Year |
Citation |
Score |
2017 |
An W, Lu W, Huang C, Xu X, Hogan MJ, Joshi C, Mori WB. Ion Motion Induced Emittance Growth of Matched Electron Beams in Plasma Wakefields. Physical Review Letters. 118: 244801. PMID 28665672 DOI: 10.1103/Physrevlett.118.244801 |
0.834 |
2016 |
Cobble JA, Palaniyappan S, Johnson RP, Shimada T, Huang C, Gautier DC, Clark DD, Falk K, Jung D. Laser-driven micro-Coulomb charge movement and energy conversion to relativistic electrons Physics of Plasmas. 23. DOI: 10.1063/1.4962518 |
0.463 |
2016 |
Huang C, Zeng Y, Wang Y, Meyers MD, Yi S, Albright BJ. Finite grid instability and spectral fidelity of the electrostatic Particle-In-Cell algorithm Computer Physics Communications. 207: 123-135. DOI: 10.1016/J.Cpc.2016.05.021 |
0.327 |
2015 |
Palaniyappan S, Huang C, Gautier DC, Hamilton CE, Santiago MA, Kreuzer C, Sefkow AB, Shah RC, Fernández JC. Efficient quasi-monoenergetic ion beams from laser-driven relativistic plasmas. Nature Communications. 6: 10170. PMID 26657147 DOI: 10.1038/ncomms10170 |
0.454 |
2015 |
Caldwell A, Adli E, Amorim L, Apsimon R, Argyropoulos T, Assmann R, Bachmann AM, Batsch F, Bauche J, Berglyd Olsen VK, Bernardini M, Bingham R, Biskup B, Bohl T, Bracco C, ... ... Huang C, et al. Path to AWAKE: Evolution of the concept Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section a: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. DOI: 10.1016/J.Nima.2015.12.050 |
0.325 |
2014 |
Assmann R, Bingham R, Bohl T, Bracco C, Buttenschön B, Butterworth A, Caldwell A, Chattopadhyay S, Cipiccia S, Feldbaumer E, Fonseca RA, Goddard B, Gross M, Grulke O, Gschwendtner E, ... ... Huang C, et al. Proton-driven plasma wakefield acceleration: A path to the future of high-energy particle physics Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion. 56. DOI: 10.1088/0741-3335/56/8/084013 |
0.606 |
2013 |
Huang C, Kwan TJT, Carlsten BE. Two dimensional model for coherent synchrotron radiation Physical Review Special Topics - Accelerators and Beams. 16. DOI: 10.1103/Physrevstab.16.010701 |
0.363 |
2012 |
Vieira J, Martins SF, Fiúza F, Huang CK, Mori WB, Mangles SPD, Kneip S, Nagel S, Najmudin Z, Silva LO. Influence of realistic parameters on state-of-the-art laser wakefield accelerator experiments Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion. 54. DOI: 10.1088/0741-3335/54/5/055010 |
0.594 |
2012 |
Allen B, Martins J, Silva LO, Yakimenko V, Fedurin M, Kusche K, Babzien M, Huang C, Mori W, Muggli P. Seeding of the current filamentation instability for an accelerator beam in a capillary plasma Aip Conference Proceedings. 1507: 154-159. DOI: 10.1063/1.4773688 |
0.668 |
2012 |
Palaniyappan S, Hegelich BM, Wu HC, Jung D, Gautier DC, Yin L, Albright BJ, Johnson RP, Shimada T, Letzring S, Offermann DT, Ren J, Huang C, Hörlein R, Dromey B, et al. Dynamics of relativistic transparency and optical shuttering in expanding overdense plasmas Nature Physics. 8: 763-769. DOI: 10.1038/Nphys2390 |
0.549 |
2012 |
Tzoufras M, Huang C, Cooley JH, Tsung FS, Vieira J, Mori WB. Simulations of efficient laser wakefield accelerators from 1 to 100GeV Journal of Plasma Physics. 78: 401-412. DOI: 10.1017/S0022377812000232 |
0.814 |
2012 |
Xia G, Assmann R, Fonseca RA, Huang C, Mori W, Silva LO, Vieira J, Zimmermann F, Muggli P. A proposed demonstration of an experiment of proton-driven plasma wakefield acceleration based on CERN SPS Journal of Plasma Physics. 78: 347-353. DOI: 10.1017/S0022377812000086 |
0.739 |
2012 |
Allen B, Muggli P, Martins J, Silva LO, Yakimenko V, Fedurin M, Kusche K, Babzien M, Huang C, Mori W. Experimental progress: Current filamentation instability study Ipac 2012 - International Particle Accelerator Conference 2012. 3141-3143. |
