Herman Louis Verlinde

Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 
 1995-2000 University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands 
String Theory
"Herman Louis Verlinde"

Prof. dr. H.L. Verlinde at the Album Academicum of the University of Amsterdam

Mean distance: 14.77 (cluster 13)


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Gerard 't Hooft grad student 1988 Utrecht
 (The Path-Integral Formulation of Supersymmetric String Theory)


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Chang S. Chan grad student 2003 Princeton
John Pearson grad student 1999-2004 Princeton
Dmitry Malyshev grad student 2008 Princeton
Matthew A. Buican grad student 2009 Princeton
Alexander Solovyov grad student 2009 Princeton
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Iliesiu L, Kruthoff J, Turiaci G, et al. (2020) JT gravity at finite cutoff Scipost Physics. 9
Iliesiu LV, Pufu SS, Verlinde H, et al. (2019) An exact quantization of Jackiw-Teitelboim gravity Journal of High Energy Physics. 2019
Callebaut N, Verlinde H. (2019) Entanglement dynamics in 2D CFT with boundary: entropic origin of JT gravity and Schwarzian QM Journal of High Energy Physics. 2019
Goel A, Lam HT, Turiaci GJ, et al. (2019) Expanding the black hole interior: partially entangled thermal states in SYK Journal of High Energy Physics. 2019
Lam HT, Mertens TG, Turiaci GJ, et al. (2018) Shockwave S-matrix from Schwarzian quantum mechanics Journal of High Energy Physics. 2018
McGough L, Mezei M, Verlinde HL. (2018) Moving the CFT into the bulk with $$ T\overline{T} $$ Journal of High Energy Physics. 2018: 10
Turiaci GJ, Verlinde H. (2017) Towards a 2d QFT analog of the SYK model Journal of High Energy Physics. 2017
Mertens TG, Turiaci GJ, Verlinde HL. (2017) Solving the Schwarzian via the conformal bootstrap Journal of High Energy Physics. 2017
Lewkowycz A, Turiaci GJ, Verlinde H. (2017) A CFT perspective on gravitational dressing and bulk locality Journal of High Energy Physics. 2017
Turiaci GJ, Verlinde H. (2016) On CFT and quantum chaos Journal of High Energy Physics. 2016
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