Juven C. Wang, Ph.D.

Physics Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, Princeton, NJ, United States 
Theoretical Physics. Mathematical Physics. Condensed Matter Theory. High Energy Physics. Quantum Many-Body Systems.
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Zeng M, Zhu Z, Wang J, et al. (2022) Symmetric Mass Generation in the 1+1 Dimensional Chiral Fermion 3-4-5-0 Model. Physical Review Letters. 128: 185301
Wang J, Wen X. (2020) Nonperturbative definition of the standard models Arxiv: High Energy Physics - Theory. 2: 23356
Wang J, You Y, Zheng Y. (2020) Gauge enhanced quantum criticality and time reversal deconfined domain wall: SU(2) Yang-Mills dynamics with topological terms Arxiv: Strongly Correlated Electrons. 2: 13189
Devakul T, Shirley W, Wang J. (2020) Strong planar subsystem symmetry-protected topological phases and their dual fracton orders Arxiv: Strongly Correlated Electrons. 2
Wang J, Wen X, Yau S. (2020) Quantum statistics and spacetime surgery Physics Letters B. 807: 135516
Wan Z, Wang J. (2020) Higher anomalies, higher symmetries, and cobordisms III: QCD matter phases anew Nuclear Physics. 957: 115016
Wan Z, Wang J, Zheng Y. (2020) New higher anomalies, SU(N) Yang–Mills gauge theory and CPN−1 sigma model Annals of Physics. 414: 168074
Guo M, Ohmori K, Putrov P, et al. (2020) Fermionic Finite-Group Gauge Theories and Interacting Symmetric/Crystalline Orders via Cobordisms Communications in Mathematical Physics. 376: 1073-1154
Wan Z, Wang J. (2020) Beyond Standard Models and Grand Unifications: anomalies, topological terms, and dynamical constraints via cobordisms Journal of High Energy Physics. 2020: 1-93
Wan Z, Wang J. (2019) Higher anomalies, higher symmetries, and cobordisms I: classification of higher-symmetry-protected topological states and their boundary fermionic/bosonic anomalies via a generalized cobordism theory Annals of Mathematical Sciences and Applications. 4: 107-311
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