People with institution matching "Duke University": Advanced Search
Name Institution Area Added by Date  
Amir B. Aazami (Info) Duke Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Optics Physics, Astrophysics Physics pq 2016‑03‑23
Joshua B. Albert (Info) Duke, Indiana University Bloomington High Energy Phyics, Nuclear Physics jba138 2010‑07‑30
John D. Albertson (Info) UVA, Duke, Cornell Hydrology, Environmental Sciences, Geophysics pq 2016‑02‑09
Jeffery W. Allen (Info) Duke Electronics and Electrical Engineering, General Physics, Electricity and Magnetism Physics pq 2016‑03‑04
Peibo An (Info) Duke psbarbeau 2023‑03‑03
William B. Ard (Info) Princeton plasma physics, neutral particle beams jandh 2015‑11‑11
Gaurav Arya (Info) UCSD, Duke General Engineering, General Biophysics pq 2016‑03‑28
Connor Awe (Info) Duke psbarbeau 2023‑03‑03
Venkitesh Ayyar (Info) LBNL Particle Physics v747 2018‑11‑29
Andriy Badin (Info) Duke apetrov 2017‑02‑22
Reggie Bain (Info) University of Houston mehen 2017‑04‑23
Gordon Edward Baird (Info) University of Mississippi jandh 2016‑03‑01
Harold U. Baranger (Info) Duke Condensed Matter, Theory, Nanophysics abhijitmehta 2010‑07‑30
Phillip S. Barbeau (Info) Chicago Nuclear Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics pq 2016‑03‑19
John P Barton (Info) UC Riverside Zhenchenhong 2019‑03‑01
Steffen A. Bass (Info) Duke Nuclear Physics, Theory Physics pq 2016‑03‑21
Silas Robert Beane (Info) University of Washington savage 2015‑11‑07
Robert P. Behringer (Info) Duke Granular Materials, Nonlinear Dynamics abehclark 2010‑07‑30
David N. Beratan (Info) Duke theoretical chemistry jandh 2012‑12‑04
Carolyn M. Berger (Info) Duke AMO, Chaos pq 2015‑09‑29
Lawrence Christian Biedenharn (Info) Duke mathematical physics jandh 2016‑03‑01
Edward George Bilpuch (Info) Duke experimental nuclear physics jandh 2015‑12‑29
Matthew Blackston (Info) Duke Nuclear Physics pq 2016‑03‑23
Jonathan N. Blakely (Info) Duke AMO, Chaos pq 2015‑09‑29
Martin Moses Block (Info) Northwestern, Duke Phenomenology in elementary particle physics: ultra-high energy hadronic collisions, cosmic ray p-air collisions, ultra-high energy cosmic ray neutrino-isonucleon collisions, analytic solutions to perturbative QCD and mathematical physics. david 2016‑01‑09
Lyman Gaylord Bonner (Info) Caltech, Duke jandh 2021‑02‑02
Ivan V. Borzenets (Info) City University of Hong Kong Low Temperature, Condensed Matter, Nanosicence, Nanotubes, Graphene ib042129 2010‑07‑30
James E. Bowsher (Info) Duke Biomedical Engineering, Oncology, Radiology pq 2016‑03‑20
Samuel L. Brady (Info) Duke Radiation Physics, Medical Biophysics, Nuclear Engineering pq 2016‑03‑23
Sara Bristow (Info) Duke University/ Department of Biology sbhaase 2018‑03‑20
Leah J. Broussard (Info) Duke Radiation Physics pq 2016‑03‑27
John C. Browne (Info) LANL jandh 2015‑12‑29
Marina Brozovic (Info) Duke Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics pq 2016‑04‑15
Eric Buckland (Info) Optics Ebuckland 2020‑01‑18
Brian B. Bunton (Info) Coastal Carolina University particle theory brianbunton 2010‑08‑15
