Joel Robert Primack - Publications

1970 Physics University of California, Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA, United States 

244 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2021 Roca-Fàbrega S, Kim J, Hausammann L, Nagamine K, Lupi A, Powell JW, Shimizu I, Ceverino D, Primack JR, Quinn TR, Revaz Y, Velázquez H, Abel T, Buehlmann M, Dekel A, et al. The AGORA High-resolution Galaxy Simulations Comparison Project. III. Cosmological Zoom-in Simulation of a Milky Way–mass Halo The Astrophysical Journal. 917: 64. DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/ac088a  0.393
2021 Kretschmer M, Dekel A, Freundlich J, Lapiner S, Ceverino D, Primack J. Evaluating galaxy dynamical masses from kinematics and jeans equilibrium in simulations Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 503: 5238-5253. DOI: 10.1093/mnras/stab833  0.443
2021 Klypin A, Poulin V, Prada F, Primack J, Kamionkowski M, Avila-Reese V, Rodriguez-Puebla A, Behroozi P, Hellinger D, Smith TL. Clustering and halo abundances in early dark energy cosmological models Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 504: 769-781. DOI: 10.1093/MNRAS/STAB769  0.502
2021 Saldana-Lopez A, Domínguez A, Pérez-González PG, Finke J, Ajello M, Primack JR, Paliya VS, Desai A. An observational determination of the evolving extragalactic background light from the multiwavelength HST/CANDELS survey in the Fermi and CTA era Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 507: 5144-5160. DOI: 10.1093/mnras/stab2393  0.586
2021 Somerville RS, Olsen C, Yung LYA, Pacifici C, Ferguson HC, Behroozi P, Osborne S, Wechsler RH, Pandya V, Faber SM, Primack JR, Dekel A. Mock light-cones and theory friendly catalogues for the CANDELS survey Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 502: 4858-4876. DOI: 10.1093/MNRAS/STAB231  0.582
2020 Hamilton-Campos KA, Simons RC, Snyder GF, Ceverino D, Dekel A, Primack JR. Indirectly Measuring Stellar Velocity Dispersions in High-redshift Disk Galaxies Research Notes of the Aas. 4: 203. DOI: 10.3847/2515-5172/abca48  0.55
2020 Rodríguez-Puebla A, Avila-Reese V, Cano-Díaz M, Faber SM, Primack JR, Franco J, Aretxaga I, Santiago-Mayoral E. The Star-forming Main Sequence and the Contribution of Dust-obscured Star Formation since z ∼ 4 from the Far-UV+IR Luminosity Functions The Astrophysical Journal. 905: 171. DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/abc7c2  0.533
2020 Osborne C, Salim S, Damjanov I, Faber SM, Huertas-Company M, Koo DC, Mantha KB, McIntosh DH, Primack JR, Tacchella S. CANDELS Meets GSWLC: Evolution of the Relationship between Morphology and Star Formation Since z = 2 The Astrophysical Journal. 902: 77. DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/abb5af  0.518
2020 Lin L, Faber SM, Koo DC, Salim S, Dutton AA, Fang JJ, Jiang F, Lee CT, Rodríguez-Puebla A, Wel Avd, Guo Y, Barro G, Primack JR, Dekel A, Chen Z, et al. The Star Formation Rate─Radius Connection: Data and Implications for Wind Strength and Halo Concentration The Astrophysical Journal. 899: 93. DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/Aba755  0.413
2020 Chen Z, Faber SM, Koo DC, Somerville RS, Primack JR, Dekel A, Rodríguez-Puebla A, Guo Y, Barro G, Kocevski DD, Wel Avd, Woo J, Bell EF, Fang JJ, Ferguson HC, et al. Quenching as a Contest between Galaxy Halos and Their Central Black Holes The Astrophysical Journal. 897: 102. DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/Ab9633  0.775
2020 Yesuf HM, Faber SM, Koo DC, Woo J, Primack JR, Luo Y. The Activation of Galactic Nuclei and Their Accretion Rates Are Linked to the Star Formation Rates and Bulge-types of Their Host Galaxies The Astrophysical Journal. 889: 14. DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/Ab5Fe1  0.761
2020 Dekel A, Ginzburg O, Jiang F, Freundlich J, Lapiner S, Ceverino D, Primack J. A mass threshold for galactic gas discs by spin flips Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 493: 4126-4142. DOI: 10.1093/Mnras/Staa470  0.55
2020 Strawn C, Roca-Fàbrega S, Mandelker N, Primack J, Stern J, Ceverino D, Dekel A, Wang B, Dange R. O vi traces photoionized streams with collisionally ionized boundaries in cosmological simulations of z ∼ 1 massive galaxies Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 501: 4948-4967. DOI: 10.1093/mnras/staa3972  0.32
2020 Zanisi L, Huertas-Company M, Lanusse F, Bottrell C, Pillepich A, Nelson D, Rodriguez-Gomez V, Shankar F, Hernquist L, Dekel A, Margalef-Bentabol B, Vogelsberger M, Primack J. A deep learning approach to test the small-scale galaxy morphology and its relationship with star formation activity in hydrodynamical simulations Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 501: 4359-4382. DOI: 10.1093/mnras/staa3864  0.589
2020 Ginzburg O, Huertas-Company M, Dekel A, Mandelker N, Snyder G, Ceverino D, Primack J. The nature of giant clumps in high-z discs: a deep-learning comparison of simulations and observations Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 501: 730-746. DOI: 10.1093/mnras/staa3778  0.493
2020 Luo Y, Faber SM, Rodríguez-Puebla A, Woo J, Guo Y, Koo DC, Primack JR, Chen Z, Yesuf HM, Lin L, Barro G, Fang JJ, Pandya V, Huertas-Company M, Mao S. Structural and stellar-population properties versus bulge types in Sloan Digital Sky Survey central galaxies Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 493: 1686-1707. DOI: 10.1093/Mnras/Staa328  0.729
2020 Huertas-Company M, Guo Y, Ginzburg O, Lee CT, Mandelker N, Metter M, Primack JR, Dekel A, Ceverino D, Faber SM, Koo DC, Koekemoer A, Snyder G, Giavalisco M, Zhang H. Stellar masses of giant clumps in CANDELS and simulated galaxies using machine learning Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 499: 814-835. DOI: 10.1093/mnras/staa2777  0.594
2020 Dekel A, Lapiner S, Ginzburg O, Freundlich J, Jiang F, Finish B, Kretschmer M, Lin D, Ceverino D, Primack J, Giavalisco M, Ji Z. Origin of star-forming rings around massive centres in massive galaxies at z < 4 Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 496: 5372-5398. DOI: 10.1093/Mnras/Staa1713  0.536
2019 Kim J, Wise JH, Abel T, Jo Y, Primack JR, Hopkins PF. High-redshift Galaxy Formation with Self-consistently Modeled Stars and Massive Black Holes: Stellar Feedback and Quasar Growth The Astrophysical Journal. 887: 120. DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/Ab510B  0.577
2019 Simons RC, Kassin SA, Snyder GF, Primack JR, Ceverino D, Dekel A, Hayward CC, Mandelker N, Mantha KB, Pacifici C, Vega Adl, Wang W. Distinguishing Mergers and Disks in High-redshift Observations of Galaxy Kinematics The Astrophysical Journal. 874: 59. DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/Ab07C9  0.68
2019 Mantha KB, McIntosh DH, Ciaschi CP, Evan R, Ferguson HC, Fries LB, Guo Y, Koekemoer AM, Landry LD, McGrath EJ, Simons RC, Snyder GF, Thompson SE, Bell EF, Ceverino D, ... ... Primack JR, et al. Studying the physical properties of tidal features – I. Extracting morphological substructure in CANDELS observations and VELA simulations Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 486: 2643-2659. DOI: 10.1093/Mnras/Stz872  0.45
2019 Zhang H, Primack JR, Faber SM, Koo DC, Dekel A, Chen Z, Ceverino D, Chang Y, Fang JJ, Guo Y, Lin L, Wel Avd. The evolution of galaxy shapes in CANDELS: from prolate to discy Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 484: 5170-5191. DOI: 10.1093/Mnras/Stz339  0.768
2019 Dimauro P, Huertas-Company M, Daddi E, Pérez-González PG, Bernardi M, Caro F, Cattaneo A, Häußler B, Kuchner U, Shankar F, Barro G, Buitrago F, Faber SM, Kocevski DD, Koekemoer AM, ... ... Primack J, et al. The structural properties of classical bulges and discs from z ∼ 2 Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 489: 4135-4154. DOI: 10.1093/Mnras/Stz2421  0.758
