People with institution matching "Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory": Advanced Search
Name Institution Area Added by Date  
James F Amundson (Info) Fermilab HEP, Computational Physics, Accelerator Physics, Particle Theory amundson 2021‑05‑06
Marvin V Ascencio Sosa (Info) Iowa State High Energy Physics, Neutrino Physics mascenci 2022‑08‑30
Karie Elizabeth Badgley (Info) Texas A & M, Fermilab Badeirak 2011‑05‑11
Winslow F. Baker (Info) Fermilab particle physics jandh 2015‑12‑08
William A. Bardeen (Info) Stanford, Fermilab theoretical elementary particle physics jandh 2015‑12‑23
Ritoban Basu Thakur (Info) UIUC, Fermilab, Chicago, Caltech Dark Matter, CMB ritoban5 2013‑02‑05
Dan Bauer (Info) Fermilab Astroparticle Physics McDonald_Institute 2020‑04‑29
Robert H. Bernstein (Info) Fermilab Particle Physics robert.bernstein 2016‑12‑13
Jeffrey W. Berryhill (Info) Chicago High-energy physics pq 2016‑01‑08
Minerba Betancourt (Info) UMN Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics pq 2016‑03‑31
Kurt Alan Biery (Info) Fermilab jandh 2019‑09‑03
Kip Bishofberger (Info) UCLA rosenrosen888 2018‑03‑03
James Daniel Bjorken (Info) Fermilab, Stanford Theoretical physics jandh 2015‑12‑27
Amber Boehnlein (Info) Florida State, Jefferson Lab, Fermilab, SLAC tadams 2020‑04‑10
David Boehnlein (Info) Florida State, Fermilab tadams 2020‑04‑10
Chris M. Bouchard (Info) Ohio State, UIUC, William and Mary, University of Glasgow High Energy, lattice QCD, Nucleon physics cmbouchard 2013‑09‑16
Steve Brice (Info) Fermilab Astroparticle Physics McDonald_Institute 2020‑04‑29
Daniel Broemmelsiek (Info) Fermilab Astroparticle Physics McDonald_Institute 2020‑04‑29
John M. Campbell (Info) Fermilab xiekeping 2018‑12‑19
Maria Florencia Canelli (Info) Rochester, UCLA, Fermilab, Chicago, Universität Zürich Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics pq 2016‑03‑20
Marcela Carena (Info) Fermilab tt 2016‑08‑10
Richard John Cavanaugh (Info) Florida State, University of Illinois, Chicago, Fermilab tadams 2020‑04‑10
Barnali Chowdhury (Info) Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (University of South Carolina) tesarek 2020‑01‑14
Mike Chrisler (Info) Fermilab Astroparticle Physics McDonald_Institute 2020‑04‑29
Rafael Coelho Lopes de Sa (Info) SUNY Stony Brook, Fermilab, U Mass Amherst, Instituto de Física Teórica (IFT - UNESP) Experimental High Energy Physics pq 2016‑01‑02
Peter S. Cooper (Info) Fermilab jandh 2016‑01‑03
Pengfei Ding (Info) Fermilab normanajn 2019‑02‑12
Roger Lee Dixon (Info) Fermilab jandh 2016‑08‑05
Alex Drlica-Wagner (Info) Stanford, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Fermilab, Chicago Particle Physics, Astrophysics kadrlica 2016‑01‑10
Javier Mauricio Duarte (Info) MIT, Caltech, Fermilab, UCSD experimental high energy physics jmgduarte 2016‑10‑07
Donald A Edwards (Info) Fermilab DanielAlt 2019‑08‑15
Helen Thom Edwards (Info) Cornell, Fermilab Accelerator physics jandh 2016‑07‑14
Jonathan Eisch (Info) UW Madison, Iowa State, Fermilab Astrophysics Physics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics pq 2016‑04‑04
Juan C. Estrada Vigil (Info) Rochester, Fermilab Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics pq 2016‑04‑02
Mark Steven Fischler (Info) Fermilab Supergravity, Lattice Gauge Supercompter design mfischler 2014‑01‑09
George William Foster (Info) Fermilab High energy physics EdPhys16 2024‑12‑30
Lindsey Gray (Info) UW Madison, Fermilab, Fermilab Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics pq 2016‑04‑07
Gerald Michael Guglielmo (Info) UMN, Fermilab jandh 2016‑07‑04
Salman Habib (Info) Fermilab anyon 2020‑06‑28
Alan Andrew Hahn (Info) Fermilab jandh 2016‑07‑20