0.69 |
2011 |
Vieira J, Huang CK, Mori WB, Silva LO. Polarized beam conditioning in plasma based acceleration Physical Review Special Topics - Accelerators and Beams. 14. DOI: 10.1103/Physrevstab.14.071303 |
0.652 |
2011 |
Gholizadeh R, Katsouleas T, Huang C, Mori WB, Muggli P. Effect of temperature on ion motion in future plasma wakefield accelerators Physical Review Special Topics - Accelerators and Beams. 14. DOI: 10.1103/Physrevstab.14.021303 |
0.6 |
2011 |
Hegelich BM, Jung D, Albright BJ, Fernandez JC, Gautier DC, Huang C, Kwan TJ, Letzring S, Palaniyappan S, Shah RC, Wu HC, Yin L, Henig A, Hörlein R, Kiefer D, et al. Experimental demonstration of particle energy, conversion efficiency and spectral shape required for ion-based fast ignition Nuclear Fusion. 51. DOI: 10.1088/0029-5515/51/8/083011 |
0.487 |
2011 |
Huang CK, Albright BJ, Yin L, Wu HC, Bowers KJ, Hegelich BM, Fernndez JC. A double-foil target for improving beam quality in laser ion acceleration with thin foils Physics of Plasmas. 18. DOI: 10.1063/1.3574388 |
0.394 |
2010 |
Blumenfeld I, Clayton CE, Decker FJ, Hogan MJ, Huang C, Ischebeck R, Iverson RH, Joshi C, Katsouleas T, Kirby N, Lu W, Marsh KA, Mori WB, Muggli P, Oz E, et al. Scaling of the longitudinal electric field and transformer ratio in a nonlinear plasma wakefield accelerator Physical Review Special Topics - Accelerators and Beams. 13. DOI: 10.1103/Physrevstab.13.111301 |
0.724 |
2010 |
Gholizadeh R, Katsouleas T, Muggli P, Huang C, Mori W. Preservation of beam emittance in the presence of ion motion in future high-energy plasma-wakefield-based colliders Physical Review Letters. 104. DOI: 10.1103/Physrevlett.104.155001 |
0.68 |
2010 |
Lu W, An W, Zhou M, Joshi C, Huang C, Mori WB. The optimum plasma density for plasma wakefield excitation in the blowout regime New Journal of Physics. 12. DOI: 10.1088/1367-2630/12/8/085002 |
0.85 |
2010 |
Hogan MJ, Raubenheimer TO, Seryi A, Muggli P, Katsouleas T, Huang C, Lu W, An W, Marsh KA, Mori WB, Clayton CE, Joshi C. Plasma wakefield acceleration experiments at FACET New Journal of Physics. 12. DOI: 10.1088/1367-2630/12/5/055030 |
0.843 |
2010 |
Muggli P, Blumenfeld I, Clayton CE, Decker FJ, Hogan MJ, Huang C, Ischebeck R, Iverson RH, Joshi C, Katsouleas T, Kirby N, Lu W, Marsh KA, Mori WB, Oz E, et al. Energy gain scaling with plasma length and density in the plasma wakefield accelerator New Journal of Physics. 12. DOI: 10.1088/1367-2630/12/4/045022 |
0.802 |
2010 |
Allen B, Seyedi A, Martins J, Silva LO, Yakimenko V, Fedurin M, Kusche K, Babzien M, Huang C, Mori W, Muggli P. Simulation of Current Filamentation Instability for an accelerator beam in a capillary plasma Aip Conference Proceedings. 1299: 516-521. DOI: 10.1063/1.3520377 |
0.736 |
2010 |
Xia G, Caldwell A, Lotov K, Pukhov A, Kumar N, An W, Lu W, Mori WB, Joshi C, Huang C, Muggli P, Assmann R, Zimmermann F. Update of proton driven plasma wakefield acceleration Aip Conference Proceedings. 1299: 510-515. DOI: 10.1063/1.3520375 |
0.745 |
2010 |
An W, Lu W, Joshi C, Mori WB, Huang C, Hogan MJ, Martins SF, Silva LO. Simulations of two-bunch plasma wakefield accelerator experiments at FACET Aip Conference Proceedings. 1299: 472-477. DOI: 10.1063/1.3520367 |
0.776 |
2009 |
Clayton CE, Martins SF, Martins JL, Johnson DK, Wang S, Marsh KA, Muggli P, Hogan MJ, Walz D, Fonseca RA, Oz E, Barnes CD, O'Connell CL, Blumenfeld I, Kirby N, ... ... Huang C, et al. Towards a compact 0.1-10 MeV broadband betatron photon source Proceedings of Spie - the International Society For Optical Engineering. 7359. DOI: 10.1117/12.820782 |
