People with institution matching "University College London": Advanced Search
Name Institution Area Added by Date  
Filipe B. Abdalla (Info) University College London vcharmandaris 2018‑12‑14
Gabriel Aeppli (Info) Bell Labs, UCL Condensed Matter Physics jandh 2015‑12‑17
David Aitken (Info) UCL Infrared astronomy benjaminpope 2015‑01‑01
Edward N. Da C. Andrade (Info) UCL jandh 2013‑08‑11
David Atkinson (Info) RUG Theoretical physics jandh 2017‑01‑15
Sebastian Bahamonde (Info) University of Tartu gravity, cosmology, modified gravity, teleparallel gravity sbahamonde 2019‑06‑06
Shiladitya Banerjee (Info) Chicago, Carnegie Mellon, Chennai Mathematical Institute, Syracuse, University College London Biophysics qp 2016‑05‑10
A.P. Banford (Info) UCL kws 2021‑02‑08
Harold Everard Monteagle Barlow (Info) soderstrom 2011‑04‑15
Michael J. Barlow (Info) UCL Astrophysics danehkar 2016‑07‑13
David Robert Bates (Info) UCL jandh 2016‑04‑30
Catrin Bernius (Info) UCL HEP tm26 2018‑11‑02
Antonio Bianconi (Info) Laboratori Nazionali de Frascati, University of Camerino (Italy), Uiniversity of Rome, Università degli Studi dell'Aquila, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome Int. Center Materials Science Superstripes RICMASS "Quantum Complex Matter" "Biophysics" "Synchrotron Radiation" "X-ray spectroscopy" "superconductivity" "metalloproteins" abiancon 2019‑08‑25
Christian G Böhmer (Info) UCL sbahamonde 2019‑06‑06
Alexander Boksenberg (Info) UCL jandh 2017‑07‑30
Patrick D. Bolton (Info) UCL ZZZZHH 2022‑07‑03
Sougato Bose (Info) UCL Quantum Information; Quantum Computation. svenegas 2020‑11‑27
William Henry Bragg (Info) UCL Crystallography, X-rays jandh 2011‑09‑01
Graziella Branduardi-Raymont (Info) University College London AffeliaWibisono 2020‑08‑19
Richard Arthur Buckingham (Info) UCL jandh 2012‑03‑03
Alan Burgess (Info) Cambridge denbod 2021‑01‑12
Jonathan M Butterworth (Info) UCL - London - UK particle physics jonbutterworth 2018‑11‑02
Hugh Longbourne Callendar (Info) Imperial College, McGill platinum resistance thermometer jandh 2013‑02‑03
mario campanelli (Info) UCL particle physics campanel 2020‑10‑14
David B Cassidy (Info) UCL atomic physics, positronium D_Cassidy 2023‑01‑18
Sivaramakrishna Chandrasekhar (Info) university of Mysore, Raman Research Institute, Bangalore, Centre for Liquid Crystal Research, Bangalore Liquid crystal physics Vigyaanik 2016‑11‑23
Arthur Prince Chattock (Info) University College, Bristol jandh 2015‑11‑04
Andrew J Coates (Info) Oxford RHaythornthwaite 2020‑05‑14
Nicholas Constantino (Info) UCL pwarburt 2024‑02‑09
Robin Corbet (Info) UMBC/NASA GSFC/MICA Astronomy and Astrophysics pq 2016‑02‑12
Paul A Crowther (Info) UCL, University of Sheffield astrophysics Paul_Crowther 2021‑06‑22
Len Culhane (Info) UCL astrophysics Corbet 2016‑09‑13
Mark H Cunningham (Info) UCL Astrophysics/Instrumentation/Extra-galactic/Reionisation MarkCunningham 2023‑02‑15
Alexander Dalgarno (Info) Harvard Astrophysics lasersohn 2011‑04‑06
Paul Charles William Davies (Info) Cambridge connectingresearchers 2019‑07‑19
Luke K Davis (Info) UCL soft matter, statistical physics, biophysics LKD 2023‑10‑03
