People with institution matching "Northwestern University": Advanced Search
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Samvardhan Vishnoi (Info) Northwestern lgaalves 2024‑01‑23
Daniel Michael Abrams (Info) Northwestern Applied Mathematics david 2016‑01‑09
Anjali Agarwal (Info) Northwestern Quantum communications and computing, nonlinear and quantum optics, fiber-optic communications, all-optical networks. pq 2016‑01‑09
Carl H. Albright (Info) Princeton, Northwestern, Northern Illinois University Theoretical Particle Physics jandh 2016‑08‑17
Berni J. Alder (Info) LLNL, UC Davis Molecular dynamics jandh 2013‑11‑25
Jonathan E. Allen (Info) Northwestern ljlauhon 2021‑02‑14
Gideon Alon (Info) Northwestern Quantum communications and computing, nonlinear and quantum optics, fiber-optic communications, all-optical networks. pq 2016‑01‑09
Veeraraghavan A. Anantha (Info) Northwestern Electronics and Electrical Engineering pq 2016‑02‑11
Timothy R. Andeen (Info) Northwestern Interactions of quarks and leptons, decay of weak vector bosons, high-intensity neutrino experiments, cosmological high-energy physics. pq 2016‑01‑09
Tassie Andersen (Info) Northwestern epidiapente 2018‑10‑04
Jeff J. Andrews (Info) University of Crete, Greece, Niels Bohr Institute, Northwestern Binary Evolution vcharmandaris 2018‑12‑10
Meghan S. Anzelc (Info) Northwestern Elementary particle physics, experimental investigation of QCD via high-energy proton-antiproton collisions. pq 2016‑01‑09
Luis G. Arboleda-Monsalve (Info) Northwestern Civil Engineering pq 2016‑02‑22
Galip Mehmet Arkılıç (Info) Northwestern, The George Washington University Elasticity, visco-elasticity, plasticity, theory of plates and shells kavaklioglu_omer 2021‑03‑28
Marina Artuso (Info) Syracuse Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics pq 2016‑03‑30
Peter Ashton (Info) Northwestern Physics, Astronomy paul1764 2023‑06‑26
Mohammed Aslam (Info) IIT Bombay connectingresearchers 2021‑12‑06
Jason Reid Auman (Info) Northwestern, UBC haprager 2022‑04‑30
Jose A. Aumentado (Info) Northwestern Mesoscopic systems: hybrid superconductor, ferromagnet and normal metal systems; complex oxides, unconventional superconductivity; low-temperature scanning-force microscopy. pq 2016‑01‑09
Koray Aydin (Info) Northwestern nanophotonics, plasmonics, metamaterials korayaydin 2017‑11‑10
Can C Aygen (Info) Northwestern caygen 2024‑04‑18
Samuel David Bader (Info) Northwestern Experimental studies of magnetic surfaces and films, ferromagnetic-superconducting multilayers, bio-inspired self-assembly of magnetic nanostructures. david 2016‑01‑09
John Deuck Ryong Bahng (Info) Northwestern, UW Madison haprager 2022‑04‑30
Sharan Banagiri (Info) UMN, Northwestern Gravitational Waves sharanbngr 2018‑04‑26
Octavia Bane (Info) Northwestern Biomedical Engineering, Radiology pq 2019‑01‑18
Jin-Ke Bao (Info) shanghai university Superconductivity jinke_bao 2022‑05‑05
Alvin Bayliss (Info) Northwestern Astronomy and Astrophysics pq 2016‑03‑12
Heather Bedle (Info) Northwestern Geophysics, Geology pq 2016‑03‑29
Michael Bedzyk (Info) Northwestern, Northwestern Atomic-scale X-ray studies of gas/solid, liquid/solid and solid/solid interfaces, ultrathin films, membranes, nanoparticles, 2D materials, and biomaterials. david 2016‑01‑09
Gregory A. Benesh (Info) Baylor University Condensed Matter Physics pq 2016‑05‑30
Raymond C. Bergan (Info) Northwestern Biochemistry, Oncology, General Biophysics pq 2016‑06‑24
Christopher P L Berry (Info) Cambridge, University of Birmingham, Northwestern Gravitational-wave astronomy cplb 2019‑02‑05
Jeffrey M. Berryman (Info) Northwestern kjkelly 2020‑06‑24
Erin K. Beutel (Info) Northwestern Geology, Geophysics pq 2016‑02‑22
Sabyasachi (Shobo) Bhattacharya (Info) Chicago srnagel 2021‑01‑24
Suketu P Bhavsar (Info) Northwestern, University of Sussex (United Kingdom), Raman Research Institute, Bangalore, University of Kentucky, California Polytechnic State University, Pomona Cosmology, Large Scale Structure SuketuB 2020‑09‑13
James T. Blackburn (Info) Northwestern Civil Engineering, Geotechnology pq 2016‑02‑22
Martin Moses Block (Info) Northwestern, Duke Phenomenology in elementary particle physics: ultra-high energy hadronic collisions, cosmic ray p-air collisions, ultra-high energy cosmic ray neutrino-isonucleon collisions, analytic solutions to perturbative QCD and mathematical physics. david 2016‑01‑09
Kendrick C. Boardman (Info) Northwestern Biomedical Engineering, General Biophysics pq 2016‑05‑25
Christoph Bostedt (Info) Northwestern Ultrafast x-ray sciences with free-electron laser sources, X-ray physics in the high-intensity limit, single-shot imaging of transient states of matter, atomic, molecular, and cluster physics david 2016‑01‑09
Radja Boughezal (Info) Northwestern Precision QCD predictions for collider observables; Higgs phenomenology; electroweak precision observables. david 2016‑01‑09
Carol A. Braun (Info) Northwestern Spin tunneling and relaxation in molecular magnets, semiclassical limit for spin, quantum state manipulation. pq 2016‑01‑09
Rosemary I. Braun (Info) Northwestern computational biology, complex systems, biostatistics, bioinformatics, biophysics rbraun 2015‑08‑30
Paul W. Brazis (Info) Northwestern Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Condensed Matter Physics, Materials Science Engineering pq 2016‑05‑21
Morris Ellis Brodwin (Info) Northwestern microwave engineering and electromagnetics jandh 2016‑02‑16
Sijbrand Broersma (Info) Delft University of Technology, Northwestern, University of Oklahoma jandh 2016‑11‑21
Keith A. Brown (Info) Harvard electronics, micromechanics pq 2015‑11‑21
Laurie M. Brown (Info) Northwestern elementary particle theory drewsills 2014‑03‑18
Lindsey S. Bryson (Info) Northwestern Civil Engineering pq 2016‑02‑22
David Alan Buchholz (Info) Northwestern Elementary particle physics, experimental investigation of QCD via high-energy proton-antiproton collisions. david 2016‑01‑09
Joseph Gerald Byrne (Info) Stevens Institute of Technology, University of Utah Physical Metallurgy jandh 2016‑01‑17
Paul Cadden-Zimansky (Info) Northwestern Mesoscopic systems: hybrid superconductor, ferromagnet and normal metal systems; complex oxides, unconventional superconductivity; low-temperature scanning-force microscopy. pq 2016‑01‑09
Michele Calvello (Info) Northwestern Civil Engineering pq 2016‑02‑22
Ali Bulent Cambel (Info) Northwestern jandh 2015‑10‑19
Gavin Campbell (Info) Northwestern bedzyk 2019‑02‑01
Richard Huntley Capps (Info) Northwestern, Purdue elementary particle theory jandh 2016‑07‑04
Timothy J. Carroll (Info) University of Illinois, Chicago ahasse 2018‑04‑13
Stefan Cartledge (Info) Northwestern High signal-to-noise spectroscopy of interstellar and extragalactic absorption lines, small-scale structures in diffuse galactic clouds. pq 2016‑01‑09
Ty A. Cashen (Info) Northwestern Biomedical Engineering pq 2019‑01‑18
Robert Joseph Cashman (Info) Northwestern photoconductive cells, photoemissive cells, sound reproduction and camera tubes jandh 2017‑11‑09
Laura C. Cass (Info) Northwestern Physical, Energy Related, Biophysical, Catalysis, Energy and Environmental, Nanoscience, Theoretical, Materials pq 2016‑01‑02