0.439 |
2009 |
Muggli P, Katsouleas TC, Clayton CE, Huang C, Joshi C, Lu W, Marsh KA, Mori WB, Zhou M, Decker FJ, Hogan MJ, O'Connell CL, Siemann RH, Walz D. Differences in plasma focusing of short, relativistic electron and positron bunches Ieee International Conference On Plasma Science. DOI: 10.1109/PLASMA.2009.5227315 |
0.757 |
2009 |
Kirby N, Blumenfeld I, Clayton CE, Decker FJ, Hogan MJ, Huang C, Ischebeck R, Iverson RH, Joshi C, Katsouleas T, Lu W, Marsh KA, Martins SF, Mori WB, Muggli P, et al. Transverse emittance and current of multi-GeV trapped electrons in a plasma wakefield accelerator Physical Review Special Topics - Accelerators and Beams. 12. DOI: 10.1103/Physrevstab.12.051302 |
0.772 |
2009 |
Huang C, An W, Decyk VK, Lu W, Mori WB, Tsung FS, Tzoufras M, Morshed S, Antonsen T, Feng B, Katsouleas T, Fonseca RA, Martins SF, Vieira J, Silva LO, et al. Recent results and future challenges for large scale particle-in-cell simulations of plasma-based accelerator concepts Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 180. DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/180/1/012005 |
0.817 |
2009 |
Tzoufras M, Lu W, Tsung FS, Huang C, Mori WB, Katsouleas T, Vieira J, Fonseca RA, Silva LO. Beam loading by electrons in nonlinear plasma wakes Physics of Plasmas. 16. DOI: 10.1063/1.3118628 |
0.839 |
2009 |
Kirby N, Blumenfeld I, Clayton CE, Decker FJ, Hogan MJ, Huang C, Ischebeck R, Iverson RH, Joshi C, Katsouleas T, Lu W, Marsh KA, Martins S, Mori WB, Muggli P, et al. Emittance and current of electrons trapped in a plasma wakefield accelerator Aip Conference Proceedings. 1086: 591-596. DOI: 10.1063/1.3080974 |
0.755 |
2009 |
Blumenfeld I, Clayton CE, Decker FJ, Hogan MJ, Huang C, Ischebeck R, Iverson RH, Joshi C, Katsouleas T, Kirby N, Lu W, Marsha KA, Mori WB, Muggli P, Oz E, et al. Measurement of the decelerating wake in a plasma wakefield accelerator Aip Conference Proceedings. 1086: 569-574. DOI: 10.1063/1.3080969 |
0.783 |
2009 |
Feng B, Huang C, Decyk V, Mori WB, Hoffstaetter GH, Muggli P, Katsouleas T. Simulation of electron cloud effects on electron beam at ERL with pipelined QuickPIC Aip Conference Proceedings. 1086: 340-345. DOI: 10.1063/1.3080929 |
0.439 |
2009 |
Paul K, Huang C, Bruhwiler DL, Mori WB, Tsung FS, Cormier-Michel E, Geddes CGR, Cowan B, Cary JR, Esarey E, Fonseca RA, Martins SF, Silva LO. Benchmarking the codes VORPAL, OSIRIS, and QuickPIC with laser Wakefield acceleration simulations Aip Conference Proceedings. 1086: 315-320. DOI: 10.1063/1.3080925 |
0.531 |
2009 |
Allen B, Muggli P, Feng B, Katsouleas T, Huang C, Yakimenko V, Maksimchuk A. Simulation of weibel instability for LWFA and PWFA electron beams Aip Conference Proceedings. 1086: 291-296. DOI: 10.1063/1.3080920 |
0.6 |
2009 |
Martins SF, Vieira J, Fiúza F, Fonseca RA, Huang C, Lu W, Mori WB, Trines R, Norreys P, Silva LO. Numerical simulations of LWFA for the next generation of laser systems Aip Conference Proceedings. 1086: 285-290. DOI: 10.1063/1.3080919 |
0.356 |
2009 |
Feng B, Huang C, Decyk V, Mori WB, Muggli P, Katsouleas T. Enhancing parallel quasi-static particle-in-cell simulations with a pipelining algorithm Journal of Computational Physics. 228: 5340-5348. DOI: 10.1016/J.Jcp.2009.04.019 |
0.586 |
2009 |
Silva LO, Fiúza F, Fonseca RA, Martins JL, Martins SF, Vieira J, Huang C, Lu W, Tsung F, Tzoufras M, Mori WB. Laser electron acceleration with 10 PW lasers Comptes Rendus Physique. 10: 167-175. DOI: 10.1016/J.Crhy.2009.03.012 |
0.79 |
2008 |