2019 Pandya V, Primack J, Behroozi P, Dekel A, Zhang H, Eckholm E, Faber SM, Ferguson HC, Giavalisco M, Guo Y, Hathi N, Kodra D, Koekemoer AM, Koo DC, Newman J, et al. Can intrinsic alignments of elongated low-mass galaxies be used to map the cosmic web at high redshift? Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 488: 5580-5593. DOI: 10.1093/Mnras/Stz2129  0.856
2019 Jiang F, Dekel A, Kneller O, Lapiner S, Ceverino D, Primack JR, Faber SM, Macciò AV, Dutton AA, Genel S, Somerville RS. Is the dark-matter halo spin a predictor of galaxy spin and size? Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 488: 4801-4815. DOI: 10.1093/Mnras/Stz1952  0.719
2019 Dekel A, Sarkar KC, Jiang F, Bournaud F, Krumholz MR, Ceverino D, Primack JR. The global star formation law by supernova feedback Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 488: 4753-4778. DOI: 10.1093/Mnras/Stz1919  0.477
2019 Roca-Fàbrega S, Dekel A, Faerman Y, Gnat O, Strawn C, Ceverino D, Primack J, Macciò AV, Dutton AA, Prochaska JX, Stern J. CGM properties in VELA and NIHAO simulations; the OVI ionization mechanism: dependence on redshift, halo mass, and radius Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 484: 3625-3645. DOI: 10.1093/mnras/stz063  0.401
2019 Goh T, Primack J, Lee CT, Aragon-Calvo M, Hellinger D, Behroozi P, Rodriguez-Puebla A, Eckholm E, Johnston K. Dark matter halo properties versus local density and cosmic web location Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 483: 2101-2122. DOI: 10.1093/Mnras/Sty3153  0.794
2019 Martin DC, O’Sullivan D, Matuszewski M, Hamden E, Dekel A, Lapiner S, Morrissey P, Neill JD, Cantalupo S, Prochaska JX, Steidel C, Trainor R, Moore A, Ceverino D, Primack J, et al. Multi-filament gas inflows fuelling young star-forming galaxies Nature Astronomy. 3: 822-831. DOI: 10.1038/S41550-019-0791-2  0.564
2018 Kurczynski P, Gawiser E, Acquaviva V, Bell EF, Dekel A, Mello DFd, Ferguson HC, Gardner JP, Grogin NA, Guo Y, Hopkins PF, Koekemoer AM, Koo DC, Lee S, Mobasher B, ... Primack JR, et al. Erratum: “Evolution of Intrinsic Scatter in the SFR–Stellar Mass Correlation at 0.5 < z < 3” (2016, ApJL, 820, L1) The Astrophysical Journal. 864: L42. DOI: 10.3847/2041-8213/Aadc65  0.376
2018 Huertas-Company M, Primack JR, Dekel A, Koo DC, Lapiner S, Ceverino D, Simons RC, Snyder GF, Bernardi M, Chen Z, Domínguez-Sánchez H, Lee CT, Margalef-Bentabol B, Tuccillo D. Deep Learning Identifies High-z Galaxies in a Central Blue Nugget Phase in a Characteristic Mass Range The Astrophysical Journal. 858: 114. DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/Aabfed  0.61
2018 Fang JJ, Faber SM, Koo DC, Rodríguez-Puebla A, Guo Y, Barro G, Behroozi P, Brammer G, Chen Z, Dekel A, Ferguson HC, Gawiser E, Giavalisco M, Kartaltepe J, Kocevski DD, ... ... Primack JR, et al. Demographics of Star-forming Galaxies since z ∼ 2.5. I. The UVJ Diagram in CANDELS The Astrophysical Journal. 858: 100. DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/Aabcba  0.85
2018 Guo Y, Rafelski M, Bell EF, Conselice CJ, Dekel A, Faber SM, Giavalisco M, Koekemoer AM, Koo DC, Lu Y, Mandelker N, Primack JR, Ceverino D, de Mello DF, Ferguson HC, et al. Clumpy Galaxies in CANDELS. II. Physical Properties of UV-bright Clumps at 0.5 ≤z< 3 The Astrophysical Journal. 853: 108. DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/Aaa018  0.75
2018 Topping MW, Shapley AE, Steidel CC, Naoz S, Primack JR. Understanding Large-scale Structure in the SSA22 Protocluster Region Using Cosmological Simulations The Astrophysical Journal. 852: 134. DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/Aa9F0F  0.419
2018 Primack J. Why Do Galaxies Start Out as Cosmic Pickles? American Scientist. 106: 288. DOI: 10.1511/2018.106.5.288  0.607
2018 Dragomir R, Rodríguez-Puebla A, Primack JR, Lee CT. Does the galaxy–halo connection vary with environment? Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 476: 741-758. DOI: 10.1093/Mnras/Sty283  0.67
2018 Lee CT, Primack JR, Behroozi P, Rodríguez-Puebla A, Hellinger D, Dekel A. Tidal stripping and post-merger relaxation of dark matter haloes: causes and consequences of mass-loss Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 481: 4038-4057. DOI: 10.1093/Mnras/Sty2538  0.775
2018 Dimauro P, Huertas-Company M, Daddi E, Pérez-González PG, Bernardi M, Barro G, Buitrago F, Caro F, Cattaneo A, Dominguez-Sánchez H, Faber SM, Häußler B, Kocevski DD, Koekemoer AM, Koo DC, ... ... Primack J, et al. A catalog of polychromatic bulge-disc decompositions of ∼17.600 galaxies in CANDELS Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 478: 5410-5426. DOI: 10.1093/Mnras/Sty1379  0.759
2018 Tejos N, Rodríguez-Puebla A, Primack JR. Stochastic Order Redshift Technique (SORT): a simple, efficient and robust method to improve cosmological redshift measurements Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 473: 366-379. DOI: 10.1093/Mnras/Stx2317  0.442
2017 Barro G, Kriek M, Pérez-González PG, Diaz-Santos T, Price SH, Rujopakarn W, Pandya V, Koo DC, Faber SM, Dekel A, Primack JR, Kocevski DD. Spatially Resolved Kinematics in the Central 1 kpc of a Compact Star-forming Galaxy at z ∼ 2.3 from ALMA CO Observations The Astrophysical Journal. 851: L40. DOI: 10.3847/2041-8213/Aa9F0D  0.649
2017 Kocevski DD, Barro G, Faber SM, Dekel A, Somerville RS, Young JA, Williams CC, McIntosh DH, Georgakakis A, Hasinger G, Nandra K, Civano F, Alexander DM, Almaini O, Conselice CJ, ... ... Primack JR, et al. CANDELS: Elevated Black Hole Growth in the Progenitors of Compact Quiescent Galaxies atz∼ 2 The Astrophysical Journal. 846: 112. DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/Aa8566  0.647
2017 Simons RC, Kassin SA, Weiner BJ, Faber SM, Trump JR, Heckman TM, Koo DC, Pacifici C, Primack JR, Snyder GF, Vega Adl. z∼ 2: An Epoch of Disk Assembly The Astrophysical Journal. 843: 46. DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/Aa740C  0.748
2017 Barro G, Faber SM, Koo DC, Dekel A, Fang JJ, Trump JR, Pérez-González PG, Pacifici C, Primack JR, Somerville RS, Yan H, Guo Y, Liu F, Ceverino D, Kocevski DD, et al. Structural and Star-forming Relations sincez∼ 3: Connecting Compact Star-forming and Quiescent Galaxies The Astrophysical Journal. 840: 47. DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/Aa6B05  0.738
2017 Ceverino D, Primack J, Dekel A, Kassin SA. Formation and settling of a disc galaxy during the last 8 billion years in a cosmological simulation Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 467: 2664-2672. DOI: 10.1093/Mnras/Stx289  0.655
2017 Somerville RS, Behroozi P, Pandya V, Dekel A, Faber SM, Fontana A, Koekemoer AM, Koo DC, Pérez-González PG, Primack JR, Santini P, Taylor EN, van der Wel A. The relationship between galaxy and dark matter halo size from z ∼ 3 to the present Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 473: 2714-2736. DOI: 10.1093/Mnras/Stx2040  0.764
2017 Pandya V, Brennan R, Somerville RS, Choi E, Barro G, Wuyts S, Taylor EN, Behroozi P, Kirkpatrick A, Faber SM, Primack J, Koo DC, McIntosh DH, Kocevski D, Bell EF, et al. The nature of massive transition galaxies in CANDELS, GAMA and cosmological simulations Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 472: 2054-2084. DOI: 10.1093/Mnras/Stx2027  0.863
2017 Rodríguez-Puebla A, Primack JR, Avila-Reese V, Faber SM. Constraining the galaxy–halo connection over the last 13.3 Gyr: star formation histories, galaxy mergers and structural properties Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 470: 651-687. DOI: 10.1093/Mnras/Stx1172  0.773