Sudip Chakravarty (Info) SUNY Stony Brook, UCLA Theoretical Condensed Matter david 2016‑01‑06
Venkat Chandrasekhar (Info) Northwestern Mesoscopic systems: hybrid superconductor, ferromagnet and normal metal systems; complex oxides, unconventional superconductivity; low-temperature scanning-force microscopy. david 2016‑01‑09
Venkat Chandresekhar (Info) Northwestern Condensed Matter Physics pq 2016‑05‑27
Jiuan-Her Chang (Info) Northwestern Electronics and Electrical Engineering pq 2016‑02‑11
Shih-Hui Chang (Info) Northwestern Optics Physics, Electronics and Electrical Engineering pq 2016‑02‑11
Yun-Yuan Chang (Info) Northwestern Geophysics, Materials Science Engineering pq 2016‑03‑30
Hsiao-chou Chao (Info) Northwestern Civil Engineering pq 2016‑02‑22
Sourav Chatterjee (Info) Northwestern Evolution of dense star clusters, massive black hole formation, coalescing compact binaries, gravity waves, extrasolar planets. pq 2016‑01‑09
Bor-Rong Chen (Info) Northwestern bedzyk 2019‑02‑01
Chao-Hsiang Chen (Info) Northwestern Quantum communications and computing, nonlinear and quantum optics, fiber-optic communications, all-optical networks. pq 2016‑01‑09
Po-Fei Chen (Info) Northwestern Geophysics pq 2016‑02‑11
Shu-Chen Y. Chen (Info) Northwestern Chemical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Fluid and Plasma Physics pq 2016‑05‑23
Xiao Chen (Info) bedzyk 2019‑02‑01
Zhigang Chen (Info) Northwestern Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Electricity and Magnetism Physics, Optics Physics pq 2016‑02‑11
Likwan Cheng (Info) Northwestern bedzyk 2019‑02‑01
Samuel Chian (Info) Northwestern lgaalves 2024‑01‑23
Wan J. Cho (Info) Northwestern Civil Engineering pq 2016‑02‑22
Melanie M. Choe (Info) Northwestern Biomedical Engineering pq 2016‑05‑25
Yongseong Choi (Info) Northwestern Atomic-scale X-ray studies of gas/solid, liquid/solid and solid/solid interfaces, ultrathin films, membranes, and nanoparticles. pq 2016‑01‑09
Michael P. Chudzik (Info) Northwestern Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Materials Science Engineering, Condensed Matter Physics pq 2016‑05‑21
David T. Chuss (Info) Northwestern pq 2015‑09‑29
Daniel R. Claes (Info) University of Nebraska - Lincoln Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics pq 2016‑05‑18
John Douglas Cockcroft (Info) Cambridge, Atomic Energy Research Establishment at Harwell nuclear physics jandh 2015‑12‑04
Patrick Leslie Colestock (Info) University of Michigan jandh 2016‑08‑31
Justin G. Connell (Info) Northwestern, Argonne National Laboratory Materials Science Engineering, Nanoscience, Inorganic Chemistry pq 2019‑01‑19
Zayna M. Connor (Info) Northwestern physical metallurgy pq 2016‑01‑19
Keith E. Cook (Info) Northwestern, University of Michigan, Carnegie Mellon Biomedical Engineering pq 2016‑05‑23
Say Cook (Info) Northwestern epidiapente 2018‑10‑04
Eric Corndorf (Info) Northwestern Quantum communications and computing, nonlinear and quantum optics, fiber-optic communications, all-optical networks. pq 2016‑01‑09
Clarissa S. Craft (Info) Northwestern Cell Biology, Oncology pq 2016‑06‑25
Lucien Marcus Cremaldi (Info) The University of Mississippi Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics pq 2016‑06‑02
Henry Crew (Info) Northwestern astrophysics, history of physics jandh 2020‑12‑07
Boya Cui (Info) Northwestern mgrayson 2018‑09‑26
Predrag Cvitanović (Info) Northwestern, Georgia Tech Acoustics Physics pq 2016‑05‑12
Anne E. Dabrowski (Info) Northwestern Matter-antimatter asymmetry, physics beyond the Standard Model, development of beam instrumentation, multi-TeV electron/positron and gamma/gamma colliders. pq 2016‑01‑09
Eric Dahl (Info) Northwestern Experimental astroparticle physics, direct detection of particle dark matter, bubble chamber and other low-background detector development. david 2016‑01‑09
Paul J. Dalach (Info) Northwestern Numerical calculation of material properties, including composite materials, electroceramics, and bioceramics. pq 2016‑01‑09
Alokmay Datta (Info) Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, CSIR-Central Glass and Ceramic Research Institute Langmuir monolayers, Biomaterials, Nanomaterials, Liquid Surfaces, Polymers, Liquid Crystals Alokmay 2018‑03‑09
Luiz Gustavo de Andrade Alves (Info) Northwestern Statistical Physics, Complex Systems, Computational Physics, Social Systems, lgaalves 2015‑03‑15
André Luiz Carvalho de Gouvêa (Info) Northwestern Electroweak interactions and physics beyond the standard model, neutrino oscillations and the origin of neutrino masses. david 2016‑01‑09
Brijnandan S. Dehiya (Info) Northwestern Materials Science Engineering pq 2016‑05‑12
Bernard Delley (Info) Paul Scherrer Institut, Switzerland electronic structure, density functional theory and application, atomic multiplets, spectroscopy, rare earth, photometry berdel 2021‑11‑15
Demetrakis P. Demetriou (Info) Northwestern Electronics and Electrical Engineering pq 2016‑03‑13
Suzan v. der Lee (Info) Northwestern Geophysics pq 2016‑03‑29
Pooja Deshpande (Info) Northwestern lgaalves 2024‑01‑23
Preetpaul Devgan (Info) Northwestern Quantum communications and computing, nonlinear and quantum optics, fiber-optic communications, all-optical networks. pq 2016‑01‑09
Zenong Ding (Info) Northwestern Numerical calculation of material properties, including composite materials, electroceramics, and bioceramics. pq 2016‑01‑09
Sean Dobbs (Info) Northwestern Experimental study of exotic combinations of valence quarks and gluons, glueballs, and charmonium. pq 2016‑01‑09
Max Dresden (Info) University of Kansas, Northwestern, University of Iowa, SUNY Stony Brook, Stanford Linear Accelerator Center Statistical Mechanics, Quantum Mechanics emoritz 2009‑06‑28
Michelle M. Driscoll (Info) Chicago Condensed Matter Physics, Applied Mechanics, Theory Physics, Materials Science Engineering pq 2016‑03‑20
Sarah W. Dugan (Info) Northwestern Quantum communications and computing, nonlinear and quantum optics, fiber-optic communications, all-optical networks. pq 2016‑01‑09
Dipangkar Dutta (Info) Mississippi State University Experimental nuclear and particle physics ddutta16 2016‑06‑19
Pulak Dutta (Info) Northwestern Nanoscale order in soft materials, surfaces and interfaces, X-ray scattering studies of self-assembled molecular layers. david 2016‑01‑09
Adrienne Eastland (Info) Northwestern johnfmarko 2016‑12‑20
Carl W. Ebeling (Info) Northwestern Geophysics, Geology, Plate Tectonics pq 2016‑02‑11
Donald Ellis (Info) Northwestern Numerical calculation of material properties, including composite materials, electroceramics, and bioceramics. david 2016‑01‑09
Jonathan D. Emery (Info) Northwestern Atomic-scale X-ray studies of gas/solid, liquid/solid and solid/solid interfaces, ultrathin films, membranes, and nanoparticles. pq 2016‑01‑09
Alexander Ermoshkin (Info) Moscow State University LK 2019‑05‑31
Nicholas George Eror (Info) University of Pittsburgh Materials Science Engineering, Condensed Matter Physics pq 2016‑05‑29
Anthony A. Escuadro (Info) Northwestern Atomic-scale X-ray studies of gas/solid, liquid/solid and solid/solid interfaces, ultrathin films, membranes, and nanoparticles. pq 2016‑01‑09
Benjamin Farr (Info) Northwestern Gravitational waves, X-ray emission from compact binary objects, coalescence of neutron-star binaries. pq 2016‑01‑09