Tzoufras M, Lu W, Tsung FS, Huang C, Mori WB, Katsouleas T, Vieira J, Fonseca RA, Silva LO. Beam loading in the nonlinear regime of plasma-based acceleration. Physical Review Letters. 101: 145002. PMID 18851537 DOI: 10.1103/Physrevlett.101.145002 |
0.839 |
2008 |
Muggli P, Blue BE, Clayton CE, Decker FJ, Hogan MJ, Huang C, Joshi C, Katsouleas TC, Lu W, Mori WB, O'Connell CL, Siemann RH, Walz D, Zhou M. Halo formation and emittance growth of positron beams in plasmas. Physical Review Letters. 101: 055001. PMID 18764398 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.101.055001 |
0.813 |
2008 |
Vieira J, Fiúza F, Fonseca RA, Silva LO, Huang CK, Lu W, Tzoufras M, Tsung FS, Decyk V, Mori WB, Cooley J, Antonsen T. One-to-one full-scale simulations of laser-wakefield acceleration using QuickPIC Ieee Transactions On Plasma Science. 36: 1722-1727. DOI: 10.1109/Tps.2008.927429 |
0.795 |
2008 |
Huang C, Tsung FS, Mori WB. Quasi-static particle-in-cell simulation of the plasma wakefield afterburner concept Ieee Transactions On Plasma Science. 36: 1294-1295. DOI: 10.1109/Tps.2008.924455 |
0.706 |
2008 |
Vieira JF, Martins SF, Fiúza F, Fonseca RA, Silva LO, Huang C, Lu W, Tzoufras M, Tsung F, Mori WB, Cooley J, Antonsen T. Three-dimensional structure of the laser wakefield accelerator in the blowout regime Ieee Transactions On Plasma Science. 36: 1124-1125. DOI: 10.1109/Tps.2008.922930 |
0.845 |
2008 |
Geddes CGR, Bruhwiler DL, Cary JR, Mori WB, Vay JL, Martins SF, Katsouleas T, Cormier-Michel E, Fawley WM, Huang C, Wang X, Cowan B, Decyk VK, Esarey E, Fonseca RA, et al. Computational studies and optimization of wakefield accelerators Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 125. DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/125/1/012002 |
0.79 |
2007 |
Huang C, Lu W, Zhou M, Clayton CE, Joshi C, Mori WB, Muggli P, Deng S, Oz E, Katsouleas T, Hogan MJ, Blumenfeld I, Decker FJ, Ischebeck R, Iverson RH, et al. Hosing instability in the blow-out regime for plasma-wakefield acceleration. Physical Review Letters. 99: 255001. PMID 18233526 DOI: 10.1103/Physrevlett.99.255001 |
0.744 |
2007 |
Oz E, Deng S, Katsouleas T, Muggli P, Barnes CD, Blumenfeld I, Decker FJ, Emma P, Hogan MJ, Ischebeck R, Iverson RH, Kirby N, Krejcik P, O'Connell C, Siemann RH, ... ... Huang C, et al. Ionization-induced electron trapping in ultrarelativistic plasma wakes. Physical Review Letters. 98: 084801. PMID 17359103 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.98.084801 |
0.815 |
2007 |
Blumenfeld I, Clayton CE, Decker FJ, Hogan MJ, Huang C, Ischebeck R, Iverson R, Joshi C, Katsouleas T, Kirby N, Lu W, Marsh KA, Mori WB, Muggli P, Oz E, et al. Energy doubling of 42 GeV electrons in a metre-scale plasma wakefield accelerator. Nature. 445: 741-4. PMID 17301787 DOI: 10.1038/Nature05538 |
0.847 |
2007 |
Blumenfeld I, Berry M, Decker FJ, Hogan MJ, Ischebeck R, Iverson R, Kirby N, Siemann R, Walz D, Clayton CE, Huang C, Joshi C, Lu W, Marsh KA, Mori WB, et al. Correlation of beam parameters to decelerating gradient in the E-167 plasma wakefield acceleration experiment Proceedings of the Ieee Particle Accelerator Conference. 3091-3093. DOI: 10.1109/PAC.2007.4440678 |
0.778 |
2007 |
Muggli P, Katsouleas T, Oz E, Blumenfeld I, Decker FJ, Hogan MJ, Ischebeck R, Iverson R, Kirby N, Siemann R, Walz D, Clayton CE, Huang C, Joshi C, Lu W, et al. Scaling of energy gain with plasma parameters in a plasma wakefield accelerator Proceedings of the Ieee Particle Accelerator Conference. 3076-3078. DOI: 10.1109/PAC.2007.4440673 |
0.769 |
2007 |
Zhou M, Clayton CE, Huang C, Joshi C, Lu W, Marsh KA, Mori WB, Katsouleas T, Muggli P, Oz E, Berry M, Blumenfeld I, Decker FJ, Hogan MJ, Ischebeck R, et al. Beam head erosion in self-ionized plasma wakefield accelerators Proceedings of the Ieee Particle Accelerator Conference. 3064-3066. DOI: 10.1109/PAC.2007.4440669 |