Frank F. Deppisch (Info) UCL ZZZZHH 2022‑07‑03
James Dobson (Info) Imperial College London, UCL Experimental Particle Physics costas.andreopoulos 2017‑02‑18
Peter Doel (Info) UCL MarkCunningham 2023‑02‑15
Alexander Donnachie (Info) University of Manchester,UK vcharmandaris 2020‑04‑12
Janet Elizabeth Drew (Info) UCL vcharmandaris 2023‑11‑17
W. E. Duncanson (Info) UCL kws 2021‑02‑09
F. Barry Dunning (Info) Rice University Atomic Physics pq 2016‑06‑01
Michael Aaron Edidin (Info) Johns Hopkins Membrane dynamics and organization in cells pq 2016‑05‑15
Richard S. Ellis (Info) Durham University, Cambridge, Caltech, UCL Astrophysics david 2015‑12‑23
Barbara Ercolano (Info) UCL Physics and Astronomy danehkar 2016‑07‑13
Andrew C. Fabian (Info) Cambridge X-ray Astronomy jandh 2016‑10‑19
Samuel Farrens (Info) CEA - Saclay vcharmandaris 2018‑12‑26
Ana M.G. Ferreira (Info) UCL qqqq 2018‑07‑16
John Ambrose Fleming (Info) UCL electrical engineering jandh 2015‑03‑14
Colin Forsyth (Info) UCL sachinreddy 2024‑07‑30
George Carey Foster (Info) UCL electrical measurement jandh 2015‑11‑04
Ryan J French (Info) University College London Solar Physics ryanjfrench 2020‑05‑12
Chamkaur Ghag (Info) University College London XinRanLiu 2018‑11‑02
Michael Gillan (Info) Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, University of Keele, UCL Condensed matter physics Vigyaanik 2022‑02‑12
Daniel Gradeci (Info) Carnegie Mellon enigmaticlucifer123 2022‑03‑20
T.C. Griffith (Info) University College London kws 2021‑02‑08
Antoniette Grima (Info) University of Glasgow (United Kingdom) Slab dynamics, slab break-off, orphan slabs, deep slab morphologies, subduction and surface deformation thwbecker 2023‑05‑04
Frederick Guthrie (Info) Royal School of Mines Mavalto 2024‑06‑27
James Hamilton (Info) Queen's University Belfast, Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, University of Manchester, Cambridge, UCL, NORDITA, Copenhagen mathematics, theoretical physics jandh 2017‑01‑15
Chris Harbord (Info) UCL Rock Deformation barry_scott 2021‑05‑12
Jürgen Hauer (Info) Technical University of Munich connectingresearchers 2019‑06‑15
Pekka Heinämäki (Info) University of Turku Mavalto 2018‑04‑27
Franz F. Heymann (Info) UCL UCL Microtron Group benjaminpope 2015‑01‑01
Archibald Vivian Hill (Info) UCL hanks 2005‑11‑03
Bart W. Hoogenboom (Info) UCL LKD 2023‑10‑03
Ian D Howarth (Info) UCL Paul_Crowther 2021‑06‑22
Jimin Hu (Info) Peking University; Zhejiang University; University College London; Javion 2024‑03‑04
Hamzah Hussain (Info) UCL fangxie 2020‑07‑08
Kiyohito Iigaya (Info) Columbia pq 2016‑01‑10
Alan Irving (Info) shahabshahidi 2015‑11‑17
Ivan Isakov (Info) UCL pwarburt 2024‑02‑09
Geraint H Jones (Info) UCL RHaythornthwaite 2020‑05‑14
Charles Kuen Kao (Info) soderstrom 2011‑04‑15
Risto A. Kauppinen (Info) University of Bristol radamion 2021‑04‑10
John Kennedy (Info) UCL Hamilton&Son 2020‑11‑22
Peter Kirstein (Info) University of London TongLi 2021‑04‑08
Konrad P. Kording (Info) Northwestern, Penn Motor Control, Bayesian statistics, Normative models david 2005‑03‑14
Ofer Lahav (Info) UCL vcharmandaris 2018‑12‑26
