Alfonso M. Albano
Affiliations: | Physics | Bryn Mawr College, Bryn Mawr, PA, United States |
elementary particle physics, statistical mechanics and non-equilibrium thermodynamics, nonlinear dynamicsWebsite:
"Alfonso Madamba Albano"Bio:
Mean distance: 11.37 | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add mentorMax Dresden | grad student | 1969 | SUNY Stony Brook | |
(Nonlinear Realizations of the Lorentz Group) |
Sign in to add traineeChristopher Cellucci | grad student | Bryn Mawr College | |
Naomi J. Halas | grad student | 1986 | Bryn Mawr College |
Nicholas Tufillaro | grad student | 1985-1990 | Bryn Mawr College |
Hana Dobrovolny | grad student | 1997-2000 | Bryn Mawr College |
Stephen M. Hess | grad student | 2004 | Bryn Mawr College |
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Rapp PE, Keyser DO, Albano A, et al. (2015) Traumatic brain injury detection using electrophysiological methods. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 9: 11 |
Bonita JD, Ambolode LC, Rosenberg BM, et al. (2014) Time domain measures of inter-channel EEG correlations: a comparison of linear, nonparametric and nonlinear measures. Cognitive Neurodynamics. 8: 1-15 |
Bonita JD, Ambolode LCC, Rosenberg BM, et al. (2014) Time domain measures of inter-channel EEG correlations: A comparison of linear, nonparametric and nonlinear measures Cognitive Neurodynamics. 8: 1-15 |
Rapp PE, Rosenberg BM, Keyser DO, et al. (2013) Patient Characterization Protocols for Psychophysiological Studies of Traumatic Brain Injury and Post-TBI Psychiatric Disorders. Frontiers in Neurology. 4: 91 |
Hess SM, Albano AM, Gaertner JP. (2007) Analysis and insights from a dynamical model of nuclear plant safety risk Reliability Engineering and System Safety. 92: 15-29 |
Cellucci CJ, Albano AM, Rapp PE. (2005) Statistical validation of mutual information calculations: comparison of alternative numerical algorithms. Physical Review. E, Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 71: 066208 |
Rapp PE, Cellucci CJ, Watanabe TAA, et al. (2005) Quantitative characterization of the complexity of multichannel human EEGs International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering. 15: 1737-1744 |
Cellucci CJ, Albano AM, Rapp PE. (2005) Statistical validation of mutual information calculations: Comparison of alternative numerical algorithms Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 71 |
Hess SM, Albano AM, Gaertner JP. (2005) Development of a dynamical systems model of plant programmatic performance on nuclear power plant safety risk Reliability Engineering and System Safety. 90: 62-74 |
Cellucci CJ, Albano AM, Rapp PE. (2003) Comparative study of embedding methods. Physical Review. E, Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 67: 066210 |