0.788 |
2007 |
Tzoufras M, Lu W, Tsung FS, Huang C, Mori WB, Vieira J, Fonseca RA, Silva LO. The physical picture of beam loading in the blowout regime Proceedings of the Ieee Particle Accelerator Conference. 3061-3063. DOI: 10.1109/PAC.2007.4440668 |
0.813 |
2007 |
Feng B, Muggli P, Katsouleas T, Decyk V, Huang C, Mori W. Long time electron cloud instability simulation using QuickPIC with pipelining algorithm Proceedings of the Ieee Particle Accelerator Conference. 3615-3617. DOI: 10.1109/PAC.2007.4440510 |
0.504 |
2007 |
Kirby N, Berry M, Blumenfeld I, Decker FJ, Hogan MJ, Ischebeck R, Iverson R, Siemann R, Walz D, Clayton CE, Huang C, Joshi C, Lu W, Marsh KA, Mori WB, et al. Emittance measurements of trapped electrons from a plasma wakefield accelerator Proceedings of the Ieee Particle Accelerator Conference. 4183-4185. DOI: 10.1109/PAC.2007.4440075 |
0.784 |
2007 |
Ischebeck R, Berry M, Blumenfeld I, Decker FJ, Hogan MJ, Iverson RH, Kirby N, Siemann RH, Walz D, Clayton CE, Huang C, Joshi C, Lu W, Marsh KA, Mori WB, et al. Energy measurement in a plasma wakefield accelerator Proceedings of the Ieee Particle Accelerator Conference. 4168-4170. DOI: 10.1109/PAC.2007.4440073 |
0.757 |
2007 |
Tsung FS, Antonsen T, Bruhwiler DL, Cary JR, Decyk VK, Esarey E, Geddes CGR, Huang C, Hakim A, Katsouleas T, Lu W, Messmer P, Mori WB, Tzoufras M, Vieira J. Three-dimensional particle-in-cell simulations of laser wakefield experiments Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 78. DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/78/1/012077 |
0.69 |
2007 |
Cary JR, Spentzouris P, Amundson J, McInnes L, Borland M, Mustapha B, Norris B, Ostroumov P, Wang Y, Fischer W, Fedotov A, Ben-Zvi I, Ryne R, Esarey E, Geddes C, ... ... Huang CK, et al. COMPASS, the COMmunity Petascale project for Accelerator Science and Simulation, a broad computational accelerator physics initiative Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 78. DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/78/1/012009 |
0.721 |
2006 |
Johnson DK, Auerbach D, Blumenfeld I, Barnes CD, Clayton CE, Decker FJ, Deng S, Emma P, Hogan MJ, Huang C, Ischebeck R, Iverson R, Joshi C, Katsouleas TC, Kirby N, et al. Positron production by x rays emitted by betatron motion in a plasma wiggler. Physical Review Letters. 97: 175003. PMID 17155479 DOI: 10.1103/Physrevlett.97.175003 |
0.795 |
2006 |
Lu W, Huang C, Zhou M, Mori WB, Katsouleas T. Nonlinear theory for relativistic plasma wakefields in the blowout regime. Physical Review Letters. 96: 165002. PMID 16712241 DOI: 10.1103/Physrevlett.96.165002 |
0.784 |
2006 |
Deng S, Barnes CD, Clayton CE, O'Connell C, Decker FJ, Fonseca RA, Huang C, Hogan MJ, Iverson R, Johnson DK, Joshi C, Katsouleas T, Krejcik P, Lu W, Mori WB, et al. Hose instability and wake generation by an intense electron beam in a self-ionized gas. Physical Review Letters. 96: 045001. PMID 16486834 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.96.045001 |
0.822 |
2006 |
O'Connell CL, Barnes CD, Decker FJ, Hogan MJ, Iverson R, Krejcik P, Siemann R, Walz DR, Clayton CE, Huang C, Johnson DK, Joshi C, Lu W, Marsh KA, Mori W, et al. Plasma production via field ionization Physical Review Special Topics - Accelerators and Beams. 9. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevSTAB.9.101301 |
0.709 |
2006 |