2017 Lee CT, Primack JR, Behroozi P, Rodríguez-Puebla A, Hellinger D, Dekel A. Properties of dark matter haloes as a function of local environment density Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 466: 3834-3858. DOI: 10.1093/Mnras/Stw3348  0.752
2017 Mandelker N, Dekel A, Ceverino D, DeGraf C, Guo Y, Primack J. Giant clumps in simulated high-z Galaxies: properties, evolution and dependence on feedback Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 464: 635-665. DOI: 10.1093/Mnras/Stw2358  0.647
2016 Barro G, Kriek M, Pérez-González PG, Trump JR, Koo DC, Faber SM, Dekel A, Primack JR, Guo Y, Kocevski DD, Muñoz-Mateos JC, Rujoparkarn W, Seth K. SUB-KILOPARSEC ALMA IMAGING OF COMPACT STAR-FORMING GALAXIES AT z ∼ 2.5: REVEALING THE FORMATION OF DENSE GALACTIC CORES IN THE PROGENITORS OF COMPACT QUIESCENT GALAXIES The Astrophysical Journal. 827: L32. DOI: 10.3847/2041-8205/827/2/L32  0.742
2016 Kurczynski P, Gawiser E, Acquaviva V, Bell EF, Dekel A, De Mello DF, Ferguson HC, Gardner JP, Grogin NA, Guo Y, Hopkins PF, Koekemoer AM, Koo DC, Lee SK, Mobasher B, ... Primack JR, et al. EVOLUTION of INTRINSIC SCATTER in the SFR-STELLAR MASS CORRELATION at 0.5 < z < 3 Astrophysical Journal Letters. 820. DOI: 10.3847/2041-8205/820/1/L1  0.615
2016 Kim JH, Agertz O, Teyssier R, Butler MJ, Ceverino D, Choi JH, Feldmann R, Keller BW, Lupi A, Quinn T, Revaz Y, Wallace S, Gnedin NY, Leitner SN, Shen S, ... ... Primack JR, et al. The Agora High-Resolution Galaxy Simulations Comparison Project. Ii. Isolated Disk Test The Astrophysical Journal. 833: 202-202. DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/833/2/202  0.57
2016 Pacifici C, Kassin SA, Weiner BJ, Holden B, Gardner JP, Faber SM, Ferguson HC, Koo DC, Primack JR, Bell EF, Dekel A, Gawiser E, Giavalisco M, Rafelski M, Simons RC, et al. THE EVOLUTION OF STAR FORMATION HISTORIES OF QUIESCENT GALAXIES The Astrophysical Journal. 832: 79. DOI: 10.3847/0004-637X/832/1/79  0.849
2016 Guo Y, Koo DC, Lu Y, Forbes JC, Rafelski M, Trump JR, Amorín R, Barro G, Davé R, Faber SM, Hathi NP, Yesuf H, Cooper MC, Dekel A, Guhathakurta P, ... ... Primack JR, et al. STELLAR MASS-GAS-PHASE METALLICITY RELATION at 0.5 ≤ z ≤ 0.7: A POWER LAW with INCREASING SCATTER TOWARD the LOW-MASS REGIME Astrophysical Journal. 822. DOI: 10.3847/0004-637X/822/2/103  0.733
2016 Barro G, Faber SM, Dekel A, Pacifici C, Pérez-González PG, Toloba E, Koo DC, Trump JR, Inoue S, Guo Y, Liu F, Primack JR, Koekemoer AM, Brammer G, Cava A, et al. CAUGHT in the ACT: GAS and STELLAR VELOCITY DISPERSIONS in A FAST QUENCHING COMPACT STAR-FORMING GALAXY at z ∼ 1.7 Astrophysical Journal. 820. DOI: 10.3847/0004-637X/820/2/120  0.754
2016 Kawinwanichakij L, Quadri RF, Papovich C, Kacprzak GG, Labbé I, Spitler LR, Straatman CMS, Tran KVH, Allen R, Behroozi P, Cowley M, Dekel A, Glazebrook K, Hartley WG, Kelson DD, ... ... Primack J, et al. SATELLITE QUENCHING and GALACTIC CONFORMITY at 0.3 < z < 2.5 Astrophysical Journal. 817. DOI: 10.3847/0004-637X/817/1/9  0.824
2016 Tomassetti M, Dekel A, Mandelker N, Ceverino D, Lapiner S, Faber S, Kneller O, Primack J, Sai T. Evolution of galaxy shapes from prolate to oblate through compaction events Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 458: 4477-4497. DOI: 10.1093/Mnras/Stw606  0.732
2016 Tacchella S, Dekel A, Carollo CM, Ceverino D, DeGraf C, Lapiner S, Mandelker N, Primack JR. Evolution of density profiles in high-z galaxies: compaction and quenching inside-out Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 458: 242-263. DOI: 10.1093/Mnras/Stw303  0.62
2016 Brennan R, Pandya V, Somerville RS, Barro G, Bluck AFL, Taylor EN, Wuyts S, Bell EF, Dekel A, Faber S, Ferguson HC, Koekemoer AM, Kurczynski P, McIntosh DH, Newman JA, ... Primack J, et al. The relationship between star formation activity and galaxy structural properties in CANDELS and a semi-analytic model Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 465: 619-640. DOI: 10.1093/Mnras/Stw2690  0.763
2016 Peth MA, Lotz JM, Freeman PE, McPartland C, Alireza Mortazavi S, Snyder GF, Barro G, Grogin NA, Guo Y, Hemmati S, Kartaltepe JS, Kocevski DD, Koekemoer AM, McIntosh DH, Nayyeri H, ... ... Primack JR, et al. Beyond spheroids and discs: Classifications of CANDELS galaxy structure at 1.4 < z < 2 via principal component analysis Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 458: 963-987. DOI: 10.1093/Mnras/Stw252  0.642
2016 Rodríguez-Puebla A, Behroozi P, Primack J, Klypin A, Lee C, Hellinger D. Halo and subhalo demographics with Planck cosmological parameters: Bolshoi-Planck and MultiDark-Planck simulations Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 462: 893-916. DOI: 10.1093/Mnras/Stw1705  0.831
2016 Margalef-Bentabol B, Conselice CJ, Mortlock A, Hartley W, Duncan K, Ferguson HC, Dekel A, Primack JR. The formation of bulges, discs and two-component galaxies in the CANDELS Survey at z < 3 Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 461: 2728-2746. DOI: 10.1093/Mnras/Stw1451  0.656
2016 Ceverino D, Arribas S, Colina L, Pino BRD, Dekel A, Primack J. Velocities of warm galactic outflows from synthetic Hα observations of star-forming galaxies Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 460: 2731-2743. DOI: 10.1093/Mnras/Stw1195  0.562
2016 Ceverino D, Almeida JS, Tuñón CM, Dekel A, Elmegreen BG, Elmegreen DM, Primack J. Gas inflow and metallicity drops in star-forming galaxies Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 457: 2605-2612. DOI: 10.1093/Mnras/Stw064  0.548
2016 Inoue S, Dekel A, Mandelker N, Ceverino D, Bournaud F, Primack J. Non-linear violent disc instability with high Toomre's Q in high-redshift clumpy disc galaxies Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 456: 2052-2069. DOI: 10.1093/Mnras/Stv2793  0.511
2016 Rodríguez-Puebla A, Primack JR, Behroozi P, Faber SM. Is main-sequence galaxy star formation controlled by halo mass accretion? Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 455: 2592-2606. DOI: 10.1093/Mnras/Stv2513  0.861
2015 Mitchell-Wynne K, Cooray A, Gong Y, Ashby M, Dolch T, Ferguson H, Finkelstein S, Grogin N, Kocevski D, Koekemoer A, Primack J, Smidt J. Ultraviolet luminosity density of the universe during the epoch of reionization. Nature Communications. 6: 7945. PMID 26348033 DOI: 10.1038/Ncomms8945  0.598
2015 Zolotov A, Dekel A, Mandelker N, Tweed D, Inoue S, DeGraf C, Ceverino D, Primack JR, Barro G, Faber SM. Compaction and quenching of high-z galaxies in cosmological simulations: Blue and red nuggets Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 450: 2327-2353. DOI: 10.1093/Mnras/Stv740  0.733
2015 Danovich M, Dekel A, Hahn O, Ceverino D, Primack J. Four phases of angular-momentum buildup in high-z galaxies: from cosmic-web streams through an extended ring to disc and bulge Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 449: 2087-2111. DOI: 10.1093/Mnras/Stv270  0.492
2015 Ceverino D, Primack J, Dekel A. Formation of elongated galaxies with low masses at high redshift Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 453: 408-413. DOI: 10.1093/Mnras/Stv1603  0.695
2015 Snyder GF, Lotz J, Moody C, Peth M, Freeman P, Ceverino D, Primack J, Dekel A. Diverse structural evolution at z > 1 in cosmologically simulated galaxies Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 451: 4290-4310. DOI: 10.1093/Mnras/Stv1231  0.643
2015 Brennan R, Pandya V, Somerville RS, Barro G, Taylor EN, Wuyts S, Bell EF, Dekel A, Ferguson HC, McIntosh DH, Papovich C, Primack J. Quenching and morphological transformation in semi-analytic models and CANDELS Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 451: 2933-2956. DOI: 10.1093/Mnras/Stv1007  0.575