Claude-andré Faucher-giguère (Info) Northwestern Galaxy formation and evolution, including star formation, galaxy-black hole co-evolution, galactic dynamics, and connections with the intergalactic medium and cosmology. Pulsars. david 2016‑01‑09
Zhenxing Feng (Info) Northwestern Atomic-scale X-ray studies of gas/solid, liquid/solid and solid/solid interfaces, ultrathin films, membranes, and nanoparticles. pq 2016‑01‑09
David Ferguson (Info) Northwestern JeK 2021‑10‑28
Brent A. Fiedler (Info) Northwestern physical metallurgy pq 2016‑01‑19
Enectali Figueroa-Feliciano (Info) Stanford, Northwestern Experimental dark matter and neutrino physics. Design and development of low-temperature detectors to search for dark matter both deep underground and in space, and to study neutrinos from reactors and radioactive sources. pq 2015‑12‑30
Tobin Filleter (Info) University of Toronto 2020‑05‑01
Morris Eugene Fine (Info) Northwestern physical metallurgy jandh 2016‑01‑17
Lee Samuel Finn (Info) Penn State, Northwestern Gravitational Physics & Cosmology stuver 2012‑07‑18
Richard J. Finno (Info) Northwestern Geotechnology, Civil Engineering, Geophysics pq 2016‑02‑19
Sighart F. Fischer (Info) Technische Universität München Theoretical chemical physics jandh 2014‑10‑15
Wen-fai Fong (Info) Harvard, Northwestern Astrophysics Physics pq 2016‑06‑27
Maria T. Fonseca Martin (Info) Northwestern Matter-antimatter asymmetry, physics beyond the Standard Model, development of beam instrumentation, multi-TeV electron/positron and gamma/gamma colliders. pq 2016‑01‑09
Laszlo Frazer (Info) Monash University ultrafast phenomena, nonlinear optics, solar energy, semiconductors, excitons pq 2015‑10‑10
Matthew T. Frederick (Info) Northwestern Physical, Energy Related, Biophysical, Catalysis, Energy and Environmental, Nanoscience, Theoretical, Materials pq 2016‑01‑02
Arthur J. Freeman (Info) Northwestern, MIT First-principles simulations of complex materials, including their structural, electronic, magnetic, optical and mechanical properties. david 2016‑01‑09
Jacek K. Furdyna (Info) Notre Dame Condensed Matter Physics pq 2016‑05‑19
Gerald Gabrielse (Info) Harvard, Northwestern Low energy tests of the Standard Model of particle physics and its symmetries, particle magnetic moments, one-particle traps, ultraviolet lasers, cryogenics, low temperature methods. david 2016‑01‑04
Michael S. Gagliano (Info) Northwestern physical metallurgy pq 2016‑01‑19
Robert A. Gagliano (Info) Northwestern physical metallurgy pq 2016‑01‑19
Aaron P. Gallant (Info) Northwestern Civil Engineering, Geological Engineering pq 2016‑02‑22
Changrui Gao (Info) Northwestern bedzyk 2019‑02‑01
Chester Stone Gardner (Info) UIUC Optical Communication, Laser Altimetry, Laser Remote Sensing and Ranging, Laser Guide Stars and Adaptive Optics jandh 2016‑02‑26
Anupam Garg (Info) Northwestern Spin tunneling and relaxation in molecular magnets, semiclassical limit for spin, quantum state manipulation. david 2016‑01‑09
Christopher B. George (Info) Northwestern Physical, Energy Related, Biophysical, Catalysis, Energy and Environmental, Nanoscience, Theoretical, Materials pq 2015‑11‑10
Avik Ghosh (Info) UVA Nanoelectronics, 2D materials, nanomagnets, low power devices, neuromorphic electronics avik.ghosh 2019‑08‑20
Bruno Gobbi (Info) ETH Zürich, Northwestern high-energy physics jandh 2016‑07‑11
Duane M. Goodner (Info) Northwestern Atomic-scale X-ray studies of gas/solid, liquid/solid and solid/solid interfaces, ultrathin films, membranes, and nanoparticles. pq 2016‑01‑09
Richard G. Gordon (Info) Northwestern Geophysics pq 2016‑02‑12
Sanghamitra Goswami (Info) Northwestern Evolution of dense star clusters, massive black hole formation, coalescing compact binaries, gravity waves, extrasolar planets. pq 2016‑01‑09
Samuel A. Goudsmit (Info) University of Michigan, Northwestern, Brookhaven National Lab jandh 2015‑10‑29
Matthew Grayson (Info) Northwestern Condensed matter physics, electrical engineering pq 2016‑05‑02
Jethro H. Greene (Info) Northwestern Electronics and Electrical Engineering pq 2016‑02‑11
Eric C. Greyson (Info) Northwestern Physical, Energy Related, Biophysical, Catalysis, Energy and Environmental, Nanoscience, Theoretical, Materials pq 2015‑11‑10
Peter Groszkowski (Info) University of Waterloo fkwilhelm 2017‑01‑13
Mehmet A. Gurkan (Info) Northwestern Evolution of dense star clusters, massive black hole formation, coalescing compact binaries, gravity waves, extrasolar planets. pq 2016‑01‑09
Alexey V. Gusev (Info) Bowling Green State University Physical Chemistry, Optics Physics pq 2016‑05‑13
Nastaran Hadizadeh Yazdi (Info) Northwestern Applications of statistical mechanics and polymer physics to biophysical problems. pq 2016‑01‑09
Kristian A. Hahn (Info) Penn, Northwestern Electroweak symmetry breaking; Higgs physics and searches for physics beyond the standard model. Detector data acquisition and trigger. Large-scale computing for physics analysis. pq 2016‑01‑08
Boris Harutyunyan (Info) Northwestern bedzyk 2019‑02‑01
Nicholas B. Hatcher (Info) Northwestern First-principles simulations of complex materials, including their structural, electronic, magnetic, optical and mechanical properties. pq 2016‑01‑09
Alexander Heifetz (Info) Northwestern Gravity wave detection, cooling and trapping of neutral atoms, quantum computing, optical communication, optical coherence tomography. pq 2016‑01‑09
Olle Heinonen (Info) Northwestern Behavior of magnetization in nanoscale magnetic system, and also transport and resistive switching in metal/oxide metal nanostructure. david 2016‑01‑09
Cara-Lynn E. Helm (Info) Northwestern Biomedical Engineering, Chemical Engineering pq 2016‑05‑25
Eric R. Hemesath (Info) Northwestern Materials Science Engineering, Nanoscience pq 2019‑01‑19
Sascha Hilgenfeldt (Info) Northwestern Mathematics, Fluid and Plasma Physics pq 2016‑01‑24
Seong-Tiong Ho (Info) Northwestern Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Optics Physics pq 2016‑05‑22
G. Ludwig Hofacker (Info) Northwestern Ds 2012‑01‑20
Terence P. Holman (Info) Northwestern Civil Engineering pq 2016‑02‑22
Zhendong Hong (Info) Northwestern pq 2015‑10‑10
Randolph Q. Hood (Info) Northwestern, LLNL Quantum Physics pq 2016‑02‑05
Benjamin C. Horner-Johnson (Info) Northwestern Geophysics pq 2016‑02‑15
Zixuan Hu (Info) Northwestern Physical, Energy Related, Biophysical, Catalysis, Energy and Environmental, Nanoscience, Theoretical, Materials pq 2015‑11‑10
Kai Huang (Info) UW Madison ZHL 2017‑09‑11
Su-Shu Huang (Info) UC Berkeley, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Northwestern Astrophysics jandh 2016‑04‑04
Wei-Chih Huang (Info) Northwestern Electroweak interactions and physics beyond the standard model, neutrino oscillations and the origin of neutrino masses. pq 2016‑01‑09
Ziwen Huang (Info) Northwestern JeK 2021‑10‑28
Barry J. Huebert (Info) University of Hawai'i at Manoa Environmental Sciences, Ecology Biology, Hydrology, Atmospheric Science Physics pq 2016‑05‑15
Walter Scott Huxford (Info) Northwestern Electronic communications jandh 2017‑11‑09
J. Allen Hynek (Info) Ohio State, Northwestern jandh 2021‑04‑28
Hyeji Im (Info) Korea Advanced Inst. of Science and Technology (KAIST) mawillard 2024‑06‑03