Sten U Hansen (Info) Fermilab Astroparticle Physics McDonald_Institute 2020‑04‑29
Christopher T Hill (Info) Fermilab Theoretical Physics, Cosmology topcolor 2019‑07‑08
Alexander I. Himmel (Info) Caltech, Duke, Fermilab Particle physics pq 2015‑11‑14
Georg Heinz Hoffstaetter (Info) Cornell Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Electricity and Magnetism Physics pq 2016‑06‑01
Donald J. Holmgren (Info) Amoco Technology Company, Fermilab Condensed Matter Physics, Low Temperature Physics, Optoelectronics, High Performance Computing, Lattice QCD zdjh22 2017‑01‑14
Burt Holzman (Info) Fermilab Distributed Computing, Heavy Ion Physics bholzm1 2017‑02‑23
Joseph Incandela (Info) UC Santa Barbara High Energy Experimental Physics david 2016‑01‑14
Catherine Chase James (Info) Fermilab, UMN jandh 2016‑07‑04
Jonathan D. Jarvis (Info) Fermilab chasesc99 2017‑10‑12
Bodhitha A. Jayatilaka (Info) University of Michigan, Duke, Fermilab Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics pq 2016‑05‑19
Young-Kee Kim (Info) Chicago, UC Berkeley Optics Physics, Fluid and Plasma Physics pq 2016‑03‑30
Timothy W. Koeth (Info) Rutgers, New Brunswick Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Electricity and Magnetism Physics, Fluid and Plasma Physics pq 2016‑03‑30
Andreas Samuel Kronfeld (Info) University of Iowa, Fermilab Theory Physics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics, General Physics pq 2016‑03‑30
Noah A Kurinsky (Info) SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Fermilab Detector Physics kurinsky 2020‑04‑23
Leon M. Lederman (Info) Columbia, Fermilab, Chicago, Illinois Institute of Technology Particle physics jandh 2014‑04‑27
Benjamin W. Lee (Info) SUNY Stony Brook, Fermilab, Chicago Quantum Field Theory, Particle Physics suresh 2011‑07‑02
Donald W. Lincoln (Info) Fermilab, Notre Dame High Energy Physics jandh 2016‑01‑21
Carl Lindenmeyer (Info) Fermilab Astroparticle Physics McDonald_Institute 2020‑04‑29
Hugh Lippincott (Info) Yale, Fermilab Astroparticle Physics McDonald_Institute 2020‑04‑21
Zhen Liu (Info) UW Madison, University of Pittsburgh, Fermilab Elementary Particle Physics nightwings 2017‑09‑20
Milton Stanley Livingston (Info) MIT, Fermilab High Energy Physics jandh 2019‑06‑18
Sarah E. Lockwitz (Info) Yale, Fermilab pq 2016‑01‑03
Joseph David Lykken (Info) Columbia, Chicago, Fermilab Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics pq 2016‑05‑24
Adam L Lyon (Info) Fermilab Particle Physics squark 2019‑10‑02
Paul Blanchard Mackenzie (Info) Fermilab particle physics jandh 2016‑08‑08
Mario Martínez Pérez (Info) DESY Hamburg, Fermilab, CERN, Institut de Fisica d'Altes Energies (IFAE) jllobera 2021‑05‑11
Samuel D McDermott (Info) Fermilab particle physics, particle phenomenology, particle astrophysics samueldmcdermott 2017‑04‑17
Alexander S. Melnitchouk (Info) Brown, Fermilab Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics pq 2016‑01‑12
Frederick E Mills (Info) Fermilab rosenrosen888 2018‑03‑03
Wei Mu (Info) ETH Zürich particle physics Healthborn09 2019‑09‑09
Sergei Nagaitsev (Info) Fermilab, Rochester Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics pq 2016‑05‑28
E. Thomas Nash (Info) Fermilab high energy physics, astrophysics, gravitational waves tomnash 2017‑12‑13
Timothy Knight Nelson (Info) UC Santa Barbara, Fermilab, SLAC Halbarad 2016‑12‑30
Evan D. Niner (Info) University of Alabama, Indiana University Bloomington, Fermilab High Energy Physics, Experimental Neutrino Physics, Neutrino Oscillations gsdavies 2017‑09‑01
Andrew J Norman (Info) Fermilab High Energy Physics normanajn 2017‑08‑14
Piermaria J. Oddone (Info) LBNL, Fermilab Experimental particle physics jandh 2020‑10‑28
Hasan Padamsee (Info) Cornell Fluid and Plasma Physics pq 2016‑05‑27