Robert Mercer Burger (Info) Duke jandh 2023‑04‑13
Kristine E. Callan (Info) Duke Nonlinear Dynamics kcallan 2010‑07‑30
Richard S. Canon (Info) Duke Nuclear Physics pq 2016‑03‑23
Chenglin Cao (Info) Duke AMO pq 2015‑11‑06
Shanshan Cao (Info) Duke Nuclear and Particle Theory caoshanshan 2010‑07‑30
Michael R. Carey (Info) Duke Granular Materials, Nonlinear Dynamics pq 2015‑10‑24
D. J. Cecile (Info) Duke Theory, Lattice QCD pq 2015‑10‑24
Benjamin Cerio (Info) Duke High Energy Physics bcerio 2010‑08‑01
Elizabeth A. Chan (Info) Duke Condensed matter theory pq 2015‑10‑04
Moses Hung-Wai Chan (Info) Penn State Low Temperature Physics Horstm 2015‑04‑16
Shailesh Chandrasekharan (Info) Duke Theory, Lattice QCD abhijitmehta 2010‑07‑30
Vorakarn Chanyavanich (Info) Duke Radiology, Medical Biophysics, Oncology pq 2016‑03‑23
Mark K. Chee (Info) Duke Cell Biology, Genetics, General Biophysics pq 2016‑06‑10
Shiuan-Yeh Chen (Info) Duke Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Physical Chemistry, Optics Physics, Fluid and Plasma Physics pq 2016‑03‑04
Wei Chen (Info) University of Michigan chihangphy 2016‑04‑26
Soojeong Choi (Info) Duke Materials Science Engineering, Optics Physics, Condensed Matter Physics pq 2016‑03‑19
Ping-Han Chu (Info) UIUC Radiation Physics, Atomic Physics pq 2016‑03‑27
Mariana I. Chuck (Info) Duke Condensed matter theory pq 2015‑10‑04
Bason E. Clancy (Info) Duke AMO pq 2015‑11‑06
Abe H. Clark (Info) Duke Granular Materials, Nonlinear Dynamics abehclark 2010‑07‑30
Kevin E. Claytor (Info) Duke Chemical Physics, AMO keclaytor 2010‑07‑30
David Coccarelli (Info) Duke gehm 2021‑02‑25
Seth D. Cohen (Info) Duke david 2017‑02‑17
Milton W. Cole (Info) Penn State Condensed Matter Physics pq 2016‑05‑29
C.E. Coleman-Smith (Info) Duke Theory Physics, Statistics, Radiation Physics pq 2016‑04‑04
Daniel Patrick Cronin-Hennessy (Info) UMN Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics pq 2016‑03‑18
Jonathon Cuthbertson (Info) Duke darnelld 2022‑11‑11
Karen E. Daniels (Info) NCSU unin5pired 2022‑03‑15
Theda Daniels-Race (Info) Duke Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Condensed Matter Physics pq 2016‑05‑21
Dean F. Darnell (Info) Baylor University Mathematics, Theory Physics pq 2016‑03‑23
Shiva K. Das (Info) Duke Radiology, Medical Biophysics, Oncology pq 2016‑03‑22
Andrew M.C. Dawes (Info) Duke, Pacific University AMO, Chaos pq 2015‑09‑29
Ludwig De Braeckeleer (Info) Duke, Universidad de los Andes Nuclear Physics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics pq 2016‑05‑20
Frank C. De Lucia (Info) Ohio State Astronomy and Astrophysics pq 2016‑03‑28
Nasser S. Demir (Info) Duke Nuclear Physics, Theory Physics pq 2016‑03‑22
Jianrong Deng (Info) Duke Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics pq 2016‑04‑15
Jay R. Dittmann (Info) Baylor University General Physics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics pq 2016‑03‑22
Hana Dobrovolny (Info) University of Winnipeg, Bryn Mawr College, Duke, Ryerson University, Texas Christian University AMO, Chaos pq 2015‑09‑29