Bruhwiler DL, Antonsen T, Cary JR, Cooley J, Decyk VK, Esarey E, Geddes CGR, Huang C, Hakim A, Katsouleas T, Messmer P, Mori WB, Tsung FS, Vieira J, Zhou M. Towards the petascale in electromagnetic modeling of plasma-based accelerators for high-energy physics Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 46: 215-219. DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/46/1/030 |
0.656 |
2006 |
Huang C, Decyk VK, Zhou M, Lu W, Mori WB, Cooley JH, Antonsen TM, Feng B, Katsouleas T, Vieira J, Silva LO. QuickPIC: A highly efficient fully parallelized PIC code for plasma-based acceleration Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 46: 190-199. DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/46/1/026 |
0.671 |
2006 |
Kirby N, Auerbach D, Berry M, Blumenfeld I, Clayton CE, Decker FJ, Hogan MJ, Huang C, Ischebeck R, Iverson R, Johnson D, Joshi C, Katsouleas T, Lu W, Marsh KA, et al. Energy measurements of trapped electrons from a plasma wakefield accelerator Aip Conference Proceedings. 877: 541-546. DOI: 10.1063/1.2409181 |
0.813 |
2006 |
Blumenfeld I, Auerbach D, Berry M, Clayton CE, Decker FJ, Hogan MJ, Huang C, Ischebeck R, Iverson R, Johnson D, Joshi C, Katsouleas T, Kirby N, Lu W, Marsh KA, et al. Electron bunch length measurements in the E-167 plasma wakefield experiment Aip Conference Proceedings. 877: 499-503. DOI: 10.1063/1.2409175 |
0.738 |
2006 |
Vieira J, Tzoufras M, Huang C, Lu W, Zhou M, Tsung F, Decyk VK, Mori WB, Antonsen T, Cooley J, Silva LO. Modeling laser wake field acceleration with the Quasi-static PIC code QuickPIC Aip Conference Proceedings. 877: 235-240. DOI: 10.1063/1.2409140 |
0.812 |
2006 |
Feng B, Huang C, Decyk V, Mori WB, Katsouleas T, Muggli P. Enhancing plasma wakefield and E-cloud simulation performance using a pipelining algorithm Aip Conference Proceedings. 877: 201-207. DOI: 10.1063/1.2409135 |
0.567 |
2006 |
Johnson DK, Blumenfeld I, Barnes CD, Clayton CE, Decker FJ, Deng S, Emma P, Hogan MJ, Huang C, Ischebeck R, Iverson R, Joshi C, Katsouleas TC, Kirby N, Krejcik P, et al. Demonstration of a novel positron source based on a plasma wiggler Aip Conference Proceedings. 877: 71-82. DOI: 10.1063/1.2409122 |
0.725 |
2006 |
Ischebeck R, Berry M, Blumenfeld I, Clayton CE, Decker FJ, Hogan MJ, Huang C, Iverson R, Joshi C, Katsouleas T, Lu W, Marsh KA, Mori WB, Muggli P, Oz E, et al. A meter-scale plasma wakefield accelerator Aip Conference Proceedings. 877: 3-7. DOI: 10.1063/1.2409114 |
0.774 |
2006 |
Lu W, Huang C, Zhou M, Tzoufras M, Tsung FS, Mori WB, Katsouleas T. A nonlinear theory for multidimensional relativistic plasma wave wakefields Physics of Plasmas. 13. DOI: 10.1063/1.2203364 |
0.838 |
2006 |
Ghalam AZ, Katsouleas T, Decyk VK, Huang CK, Mori WB, Rumolo G, Benedetto E, Zimmermann F. Three-dimensional continuous modeling of beam-electron cloud interaction: Comparison with analytic models and predictions for the present and future circular machines Physics of Plasmas. 13. DOI: 10.1063/1.2198792 |
0.616 |
2006 |
Huang C, Decyk VK, Ren C, Zhou M, Lu W, Mori WB, Cooley JH, Antonsen TM, Katsouleas T. QUICKPIC: A highly efficient particle-in-cell code for modeling wakefield acceleration in plasmas Journal of Computational Physics. 217: 658-679. DOI: 10.1016/J.Jcp.2006.01.039 |
0.779 |
2005 |
Hogan MJ, Barnes CD, Clayton CE, Decker FJ, Deng S, Emma P, Huang C, Iverson RH, Johnson DK, Joshi C, Katsouleas T, Krejcik P, Lu W, Marsh KA, Mori WB, et al. Multi-GeV energy gain in a plasma-wakefield accelerator. Physical Review Letters. 95: 054802. PMID 16090883 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.95.054802 |
0.778 |
2005 |