Cristián H. Peña (Info) Fermilab High Energy Physics, Quantum Sensors, Quantum Information cpena 2020‑05‑05
John Peoples (Info) Fermilab high energy particle physics and accelerator technology jandh 2020‑10‑25
Erik Ramberg (Info) Fermilab Astroparticle Physics McDonald_Institute 2020‑04‑29
Bryan J Ramson (Info) University of Michigan, Fermilab aaronsw 2019‑04‑25
Martin Rocek (Info) Harvard, SUNY Stony Brook Theoretical physics; supersymmetry, string theory. mfischler 2014‑01‑09
James B. Rosenzweig (Info) UCLA Particle Beam Physics david 2016‑01‑06
Russell A Rucinski (Info) Fermilab Astroparticle Physics McDonald_Institute 2020‑04‑29
Mark Ruschman (Info) Fermilab Astroparticle Physics McDonald_Institute 2020‑04‑29
Monica S. Nunes (Info) Fermilab neutrinos mosnunes 2023‑06‑22
Nausheen R. Shah (Info) Chicago Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Theory Physics pq 2016‑03‑20
Vladimir Shiltsev (Info) Fermilab kbish 2020‑01‑22
Vladimir Dmitrievich Shiltsev (Info) Fermilab particle accelerators shiltsev 2021‑07‑03
Melvyn J. Shochet (Info) Chicago elementary particles jandh 2016‑01‑12
Peter G Simon (Info) Fermilab Astroparticle Physics McDonald_Institute 2020‑04‑29
Stefan Söldner-Rembold (Info) University of Manchester Particle Physics ssr 2019‑05‑21
Andrew H. Sonnenschein (Info) Fermilab particle physics, dark matter ahsonnenschein 2017‑02‑21
Leonidas Aliaga Soplin (Info) Fermilab normanajn 2019‑02‑12
Albert Joseph Stebbins (Info) Fermilab Cosmology, Astrophysics AlbertStebbins 2020‑04‑23
Louise Suter (Info) Fermilab ssr 2019‑05‑21
Timothy Maurice Paul Tait (Info) UC Irvine Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Astrophysics Physics pq 2016‑03‑22
Richard James Tesarek (Info) Fermilab Kaon physics, heavy flavor physics, neutrino physics, radiation damage, accelerator physics, accelerator instrumentation, particle physics instrumentation tesarek 2015‑12‑23
Alvin V. Tollestrup (Info) Caltech, Fermilab High-energy physics jandh 2015‑10‑29
Aristeidis Tsaris (Info) Fermilab normanajn 2019‑02‑12
Michael Wagman (Info) UW, MIT, Fermilab Lattice QCD savage 2020‑09‑02
James King Walker (Info) Harvard, Fermilab, UF Gainesville jandh 2021‑03‑30
Michael H.L.S. Wang (Info) Fermilab jandh 2016‑08‑27
Alfons Josef Gerhard Weber (Info) RWTH Aachen University, CERN, Oxford, St. Catherine's College, Oxford, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, St. Anne's College, Oxford, University College, Oxford, Pembroke College, Oxford, Oxford, Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz, Germany, Fermilab Particle Physics tdealtry 2017‑02‑20
Herman Brenner White (Info) Florida State, Fermilab tadams 2020‑01‑09
Robert Rathbun Wilson (Info) Cornell, Fermilab, Chicago High-energy physics jandh 2015‑10‑29
marianette wospakrik (Info) Fermilab normanajn 2019‑02‑12
Marianette Wospakrik (Info) Fermilab normanajn 2019‑02‑12
Huangyu Xiao (Info) Fermilab Particle Phenomenology, Cosmology huangyu 2023‑10‑23
Keping Xie (Info) SMU, University of Pittsburgh High Energy Physics - Phenomenology xiekeping 2018‑12‑19
Yi Xie (Info) Fermilab Superconducting radio frequency yixie82 2017‑01‑05
Shin-Shan Yu (Info) Fermilab tesarek 2015‑12‑23
Cosmas K. Zachos (Info) Caltech, Argonne National Laboratory, Fermilab, UW Madison Elementary Particle Physics Theory, Mathematical Physics IHES 2022‑03‑25
Bei Zhou (Info) Johns Hopkins, Fermilab, Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics, Chicago, IL, United States Particle astrophysics, astrophysics, particle physics, cosmology xinqijisuper 2021‑06‑19
Robert Miles Zwaska (Info) Fermilab Accelerator Phyics, Particle Physics, Neutrinos zwaska 2022‑05‑12
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