Jon Lapington (Info) Leicester Space sicence, Detector physics, Astroparticle physics, Space instrumentation, jon_lapington 2017‑11‑10
Andrew Lea (Info) UCL Hamilton&Son 2020‑11‑22
Katharine J C Leney (Info) UCL Particle physics kleney 2017‑10‑04
M James Lighthill (Info) University of Manchester, Imperial College London, Cambridge, UCL fluid mechanics ndkee 2016‑08‑23
Carolina R. Lithgow-Bertelloni (Info) University of Michigan, UCL, UCLA Geophysics, Mantle dynamics pq 2016‑03‑18
Wei Liu (Info) UCL, Aalto University Semiconductor, Superconductor, Quanutum computing liuwei9007 2018‑12‑14
Wei Liu (Info) UCL ZZZZHH 2022‑07‑03
XinRan Liu (Info) Edinburgh, UCL Particle Physics XinRanLiu 2018‑11‑02
Kathleen Lonsdale (Info) UCL x-ray crystallography mfrancl 2014‑08‑06
Ivan Maksymov (Info) Swinburne University of Technology optics; photonics; plasmonics; acoustics; spin waves; ferromagnetic resonance; microwaves; finite-difference time-domain method; plasma physics; solitons; nonlinear optics; photonic crystals ivan.maksymov 2019‑06‑18
Alan Douglas Martin (Info) UCL shahabshahidi 2015‑11‑17
Brian R. Martin (Info) UCL Hamilton&Son 2020‑11‑22
Harrie Massey (Info) UCL atomic physics, atmospheric physics j13r 2015‑04‑14
Sarah Matthews (Info) Glasgow University, UCL ryanjfrench 2020‑05‑12
Arnold McKinley (Info) UCL ivan.maksymov 2019‑07‑06
Paul F. McMillan (Info) Arizona State Inorganic Chemistry, Condensed Matter Physics pq 2016‑05‑22
Desmond F. McMorrow (Info) UCL magnetism, neutron scattering, X-ray physics hmronnow 2011‑04‑05
Pietro Menotti (Info) University College London gbsc 2020‑06‑25
Veera Mikola (Info) UCL, University of Glasgow Neutrino physics veeramik 2023‑06‑19
H. Judith Milledge (Info) UCL crystallography mfrancl 2014‑08‑06
Peter Modregger (Info) UCL s2amp 2022‑07‑19
Benjamin L. Moiseiwitsch (Info) Queen's University Belfast Theoretical studies in atomic, molecular and optical physics jandh 2016‑12‑10
Henry Edward William Montagu (Info) UCL Quantum Transport hmontagu 2021‑05‑07
Marco Montella (Info) UCL Physics mmontell 2018‑11‑02
Marcus Newton (Info) UCL pwarburt 2024‑02‑09
Ryan Nichol (Info) UCL lindac 2022‑08‑20
Sami-Matias Niemi (Info) UCL Mavalto 2018‑05‑06
Harry Nussbaumer (Info) UCL danehkar 2016‑07‑13
G.C. Oades (Info) UCL Hamilton&Son 2020‑11‑22
Ines Ochoa (Info) Columbia Particle Physics InesOchoa 2019‑04‑07
Nikola Ojkic (Info) Lehigh University General Physics, General Biophysics, Cell Biology pq 2016‑03‑27
Edward J. Osley (Info) UCL pwarburt 2024‑02‑09
Cheryl E Patrick (Info) Edinburgh physics cpatrick 2018‑12‑20
Hiranya V. Peiris (Info) UCL Astronomy and Astrophysics pq 2016‑02‑22
Michael Pepper (Info) Cambridge Semiconductor Physics jandh 2012‑09‑30
Kenneth Alwyne Pounds (Info) UCL Active Galactic Nuclei j13r 2015‑04‑14
Anais Rassat (Info) CEA - Saclay, CERN vcharmandaris 2018‑12‑22
Sachin Reddy (Info) NIPR Physics sachinreddy 2024‑07‑30
Patrick Roche (Info) UCL Infrared astronomy benjaminpope 2015‑01‑01
Yasser Roudi (Info) UCL, NTNU Computational neuroscience kit 2006‑07‑03
Catarina S. Alves (Info) UCL Astronomy, Astrophysics, Cosmology, Machine Learning CyberAstroCat 2023‑12‑02
Ruben Saakyan (Info) Physics and Astronomy XinRanLiu 2018‑11‑02