Chris Johnson Jacobsen (Info) Northwestern X-ray microscopy studies of subcellular structure and chemistry. david 2016‑01‑09
Steven D. Jacobsen (Info) Northwestern Geophysics pq 2016‑03‑29
Hyun J. Jeong (Info) Northwestern Biomedical Engineering, Radiology pq 2019‑01‑18
Yong Jeong (Info) Northwestern ahasse 2018‑04‑13
Robert J. Jeske (Info) UW-Milwaukee Archaeology Anthropology, Geophysics pq 2016‑03‑12
Louis J. Jisonna (Info) Northwestern Experimental study of the spin structure of nucleons, heavy-ion physics. pq 2016‑01‑09
David N. Joffe (Info) Northwestern Experimental study of exotic combinations of valence quarks and gluons, glueballs, and charmonium. pq 2016‑01‑09
Myriam J. Johnson (Info) Northwestern Experimental study of the spin structure of nucleons, heavy-ion physics. pq 2016‑01‑09
Gabriel Juarez (Info) Northwestern Theory of complex systems, nonlinear phenomena, statistical physics. pq 2016‑01‑09
Donna M. Jurdy (Info) Northwestern Geology, Astronomy and Astrophysics pq 2016‑03‑12
Vicky Kalogera (Info) Northwestern Gravitational waves, X-ray emission from compact binary objects, coalescence of neutron-star binaries. david 2016‑01‑09
Carl Raeside Kannewurf (Info) Northwestern Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Condensed Matter Physics, Materials Science Engineering pq 2016‑05‑21
Gregory S. Kanter (Info) Northwestern Quantum communications and computing, nonlinear and quantum optics, fiber-optic communications, all-optical networks. pq 2016‑01‑09
Muge Karagoz Unel (Info) Northwestern Electroweak boson production in hadron colliders, searches for new elementary particles and interactions, development of muon detectors. pq 2016‑01‑09
Jason J. Kasper (Info) Northwestern Experimental measurements of high-energy proton-antiproton collisions to examine the properties of quarks. pq 2016‑01‑09
John W. Kauffman (Info) Northwestern emmett.wilson 2022‑06‑22
Ersin Kececioglu (Info) Northwestern Spin tunneling and relaxation in molecular magnets, semiclassical limit for spin, quantum state manipulation. pq 2016‑01‑09
Luke Zoltan Kelley (Info) Northwestern astronomy, astrophysics, black holes, gravitational waves, active galactic nuclei dilithiumx 2022‑02‑07
Kevin J. Kelly (Info) Northwestern Physics, Neutrinos kjkelly 2020‑06‑24
Kristi S. Kern (Info) Northwestern Civil Engineering pq 2016‑02‑22
John B. Ketterson (Info) Northwestern, Argonne National Laboratory electronic properties of metals, liquid helium, superconductivity, cold trapped gasses, magnetism, liquid crystals and Langmuir films, non linear optics jandh 2015‑10‑10
Sumit Kewalramani (Info) Northwestern Nanoscale order in soft materials, surfaces and interfaces, X-ray scattering studies of self-assembled molecular layers. pq 2016‑01‑09
Lawrence E. Kidder (Info) Cornell Gravitation lsfinn 2013‑08‑11
Jin-Tae Kim (Info) Northwestern Fluid Mechanics; Imaging; Soft-electronics jimmy516 2021‑09‑10
May Eun Yeon Kim (Info) MIT Lincoln Laboratory AMO physics, Ion trapping, Optical atomic clocks, Quantum information science mekim 2021‑03‑28
Seong-Soo Kim (Info) Northwestern Theory of quantum optics and communication, the foundations of quantum physics, new quantum devices, quantum cryptography. pq 2016‑01‑09
Taesik Kim (Info) Northwestern Civil Engineering, Geological Engineering pq 2016‑02‑22
Wansik Kim (Info) Northwestern computational, cognitive neuroscience pq 2015‑11‑01
Yunki Kim (Info) Northwestern pq 2015‑10‑10
Paul Ernest Klopsteg (Info) Northwestern Applied physics jandh 2020‑11‑12
Eryn R. Klosko (Info) Northwestern Geophysics pq 2016‑02‑11
Jeffrey A. Klug (Info) Northwestern Atomic-scale X-ray studies of gas/solid, liquid/solid and solid/solid interfaces, ultrathin films, membranes, and nanoparticles. pq 2016‑01‑09
Jan Kmetko (Info) Northwestern Nanoscale order in soft materials, surfaces and interfaces, X-ray scattering studies of self-assembled molecular layers. pq 2016‑01‑09
Kathryn E. Knowles (Info) Northwestern Physical, Energy Related, Biophysical, Catalysis, Energy and Environmental, Nanoscience, Theoretical, Materials pq 2016‑01‑02
Andrew Kobach (Info) particle physics gluinoguy 2017‑08‑02
Jens Koch (Info) Northwestern Quantum coherence in solid-state devices such as superconducting circuits, circuit quantum electrodynamics, quantum computation and quantum simulation with cQED lattices. david 2016‑01‑09
Vaibhav Kohli (Info) Northwestern Atomic-scale X-ray studies of gas/solid, liquid/solid and solid/solid interfaces, ultrathin films, membranes, and nanoparticles. pq 2016‑01‑09
R. P. Kolli (Info) Northwestern physical metallurgy pq 2016‑01‑19
Oleg Yurevitch Kontsevoi (Info) Institute of Solid State Chemistry UB RAS, Northwestern enyashin 2024‑08‑12
Konrad P. Kording (Info) Northwestern, Penn Motor Control, Bayesian statistics, Normative models david 2005‑03‑14
Jürgen G. Körner (Info) Universität Mainz jandh 2016‑07‑04
Henry Krakauer (Info) William and Mary Condensed Matter Physics pq 2016‑05‑21
Megan M. Krejny (Info) Northwestern pq 2015‑09‑29
Sankar N. Krishna (Info) Northwestern Biochemistry, Oncology, General Biophysics pq 2016‑06‑25
Kurinji Krishnamoorthy (Info) Northwestern bedzyk 2019‑02‑01
Subramanian Krishnamurthy (Info) Northwestern Gravity wave detection, cooling and trapping of neutral atoms, quantum computing, optical communication, optical coherence tomography. pq 2016‑01‑09
Wasley Sven Krogdahl (Info) Northwestern, University of Kentucky stellar configurations, cosmology jandh 2016‑04‑04
Anton Kryukov (Info) Northwestern pq 2015‑10‑10
Andrew Kubik (Info) Northwestern Electroweak boson production in hadron colliders, searches for new elementary particles and interactions, development of muon detectors. pq 2016‑01‑09
Alexander Kudlay (Info) Moscow State University LK 2019‑05‑31
Kunal Kumar (Info) Northwestern ttait 2017‑02‑22
Kunal Kumar (Info) Northwestern Theoretical particle physics from within and beyond the standard model: theories of electroweak symmetry breaking; properties of the Higgs boson; aspects of dark matter. pq 2016‑01‑09
Prem Kumar (Info) Northwestern Quantum communications and computing, nonlinear and quantum optics, fiber-optic communications, all-optical networks. david 2016‑01‑09
William Kung (Info) Northwestern soft condensed matter pq 2015‑09‑28
Kanber Lam (Info) Northwestern First-principles simulations of complex materials, including their structural, electronic, magnetic, optical and mechanical properties. pq 2016‑01‑09
Nicolas Large (Info) University of Texas at San Antonio Nanophotonics, Computational Physics, Condensed Matter Theory Nicolarge 2023‑02‑17
Shane Larson (Info) Northwestern Gravitation lsfinn 2013‑08‑11
Daniel D. Lascar (Info) Northwestern Experimental study of the spin structure of nucleons, heavy-ion physics. pq 2016‑01‑09
Lincoln J. Lauhon (Info) Northwestern, Cornell Nanostructured Materials pq 2015‑11‑19
Casey J. Law (Info) Northwestern Massive black hole at the center of the Galaxy, Star formation in the Galactic nucleus, supernova remnant masers. pq 2016‑01‑09
Hyojun Ada Lee (Info) Northwestern lgaalves 2024‑01‑23
Hyong C. Lee (Info) Northwestern Hydrodynamics of gas flows, close binary-star systems, structure and evolution of accretion disks, X-ray bursts from neutron stars. pq 2016‑01‑09