Henrik G. Dohlman (Info) UNC Chapel Hill Biochemistry pq 2016‑03‑12
Jason E. Dowd (Info) Harvard Ultrafast Physics, Materials Science and Chemistry pq 2015‑11‑16
Meenakshi Dutt (Info) Duke Granular Materials, Nonlinear Dynamics pq 2015‑10‑24
Glenn S. Edwards (Info) Duke Cell Biology, General Biophysics pq 2016‑03‑22
Audrey K. Ellerbee (Info) Stanford Biophysics, Electrical Engineering, Imaging, Photonics jandh 2015‑09‑08
Ethan R. Elliott (Info) Duke AMO pq 2015‑11‑06
James Esterline (Info) Duke Radiation Physics, General Physics pq 2016‑03‑22
Henry O. Everitt (Info) Duke Condensed Matter Physics pq 2016‑03‑19
Henry Alan Fairbank (Info) Yale, Duke gnunes 2013‑06‑20
William M. Fairbank (Info) Duke, Stanford superconductivity irimia 2008‑04‑20
Yao-Lung Fang (Info) Duke AMO / Condensed Matter abhijitmehta 2013‑06‑16
Somayeh Farhadi (Info) Duke Granular Materials, Nonlinear Dynamics pq 2015‑10‑24
Gleb A. Finkelstein (Info) Duke Low Temperature, Condensed Matter, Nanosicence, Nanotubes, Graphene, DNA self assembly ib042129 2010‑07‑30
Neil Russel Fletcher (Info) Florida State, Duke jandh 2016‑09‑24
Giampaolo Folena (Info) Duke statistical physics, disordere systems giampaolofolena 2023‑03‑26
Lloyd R. Fortney (Info) Duke tesarek 2015‑12‑23
Deirdre M. Fuller (Info) Duke Condensed matter theory pq 2015‑10‑04
Haiyan Gao (Info) Duke, MIT Nuclear Physics pq 2016‑03‑20
Daniel Gauthier (Info) Duke AMO, Chaos gmartinhall 2013‑05‑02
Michael Eric Gehm (Info) University of Arizona, Duke Computational sensing gehm 2011‑07‑02
Junfei Geng (Info) Duke Granular Materials, Nonlinear Dynamics pq 2015‑10‑24
Heather K. Gerberich (Info) Duke High-energy physics pq 2015‑12‑27
John Howard Gibbons (Info) Oak Ridge National Laboratory, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, United States Government energy policy, atomic physics jandh 2020‑11‑24
William M. Giles (Info) Duke Radiology pq 2016‑03‑19
Thomas Glanzman (Info) SLAC particle physics, particle astrophysics tglanzman 2024‑08‑12
Qian Gong (Info) Duke gehm 2021‑02‑25
Myron Lindsay Good (Info) UW Madison jandh 2011‑07‑25
John Morton Goodkind (Info) UCSD condensed matter physics, fundamental quantum physics, gravity measurements jandh 2016‑02‑20
Walter Gordy (Info) Duke molecular spectroscopy jandh 2016‑06‑16
Alfred Thomas Goshaw (Info) Duke Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics pq 2016‑03‑18
Thomas Goyette (Info) UMass Lowell Optics Physics pq 2016‑06‑10
Stephen Riley Granade (Info) gehm 2011‑07‑02
Joel Greenberg (Info) Duke AMO Physics jag27 2010‑07‑30
Steven B. Haase (Info) Duke Cell Biology, Genetics, General Biophysics pq 2016‑06‑10
Steven B. Haase (Info) Duke University/ Department of Biology genetics, genomics, systems biology, computational biology sbhaase 2018‑03‑20
G. Martin Hall (Info) Controlling Chaos gmartinhall 2013‑05‑02
Moo-Young Han (Info) Duke jandh 2019‑06‑11
Robert R. Hartley (Info) Duke Granular Materials, Nonlinear Dynamics pq 2015‑10‑24
John Reid Hauser (Info) NCSU jandh 2023‑04‑13
Samuel Hedges (Info) Duke, California State University Long Beach, University of Puget Sound psbarbeau 2023‑03‑03
