Kirill Sergeevich Korolev

2010 Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, United States 
"Kirill Korolev"
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David Robert Nelson grad student 2010 Harvard
 (Statistical physics of topological emulsions and expanding populations.)
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Golden A, Dukovski I, Segre D, et al. (2022) Growth instabilities shape morphology and genetic diversity of microbial colonies. Physical Biology
Lee H, Gore J, Korolev KS. (2022) Slow expanders invade by forming dented fronts in microbial colonies. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 119
Birzu G, Hallatschek O, Korolev KS. (2021) Genealogical structure changes as range expansions transition from pushed to pulled. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 118
Ishihara K, George AB, Cornelius R, et al. (2020) Traveling fronts in self-replicating persistent random walks with multiple internal states New Journal of Physics. 22: 83034
Gandhi SR, Korolev KS, Gore J. (2019) Cooperation mitigates diversity loss in a spatially expanding microbial population. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Deforet M, Carmona-Fontaine C, Korolev KS, et al. (2019) Evolution at the Edge of Expanding Populations. The American Naturalist. 194: 291-305
Birzu G, Matin S, Hallatschek O, et al. (2019) Genetic drift in range expansions is very sensitive to density dependence in dispersal and growth. Ecology Letters
Wang CH, Matin S, George AB, et al. (2019) Pinned, locked, pushed, and pulled traveling waves in structured environments. Theoretical Population Biology
Marsland R, Cui W, Goldford J, et al. (2019) Available energy fluxes drive a transition in the diversity, stability, and functional structure of microbial communities. Plos Computational Biology. 15: e1006793
B George A, Korolev KS. (2018) Chirality provides a direct fitness advantage and facilitates intermixing in cellular aggregates. Plos Computational Biology. 14: e1006645
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