Jong-Kwon Lee (Info) Northwestern Gravity wave detection, cooling and trapping of neutral atoms, quantum computing, optical communication, optical coherence tomography. pq 2016‑01‑09
Joo S. Lee (Info) Northwestern Theory of complex systems, nonlinear phenomena, statistical physics. pq 2016‑01‑09
Joo-Hyoung Lee (Info) Northwestern First-principles simulations of complex materials, including their structural, electronic, magnetic, optical and mechanical properties. pq 2016‑01‑09
Junghoon Lee (Info) UCLA, Northwestern, Seoul National University Nanotechnology pq 2015‑10‑17
Michael A. Lee (Info) Northwestern pfrw 2017‑02‑24
Tien-Lin Lee (Info) Northwestern bedzyk 2019‑02‑01
Wei-li Lee (Info) Princeton alanwillwong 2021‑10‑22
Yoonseok Lee (Info) UF Gainesville Helium3 Altoidnerd 2015‑10‑28
Weihua Lei (Info) Northwestern lgaalves 2024‑01‑23
Jessica L. Lensch Falk (Info) Northwestern Materials Science Engineering, Inorganic Chemistry pq 2019‑01‑19
Cheuk Yui Leung (Info) Northwestern david 2016‑02‑17
Andy C.Y. Li (Info) Northwestern JeK 2021‑04‑12
Hua-Bai Li (Info) Northwestern pq 2015‑09‑29
Xiaoying Li (Info) Tianjin University Quantum information, Single photon source, Precision measurement lyh0710 2018‑05‑07
Chuang Liang (Info) Northwestern Quantum communications and computing, nonlinear and quantum optics, fiber-optic communications, all-optical networks. pq 2016‑01‑09
Joseph A. Libera (Info) Northwestern Atomic-scale X-ray studies of gas/solid, liquid/solid and solid/solid interfaces, ultrathin films, membranes, and nanoparticles. pq 2016‑01‑09
Chien-Yu Lien (Info) Northwestern Atomic Physics, Molecular Physics pq 2016‑04‑06
Jui-Ching (Phillip) Lin (Info) Northwestern Atomic-scale X-ray studies of gas/solid, liquid/solid and solid/solid interfaces, ultrathin films, membranes, and nanoparticles. pq 2016‑01‑09
Yoram Lithwick (Info) Caltech, Northwestern Planet formation, dynamics of planetary systems, accretion disks, MHD turbulence, cosmological halo formation, gamma-ray bursts. pq 2015‑11‑14
Shuangbiao Liu (Info) Northwestern computational, cognitive neuroscience pq 2015‑11‑01
Xiaohui Liu (Info) Beijing Normal University, University of Pittsburgh, Northwestern University , Argonne National Lab, University of Maryland High energy particle physics, High energy nulcear physics pq 2015‑11‑14
Boonrat Lohwongwatana (Info) Chulalongkorn University Metals and alloys boonrat 2017‑05‑29
Mark C. Lonergan (Info) University of Oregon Ds 2012‑01‑20
Xiaoting Lou (Info) Northwestern Geophysics pq 2016‑03‑29
Ian Low (Info) Northwestern Theoretical particle physics from within and beyond the standard model: theories of electroweak symmetry breaking; properties of the Higgs boson; aspects of dark matter. david 2016‑01‑09
Lan Luan (Info) Northwestern pq 2015‑10‑10
Zachary Lubin (Info) Northwestern Electricity and Magnetism Physics, Optics Physics pq 2016‑02‑11
Julius B. Lucks (Info) Harvard david 2015‑07‑02
Erik Luijten (Info) Northwestern Computational statistical mechanics of complex fluids; electrostatically driven self-assembly phenomena; phase behavior and kinetics of colloidal suspensions and polymeric systems; Monte Carlo algorithms jandh 2012‑07‑04
Nie Luo (Info) Northwestern Spin tunneling and relaxation in molecular magnets, semiclassical limit for spin, quantum state manipulation. pq 2016‑01‑09
Xiaoyan Ma (Info) Northwestern Numerical calculation of material properties, including composite materials, electroceramics, and bioceramics. pq 2016‑01‑09
Rachel Y. Mak (Info) Northwestern X-ray microscopy studies of subcellular structure and chemistry. pq 2016‑01‑09
W. Peter Maksym (Info) Northwestern Observational extragalactic astronomy including AGN, tidal disruption events, high energy phenomena pq 2016‑01‑09
Niall M. Mangan (Info) Northwestern pq 2015‑11‑11
Shahin Engakkattil Mani (Info) Northwestern pq 2015‑10‑10
David Marasco (Info) Northwestern Atomic-scale X-ray studies of gas/solid, liquid/solid and solid/solid interfaces, ultrathin films, membranes, and nanoparticles. pq 2016‑01‑09
Harris Leon Marcus (Info) UT Austin jandh 2016‑10‑17
Jules A. Marcus (Info) Northwestern Solid state physics . Ferromagnetism ; Low temperature physics jandh 2023‑10‑30
John F. Marko (Info) Northwestern Applications of statistical mechanics and polymer physics to biophysical problems. david 2016‑01‑09
Audeliz Matias (Info) Northwestern Geology pq 2016‑03‑14
Lauren M. Matosziuk (Info) Northwestern Physical, Energy Related, Biophysical, Catalysis, Energy and Environmental, Nanoscience, Theoretical, Materials pq 2015‑11‑10
Andreas Matouscheki (Info) Northwestern Cell Biology, General Biophysics, Molecular Biology pq 2016‑05‑22
Tristan G. Matthews (Info) Northwestern pq 2015‑09‑29
Steven J. May (Info) Drexel 2016‑06‑15
Martin E. McBriarty (Info) Northwestern Atomic-scale X-ray studies of gas/solid, liquid/solid and solid/solid interfaces, ultrathin films, membranes, and nanoparticles. pq 2016‑01‑09
Rodney J. McCabe (Info) Northwestern physical metallurgy pq 2016‑01‑19
Joseph J. McCarthy (Info) University of Pittsburgh Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Fluid and Plasma Physics pq 2016‑06‑10
Jamie McFarlin (Info) Northwestern mrosburn 2021‑04‑08
Douglas W. McKay (Info) University of Kansas Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics pq 2016‑05‑28
Jeffrey M. McMahon (Info) WSU david 2016‑01‑03
Milja Medic (Info) Northwestern Quantum communications and computing, nonlinear and quantum optics, fiber-optic communications, all-optical networks. pq 2016‑01‑09
Mark W. Meisel (Info) UF Gainesville Condensed Matter Physics, Electricity and Magnetism Physics pq 2016‑05‑22
Martin F. Melhus (Info) Northwestern pq 2016‑01‑01
Miguel Merino (Info) Northwestern Geophysics, Geology pq 2016‑02‑11
Karl Merkle (Info) Northwestern Materials Science Engineering, Condensed Matter Physics pq 2016‑05‑22
Masahiro (Mike) Meshii (Info) Northwestern Materials Science Engineering, Condensed Matter Physics pq 2016‑05‑22
David Michael Meyer (Info) Northwestern High signal-to-noise spectroscopy of interstellar and extragalactic absorption lines, small-scale structures in diffuse galactic clouds. david 2016‑01‑09
Joseph M Michail (Info) Northwestern Astrophysics jmichail 2019‑12‑22
Ljubomir Miljacic (Info) Northwestern Numerical calculation of material properties, including composite materials, electroceramics, and bioceramics. pq 2016‑01‑09
Donald Henry Miller (Info) Northwestern Experimental particle physics jandh 2016‑08‑21
Tacy Joffe Minor (Info) Northwestern, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville High Energy Physics temp2021 2021‑08‑29
David Mintzer (Info) Yale, Northwestern jandh 2016‑01‑08
Vesna F. Mitrovic (Info) Northwestern, Brown NMR, low temperature physics pq 2015‑11‑20
Lyle Fred Mockros (Info) Northwestern Chemical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Fluid and Plasma Physics pq 2016‑05‑22
Stephanie Moffitt (Info) Northwestern bedzyk 2019‑02‑01
Geneva Moores (Info) Northwestern jasauls 2019‑07‑19
Liane Moreau (Info) Northwestern bedzyk 2019‑02‑01
Adam J. Morris-Cohen (Info) Northwestern Physical, Energy Related, Biophysical, Catalysis, Energy and Environmental, Nanoscience, Theoretical, Materials pq 2016‑01‑02