Seth S. Henshaw (Info) Duke Nuclear Physics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics pq 2016‑03‑23
Alexander I. Himmel (Info) Caltech, Duke, Fermilab Particle physics pq 2015‑11‑14
Klaus Honscheid (Info) Ohio State Astrophysics Physics pq 2016‑04‑05
Michael J. Hornish (Info) Duke Nuclear Physics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics pq 2016‑05‑21
Kalina A. Hristova (Info) Johns Hopkins General Biophysics, Pathology pq 2016‑05‑29
Jie Hu (Info) Duke mehen 2017‑04‑23
Paul R. Huffman (Info) NCSU Low Temperature Physics pq 2016‑03‑28
John D Hunt (Info) Duke Metamaterials, electrical engineering, physics, inverse problems jjdhunt 2024‑05‑07
Anthony L. Hutcheson (Info) Duke Nuclear Physics pq 2016‑03‑22
Joseph A. Izatt (Info) Duke Biomedical imaging, optics, biomedical optics, biophotonics, optical coherence tomography jandh 2015‑09‑08
Isabel L. Jackson (Info) Duke Pathology, Medicine and Surgery, Radiation Physics pq 2016‑06‑10
Erin M. Janssen (Info) Duke Condensed matter theory pq 2015‑10‑04
Bodhitha A. Jayatilaka (Info) University of Michigan, Duke, Fermilab Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics pq 2016‑05‑19
Heejeong Jeong (Info) Duke AMO, Chaos pq 2015‑09‑29
Fu-Jiun Jiang (Info) Duke Theory, Lattice QCD pq 2015‑10‑24
G. Allan Johnson (Info) Duke Medical School hem1988 2021‑03‑15
James A Joseph (Info) Duke Atomic and Molecular, Quantum Information JamesAJoseph 2019‑02‑07
Thomas C. Katsouleas (Info) USC, Duke, UVA Fluid and Plasma Physics, Electricity and Magnetism Physics pq 2016‑05‑19
Ribhu Kaul (Info) Duke Condensed Matter, Theory, Nanophysics pq 2015‑10‑24
George Albert Keyworth (Info) LANL, United States Government, Hewlett-Packard Company Nuclear physics jandh 2020‑11‑12
M. F. Kidd (Info) Duke Nuclear Physics pq 2016‑03‑22
Jungsang Kim (Info) Duke Photonics, Micro-electronic mechanical machines, Sensing and Sensor Systems, Semiconductors, Quantum Information, Integrated Nanoscale Systems abhijitmehta 2010‑07‑30
Junki Kim (Info) Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU) Atomic physics, Quantum Optics, Trapped Ions, Quantum Engineering 2023‑12‑19
Sangroh Kim (Info) Duke Radiation Physics, Radiology pq 2016‑03‑23
Joseph Michael Kinast (Info) Draper Labs Matter-wave gryoscopes gehm 2011‑07‑09
John Selden Kirby-Smith (Info) Oak Ridge National Laboratory, United States Atomic Energy Commission jandh 2021‑02‑02
Walter David Knight (Info) UC Berkeley physics of metals jandh 2013‑03‑11
Caleb Knoernschild (Info) Duke Photonics, Micro-electronic mechanical machines, Sensing and Sensor Systems, Semiconductors, Quantum Information, Integrated Nanoscale Systems pq 2015‑10‑24
Surapong Koonpaew (Info) Duke Condensed matter theory pq 2015‑10‑04
Ashutosh Vijay Kotwal (Info) Duke High-energy physics jandh 2015‑12‑26
Nathan Kundtz (Info) Duke Electricity and Magnetism Physics pq 2016‑03‑04
Maria G Kurnikova (Info) Carnegie Mellon computational chemistry and biochemistry, structural biophysics, structure-function relationaships in proteins, AMPA, NMDA, ion channels kurnikova 2018‑02‑23