Ischebeck R, Barnes C, Blumenfeld I, Decker FJ, Hogan M, Iverson RH, Krejcik P, Siemann RH, Walz D, Kirby N, Clayton C, Huang C, Johnson DK, Lu W, Marsh K, et al. Bunch length measurements using coherent radiation Proceedings of the Ieee Particle Accelerator Conference. 2005: 4027-4029. DOI: 10.1109/PAC.2005.1591705 |
0.411 |
2005 |
Oz E, Deng S, Katsouleas T, Muggli P, Barnes CD, Decker FJ, Hogan MJ, Iverson R, Johnson DK, Krejcik P, O'Connell C, Siemann RH, Walz D, Clayton CE, Huang C, et al. Plasma dark current in self-ionized plasma wake field accelerators Proceedings of the Ieee Particle Accelerator Conference. 2005: 3444-3446. DOI: 10.1109/PAC.2005.1591499 |
0.781 |
2005 |
Zhou M, Clayton CE, Decyk VK, Huang C, Johnson DK, Joshi C, Lu W, Mori WB, Tsung FS, Deng S, Katsouleas T, Muggli P, Oz E, Decker FJ, Iverson R, et al. Modeling self-ionized plasma wakefield acceleration for afterburner parameters using QuickPIC Proceedings of the Ieee Particle Accelerator Conference. 2005: 2905-2907. DOI: 10.1109/PAC.2005.1591309 |
0.672 |
2005 |
Marsh KA, Clayton CE, Johnson DK, Huang C, Joshi C, Lu W, Mori WB, Zhou M, Barnes CD, Decker FJ, Hogan MJ, Iverson R, Krejcik P, O'Connell CL, Siemann R, et al. Beam matching to a plasma wake field accelerator using a ramped density profile at the plasma boundary Proceedings of the Ieee Particle Accelerator Conference. 2005: 2702-2704. DOI: 10.1109/PAC.2005.1591234 |
0.712 |
2005 |
O'Connell CL, Barnes CD, Decker FJ, Hogan MJ, Iverson R, Krejcik P, Siemann R, Walz DR, Deng S, Katsouleas T, Muggli P, Oz E, Clayton CE, Huang C, Johnson DK, et al. Field ionization of neutral lithium vapor using a 28.5 GeV electron beam Proceedings of the Ieee Particle Accelerator Conference. 2005: 1904-1906. DOI: 10.1109/PAC.2005.1590952 |
0.775 |
2005 |
Barnes CD, Decker FJ, Emma P, Hogan MJ, Iverson R, Krejcik P, O'Cornell CL, Siemann R, Walz D, Clayton CE, Huang C, Johnson DK, Joshi C, Lu W, Marsh KA, et al. Determination of longitudinal phase space in SLAC main accelerator beams Proceedings of the Ieee Particle Accelerator Conference. 2005: 1856-1858. DOI: 10.1109/PAC.2005.1590936 |
0.482 |
2005 |
Johnson DK, Clayton CE, Huang C, Joshi C, Lu W, Marsh KA, Mori W, Zhou M, Barnes CD, Decker FJ, Hogan MJ, Iverson R, Krejcik P, O'Connell C, Siemann R, et al. Positron source from betatron X-rays emitted in a plasma wiggler Proceedings of the Ieee Particle Accelerator Conference. 2005: 1625-1627. DOI: 10.1109/PAC.2005.1590857 |
0.765 |
2005 |
Ghalam AZ, Katsouleas T, Decyk VK, Huang CK, Mori WB, Rumolo G, Benedetto E, Zimmermann F. 3D Parallel simulation model of continuous beam electron cloud interactions Proceedings of the Ieee Particle Accelerator Conference. 2005: 549-551. DOI: 10.1109/PAC.2005.1590491 |
0.444 |
2005 |
Mori WB, Tsung FS, Huang C, Zhou M, Lu W, Tzoufras M, Decyk VK, Bruhwiler DL, Cary JR, Messmer P, Dimitrov DA, Nieter C, Katsouleas T, Deng S, Ghalam A, et al. Advanced accelerator simulation research: Miniaturizing accelerators from kilometers to meters Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 16: 184-194. DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/16/1/025 |
0.739 |
2005 |
Lu W, Huang C, Zhou MM, Mori WB, Katsouleas T. Limits of linear plasma wakefield theory for electron or positron beams Physics of Plasmas. 12: 1-8. DOI: 10.1063/1.1905587 |
0.704 |
2004 |
Muggli P, Blue BE, Clayton CE, Deng S, Decker FJ, Hogan MJ, Huang C, Iverson R, Joshi C, Katsouleas TC, Lee S, Lu W, Marsh KA, Mori WB, O'Connell CL, et al. Meter-scale plasma-wakefield accelerator driven by a matched electron beam Physical Review Letters. 93: 014802-1. DOI: 10.1103/Physrevlett.93.014802 |
0.808 |
2004 |