Theodore Frederick Morse (Info) Brown jandh 2015‑10‑19
Adilson Motter (Info) Northwestern Theory of complex systems, nonlinear phenomena, statistical physics. david 2016‑01‑09
Jessy J. Mouannes-Srour (Info) Northwestern Biomedical Engineering, Radiology pq 2019‑01‑18
Weiqiang Mu (Info) Northwestern pq 2015‑10‑10
Ranjith Nair (Info) Northwestern Theory of quantum optics and communication, the foundations of quantum physics, new quantum devices, quantum cryptography. pq 2016‑01‑09
Koichiro Nishikawa (Info) Northwestern t0mpr1c3 2018‑09‑20
Michael Ray Norman (Info) Argonne National Laboratory Condensed Matter Physics normanmr 2020‑12‑23
Jacquelyn M Noronha-Hostler (Info) Rutgers, New Brunswick, UIUC, Northwestern School of Medicine, Joffrey Ballet Quark Gluon Plasma, Quantum Chromodynamics, Heavy-Ion Collisions, Relativistic viscous hydrodynamics jnoronhahostler 2017‑10‑30
Giles Novak (Info) Northwestern jvaillancourt 2013‑04‑17
Megan K. O'Brien (Info) CU Boulder, Shirley Ryan AbilityLab obrienmk 2011‑06‑06
Robert J. Oakes (Info) Northwestern, Stanford QCD supersymmetric and electroweak corrections to heavy-quark and Higgs meson production in electron-positron annihilation. david 2016‑01‑09
Brian C. Odom (Info) Harvard, Northwestern Quantum manipulation of trapped atoms and molecules for precision searches for physics beyond the Standard Model, quantum information processing, and quantum-controlled chemistry. pq 2016‑01‑05
Emile A. Okal (Info) Northwestern Geophysics pq 2016‑02‑09
John S. Okasinski (Info) Northwestern Atomic-scale X-ray studies of gas/solid, liquid/solid and solid/solid interfaces, ultrathin films, membranes, and nanoparticles. pq 2016‑01‑09
Claire C Onsager (Info) Northwestern caygen 2024‑05‑06
Magdalena R. Osburn (Info) Caltech Geobiology pq 2016‑03‑30
Neal N. Oza (Info) Northwestern Quantum communications and computing, nonlinear and quantum optics, fiber-optic communications, all-optical networks. pq 2016‑01‑09
tuncay ozel (Info) Northwestern solar cells tuncay333 2011‑12‑31
Mark J. Panaggio (Info) Northwestern Applied Mathematics pq 2016‑01‑09
Seoijin Park (Info) Northwestern Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Optics Physics pq 2016‑05‑22
Yoonseok Park (Info) SungKyunKwan University, Seoul National University, TU Dresden, Northwestern, Kyung Hee University Bioelectronics picostone 2021‑09‑16
Shane M. Parker (Info) Northwestern Physical, Energy Related, Biophysical, Catalysis, Energy and Environmental, Nanoscience, Theoretical, Materials pq 2015‑11‑10
Monika Patel (Info) Northwestern Quantum communications and computing, nonlinear and quantum optics, fiber-optic communications, all-optical networks. pq 2016‑01‑09
Cheryl E Patrick (Info) Edinburgh physics cpatrick 2018‑12‑20
Bharath Pattabiraman (Info) Northwestern Evolution of dense star clusters, massive black hole formation, coalescing compact binaries, gravity waves, extrasolar planets. pq 2016‑01‑09
Joshua T Paul (Info) UF Gainesville Computational materials science, high-throughput searches, low-dimensional systems JTPaul 2020‑09‑18
Janet M. Pavese (Info) Northwestern Oncology pq 2016‑06‑25
John A. Pedersen (Info) Northwestern Biomedical Engineering pq 2016‑05‑25
Todd K. Pedlar (Info) Luther College Elementary Particle Physics, Heavy Quarks and Quarkonia toddpedlar 2016‑10‑19
Stephen G. Peggs (Info) SUNY Stony Brook Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Electricity and Magnetism Physics, Nuclear Physics pq 2016‑05‑27
Steve Peggs (Info) SUNY Stony Brook Nuclear Physics, Radiation Physics pq 2016‑05‑24
Daniel E. Perea (Info) Northwestern Materials Science Engineering, Electronics and Electrical Engineering pq 2019‑01‑19
Carrie E. Perlman (Info) Northwestern Biomedical Engineering, Medicine and Surgery pq 2016‑05‑23
Murray Peshkin (Info) Northwestern, Argonne National Laboratory jandh 2019‑07‑23
Frank J. Petriello (Info) Northwestern Perturbative QCD and its applications to collider physics; new phenomena at the TeV scale; new calculational techniques for quantum field theory. david 2016‑01‑09
Warren E. Pickett (Info) Naval Research Laboratory, UC Davis Theoretical Condensed Matter Theory, physics, magnetism, superconductivity pq 2016‑03‑28
Martin Algirdas Plonus (Info) Northwestern Electromagnetic theory, propagation through turbulent media, optical communication, optical imaging in atmospheric turbulence jandh 2016‑02‑26
Johannes Pollanen (Info) Northwestern, Caltech NMR, low temperature physics pq 2015‑11‑20
Milica Popovic (Info) Northwestern Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Oncology pq 2016‑02‑11
Rodney D. Priestley (Info) Princeton polymeric materials jandh 2013‑08‑11
Issam A. Qattan (Info) Northwestern Experimental study of the spin structure of nucleons, heavy-ion physics. pq 2016‑01‑09
Yonglin Qian (Info) Northwestern bedzyk 2019‑02‑01
Wei Qu (Info) Northwestern Computational statistical mechanics of complex fluids; electrostatically driven self-assembly phenomena; phase behavior and kinetics of colloidal suspensions and polymeric systems; Monte Carlo algorithms pq 2015‑11‑13
Ishwar Radhakrishnan (Info) Northwestern General Biophysics pq 2016‑05‑31
Ishwar Radhakrisnan (Info) Northwestern General Biophysics, Molecular Biology pq 2016‑05‑29
Maxim Raginsky (Info) Northwestern Theory of quantum optics and communication, the foundations of quantum physics, new quantum devices, quantum cryptography. pq 2016‑01‑09
Emmanouela Rantsiou (Info) Northwestern Evolution of dense star clusters, massive black hole formation, coalescing compact binaries, gravity waves, extrasolar planets. pq 2016‑01‑09
Frederic Rasio (Info) Northwestern Evolution of dense star clusters, massive black hole formation, coalescing compact binaries, gravity waves, extrasolar planets. david 2016‑01‑09
Mark A. Ratner (Info) Northwestern Physical, Energy Related, Biophysical, Catalysis, Energy and Environmental, Nanoscience, Theoretical, Materials Ds 2012‑01‑20
Vivien Raymond (Info) Northwestern Gravitational waves, X-ray emission from compact binary objects, coalescence of neutron-star binaries. pq 2016‑01‑09
Cecilia Rechea Bernal (Info) Northwestern Civil Engineering pq 2016‑02‑22
Amy L. Rechenmacher (Info) Northwestern Geotechnology, Civil Engineering, Geophysics pq 2016‑02‑22
Robert Page Redwine (Info) MIT Experimental Nuclear Physics jandh 2016‑02‑04
Robert C. Regan (Info) Northwestern jasauls 2021‑08‑08
Thomas K. Renbarger (Info) Northwestern pq 2015‑09‑29
Matthew G. Reuter (Info) Northwestern Physical, Energy Related, Biophysical, Catalysis, Energy and Environmental, Nanoscience, Theoretical, Materials pq 2015‑11‑10
Sung-Hyon Rhim (Info) Northwestern First-principles simulations of complex materials, including their structural, electronic, magnetic, optical and mechanical properties. pq 2016‑01‑09
Alex Richings (Info) Leiden, Northwestern cbar 2016‑04‑29
Andrew G. Richter (Info) Northwestern Nanoscale order in soft materials, surfaces and interfaces, X-ray scattering studies of self-assembled molecular layers. pq 2016‑01‑09
Kirill Rivkin (Info) Northwestern pq 2015‑10‑10
Jill F. Roboski (Info) Northwestern Civil Engineering, Geotechnology pq 2016‑02‑22