2015 Ceverino D, Dekel A, Tweed D, Primack J. Early formation of massive, compact, spheroidal galaxies with classical profiles by violent disc instability or mergers Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 447: 3291-3310. DOI: 10.1093/Mnras/Stu2694  0.643
2015 Trujillo-Gomez S, Klypin A, Colín P, Ceverino D, Arraki KS, Primack J. Low-mass galaxy assembly in simulations: regulation of early star formation by radiation from massive stars Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 446: 1140-1162. DOI: 10.1093/Mnras/Stu2037  0.652
2015 Guo Y, Ferguson HC, Bell EF, Koo DC, Conselice CJ, Giavalisco M, Kassin S, Lu Y, Lucas R, Mandelker N, McIntosh DM, Primack JR, Ravindranath S, Barro G, Ceverino D, et al. Clumpy galaxies in candels. I. the definition of UV clumps and the fraction of clumpy galaxies at 0.5 < z < 3 Astrophysical Journal. 800. DOI: 10.1088/0004-637X/800/1/39  0.762
2015 Mitchell-Wynne K, Cooray A, Gong Y, Ashby M, Dolch T, Ferguson H, Finkelstein S, Grogin N, Kocevski D, Koekemoer A, Primack J, Smidt J. Ultraviolet luminosity density of the universe during the epoch of reionization Nature Communications. 6. DOI: 10.1038/ncomms8945  0.329
2014 Ceverino D, Klypin A, Klimek ES, Trujillo-Gomez S, Churchill CW, Primack J, Dekel A. Radiative feedback and the low efficiency of galaxy formation in low-mass haloes at high redshift Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 442: 1545-1559. DOI: 10.1093/Mnras/Stu956  0.663
2014 Furniss A, Sutter PM, Primack JR, Domínguez A. A correlation between hard gamma-ray sources and cosmic voids along the line of sight Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 446: 2267-2273. DOI: 10.1093/Mnras/Stu2196  0.44
2014 Porter LA, Somerville RS, Primack JR, Croton DJ, Covington MD, Graves GJ, Faber SM. Modelling the ages and metallicities of early-type galaxies in Fundamental plane space Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 445: 3092-3104. DOI: 10.1093/Mnras/Stu1701  0.818
2014 Moody CE, Guo Y, Mandelker N, Ceverino D, Mozena M, Koo DC, Dekel A, Primack J. Star formation and clumps in cosmological galaxy simulations with radiation pressure feedback Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 444: 1389-1399. DOI: 10.1093/Mnras/Stu1534  0.614
2014 Moody CE, Romanowsky AJ, Cox TJ, Novak GS, Primack JR. Simulating multiple merger pathways to the central kinematics of early-type galaxies Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 444: 1475-1485. DOI: 10.1093/Mnras/Stu1444  0.83
2014 Porter LA, Somerville RS, Primack JR, Johansson PH. Understanding the structural scaling relations of early-type galaxies Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 444: 942-960. DOI: 10.1093/Mnras/Stu1434  0.755
2014 Mandelker N, Dekel A, Ceverino D, Tweed D, Moody CE, Primack J. The population of giant clumps in simulated high-z galaxies: In situ and ex situ migration and survival Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 443: 3675-3702. DOI: 10.1093/Mnras/Stu1340  0.675
2014 Van Der Wel A, Chang YY, Bell EF, Holden BP, Ferguson HC, Giavalisco M, Rix HW, Skelton R, Whitaker K, Momcheva I, Brammer G, Kassin SA, Martig M, Dekel A, Ceverino D, ... ... Primack J, et al. Geometry of star-forming galaxies from SDSS, 3D-HST, and candels Astrophysical Journal Letters. 792. DOI: 10.1088/2041-8205/792/1/L6  0.779
2014 Kim JH, Abel T, Agertz O, Bryan GL, Ceverino D, Christensen C, Conroy C, Dekel A, Gnedin NY, Goldbaum NJ, Guedes J, Hahn O, Hobbs A, Hopkins PF, Hummels CB, ... ... Primack JR, et al. The AGORA high-resolution galaxy simulations comparison project Astrophysical Journal, Supplement Series. 210. DOI: 10.1088/0067-0049/210/1/14  0.613
2014 Barro G, Trump JR, Koo DC, Dekel A, Kassin SA, Kocevski DD, Faber SM, Van Der Wel A, Guo Y, Pérez-González PG, Toloba E, Fang JJ, Pacifici C, Simons R, Campbell RD, ... ... Primack JR, et al. Keck-I mosfire spectroscopy of compact star-forming galaxies at z ≳ 2: High velocity dispersions in progenitors of compact quiescent galaxies Astrophysical Journal. 795. DOI: 10.1088/0004-637X/795/2/145  0.711
2014 Lu Y, Wechsler RH, Somerville RS, Croton D, Porter L, Primack J, Behroozi PS, Ferguson HC, Koo DC, Guo Y, Safarzadeh M, Finlator K, Castellano M, White CE, Sommariva V, et al. Semi-analytic models for the CANDELS survey: Comparison of predictions for intrinsic galaxy properties Astrophysical Journal. 795. DOI: 10.1088/0004-637X/795/2/123  0.841
2014 Barro G, Faber SM, Pérez-González PG, Pacifici C, Trump JR, Koo DC, Wuyts S, Guo Y, Bell E, Dekel A, Porter L, Primack J, Ferguson H, Ashby MLN, Caputi K, et al. Candels+3D-HST: Compact SFGs at z ∼ 2-3, the progenitors of the first quiescent galaxies Astrophysical Journal. 791. DOI: 10.1088/0004-637X/791/1/52  0.787
2014 Lang P, Wuyts S, Somerville RS, Schreiber NMF, Genzel R, Bell EF, Brammer G, Dekel A, Faber SM, Ferguson HC, Grogin NA, Kocevski DD, Koekemoer AM, Lutz D, McGrath EJ, ... ... Primack JR, et al. Bulge growth and quenching since z = 2.5 in candels/3D-HST Astrophysical Journal. 788. DOI: 10.1088/0004-637X/788/1/11  0.769
2014 Behroozi PS, Wechsler RH, Lu Y, Hahn O, Busha MT, Klypin A, Primack JR. Mergers and mass accretion for infalling halos both end well outside cluster virial radii Astrophysical Journal. 787. DOI: 10.1088/0004-637X/787/2/156  0.749
2014 Fumagalli M, Hennawi JF, Prochaska JX, Kasen D, Dekel A, Ceverino D, Primack J. Confronting simulations of optically thick gas in massive halos with observations at z = 2-3 Astrophysical Journal. 780. DOI: 10.1088/0004-637X/780/1/74  0.599
2013 Dekel A, Zolotov A, Tweed D, Cacciato M, Ceverino D, Primack JR. Toy models for galaxy formation versus simulations Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 435: 999-1019. DOI: 10.1093/Mnras/Stt1338  0.66
2013 Hayward CC, Behroozi PS, Somerville RS, Primack JR, Moreno J, Wechsler RH. Spatially unassociated galaxies contribute significantly to the blended submillimetre galaxy population: Predictions for follow-up observations of ALMA sources Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 434: 2572-2581. DOI: 10.1093/Mnras/Stt1202  0.715
2013 Furniss A, Williams DA, Danforth C, Fumagalli M, Prochaska JX, Primack J, Urry CM, Stocke J, Filippenko AV, Neely W. The firm redshift lower limit of the most distant TeV-detected blazar PKS 1424+240 Astrophysical Journal Letters. 768. DOI: 10.1088/2041-8205/768/2/L31  0.475
2013 Domínguez A, Finke JD, Prada F, Primack JR, Kitaura FS, Siana B, Paneque D. Detection of the Cosmic γ-Ray Horizon from Multiwavelength Observations of Blazars The Astrophysical Journal. 770: 77. DOI: 10.1088/0004-637X/770/1/77  0.397
2013 Barro G, Faber SM, Pérez-González PG, Koo DC, Williams CC, Kocevski DD, Trump JR, Mozena M, McGrath E, Van Der Wel A, Wuyts S, Bell EF, Croton DJ, Daniel C, Dekel A, ... ... Primack JR, et al. Candels: The progenitors of compact quiescent galaxies at Z ∼ 2 Astrophysical Journal. 765. DOI: 10.1088/0004-637X/765/2/104  0.752
2013 Gilmore RC, Bouvier A, Connaughton V, Goldstein A, Otte N, Primack JR, Williams DA. IACT observations of gamma-ray bursts: Prospects for the Cherenkov Telescope Array Experimental Astronomy. 35: 413-457. DOI: 10.1007/S10686-012-9316-Z  0.696
2012 Novak GS, Jonsson P, Primack JR, Cox TJ, Dekel A. On galaxies and homology Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 424: 635-648. DOI: 10.1111/J.1365-2966.2012.21242.X  0.845
2012 Kassin SA, Devriendt J, Fall SM, de Jong RS, Allgood B, Primack JR. The radius of baryonic collapse in disc galaxy formation Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 424: 502-507. DOI: 10.1111/J.1365-2966.2012.21219.X  0.879
