar | post-doc | 2020-2021 | University of Southern Denmark |
Sign in to add collaboratorSergey I. Bozhevolnyi | collaborator | 2019- | University of Southern Denmark |
Shailesh Kumar | collaborator | 2021- | University of Southern Denmark |
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Wang C, Meng C, Mei X, et al. (2024) MEMS-metasurface-enabled mode-switchable vortex lasers. Science Advances. 10: eadq6299 |
Liu X, Kan Y, Kumar S, et al. (2024) Off-Normal Polarized Single-Photon Emission with Anisotropic Holography Metasurfaces. Nano Letters |
Zhou Y, Zhang T, Wang G, et al. (2024) Directional Phase and Polarization Manipulation Using Janus Metasurfaces. Advanced Science (Weinheim, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany). e2406571 |
Ma C, Yang J, Li P, et al. (2024) Circular photonic crystal grating design for charge-tunable quantum light sources in the telecom C-band. Optics Express. 32: 14789-14800 |
Wang C, Gui L, Mei X, et al. (2024) Intracavity spatially modulated metasurfaces for a wavelength-tunable figure-9 vortex fiber laser. Optics Express. 32: 6423-6431 |
Ding F, Deng Y, Meng C, et al. (2024) Electrically tunable topological phase transition in non-Hermitian optical MEMS metasurfaces. Science Advances. 10: eadl4661 |
Thrane PCV, Meng C, Ding F, et al. (2022) MEMS Tunable Metasurfaces Based on Gap Plasmon or Fabry-Pérot Resonances. Nano Letters |
He H, Tang S, Zheng Z, et al. (2022) Multifunctional all-dielectric metasurface quarter-wave plates for polarization conversion and wavefront shaping. Optics Letters. 47: 2478-2481 |
Meng C, Thrane PCV, Ding F, et al. (2022) Full-range birefringence control with piezoelectric MEMS-based metasurfaces. Nature Communications. 13: 2071 |
Wu C, Kumar S, Kan Y, et al. (2022) Room-temperature on-chip orbital angular momentum single-photon sources. Science Advances. 8: eabk3075 |