William P. Rodrigues (Info) Northwestern Atomic-scale X-ray studies of gas/solid, liquid/solid and solid/solid interfaces, ultrathin films, membranes, and nanoparticles. pq 2016‑01‑09
Joseph D. Romano (Info) UT Brownsville Gravitation lsfinn 2013‑08‑11
James M. Rondinelli (Info) UC Santa Barbara, Cornell, Drexel, Northwestern Materials Science Engineering, Condensed Matter Physics, Inorganic Chemistry pq 2016‑06‑02
Jerome L. Rosen (Info) Northwestern Experimental measurements of high-energy proton-antiproton collisions to examine the properties of quarks. david 2016‑01‑09
James B. Rosenzweig (Info) UCLA Particle Beam Physics david 2016‑01‑06
Connie B. Roth (Info) Emory polymer physics, soft condensed matter physics, glass transition jepye 2015‑11‑24
John M. Rowell (Info) Bell Labs, Northwestern, Arizona State jandh 2020‑10‑02
Paolo G. Rumerio (Info) Northwestern Experimental measurements of high-energy proton-antiproton collisions to examine the properties of quarks. pq 2016‑01‑09
Raymond M. Russo (Info) Northwestern Geology, Geophysics pq 2016‑02‑19
Adam Rybaltowski (Info) Northwestern Optics Physics, Geophysics pq 2016‑02‑11
Natasha Sachdeva (Info) Northwestern Physics, Precision measurements nsachdeva 2020‑05‑08
Sagar Sahasrabudhe (Info) Northwestern Theory of complex systems, nonlinear phenomena, statistical physics. pq 2016‑01‑09
Willis Kazuo Sakumoto (Info) Rochester Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics pq 2016‑05‑31
Kenneth R. Salit (Info) Northwestern Gravity wave detection, cooling and trapping of neutral atoms, quantum computing, optical communication, optical coherence tomography. pq 2016‑01‑09
Mary K. Salit (Info) Northwestern Gravity wave detection, cooling and trapping of neutral atoms, quantum computing, optical communication, optical coherence tomography. pq 2016‑01‑09
Paul G Sanders (Info) Michigan Technological University metallurgy, alloy design, sanders 2024‑06‑25
Fernando Sarabia (Info) Northwestern Civil Engineering pq 2016‑02‑22
Todd Satogata (Info) Jefferson Lab Accelerator Physics satogata 2019‑02‑27
James Avery Sauls (Info) Princeton, Northwestern Theoretical Physics, Quantum Field Theory, Quantum Information, Condensed Matter, Nuclear Astrophysics Hesselberg 2013‑11‑23
Heidi Marie Schellman (Info) Northwestern, Oregon State Interactions of quarks and leptons, decay of weak vector bosons, high-intensity neutrino experiments, cosmological high-energy physics. david 2016‑01‑09
Peter Eli Schlein (Info) Northwestern, UCLA experimental elementary particle physics jandh 2016‑07‑06
Ruth A. Schlitz (Info) Northwestern Materials Science Engineering pq 2019‑01‑19
Robert A. Schluter (Info) Northwestern Elementary Partical Physics cdeen 2013‑05‑15
Michael Henry Schmitt (Info) Northwestern Electroweak boson production in hadron colliders, searches for new elementary particles and interactions, development of muon detectors. david 2016‑01‑09
Kimberly A. Schramm (Info) Northwestern Geophysics pq 2016‑02‑11
Ivan K. Schuller (Info) UCSD jandh 2015‑10‑10
David J. Schwab (Info) UCLA, Northwestern Theoretical biological physics, collective computation in cell populations and neural networks, modeling of cellular sensory and signaling networks, neural information processing, learning and adaptation. pq 2016‑01‑06
Lyle H. Schwartz (Info) Northwestern jandh 2016‑10‑17
Ralph E. Segel (Info) Northwestern Experimental study of the spin structure of nucleons, heavy-ion physics. david 2016‑01‑09
Manibrata Sen (Info) UC Berkeley and Northwestern University Neutrino physcis, Supernova neutrinos, Dark matter manibrata 2019‑07‑17
Jeremy F. Sepinsky (Info) Northwestern Gravitational waves, X-ray emission from compact binary objects, coalescence of neutron-star binaries. pq 2016‑01‑09
Kamal K. Seth (Info) Northwestern Experimental study of exotic combinations of valence quarks and gluons, glueballs, and charmonium. david 2016‑01‑09
Phalguni Shah (Info) Northwestern experimental soft condensed matter Phalguni 2024‑04‑07
Selim Shahriar (Info) Northwestern Gravity wave detection, cooling and trapping of neutral atoms, quantum computing, optical communication, optical coherence tomography. david 2016‑01‑09
Shashank Shalgar (Info) Northwestern Electroweak interactions and physics beyond the standard model, neutrino oscillations and the origin of neutrino masses. pq 2016‑01‑09
Priya Sharma (Info) Northwestern Condensed Matter pq 2015‑10‑05
Jay E. Sharping (Info) Northwestern Quantum communications and computing, nonlinear and quantum optics, fiber-optic communications, all-optical networks. pq 2016‑01‑09
John T. Shen (Info) Northwestern Gravity wave detection, cooling and trapping of neutral atoms, quantum computing, optical communication, optical coherence tomography. pq 2016‑01‑09
Wanyong Shin (Info) Northwestern Biomedical Engineering, Medical Biophysics, Radiology pq 2019‑01‑18
Bellave Shivaram (Info) UVA bss2d 2015‑12‑01
Arnold Johannes Friedrich Siegert (Info) Northwestern statistical mechanics jandh 2021‑03‑19
Gracie E. Siffer (Info) Northwestern Physics, Biology GracieSiffer 2024‑05‑15
Jamesina J. Simpson (Info) Northwestern, Univ. of New Mexico, University of Utah Computational electrodynamics, electromagnetic wave propagation in the Earth-ionosphere waveguide, remote-sensing, space weather, biophotonics pq 2016‑02‑11
Paul Singer (Info) Technion theoretical particle physics jandh 2017‑03‑28
Robert M. Snihur (Info) Northwestern Interactions of quarks and leptons, decay of weak vector bosons, high-intensity neutrino experiments, cosmological high-energy physics. pq 2016‑01‑09
Richard T. Snodgrass (Info) University of Arizona Computer Science pq 2016‑04‑05
Niels Sondergaard (Info) Northwestern Acoustics Physics pq 2016‑05‑13
Don M. Sparlin (Info) University of Missouri-Rolla jandh 2023‑10‑30
Linda Spentzouris (Info) Illinois Institute of Technology Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Radiation Physics pq 2016‑05‑30
Panagiotis Spentzouris (Info) Northwestern temp2021 2021‑08‑29
Seth A. Stein (Info) Northwestern Geophysics pq 2016‑02‑09
Dale Stentz (Info) Northwestern Electroweak boson production in hadron colliders, searches for new elementary particles and interactions, development of muon detectors. pq 2016‑01‑09
Nathaniel P. Stern (Info) UC Santa Barbara, Northwestern Experimental optical condensed matter physics, nanoscale photonics and magnetism, cavity QED with single atoms and photons, spin dynamics in the solid state. pq 2016‑01‑02
Glafkos Stratis (Info) Northwestern Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Electricity and Magnetism Physics pq 2016‑02‑11
Michael J. Stringer (Info) Northwestern Theory of complex systems, nonlinear phenomena, statistical physics. pq 2016‑01‑09
Benjamin Stripe (Info) Northwestern Nanoscale order in soft materials, surfaces and interfaces, X-ray scattering studies of self-assembled molecular layers. pq 2016‑01‑09
Derek A. Strom (Info) Northwestern Elementary particle physics, experimental investigation of QCD via high-energy proton-antiproton collisions. pq 2016‑01‑09
Yikai Su (Info) Northwestern Quantum communications and computing, nonlinear and quantum optics, fiber-optic communications, all-optical networks. pq 2016‑01‑09
Cheng Sun (Info) Northwestern hkust 2017‑06‑07
Mingxuan Sun (Info) Northwestern johnfmarko 2016‑12‑20