Brian Hyun-jong Lee (Info) Duke gauravarya 2021‑08‑24
Kim F. Lee (Info) Duke AMO pq 2015‑11‑06
Sujeong Lee (Info) Ohio State khonscheid 2022‑01‑21
Adam R Leman (Info) Duke University/ Department of Biology sbhaase 2018‑03‑20
Harold Walter Lewis (Info) Duke atomic physics jandh 2019‑09‑01
Long Li (Info) Duke psbarbeau 2023‑03‑03
Xiaohan Li (Info) Duke gehm 2021‑02‑25
Chien-Hao Lin (Info) Duke tq96zhang 2023‑04‑07
Yuan Lin (Info) Duke Medical physics yuanlin37 2010‑07‑30
V N. Litvineko (Info) Duke Electricity and Magnetism Physics, Optics Physics pq 2016‑05‑30
Dong Liu (Info) Duke abhijitmehta 2010‑07‑30
Ruopeng Liu (Info) Duke Electronics and Electrical Engineering pq 2016‑03‑04
Fritz Wolfgang London (Info) Duke jandh 2019‑09‑01
Le Luo (Info) Sun Yat-sen University AMO pq 2015‑11‑06
Yixin Ma (Info) Duke darnelld 2022‑11‑11
Trushant S. Majmudar (Info) Duke Granular Materials, Nonlinear Dynamics pq 2015‑10‑24
Alexander Makarovski (Info) Duke Low Temperature, Condensed Matter, Nanosicence, Nanotubes, Graphene, DNA self assembly pq 2015‑10‑24
Yiannis Makris (Info) LANL mehen 2017‑04‑23
Ali Masoudi (Info) University of Houston AdityaK 2020‑02‑12
Jacqueline M. Maurer (Info) Duke Radiology pq 2016‑03‑19
Ross J. McGurk (Info) Duke Radiology, Oncology pq 2016‑03‑23
Kyle McKay (Info) Duke Photonics, Micro-electronic mechanical machines, Sensing and Sensor Systems, Semiconductors, Quantum Information, Integrated Nanoscale Systems pq 2015‑10‑24
Henok T. Mebrahtu (Info) Duke Low Temperature, Condensed Matter, Nanosicence, Nanotubes, Graphene, DNA self assembly pq 2015‑10‑24
Thomas C. Mehen (Info) Duke Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Theory Physics pq 2016‑03‑18
Abhijit C. Mehta (Info) Duke Condensed Matter, Theory, Nanophysics, Quantum Computing abhijitmehta 2010‑07‑30
Ilarion V. Melnikov (Info) Duke Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics pq 2016‑05‑28
Qingru Meng (Info) Duke Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Condensed Matter Physics pq 2016‑05‑22
Horst Meyer (Info) Duke Low Temperature Physics fvkphgen 2012‑02‑06
Masataka (Seth) Mizushima (Info) CU Boulder astrophysics, general relativity, cosmology jandh 2017‑04‑15
Christopher Monroe (Info) University of Maryland david 2015‑12‑23
Robert Clifford Moseley (Info) Duke rmoseley 2020‑02‑17
Emily Mount (Info) Duke quantum computing emilymount 2021‑10‑20
Berndt Mueller (Info) Duke Nuclear Physics, Theory Physics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics pq 2016‑03‑19
Jonathan M. Mueller (Info) Duke Nuclear Physics jonmm1776 2010‑07‑30
Richard B. Neufeld (Info) Duke Nuclear Physics, Theory Physics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics pq 2016‑03‑20
Henry Winston Newson (Info) Duke Nuclear physics jandh 2011‑07‑25
Walter McKinley Nielsen (Info) Duke cosmic ray research jandh 2019‑09‑01
Rachel M. Noek (Info) Duke Photonics, Micro-electronic mechanical machines, Sensing and Sensor Systems, Semiconductors, Quantum Information, Integrated Nanoscale Systems pq 2015‑10‑24
Lothar Wolfgang Nordheim (Info) Duke jandh 2019‑09‑01