2012 Prada F, Klypin AA, Cuesta AJ, Betancort-Rijo JE, Primack J. Halo concentrations in the standard Λ cold dark matter cosmology Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 423: 3018-3030. DOI: 10.1111/J.1365-2966.2012.21007.X  0.454
2012 Gilmore RC, Somerville RS, Primack JR, Domínguez A. Semi-analytic modelling of the extragalactic background light and consequences for extragalactic gamma-ray spectra Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 422: 3189-3207. DOI: 10.1111/J.1365-2966.2012.20841.X  0.677
2012 Somerville RS, Gilmore RC, Primack JR, Domínguez A. Galaxy properties from the ultraviolet to the far-infrared: Λ cold dark matter models confront observations Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 423: 1992-2015. DOI: 10.1111/J.1365-2966.2012.20490.X  0.816
2012 Ceverino D, Dekel A, Mandelker N, Bournaud F, Burkert A, Genzel R, Primack J. Rotational support of giant clumps in high-z disc galaxies Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 420: 3490-3520. DOI: 10.1111/J.1365-2966.2011.20296.X  0.483
2012 Primack JR. The universe in a supercomputer Ieee Spectrum. 49: 42-47. DOI: 10.1109/Mspec.2012.6309255  0.416
2012 Gilmore R, Somerville R, Primack J, Domínguez A. Gamma-ray spectra and the extragalactic background light Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 355. DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/355/1/012026  0.629
2012 Kassin SA, Weiner BJ, Faber SM, Gardner JP, Willmer CNA, Coil AL, Cooper MC, Devriendt J, Dutton AA, Guhathakurta P, Koo DC, Metevier AJ, Noeske KG, Primack JR. The epoch of disk settling: Z ∼ 1 to now Astrophysical Journal. 758. DOI: 10.1088/0004-637X/758/2/106  0.726
2011 Fumagalli M, Prochaska JX, Kasen D, Dekel A, Ceverino D, Primack JR. Absorption-line systems in simulated galaxies fed by cold streams Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 418: 1796-1821. DOI: 10.1111/J.1365-2966.2011.19599.X  0.52
2011 Covington MD, Primack JR, Porter LA, Croton DJ, Somerville RS, Dekel A. The role of dissipation in the scaling relations of cosmological merger remnants Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 415: 3135-3152. DOI: 10.1111/J.1365-2966.2011.18926.X  0.842
2011 Domínguez A, Primack JR, Rosario DJ, Prada F, Gilmore RC, Faber SM, Koo DC, Somerville RS, Pérez-Torres MA, Pérez-González P, Huang JS, Davis M, Guhathakurta P, Barmby P, Conselice CJ, et al. Extragalactic background light inferred from AEGIS galaxy-SED-type fractions Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 410: 2556-2578. DOI: 10.1111/J.1365-2966.2010.17631.X  0.861
2011 Cuesta AJ, Jeltema TE, Zandanel F, Profumo S, Prada F, Yepes G, Klypin A, Hoffman Y, Gottlöber S, Primack J, Sánchez-Conde MA, Pfrommer C. Dark matter decay and annihilation in the local universe: CLUES from Fermi Astrophysical Journal Letters. 726. DOI: 10.1088/2041-8205/726/1/L6  0.44
2011 Koekemoer AM, Faber SM, Ferguson HC, Grogin NA, Kocevski DD, Koo DC, Lai K, Lotz JM, Lucas RA, McGrath EJ, Ogaz S, Rajan A, Riess AG, Rodney SA, Strolger L, ... ... Primack JR, et al. Candels: The cosmic assembly near-infrared deep extragalactic legacy survey - The hubble space telescope observations, imaging data products, and mosaics Astrophysical Journal, Supplement Series. 197. DOI: 10.1088/0067-0049/197/2/36  0.606
2011 Grogin NA, Kocevski DD, Faber SM, Ferguson HC, Koekemoer AM, Riess AG, Acquaviva V, Alexander DM, Almaini O, Ashby MLN, Barden M, Bell EF, Bournaud F, Brown TM, Caputi KI, ... ... Primack JR, et al. Candels: The Cosmic Assembly Near-infrared Deep Extragalactic Legacy Survey Astrophysical Journal, Supplement Series. 197. DOI: 10.1088/0067-0049/197/2/35  0.703
2011 Busha MT, Wechsler RH, Behroozi PS, Gerke BF, Klypin AA, Primack JR. Statistics of satellite galaxies around milky-way-like hosts Astrophysical Journal. 743. DOI: 10.1088/0004-637X/743/2/117  0.765
2011 Busha MT, Marshall PJ, Wechsler RH, Klypin A, Primack J. The mass distribution and assembly of the milky way from the properties of the magellanic clouds Astrophysical Journal. 743. DOI: 10.1088/0004-637X/743/1/40  0.712
2011 Lotz JM, Jonsson P, Cox TJ, Croton D, Primack JR, Somerville RS, Stewart K. The major and minor galaxy merger rates at z < 1.5 Astrophysical Journal. 742. DOI: 10.1088/0004-637X/742/2/103  0.798
2011 Trujillo-Gomez S, Klypin A, Primack J, Romanowsky AJ. Galaxies In Λcdm With Halo Abundance Matching: Luminosity-Velocity Relation, Baryonic Mass-Velocity Relation, Velocity Function, And Clustering The Astrophysical Journal. 742: 16. DOI: 10.1088/0004-637X/742/1/16  0.614
2011 Klypin AA, Trujillo-Gomez S, Primack J. DARK MATTER HALOS IN THE STANDARD COSMOLOGICAL MODEL: RESULTS FROM THE BOLSHOI SIMULATION The Astrophysical Journal. 740: 102. DOI: 10.1088/0004-637X/740/2/102  0.368
2011 Primack JR, Domínguez A, Gilmore RC, Somerville RS. Extragalactic background light and gamma-ray attenuation Aip Conference Proceedings. 1381: 72-83. DOI: 10.1063/1.3635825  0.808
2011 Gilmore RC, Primack JR, Bouvier A, Otte AN. Catching GRBs with atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes Aip Conference Proceedings. 1358: 213-216. DOI: 10.1063/1.3621774  0.668
2010 Primack J. Hidden Growth of Supermassive Black Holes in Galaxy Mergers Science. 328: 576-578. PMID 20431002 DOI: 10.1126/Science.1189695  0.618
2010 Pierce CM, Lotz JM, Salim S, Laird ES, Coil AL, Bundy K, Willmer CNA, Rosario DJV, Primack JR, Faber SM. Host galaxy colour gradients and accretion disc obscuration in AEGIS z ~ 1 X-ray-selected active galactic nuclei Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 408: 139-156. DOI: 10.1111/J.1365-2966.2010.17136.X  0.793
2010 Goerdt T, Dekel A, Sternberg A, Ceverino D, Teyssier R, Primack JR. Gravity-driven Lyα blobs from cold streams into galaxies Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 407: 613-631. DOI: 10.1111/J.1365-2966.2010.16941.X  0.606
2010 Pierce CM, Lotz JM, Primack JR, Rosario DJV, Griffith RL, Conselice CJ, Faber SM, Koo DC, Coil AL, Salim S, Koekemoer AM, Laird ES, Ivison RJ, Yan R. The effects of an active galactic nucleus on host galaxy colour and morphology measurements Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 405: 718-734. DOI: 10.1111/J.1365-2966.2010.16502.X  0.821
2010 Lotz JM, Jonsson P, Cox TJ, Primack JR. The effect of gas fraction on the morphology and time-scales of disc galaxy mergers Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 404: 590-603. DOI: 10.1111/J.1365-2966.2010.16269.X  0.5
2010 Lotz JM, Jonsson P, Cox TJ, Primack JR. The effect of mass ratio on the morphology and time-scales of disc galaxy mergers Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 404: 575-589. DOI: 10.1111/J.1365-2966.2010.16268.X  0.646
2010 Gilmore RC, Prada F, Primack J. Modelling gamma-ray burst observations by Fermi and MAGIC including attenuation due to diffuse background light Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 402: 565-574. DOI: 10.1111/J.1365-2966.2009.15909.X  0.729
2010 Covington MD, Kassin SA, Dutton AA, Weiner BJ, Cox TJ, Jonsson P, Primack JR, Faber SM, Koo DC. Evolution of the stellar mass Tully-fisher relation in disk galaxy merger simulations Astrophysical Journal. 710: 279-288. DOI: 10.1088/0004-637X/710/1/279  0.853
2010 Jonsson P, Primack JR. Accelerating dust temperature calculations with graphics-processing units New Astronomy. 15: 509-514. DOI: 10.1016/J.Newast.2009.12.008  0.368