Yi Sun (Info) Northwestern pq 2015‑10‑10
Kurt A. Swanson (Info) Northwestern General Biophysics, Molecular Biology pq 2016‑05‑31
Melody Swartz (Info) Northwestern, EPFL, Chicago Biomedical Engineering, General Biophysics pq 2016‑05‑24
Ron E. Taam (Info) Northwestern Hydrodynamics of gas flows, close binary-star systems, structure and evolution of accretion disks, X-ray bursts from neutron stars. david 2016‑01‑09
Ronald E. Taam (Info) Northwestern Astronomy and Astrophysics pq 2016‑02‑01
Zahra Khajeh Tabrizi (Info) Unicamp, Virginia Tech, Northwestern operes 2017‑02‑23
Allen Taflove (Info) Northwestern Finite-difference time-domain method and its applications pq 2016‑02‑09
Timothy Maurice Paul Tait (Info) UC Irvine Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Astrophysics Physics pq 2016‑03‑22
Genya Takeda (Info) Northwestern Evolution of dense star clusters, massive black hole formation, coalescing compact binaries, gravity waves, extrasolar planets. pq 2016‑01‑09
Renyong Tang (Info) Northwestern Quantum communications and computing, nonlinear and quantum optics, fiber-optic communications, all-optical networks. pq 2016‑01‑09
Neville Temperley (Info) Swansea University Mavalto 2018‑05‑30
Abu Thomas (Info) Northwestern Quantum Optics ub313 2013‑08‑18
Tracy Taylor Thomas (Info) Northwestern temp2021 2021‑08‑29
Elizabeth C. Thompson (Info) Chicago, Northwestern, Sewanee: The University of the South outis 2018‑09‑18
Daniel B. Tice (Info) Northwestern Physical, Energy Related, Biophysical, Catalysis, Energy and Environmental, Nanoscience, Theoretical, Materials pq 2016‑01‑02
Bradley P. Tinkham (Info) Northwestern Atomic-scale X-ray studies of gas/solid, liquid/solid and solid/solid interfaces, ultrathin films, membranes, and nanoparticles. pq 2016‑01‑09
Chrong-Chu Tsai (Info) Northwestern pq 2015‑10‑10
Snow H. Tseng (Info) Northwestern Biomedical Engineering, Electricity and Magnetism Physics, Radiation Physics pq 2016‑02‑11
Yuan-Chieh Tseng (Info) Northwestern Atomic-scale X-ray studies of gas/solid, liquid/solid and solid/solid interfaces, ultrathin films, membranes, and nanoparticles. pq 2016‑01‑09
Takao Tsumuraya (Info) Kumamoto University Materials Physics takaotsumu 2023‑05‑19
Xuxin Tu (Info) Northwestern Civil Engineering, Geotechnology, Geophysics pq 2016‑02‑22
Norm M. Tubman (Info) Northwestern Quantum Physics pq 2016‑02‑07
I-Cheng Tung (Info) Northwestern Atomic-scale X-ray studies of gas/solid, liquid/solid and solid/solid interfaces, ultrathin films, membranes, and nanoparticles. pq 2016‑01‑09
Christina P. Twist (Info) Northwestern computational, cognitive neuroscience pq 2015‑11‑01
Melville Paul Ulmer (Info) Northwestern Development of X-ray mirrors and ultraviolet detectors, matter distribution in galactic clusters, transient hard X-ray sources. david 2016‑01‑09
Paul B. Umbanhowar (Info) Northwestern Fluid and Plasma Physics pq 2016‑05‑29
Gregory H. Underhill (Info) Northwestern Immunology, Biomedical Engineering, Cell Biology pq 2016‑05‑25
M. Iqbal Bakti Utama (Info) Northwestern Materials physics, nanotechnology mibutama 2021‑02‑06
Ahmet Uysal (Info) Northwestern Nanoscale order in soft materials, surfaces and interfaces, X-ray scattering studies of self-assembled molecular layers. pq 2016‑01‑09
Reza Vafabakhsh (Info) Northwestern General Biophysics, Molecular Physics pq 2016‑03‑13
Parmede Vakil (Info) Northwestern Biomedical Engineering, Radiology pq 2019‑01‑18
Elena V. Vasilyeva (Info) Northwestern Electronics and Electrical Engineering pq 2016‑02‑11
Nirmala Vasudevan (Info) Northwestern QCD supersymmetric and electroweak corrections to heavy-quark and Higgs meson production in electron-positron annihilation. pq 2016‑01‑09
Carlos A. Vega Posada (Info) Northwestern Civil Engineering, Geophysical Engineering pq 2016‑02‑22
Roberto Vega-Morales (Info) Northwestern Theoretical particle physics from within and beyond the standard model: theories of electroweak symmetry breaking; properties of the Higgs boson; aspects of dark matter. pq 2016‑01‑09
Mayda Marie Velasco (Info) Northwestern Matter-antimatter asymmetry, physics beyond the Standard Model, development of beam instrumentation, multi-TeV electron/positron and gamma/gamma colliders. david 2016‑01‑09
Avinash Vijayaraghavan (Info) Northwestern Spin tunneling and relaxation in molecular magnets, semiclassical limit for spin, quantum state manipulation. pq 2016‑01‑09
Eric A. Voll (Info) Northwestern Cell Biology, Oncology pq 2016‑06‑25
Anton Vorontsov (Info) Montana State jasauls 2019‑07‑19
Geoffrey J. Waldschmidt (Info) Northwestern Electronics and Electrical Engineering pq 2016‑02‑11
Charles T. Walker (Info) Northwestern, Arizona State, 3M Company afaf 2020‑10‑14
Gang Wang (Info) Indiana University–Purdue University Fort Wayne jandh 2015‑10‑10
Helsin Wang (Info) Northwestern Civil Engineering pq 2016‑02‑22
Jack Wang (Info) Northwestern lgaalves 2024‑01‑23
Jane Xiaojing Wang (Info) Northwestern computational, cognitive neuroscience jbooth 2010‑10‑12
Charles Albert Ward (Info) University of Toronto thermodynamics, heat transfer, evaporation, kinetics, adsorption ArmanGhaff 2023‑05‑08
Julia R. Weertman (Info) Northwestern Materials Science Engineering, Metallurgy Engineering, Condensed Matter Physics pq 2016‑05‑12
Jian Wei (Info) Peking University qassim 2016‑10‑12
Michael Weinert (Info) UW-Milwaukee Condensed Matter Physics pq 2016‑05‑26
Daniel Kamrath Weiss (Info) Northwestern Quantum Computing dkweiss31 2020‑03‑09
Emily A. Weiss (Info) Northwestern Physical, Energy Related, Biophysical, Catalysis, Energy and Environmental, Nanoscience, Theoretical, Materials pq 2015‑11‑10
Thomas D. Whitehead (Info) Northwestern Quantum communications and computing, nonlinear and quantum optics, fiber-optic communications, all-optical networks. pq 2016‑01‑09
Douglas A. Wiens (Info) Washington University Geophysics pq 2016‑03‑07
Paul A Williams (Info) Northwestern, LBNL Physics, Astronomy paul1764 2018‑06‑28
Joshua J. Wiman (Info) Northwestern jasauls 2019‑07‑19
Alan Wiseman (Info) UW-Milwaukee Gravitation lsfinn 2013‑08‑11
Steven Won (Info) Northwestern Matter-antimatter asymmetry, physics beyond the Standard Model, development of beam instrumentation, multi-TeV electron/positron and gamma/gamma colliders. pq 2016‑01‑09
Chia-wei Woo (Info) San Francisco State Condensed Matter Physics sgirish999 2013‑09‑20
Hao Wu (Info) Northwestern jasauls 2019‑07‑19
William Wulf (Info) UVA jamesgmitchell43 2020‑07‑07
Botao Xiao (Info) Northwestern Applications of statistical mechanics and polymer physics to biophysical problems. pq 2016‑01‑09
Wei Xiong (Info) University of Pittsburgh Physical Metallurgy weixiong 2020‑03‑21
Dandong Xu (Info) Northwestern jasauls 2019‑07‑19
Wanling Xu (Info) Northwestern pq 2015‑10‑10
Sahal Yacoob (Info) Northwestern, University of Cape Town Interactions of quarks and leptons, decay of weak vector bosons, high-intensity neutrino experiments, cosmological high-energy physics. pq 2016‑01‑09
Nanxi Yao (Info) UIUC, Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University , Joffrey Ballet jnoronhahostler 2022‑02‑12
Haley A. Yaple (Info) Northwestern Applied Mathematics pq 2016‑01‑09
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