Davide Michieletto
Affiliations: | University of Edinburgh (UK) |
polymer physics, soft matter, topology, DNAGoogle:
"Davide Michieletto"Mean distance: (not calculated yet)
Sign in to add mentorMatthew S. Turner | grad student | 2012-2015 | University of Warwick |
Davide Marenduzzo | post-doc | 2016-2019 | University of Edinburgh (UK) (Cell Biology Tree) |
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Tišma M, Janissen R, Antar H, et al. (2023) Dynamic ParB-DNA interactions initiate and maintain a partition condensate for bacterial chromosome segregation. Nucleic Acids Research |
Fosado YAG, Howard J, Weir S, et al. (2023) Fluidification of Entanglements by a DNA Bending Protein. Physical Review Letters. 130: 058203 |
Bonato A, Marenduzzo D, Michieletto D, et al. (2022) Topological gelation of reconnecting polymers. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 119: e2207728119 |
Sleiman JL, Burton RH, Caraglio M, et al. (2022) Geometric Predictors of Knotted and Linked Arcs. Acs Polymers Au. 2: 341-350 |
Peddireddy KR, Michieletto D, Aguirre G, et al. (2021) DNA Conformation Dictates Strength and Flocculation in DNA-Microtubule Composites. Acs Macro Letters. 10: 1540-1548 |
Bonato A, Michieletto D. (2021) Three-dimensional loop extrusion. Biophysical Journal. 120: 5544-5552 |
Smrek J, Garamella J, Robertson-Anderson R, et al. (2021) Topological tuning of DNA mobility in entangled solutions of supercoiled plasmids. Science Advances. 7 |
Fosado YAG, Michieletto D, Brackley CA, et al. (2021) Nonequilibrium dynamics and action at a distance in transcriptionally driven DNA supercoiling. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 118 |
Ryu JK, Bouchoux C, Liu HW, et al. (2021) Bridging-induced phase separation induced by cohesin SMC protein complexes. Science Advances. 7 |
Ancona M, Michieletto D, Marenduzzo D. (2021) Competition between local erasure and long-range spreading of a single biochemical mark leads to epigenetic bistability. Physical Review. E. 101: 042408 |