2009 Abdo AA, Ackermann M, Ajello M, Anderson B, Atwood WB, Axelsson M, Baldini L, Ballet J, Barbiellini G, Baring MG, Bastieri D, Baughman BM, Bechtol K, Bellazzini R, Berenji B, ... ... Primack JR, et al. Detection of 16 gamma-ray pulsars through blind frequency searches using the Fermi LAT. Science (New York, N.Y.). 325: 840-4. PMID 19574346 DOI: 10.1126/Science.1175558  0.417
2009 Gilmore RC, Madau P, Primack JR, Somerville RS, Haardt F. GeV gamma-ray attenuation and the high-redshift UV background Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 399: 1694-1708. DOI: 10.1111/J.1365-2966.2009.15392.X  0.771
2009 Primack JR. Cosmology: small-scale issues New Journal of Physics. 11: 105029. DOI: 10.1088/1367-2630/11/10/105029  0.594
2009 Primack JR. Dark Matter and Galaxy Formation Arxiv: Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics. 1192: 101-137. DOI: 10.1063/1.3274198  0.622
2009 Primack JR, Gilmore RC, Somerville RS. Diffuse extragalactic background radiation Aip Conference Proceedings. 1085: 71-82. DOI: 10.1063/1.3076779  0.574
2009 Gilmore RC, Madau P, Primack JR, Somerville RS. Modeling gamma-ray attenuation in high redshift GeV spectra Aip Conference Proceedings. 1085: 577-580. DOI: 10.1063/1.3076738  0.677
2008 Lotz JM, Jonsson P, Cox TJ, Primack JR. Galaxy merger morphologies and time-scales from simulations of equal-mass gas-rich disc mergers Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 391: 1137-1162. DOI: 10.1111/J.1365-2966.2008.14004.X  0.635
2008 Georgakakis A, Nandra K, Yan R, Willner SP, Lotz JM, Pierce CM, Cooper MC, Laird ES, Koo DC, Barmby P, Newman JA, Primack JR, Coil AL. The role of AGN in the colour transformation of galaxies at redshifts z ≈ 1 Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 385: 2049-2060. DOI: 10.1111/J.1365-2966.2008.12962.X  0.793
2008 Cox TJ, Jonsson P, Somerville RS, Primack JR, Dekel A. The effect of galaxy mass ratio on merger-driven starbursts Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 384: 386-409. DOI: 10.1111/J.1365-2966.2007.12730.X  0.675
2008 Covington M, Dekel A, Cox TJ, Jonsson P, Primack JR. Predicting the properties of the remnants of dissipative galaxy mergers Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 384: 94-106. DOI: 10.1111/J.1365-2966.2007.12601.X  0.811
2008 Rocha M, Jonsson P, Primack JR, Cox TJ. Dust attenuation in hydrodynamic simulations of spiral galaxies Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 383: 1281-1291. DOI: 10.1111/J.1365-2966.2007.12431.X  0.59
2008 Bundy K, Georgakakis A, Nandra K, Ellis RS, Conselice CJ, Laird E, Coil A, Cooper MC, Faber SM, Newman JA, Pierce CM, Primack JR, Yan R. Aegis: New evidence linking active galactic nuclei to the quenching of star formation Astrophysical Journal. 681: 931-943. DOI: 10.1086/588719  0.809
2008 Lotz JM, Davis M, Faber SM, Guhathakurta P, Gwyn S, Huang J, Koo DC, Floc'H EL, Lin L, Newman J, Noeske K, Papovich C, Willmer CNA, Coil A, Conselice CJ, ... ... Primack J, et al. The evolution of galaxy mergers and morphology at z < 1.2 in the extended groth strip Astrophysical Journal. 672: 177-197. DOI: 10.1086/523659  0.755
2007 Flores RA, Allgood B, Kravtsov AV, Primack JR, Buote DA, Bullock JS. The shape of galaxy cluster dark matter haloes: systematics of its imprint on cluster gas and comparison to observations Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 377: 883-896. DOI: 10.1111/J.1365-2966.2007.11658.X  0.835
2007 Noeske KG, Faber SM, Weiner BJ, Koo DC, Primack JR, Dekel A, Papovich C, Conselice CJ, Le Floc'h E, Rieke GH, Coil AL, Lotz JM, Somerville RS, Bundy K. Star formation in AEGIS field galaxies since z = 1.1: Staged galaxy formation and a model of mass-dependent gas exhaustion Astrophysical Journal. 660: L47-L50. DOI: 10.1086/517927  0.775
2007 Noeske KG, Weiner BJ, Faber SM, Papovich C, Koo DC, Somerville RS, Bundy K, Conselice CJ, Newman JA, Schiminovich D, Le Floc'h E, Coil AL, Rieke GH, Lotz JM, Primack JR, et al. Star formation in AEGIS field galaxies since z = 1.1: The dominance of gradually declining star formation, and the main sequence of star-forming galaxies Astrophysical Journal. 660: L43-L46. DOI: 10.1086/517926  0.72
2007 Pierce CM, Lotz JM, Laird ES, Lin L, Nandra K, Primack JR, Faber SM, Barmby P, Park SQ, Willner SP, Gwyn S, Koo DC, Coil AL, Cooper MC, Georgakakis A, et al. AEGIS: Host galaxy morphologies of X-ray-selected and infrared-selected active galactic nuclei at 0.2 ≤ z < 1.2 Astrophysical Journal. 660: L19-L22. DOI: 10.1086/517922  0.766
2007 Primack JR. Precision Cosmology: Successes and Challenges Arxiv: Astrophysics. 173: 1-5. DOI: 10.1016/J.Nuclphysbps.2007.08.152  0.464
2006 Cox TJ, Jonsson P, Primack JR, Somerville RS. Feedback in simulations of disc-galaxy major mergers Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 373: 1013-1038. DOI: 10.1111/J.1365-2966.2006.11107.X  0.646
2006 Allgood B, Flores RA, Primack JR, Kravtsov AV, Wechsler RH, Faltenbacher A, Bullock JS. The shape of dark matter haloes: Dependence on mass, redshift, radius and formation Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 367: 1781-1796. DOI: 10.1111/J.1365-2966.2006.10094.X  0.853
2006 Novak GS, Cox TJ, Primack JR, Jonsson P, Dekel A. Shapes of stellar systems and dark halos from simulations of galaxy major mergers Astrophysical Journal. 646: L9-L12. DOI: 10.1086/506605  0.869
2006 Lotz JM, Madau P, Giavalisco M, Primack J, Ferguson HC. The rest-frame far-ultraviolet morphologies of star-forming galaxies at z ∼ 1.5 and 4 Astrophysical Journal. 636: 592-609. DOI: 10.1086/497950  0.672
2006 Jonsson P, Cox TJ, Primack JR, Somerville RS. Simulations of dust in interacting galaxies. I. Dust attenuation Astrophysical Journal. 637: 255-268. DOI: 10.1086/497567  0.642
2006 Novak GS, Cox TJ, Primack JR, Jonsson P, Dekel A. Shapes of luminous and dark matter in hydrodynamic simulations of galaxy mergers Eas Publications Series. 20: 293-294. DOI: 10.1051/Eas:2006096  0.842
2005 Dekel A, Stoehr F, Mamon GA, Cox TJ, Novak GS, Primack JR. Lost and found dark matter in elliptical galaxies. Nature. 437: 707-10. PMID 16193046 DOI: 10.1038/Nature03970  0.866
2005 Primack J. Modern Cosmology And Some Implications For Religion Faith and Philosophy. 22: 615-621. DOI: 10.5840/Faithphil200522522  0.388
2005 Kuhlen M, Strigari LE, Zentner AR, Bullock JS, Primack JR. Dark energy and dark matter haloes Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 357: 387-400. DOI: 10.1111/J.1365-2966.2005.08663.X  0.647
2005 Primack JR, Bullock JS, Somerville RS. Observational gamma-ray cosmology Aip Conference Proceedings. 745: 23-33. DOI: 10.1063/1.1878394  0.735
2005 Primack JR. Precision cosmology New Astronomy Reviews. 49: 25-34. DOI: 10.1016/j.newar.2005.01.039  0.324
2004 Gnedin OY, Primack JR. Dark matter profile in the galactic center. Physical Review Letters. 93: 061302. PMID 15323617 DOI: 10.1103/Physrevlett.93.061302  0.517
2004 Tasitsiomi A, Kravtsov AV, Wechsler RH, Primack JR. Modeling galaxy-mass correlations in dissipationless simulations Astrophysical Journal. 614: 533-546. DOI: 10.1086/423784  0.796
2004 El-Zant AA, Hoffman Y, Primack J, Combes F, Shlosman I. Flat-cored dark matter in cuspy clusters of galaxies Astrophysical Journal. 607. DOI: 10.1086/421938  0.549
2004 Cox TJ, Primack J, Jonsson P, Somerville RS. Generating hot gas in simulations of disk-galaxy major mergers Astrophysical Journal. 607. DOI: 10.1086/421905  0.723
2004 Lotz JM, Primack J, Madau P. A new nonparametric approach to galaxy morphological classification Astronomical Journal. 128: 163-182. DOI: 10.1086/421849  0.567
2004 Kravtsov AV, Berlind AA, Wechsler RH, Klypin AA, Gottlöber S, Allgood B, Primack JR. The dark side of the halo occupation distribution Astrophysical Journal. 609: 35-49. DOI: 10.1086/420959  0.866
