Pekka Taskinen, PhD
Affiliations: | 1981 | Chemical Engineering and Metallurgy | Aalto University, Espoo, Finland |
Copper Metals Mineral Processing Materials Metallurgical Engineering Thermodynamics IndustryWebsite:
"Pekka Taskinen"Mean distance: (not calculated yet)
Sign in to add traineeLonggong Xia | grad student | Central South University, China | |
Fiseha Tesfaye | grad student | 2012 | Abo Akademi University |
Lina Vaajamo | grad student | 2013 | Aalto University |
Dawei Feng | grad student | 2014 | University of California |
Joseph Hamuyuni | grad student | 2016 | Aalto University |
Rui Zhang | grad student | 2016 | Aalto University |
Niko Hellsten | grad student | 2018 | Aalto University |
Katri Avarmaa | grad student | 2019 | Aalto University |
Imam Santoso | grad student | 2019 | Bandung Institute of Technology |
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Rämä M, Klemettinen L, Rinne M, et al. (2023) Processing of a Zinc Leach Residue by a Non-Fossil Reductant. Acs Omega. 8: 21450-21463 |
Wan X, Taskinen P, Shi J, et al. (2021) A potential industrial waste-waste co-treatment process of utilizing waste SO gas and residue heat to recover Co, Ni, and Cu from copper smelting slag. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 414: 125541 |
Dańczak A, Ruismäki R, Rinne T, et al. (2021) Worth from Waste: Utilizing a Graphite-Rich Fraction from Spent Lithium-Ion Batteries as Alternative Reductant in Nickel Slag Cleaning Minerals. 11: 784 |
Chen M, Avarmaa K, Taskinen P, et al. (2021) Handling trace elements in WEEE recycling through copper smelting-an experimental and thermodynamic study Minerals Engineering. 173: 107189 |
Avarmaa K, Taskinen P, Klemettinen L, et al. (2021) Ni–Fe–Co alloy – magnesia-iron-silicate slag equilibria and the behavior of minor elements Cu and P in nickel slag cleaning Journal of Materials Research and Technology. 15: 719-730 |
Klemettinen L, Avarmaa K, Jokilaakso A, et al. (2021) Iron activity measurements and spinel-slag equilibria in alumina-bearing iron silicate slags Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 855: 157539 |
Wan X, Kleemola L, Klemettinen L, et al. (2021) On the Kinetic Behavior of Recycling Precious Metals (Au, Ag, Pt, and Pd) Through Copper Smelting Process Journal of Sustainable Metallurgy. 7: 920-931 |
Avarmaa K, Klemettinen L, O’Brien H, et al. (2021) Solubility of Palladium in Alumina-Iron Silicate Melts Jom. 73: 1871-1877 |
Chen M, Avarmaa K, Klemettinen L, et al. (2021) Precious Metal Distributions Between Copper Matte and Slag at High $$ P_{{{\text{SO}}_{ 2} }} $$ in WEEE Reprocessing Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B. 52: 871-882 |
Ruismäki R, Dańczak A, Klemettinen L, et al. (2020) Integrated Battery Scrap Recycling and Nickel Slag Cleaning with Methane Reduction Minerals. 10: 435 |