Johannes A. Norrell (Info) Duke Theory Physics, General Biophysics pq 2016‑03‑20
Kenneth Martin O'Hara (Info) Penn State Atomic physics gehm 2011‑07‑09
Mark Oldham (Info) Duke Medical Biophysics, Oncology, Optics Physics pq 2016‑03‑22
John William Olness (Info) Duke, Air Force, Brookhaven National Lab Nuclear Physics olness 2020‑12‑21
Robert James Olness (Info) Brookhaven National Lab jandh 2019‑09‑02
Chihwen C. Ouyang (Info) Duke Condensed matter theory pq 2015‑10‑04
Umit Ozgur (Info) Duke Condensed Matter Physics, Optics Physics, Materials Science Engineering pq 2016‑03‑19
Willie J. Padilla (Info) LANL, UCSD, Boston College, Duke DanM 2016‑03‑02
Benjamin D. Painter (Info) Duke Granular Materials, Nonlinear Dynamics pq 2015‑10‑24
Joshua Pajak (Info) Duke gauravarya 2021‑08‑24
Richard G. Palmer (Info) Duke Condensed Matter Theory, Statistical Physics, Complex Systems, Adaptive Systems jandh 2018‑01‑10
Andrea P. T. Palounek (Info) LANL high energy particle physics, nuclear physics aptpalounek 2010‑05‑01
John Pearson (Info) Duke Computational neuroscience sraghava 2007‑07‑31
Brent A. Perdue (Info) Duke Nuclear Physics pq 2016‑03‑23
Anton Peterlin (Info) Humboldt University Berlin, University of Ljubljana, Technische Universität München, Duke, NIST, University of Ljubjana polymers jandh 2020‑10‑24
Arlie O. Petters (Info) Duke Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Optics Physics, Astrophysics Physics pq 2016‑03‑22
Olivier Pfister (Info) UVA Optics Physics pq 2016‑05‑31
Thomas James Phillips (Info) Duke High-energy physics jandh 2016‑07‑13
Mauricio Pilo-Pais (Info) Duke Nanoscience, DNA nanotechnology pilopais 2010‑08‑01
Moshe Ronen Plesser (Info) Duke Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics pq 2016‑05‑27
Christopher Pollard (Info) Duke, University of Glasgow, DESY Hamburg, Oxford University UK, University of Warwick High Energy Physics cspollard 2010‑07‑30
Christopher Pollard (Info) Duke Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics pq 2017‑05‑08
Phillip Kin-Hung Poon (Info) University of Arizona, Duke Computational Spectroscopy ppoon 2015‑05‑25
Josh Powell (Info) Duke mehen 2017‑04‑23
Matthew Prior (Info) Duke Low Temperature, Condensed Matter, Nanosicence, Nanotubes, Graphene, DNA self assembly pq 2015‑10‑24
Anand Priyadarshee (Info) Duke Condensed Matter, Theory, Nanophysics pq 2015‑10‑24
Xin Qian (Info) Brookhaven National Lab experimental particle physics, neutrinos, experimental nuclear physics xqian 2021‑06‑09
Sridhar Raghavachari (Info) Duke General Biophysics, Theory Physics, Bioinformatics Biology pq 2016‑04‑04
John C. Raymond (Info) University of Michigan Astronomy and Astrophysics pq 2016‑03‑12
Frank Reil (Info) Duke AMO pq 2015‑11‑06
Robert C. Richardson (Info) Cornell low-temperature physics david 2015‑04‑16
Sven Rinke (Info) Duke Theory Physics pq 2016‑05‑28
Nathan Russell Roberson (Info) Duke, Johns Hopkins nuclear physics jandh 2016‑08‑15
Justin R. Roper (Info) Duke Biomedical Engineering, Oncology, Radiology pq 2016‑03‑19
Bruce Ray Rosendahl (Info) University of Miami Geophysics, Geology, Physical Oceanography pq 2016‑05‑23