2004 Primack JR. The Origin and Distribution of Angular Momentum in Galaxies Symposium - International Astronomical Union. 220: 467-476. DOI: 10.1017/S0074180900183846  0.504
2004 Primack JR. Summary talk: How serious are the problems faced by CDM: cusps, thin disks, and halo substructure Symposium - International Astronomical Union. 220: 53-59. DOI: 10.1017/S0074180900182877  0.354
2003 Maller AH, Prochaska JX, Somerville RS, Primack JR. Damped Lyman alpha systems and galaxy formation models - II. High ions and Lyman-limit systems Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 343: 268-278. DOI: 10.1046/J.1365-8711.2003.06660.X  0.43
2003 Primack JR. Status of cold dark matter cosmology Arxiv: Astrophysics. 124: 3-12. DOI: 10.1016/S0920-5632(03)02071-1  0.595
2002 Vitvitska M, Klypin AA, Kravtsov AV, Wechsler RH, Primack JR, Bullock JS. The origin of angular momentum in dark matter halos Astrophysical Journal. 581: 799-809. DOI: 10.1086/344361  0.809
2002 Wechsler RH, Bullock JS, Primack JR, Kravtsov AV, Dekel A. Concentrations of dark halos from their assembly histories Astrophysical Journal. 568: 52-70. DOI: 10.1086/338765  0.813
2001 Primack JR, Abrams NE. Cosmic questions: an introduction. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 950: 1-16. PMID 11797741 DOI: 10.1111/J.1749-6632.2001.Tb02123.X  0.5
2001 Maller AH, Prochaska JX, Somerville RS, Primack JR. Damped Lyman alpha systems and galaxy formation models – I. The radial distribution of cold gas at high z Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 326: 1475-1488. DOI: 10.1111/J.1365-2966.2001.04697.X  0.53
2001 Bullock JS, Dekel A, Kolatt TS, Kravtsov AV, Klypin AA, Porciani C, Primack JR. A universal angular momentum profile for galactic halos Astrophysical Journal. 555: 240-257. DOI: 10.1086/321477  0.694
2001 Klypin A, Kravtsov AV, Bullock JS, Primack JR. Resolving the structure of cold dark matter halos Astrophysical Journal. 554: 903-915. DOI: 10.1086/321400  0.683
2001 Wechsler RH, Somerville RS, Bullock JS, Kolatt TS, Primack JR, Blumenthal GR, Dekel A. Galaxy formation at z ∼ 3: Constraints from spatial clustering Astrophysical Journal. 554: 85-103. DOI: 10.1086/321373  0.799
2001 Bullock JS, Dekel A, Kolatt TS, Primack JR, Somerville RS. Strong evolution in the luminosity-velocity relation at z ≳ 1? Astrophysical Journal. 550: 21-25. DOI: 10.1086/319738  0.762
2001 Bullock JS, Kolatt TS, Sigad Y, Somerville RS, Kravtsov AV, Klypin AA, Primack JR, Dekel A. Profiles of dark haloes: Evolution, scatter and environment Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 321: 559-575. DOI: 10.1046/J.1365-8711.2001.04068.X  0.739
2001 Somerville RS, Primack JR, Faber SM. The nature of high-redshift galaxies Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 320: 504-528. DOI: 10.1046/J.1365-8711.2001.03975.X  0.776
2001 Maller AH, Prochaska JX, Somerville RS, Primack JR. Damped Lyman alpha systems and galaxy formation models - I. The radial distribution of cold gas at high z Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 326: 1475-1488.  0.437
2000 Flores RA, Maller AH, Primack JR. Arc Statistics in Clusters: Galaxy Contribution The Astrophysical Journal. 535: 555-560. DOI: 10.1086/308878  0.538
2000 Maller AH, Simard L, Guhathakurta P, Hjorth J, Jaunsen AO, Flores RA, Primack JR. Breaking the Disk/Halo Degeneracy with Gravitational Lensing The Astrophysical Journal. 533: 194-202. DOI: 10.1086/308641  0.678
2000 Gonzalez AH, Williams KA, Bullock JS, Kolatt TS, Primack JR. The Velocity Function of Galaxies The Astrophysical Journal. 528: 145-155. DOI: 10.1086/308159  0.717
2000 Gonzalez AH, Williams KA, Bullock JS, Kolatt TS, Primack JR. The velocity function of galaxies Astrophysical Journal. 528: 145-155.  0.685
1999 Kolatt TS, Bullock JS, Somerville RS, Sigad Y, Jonsson P, Kravtsov AV, Klypin AA, Primack JR, Faber SM, Dekel A. Young Galaxies: What Turns Them On? The Astrophysical Journal. 523: L109-L112. DOI: 10.1086/312271  0.824
1999 Maller AH, Somerville RS, Prochaska JX, Primack JR. Making damped Lyman-α systems in semi-analytic models Arxiv: Astrophysics. 470: 102-105. DOI: 10.1063/1.58642  0.427
1999 Wechsler RH, Gross MAK, Primack JR, Blumenthal GR, Dekel A, Somerville RS. Cosmological implications of Lyman-break galaxy clustering Arxiv: Astrophysics. 470: 147-151. DOI: 10.1063/1.58596  0.719
1999 Somerville RS, Primack JR. Semi-analytic modelling of galaxy formation: The local Universe Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 310: 1087-1110. DOI: 10.1046/J.1365-8711.1999.03032.X  0.58
1999 Bullock JS, Somerville R, Macminn D, Primack JR. Constraining the IMF using TeV gamma ray absorption Astroparticle Physics. 11: 111-112. DOI: 10.1016/S0927-6505(99)00033-X  0.765
1999 Primack JR, Bullock JS, Somerville RS, MacMinn D. Probing galaxy formation with TeV gamma ray absorption Astroparticle Physics. 11: 93-102. DOI: 10.1016/S0927-6505(99)00031-6  0.659
1998 Primack JR. A Little Hot Dark Matter Matters Science. 280: 1398-1400. DOI: 10.1126/Science.280.5368.1398  0.51
1998 Wechsler RH, Gross MAK, Primack JR, Blumenthal GR, Dekel A. Implications of spikes in the redshift distribution of z ∼ 3 galaxies Astrophysical Journal. 506: 19-32. DOI: 10.1086/306229  0.715
1998 Kravtsov AV, Klypin AA, Bullock JS, Primack JR. The cores of dark matter-dominated galaxies: Theory versus observations Astrophysical Journal. 502: 48-58. DOI: 10.1086/305884  0.767
1998 Brodbeck D, Hellinger D, Nolthenius R, Primack J, Klypin A. Visualization of Cold + Hot and Cold Dark Matter Cosmologies versus CfA1 Data The Astrophysical Journal. 495: 1-8. DOI: 10.1086/305250  0.41
1998 Gross MAK, Somerville RS, Primack JR, Holtzman J, Klypin A. Cold dark matter variant cosmological models — I. Simulations and preliminary comparisons Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 301: 81-94. DOI: 10.1046/J.1365-8711.1998.01998.X  0.671
1998 Smith CC, Klypin A, Gross MAK, Primack JR, Holtzman J. Linearizing the observed power spectrum Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 297: 910-922. DOI: 10.1046/J.1365-8711.1998.01561.X  0.615
1998 Primack JR, S. Somerville R, Faber SM, Wechsler RH. The nature of high-redshift galaxies Physics Report. 307: 15-22. DOI: 10.1016/S0370-1573(98)00076-3  0.839
1998 Primack JR, S. Somerville R, Faber S, Wechsler RH. The nature of high-redshift galaxies Physics Reports. 307: 15-22. DOI: 10.1016/S0370-1573(98)00076-3  0.721
1997 Bullock JS, Primack JR. Non-Gaussian fluctuations and primordial black holes from inflation Physical Review D. 55: 7423-7439. DOI: 10.1103/Physrevd.55.7423  0.579
1997 Maller AH, Flores RA, Primack JR. Inclination Effects in Spiral Galaxy Gravitational Lensing The Astrophysical Journal. 486: 681-686. DOI: 10.1086/304558  0.625
1997 Nolthenius R, Klypin AA, Primack JR. Galaxy Groups, CDM/CHDM Cosmologies, and the Value of Ω0 The Astrophysical Journal. 480: 43-58. DOI: 10.1086/303934  0.502
1997 Ghigna S, Borgani S, Tucci M, Bonometto SA, Klypin A, Primack JR. Statistical Tests for CHDM and ΛCDM Cosmologies The Astrophysical Journal. 479: 580-591. DOI: 10.1086/303912  0.503
1997 Somerville RS, Primack J, Nolthenius R. The Small Scale Velocity Dispersion of Galaxies: A Comparison of Cosmological Simulations The Astrophysical Journal. 479: 606-615. DOI: 10.1086/303900  0.565
1997 Somerville RS, Davis M, Primack JR. A Reanalysis of Small‐Scale Velocity Dispersion in the CfA1 Survey The Astrophysical Journal. 479: 616-620. DOI: 10.1086/303899  0.54
1997 Klypin A, Nolthenius R, Primack J. Cold + Hot and Cold Dark Matter Cosmologies: Analysis of Numerical Simulations The Astrophysical Journal. 474: 533-552. DOI: 10.1086/303470  0.532