Sajid Saleem (Info) UCL pwarburt 2024‑02‑09
Peter W. Sanford (Info) Cambridge danehkar 2017‑09‑13
Michael J. Seaton (Info) UCL atomic physics, astrophysics jandh 2016‑04‑30
Graham Shaw (Info) University of Manchester,UK vcharmandaris 2020‑04‑07
Sally Shaw (Info) UC Santa Barbara, Edinburgh Experimental Particle Physics, Dark Matter sallyshaw 2018‑11‑02
Linda J Smith (Info) UCL Paul_Crowther 2021‑06‑22
Jan J. Sojka (Info) Utah State University Atmospheric Science Physics, Geophysics pq 2016‑02‑09
Aloysius Soon (Info) Yonsei University Condensed Matter Physics, Chemical Physics, Surface Physics axs562 2015‑08‑28
Marion Sourribes (Info) UCL pwarburt 2024‑02‑09
Lucas Gabriel Souza França (Info) UCL, King's College, King's College epilepsy, seizure modelling, complex systems, fractals lcacule 2019‑08‑05
Michael Staddon (Info) Carnegie Mellon enigmaticlucifer123 2022‑03‑20
Ronald Frederick Stebbings (Info) UCL, Rice University jandh 2018‑02‑05
Lars Peter Stixrude (Info) University of Michigan, UCL Geophysics pq 2016‑02‑01
Peter J. Storey (Info) UCL Physics and Astronomy danehkar 2016‑07‑13
June Sutor (Info) UCL crystallography mfrancl 2014‑08‑06
William Francis Gray Swann (Info) Bartol Research Foundation of the Franklin Institute, UMN, Chicago, Yale, Carnegie Institution of Washington, National Bureau of Standards particle physics, cosmic rays rex28 2010‑10‑30
So Takao (Info) Imperial College London, UCL ErLue 2022‑09‑23
Pierre Thibault (Info) Technische Universität München, UCL, University of Southampton, University of Trieste jandh 2021‑01‑02
T Thirunamachandran (Info) UCL robajackson 2017‑07‑27
Paul G. Thompson (Info) UCL pwarburt 2024‑02‑09
Michel Tsamados (Info) UCL Glassy materials Mtsamado 2023‑05‑13
Yiannis G. Tsamis (Info) UCL danehkar 2016‑07‑13
David Robert Tytler (Info) UCSD Astronomy and Astrophysics pq 2016‑03‑12
Balthasar van der Pol (Info) Philips Research Laboratories Radio physics jandh 2015‑03‑14
Graham Van Goffrier (Info) UCL Particle theory, nuclear theory, quantum algorithms, applied mathematics ZZZZHH 2022‑07‑03
Lance Vick (Info) UCL Hamilton&Son 2020‑11‑22
Roman Walczak (Info) Oxford frithioff 2018‑11‑02
Huan Wang (Info) UCL pwarburt 2024‑02‑09
Paul A. Warburton (Info) UCL superconducting devices, quantum annealing pwarburt 2024‑02‑09
Brian Warner (Info) UT Austin, University of Cape Town jandh 2016‑04‑29
David Waters (Info) UCL frithioff 2018‑11‑02
Roger Wesson (Info) UCL danehkar 2016‑07‑13
Affelia Wibisono (Info) UCL AffeliaWibisono 2020‑08‑19
W. S. C. Williams (Info) UCL kws 2021‑02‑08
Allan Willis (Info) University College London Paul_Crowther 2021‑06‑22
A Peter Willmore (Info) Birmingham University Astrophysics willmore 2005‑01‑17
Robert Wilson (Info) Edinburgh, UCL Paul_Crowther 2021‑06‑22
Fang Xie (Info) University College London Neutrino Physics fangxie 2020‑07‑08
Japheth N. Yates (Info) UCL Space Science Japheth 2011‑08‑06
Zhong Zhang (Info) UCL Particle Phenomenology ZZZZHH 2022‑07‑03
Sigurd Zienau (Info) University of Liverpool markusGfrog 2017‑04‑10
Benjamin Michael Zuckerman (Info) UCLA origin and evolution of planetary systems david 2016‑01‑06
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