Cluster #1 (Go to map): Advanced Search
Name Institution Area Added by Date  
Frans van Schooten, Jr. (Info) Leiden shollow 2007‑11‑08
Willebrord Snell van Royen (Snellius) (Info) Leiden shollow 2007‑11‑09
Christiaan Huygens (Info) hydrostatics, mathematics, geometrical optics, pendulum clock jandh 2009‑08‑28
Rudolph Snell van Royen (Snellius) (Info) University of Marburg, Leiden Greek and Hebrew, mathematics jandh 2009‑06‑22
Ludolph van Keulen (Info) Leiden mathematics jandh 2009‑06‑22
Johannes Kepler (Info) Prague, Linz Mathematics, astronomy shollow 2007‑11‑11
Valentin Naboth (Info) University of Cologne, University of Padua astrology jandh 2009‑06‑22
Erasmus Reinhold (Info) Leucorea Universität Wittenberg astrology jandh 2009‑06‑22
Nicolaus Copernicus (Info) Frombork astrology jandh 2009‑06‑22
Bernard Nieuwentijt (Info) Council of Purmerend medicine, mathematics, experimental natural philosophy jandh 2014‑06‑26
Nikolaus Eglinger (Info) University of Basel jandh 2009‑08‑27
Burchard de Volder (Info) Leiden philosophy, mathematics hayden 2005‑02‑25
Peter Ryff (Info) Universität Basel Mathematics, medicine jandh 2009‑05‑15
Franck Pieterszoon Burgersdijk (Info) Leiden philosophy jandh 2009‑05‑15
Aegidius Strauch (Info) Leucorea Universität Wittenberg Mathematics, theology jandh 2009‑06‑22
Salomon Alberti (Info) Leucorea Universität Wittenberg Anatomy jandh 2009‑06‑22
Andreas Schato (Info) Leucorea Universität Wittenberg mathematics, medicine jandh 2009‑06‑22
Jordan of Saxony (Info) University of Paris, Order of Preachers Theology tcoderre 2007‑02‑15
Ambrosius Rhodius (Info) Leucorea Universität Wittenberg medicine jandh 2009‑06‑22
Melchior Jöstel (Info) Leucorea Universität Wittenberg medicine jandh 2009‑06‑22
Georg Joachim von Leuchen Rheticus (Info) Leucorea Universität Wittenberg, Kraków astrology jandh 2009‑06‑22
Caspar Peucer (Info) Leucorea Universität Wittenberg astrology, medicine jandh 2009‑06‑22
Sebastian Dietrich (Info) Leucorea Universität Wittenberg mathematics jandh 2009‑06‑22
Valentin Otto (Info) Leucorea Universität Wittenberg mathematics jandh 2009‑06‑22
Johannes Regiomontanus (Info) jandh 2009‑06‑22
Jakob Milich (Info) Leucorea Universität Wittenberg jandh 2009‑06‑22
Domenico Maria Novara da Ferrara (Info) jandh 2009‑06‑22
Gilbert Jacchaeus (Info) Leiden jandh 2009‑05‑15
Duncan Liddel (Info) Julius-Universität Helmstedt philosophy, medicine jandh 2009‑05‑19
Arnold Senguerd (Info) Utrecht University, Athenaeum Illustre Amsterdam physics jandh 2009‑05‑15
Wolferd Senguerd (Info) Leiden physics jandh 2009‑05‑15
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