Raúl Madariaga, PhD
Affiliations: | Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, United States |
"Raúl Madariaga"Mean distance: (not calculated yet)
Sign in to add mentorKeiiti Aki | grad student | 1971 | MIT | |
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Derode B, Madariaga R, Campos J. (2021) Seismic rate variations prior to the 2010 Maule, Chile M 8.8 giant megathrust earthquake. Scientific Reports. 11: 2705 |
Rivera E, Ruiz S, Madariaga R. (2021) Spectrum of strong-motion records for large magnitude Chilean earthquakes Geophysical Journal International. 226: 1045-1057 |
Klein E, Potin B, Pasten-Araya F, et al. (2021) Interplay of seismic and a-seismic deformation during the 2020 sequence of Atacama, Chile Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 570: 117081 |
Otarola C, Ruiz S, Herrera C, et al. (2021) Dynamic rupture of subduction earthquakes located near the trench Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 562: 116842 |
Pino NA, Convertito V, Madariaga R. (2019) Clock advance and magnitude limitation through fault interaction: the case of the 2016 central Italy earthquake sequence. Scientific Reports. 9: 5005 |
Marty S, Passelègue FX, Aubry J, et al. (2019) Origin of High‐Frequency Radiation During Laboratory Earthquakes Geophysical Research Letters. 46: 3755-3763 |
Romanet P, Bhat HS, Jolivet R, et al. (2018) Fast and Slow Slip Events Emerge Due to Fault Geometrical Complexity Geophysical Research Letters. 45: 4809-4819 |
Ruiz S, Madariaga R. (2018) Reply to the comment on “Historical and recent large megathrust earthquakes in Chile” Tectonophysics. 745: 457-458 |
Ruiz S, Madariaga R. (2018) Historical and recent large megathrust earthquakes in Chile Tectonophysics. 733: 37-56 |
Gabuchian V, Rosakis AJ, Bhat HS, et al. (2017) Experimental evidence that thrust earthquake ruptures might open faults. Nature |