1997 Borgani S, Moscardini L, Plionis M, Górski KM, Holtzman J, Klypin A, Primack JR, Smith CC, Stompor R. Constraining the power spectrum using clusters New Astronomy. 1: 321-347. DOI: 10.1016/S1384-1076(96)00021-8  0.458
1996 Flores RA, Primack JR. Cluster Cores, Gravitational Lensing, and Cosmology The Astrophysical Journal. 457. DOI: 10.1086/309879  0.527
1996 Klypin A, Primack J, Holtzman J. Small-Scale Power Spectrum and Correlations in Lambda + Cold Dark Matter Models The Astrophysical Journal. 466: 13. DOI: 10.1086/177489  0.562
1996 Ghigna S, Bonometto SA, Guzzo L, Giovanelli R, Haynes MP, Klypin A, Primack JR. Deviations from Hierarchical Clustering in Real and Redshift Space The Astrophysical Journal. 463: 395. DOI: 10.1086/177255  0.333
1996 Primack J, Klypin A. Dark matter and cosmology: CDM with a cosmological constant (ACDM) vs. CDM with hot dark matter (CHDM) Arxiv: Astrophysics. 51: 30-38. DOI: 10.1016/S0920-5632(96)00479-3  0.55
1996 MacMinn D, Primack JR. Probing the Era of Galaxy Formation Via TeV Gamma Ray Absorption by the Near Infrared Extragalactic Background Space Science Reviews. 75: 413-422. DOI: 10.1007/Bf00195049  0.672
1995 Primack JR, Holtzman J, Klypin A, Caldwell DO. Cold + hot dark matter cosmology with m( nu micro) Physical Review Letters. 74: 2160-2163. PMID 10057858 DOI: 10.1103/Physrevlett.74.2160  0.58
1995 Fuller GM, Primack JR, Qian YZ. Do experiments and astrophysical considerations suggest an inverted neutrino mass hierarchy? Physical Review D: Particles and Fields. 52: 1288-1291. PMID 10019345 DOI: 10.1103/Physrevd.52.1288  0.36
1995 Bonometto SA, Borgani S, Ghigna S, Klypin A, Primack JR. Non-linear clustering in the cold plus hot dark matter model Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 273: 101-121. DOI: 10.1093/Mnras/273.1.101  0.548
1995 Klypin A, Borgani S, Holtzman J, Primack J. Damped Lyman-Alpha Systems versus Cold + Hot Dark Matter The Astrophysical Journal. 444: 1. DOI: 10.1086/175578  0.627
1995 Primack JR, Holtzman J, Klypin A, Caldwell DO. Cold + Hot Dark Matter Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements. 43: 133-140. DOI: 10.1016/0920-5632(95)00464-K  0.326
1994 Ghigna S, Borgani S, Bonometto SA, Guzzo L, Klypin A, Primack JR, Giovanelli R, Haynes MP. Sizes of Voids as a Test for Dark Matter Models The Astrophysical Journal. 437. DOI: 10.1086/187685  0.621
1994 Flores RA, Primack JR. Observational And Theoretical Constraints On Singular Dark Matter Halos The Astrophysical Journal. 427. DOI: 10.1086/187350  0.588
1994 Nolthenius R, Klypin A, Primack JR. Galaxy Groups in Cold + Hot Dark Matter and Cold Dark Matter Universes: Comparison with CfA Data The Astrophysical Journal. 422. DOI: 10.1086/187208  0.566
1994 Ghigna S, Borgani S, Bonometto SA, Guzzo L, Klypin A, Primack JR, Giovanelli R, Haynes MP. Sizes of voids as a test for dark matter models Astrophysical Journal. 437: L71-L74.  0.567
1993 Klypin A, Holtzman J, Primack J, Regos E. Structure formation with cold plus hot dark matter The Astrophysical Journal. 416: 1-16. DOI: 10.1086/173210  0.592
1993 Flores R, Primack JR, Blumenthal GR, Faber SM. Rotation curves from baryonic infall - Dependence on disk-to-halo ratio, initial angular momentum, and core radius, and comparison with data The Astrophysical Journal. 412: 443. DOI: 10.1086/172934  0.665
1993 Olivier SS, Primack JR, Blumenthal GR, Dekel A. Significant cluster correlations at 30 h-1 Mpc : can standard models be ruled out ? The Astrophysical Journal. 408: 17-24. DOI: 10.1086/172565  0.318
1993 Holtzman JA, Primack JR. Cluster Correlations for Cold + Hot Dark Matter and Other Models The Astrophysical Journal. 405: 428-436. DOI: 10.1086/172375  0.644
1993 Primack JR. Cosmology after COBE—Review for particle physicists Pramana. 41: 441-453. DOI: 10.1007/Bf02908101  0.557
1992 Dekel A, Blumenthal GR, Primack JR, Stanhill D. Large scale periodicity and Gaussian fluctuations Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 257: 715-730. DOI: 10.1093/Mnras/257.4.715  0.421
1991 Hodges HM, Primack JR. Strings, texture, and inflation. Physical Review D: Particles and Fields. 43: 3155-3172. PMID 10013272 DOI: 10.1103/Physrevd.43.3155  0.335
1991 Olivier SS, Blumenthal GR, Primack JR. Formation and evolution of the disc in spiral galaxies : viscous models without infall Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 252: 102-115. DOI: 10.1093/Mnras/252.1.102  0.615
1991 Lahav O, Lilje PB, Primack JR, Rees MJ. Dynamical effects of the cosmological constant Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 251: 128-136. DOI: 10.1093/Mnras/251.1.128  0.456
1991 Aftergood S, Hafemeister DW, Prilutsky OF, Primack JR, Rodionov SN. Nuclear power in space Scientific American. 264: 42-47. DOI: 10.1038/Scientificamerican0691-42  0.308
1990 Hodges HM, Blumenthal GR, Kofman LA, Primack JR. Nonstandard primordial fluctuations from a polynomial inflation potential Nuclear Physics, Section B. 335: 197-220. DOI: 10.1016/0550-3213(90)90177-F  0.396
1989 Primack JR. Ganna-ray observations of orbiting nuclear reactors. Science (New York, N.Y.). 244: 407-8. PMID 17807601 DOI: 10.1126/Science.244.4903.407  0.326
1989 Dekel A, Blumenthal GR, Primack JR, Olivier S. Projection Contamination in Cluster Catalogs: Are the Abell Redshift Sample Correlations Significant? The Astrophysical Journal. 338. DOI: 10.1086/185387  0.33
1989 Primack JR, Pinto PA, Prllutsky OF. Detection of space reactors by their gamma‐ray and positron emissions Science & Global Security. 1: 129-146. DOI: 10.1080/08929888908426327  0.338
1988 Primack JR, Seckel D, Sadoulet B. Detection of Cosmic Dark Matter Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science. 38: 751-807. DOI: 10.1146/Annurev.Ns.38.120188.003535  0.358
1988 Blumenthal GR, Dekel A, Primack JR. Very large scale structure in an open cosmology of cold dark matter and baryons The Astrophysical Journal. 326: 539-550. DOI: 10.1086/166115  0.513
1986 Blumenthal GR, Faber SM, Flores R, Primack JR. Contraction of dark matter galactic halos due to baryonic infall The Astrophysical Journal. 301: 27. DOI: 10.1086/163867  0.692
1986 Flores RA, Blumenthal GR, Dekel A, Primack JR. Is the Universe dominated by relativistic particles Nature. 323: 781-784. DOI: 10.1038/323781A0  0.567
1985 Blumenthal GR, Faber SM, Primack JR, Rees MJ. Erratum: Formation of galaxies and large-scale structure with cold dark matter Nature. 313: 72-72. DOI: 10.1038/313072A0  0.667
1984 Blumenthal GR, Faber SM, Primack JR, Rees MJ. Formation of galaxies and large-scale structure with cold dark matter Nature. 311: 517-525. DOI: 10.1038/311517A0  0.7
1982 Pagels H, Primack JR. Supersymmetry, cosmology, and new physics at teraelectronvolt energies Physical Review Letters. 48: 223-226. DOI: 10.1103/Physrevlett.48.223  0.656
1982 Sher MA, Primack JR. Absence of thermal effects on photon mass measurements Nature. 299: 187-187. DOI: 10.1038/299187B0  0.334
1982 Blumenthal GR, Pagels H, Primack JR. Galaxy formation by dissipationless particles heavier than neutrinos Nature. 299: 37-38. DOI: 10.1038/299037A0  0.797
1980 Primack JR, Sher MA. Photon mass at low temperature Nature. 288: 680-681. DOI: 10.1038/288680A0  0.324
1973 Jaffe RL, Primack JR. Production of weak-interaction bosons in high-energy proton-proton collisions Nuclear Physics. 61: 317-332. DOI: 10.1016/0550-3213(73)90367-2  0.549
1972 Primack JR, Quinn HR. Muon g-2 and other constraints on a model of weak and electromagnetic interactions without neutral currents Physical Review D. 6: 3171-3178. DOI: 10.1103/Physrevd.6.3171  0.322
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