Samadrita Roychowdhury (Info) Duke Electricity and Magnetism Physics, Optics Physics pq 2016‑05‑30
James Runge (Info) Duke psbarbeau 2024‑06‑19
Amanda Sabourov (Info) Duke Nuclear Physics pq 2016‑03‑23
Konstantin Sabourov (Info) Duke Nuclear Physics pq 2016‑03‑23
Aakash Ajit Sahai (Info) Imperial College London, Duke Plasma-based particle accelerators, Laser-driven particle acceleration sdmm2009 2017‑09‑06
Adesoji Sajuyigbe (Info) Duke Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Electricity and Magnetism Physics pq 2016‑03‑04
Ana M. Sanchez (Info) Duke Condensed matter theory pq 2015‑10‑04
Eric C. Schreiber (Info) Duke Nuclear Physics pq 2016‑03‑23
Shudan Shen (Info) Duke Condensed matter theory pq 2015‑10‑04
Djordje Sijacki (Info) University of Belgrade Particle Physics sijacki 2018‑11‑03
Laura A. Simmons Kovacs (Info) Duke Cell Biology, Genetics pq 2016‑06‑10
Emrah Simsek (Şimşek) (Info) esimsek 2013‑08‑27
David R. Smith (Info) UCSD, Duke Metamaterials, plasmonics, transformation optics DanM 2016‑03‑02
William Vick Smith (Info) Duke, University of Delaware jandh 2017‑08‑26
Wallace Clayton Snipes (Info) Penn State jandh 2020‑07‑07
Joshua E. Socolar (Info) Duke Theory Physics, General Biophysics pq 2016‑03‑19
Adam Sokolow (Info) Duke Cell Biology, General Biophysics pq 2016‑03‑22
Hui S. Son (Info) Duke Photonics, Micro-electronic mechanical machines, Sensing and Sensor Systems, Semiconductors, Quantum Information, Integrated Nanoscale Systems pq 2015‑10‑24
Hertha Sponer (Info) Duke jandh 2019‑09‑01
Roxanne P. Springer (Info) Duke weak interactions, quantum chromodynamics brianbunton 2010‑08‑15
Mark F. Steen (Info) Duke Granular Materials, Nonlinear Dynamics pq 2015‑10‑24
Michael D. Stenner (Info) Duke AMO, Chaos pq 2015‑09‑29
Andrew Stevens (Info) Duke gehm 2021‑02‑25
Michael Thomas Strickland (Info) Kent State quantum chromodynamics, quark gluon plasma, quantum field theory mstrickl 2020‑08‑01
John Walter Strohbehn (Info) Dartmouth, Duke radiophysics jandh 2016‑09‑28
Yong Meng Sua (Info) Stevens Institute of Technology Quantum optics ysua 2019‑03‑14
Nyayapathi Swamy (Info) Oklahoma State University WJWilson 2016‑08‑05
Junyao Tang (Info) Duke Granular Materials, Nonlinear Dynamics pq 2015‑10‑24
Alberto M. Teguia (Info) Duke Applied Mathematics, Astronomy and Astrophysics, Theoretical Mathematics pq 2016‑03‑23
Stephen W. Teitsworth (Info) Duke nanoscale systems david 2015‑11‑21
Richard James Tesarek (Info) Fermilab Kaon physics, heavy flavor physics, neutrino physics, radiation damage, accelerator physics, accelerator instrumentation, particle physics instrumentation tesarek 2015‑12‑23
John Edward Thomas (Info) Duke AMO gehm 2011‑07‑02
Yoichiro Tokutake (Info) Duke General Biophysics pq 2016‑03‑22
Werner Tornow (Info) Duke Nuclear Physics pq 2016‑03‑20
Charles Hard Townes (Info) Bell Labs, Columbia, MIT, UC Berkeley microwave physics, masers and lasers david 2005‑02‑25
Michael Troxel (Info) Ohio State khonscheid 2022‑01‑21
Hung-Ming Tsai (Info) Duke Quantum Physics pq 2016‑03‑20
Timothy G. Turkington (Info) Duke Radiology pq 2016‑03‑22
Cyrus Umrigar (Info) Cornell Quantum Monte Carlo, Electronic Structure Theory abhijitmehta 2010‑07‑30
Putcha Venkateswarlu (Info) Aligarh Muslim University, Indian Inst. of Technology - Kanpur, Alabama A and M University Spectroscopy Vigyaanik 2016‑12‑30
Kumar Shwetketu Virbhadra (Info) Tata Institute for Fundamental Research, Mumbai, INDIA, Duke University, Dept of Physics, Penn, Drexel University College of Arts and Sciences, Physical Research Laboratory General Relativity, Astrophysics, and Cosmology Shwetketu 2023‑07‑19
Grahame D Vittorini (Info) Quantinuum Trapped ion quantum computation grahame.vittorini 2021‑08‑24
Jonathan Viventi (Info) Duke, NYU, Penn Electrode Arrays jviventi 2013‑04‑26
Serguei Vorojtsov (Info) Duke Condensed Matter, Theory, Nanophysics pq 2015‑10‑24
Zeljko Vujaskovic (Info) Duke Pathology, Medicine and Surgery, Radiation Physics pq 2016‑06‑10
William Delany Walker (Info) UW Madison, Duke elementary particle physics jandh 2015‑11‑22
Christopher W Walter (Info) Caltech jba138 2017‑02‑19
G. King Walters (Info) Rice University atomic, molecular, and optical physics irimia 2008‑04‑20
John Wambaugh (Info) Duke Granular Materials, Nonlinear Dynamics pq 2015‑10‑24
Katharine Way (Info) Duke Nuclear physics jandh 2016‑01‑19
George Robert Welch (Info) Texas A & M Physics and Astronomy jandh 2016‑03‑30
Henry R. Weller (Info) Duke Nuclear Physics pq 2016‑03‑20
Bruce J. West (Info) Duke jandh 2019‑06‑19
Devin Willey (Info) Duke darnelld 2022‑11‑11
Robert Marshall Williamson (Info) UW Madison, Duke jandh 2016‑09‑24
Louis Edgar Wright (Info) Ohio University Nuclear Physics pq 2016‑05‑21
Huidong Xu (Info) Duke nanoscale systems pq 2015‑12‑03
Di-Lun Yang (Info) Duke Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Radiation Physics, Theory Physics pq 2016‑03‑20
yang yang (Info) Duke plasmonics jesseyy 2010‑07‑30
Qiujian Ye (Info) Duke Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Radiation Physics pq 2016‑03‑22
Fang-Fang Yin (Info) Duke Biomedical Engineering, Medical Biophysics pq 2016‑03‑19
Insang Yoo (Info) Duke Metamaterials 2021‑11‑29
Terry T. Yoshizumi (Info) Duke Radiation Physics, Radiology pq 2016‑03‑20
Albert Raymond Young (Info) Triangle Universities Nuclear Laboratory, Princeton, NCSU Radiation Physics pq 2016‑03‑26
Peidong Yu (Info) Duke Granular Materials, Nonlinear Dynamics pq 2015‑10‑24
Yu Zeng (Info) Duke david 2016‑01‑03
Gu Zhang (Info) Duke Condensed matter theory leofang 2013‑08‑31
Xin H. H. Zhang (Info) Duke Quantum Optics, Condensed Matter leofang 2016‑05‑29
Yingyi Zhang (Info) Duke AMO xiaojiucaihua 2010‑08‑04
Yiqiu Zhao (Info) Duke, HKUST, HKUST Soft Matter Physics yiqiu_zhao 2022‑12‑04
Huaixiu Zheng (Info) Duke Condensed Matter, Theory abhijitmehta 2010‑07‑30
Wangzhi Zheng (Info) Duke Radiation Physics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics pq 2016‑03‑22
Yunhui Zhu (Info) Duke nonlinear optics renayuki 2010‑08‑03
Xing Zong (Info) Duke Nuclear Physics pq 2016‑03‑22
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