Oz E, Deng S, Katsouleas T, Muggli P, Barnes CD, O'Connell C, Decker FJ, Emma P, Hogan MJ, Iverson R, Krejcik P, Siemann RH, Walz D, Clayton CE, Huang C, et al. Plasma light diagnostic for PWFA at SLAC Ieee International Conference On Plasma Science. 400. |
0.703 |
2004 |
Clayton CE, Filip CV, Joshi C, Marsh KA, Musumeci P, Narang R, Pellegrini C, Rosenzweig JB, Tochitsky SY, Yoder RB, Barnes CD, Blue BE, Decker FJ, Deng S, Emma P, ... ... Huang C, et al. Plasma accelerators in the 1000 GHz regime; Electromagnetic-beat- And beam-driven structures Ieee International Conference On Plasma Science. 156. |
0.688 |
2004 |
Blue BE, Muggli P, Hogan MJ, O'Connell CL, Marsh KA, Decker FJ, Huang C, Iverson R, Clayton CE, Joshi C. WAKE generation and energy transfer relating to the transport of intense relativistic particle beams in an underdense plasma Inertial Fusion Sciences and Applications 2003. 268-271. |
0.562 |
2003 |
Deng S, Barnes CD, Clayton CE, O'Connell C, Decker FJ, Erdem O, Fonseca RA, Huang C, Hogan MJ, Iverson R, Johnson DK, Joshi C, Katsouleas T, Krejcik P, Lu W, et al. Plasma wakefield acceleration in self-ionized gas or plasmas. Physical Review. E, Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 68: 047401. PMID 14683089 DOI: 10.1103/Physreve.68.047401 |
0.744 |
2003 |
Blue BE, Clayton CE, O'Connell CL, Decker FJ, Hogan MJ, Huang C, Iverson R, Joshi C, Katsouleas TC, Lu W, Marsh KA, Mori WB, Muggli P, Siemann R, Walz D. Plasma-wakefield acceleration of an intense positron beam. Physical Review Letters. 90: 214801. PMID 12786559 DOI: 10.1103/Physrevlett.90.214801 |
0.809 |
2003 |
Hogan MJ, Clayton CE, Huang C, Muggli P, Wang S, Blue BE, Walz D, Marsh KA, O'Connell CL, Lee S, Iverson R, Decker FJ, Raimondi P, Mori WB, Katsouleas TC, et al. Ultrarelativistic-positron-beam transport through meter-scale plasmas. Physical Review Letters. 90: 205002. PMID 12785902 |
0.772 |
2003 |
Rumolo G, Ghalam AZ, Katsouleas T, Huang CK, Decyk VK, Ren C, Mori WB, Zimmermann F, Ruggiero F. Electron cloud effects on beam evolution in a circular accelerator Physical Review Special Topics - Accelerators and Beams. 6: 74-82. DOI: 10.1103/Physrevstab.6.081002 |
0.604 |
2003 |
Tonge J, Leboeuf JN, Huang C, Dawson JM. Kinetic simulations of the stability of a plasma confined by the magnetic field of a current rod Physics of Plasmas. 10: 3475-3483. DOI: 10.1063/1.1594188 |
0.802 |
2003 |
Blue BE, Clayton CE, O'Connell CL, Decker FJ, Hogan MJ, Huang C, Iverson R, Joshi C, Katsouleas TC, Marsh KA, Mori WB, Walz D. Parametric exploration of intense positron beam-plasma interactions Laser and Particle Beams. 21: 497-504. DOI: 10.1017/S0263034603214038 |
0.785 |
2003 |
Ghalam AZ, Katsouleas T, Huang C, Decyk V, Mori WB. Simulation of beam-electron cloud interactions in circular accelerators using plasma models Proceedings of the Ieee Particle Accelerator Conference. 5: 3174-3176. |
0.501 |
2003 |
Muggli P, Blue BE, Clayton CE, Decker FJ, Deng S, Dodd ES, Emma P, Hogan MJ, Huang C, Iverson R, Joshi C, Katsouleas TC, Krejcik P, Lee S, Marsh KA, et al. Plasma Wakefiled Acceleration Experiments with 28.5 GeV Electron and Positron Beams Ieee International Conference On Plasma Science. 394. |
0.719 |
2003 |
Blue BE, Muggli P, Hogan MJ, O'Connell CL, Clayton C, Decker FJ, Huang C, Iverson R, Marsh KA, Mori WB, Walz D, Katsouleas TC, Siemann R, Joshi C. Plasma wakefield acceleration of an intense positron beam: Correlation between time-resolved and time-integrated energy diagnostics Proceedings of the Ieee Particle Accelerator Conference. 3: 1864-1866. |
0.425 |
2003 |
Deng S, Barnes CD, Clayton CE, O'Connell C, Decker FJ, Emma P, Erdem O, Huang C, Hogan MJ, Iverson R, Johnson DK, Joshi C, Katsouleas, Krejcik P, Lu W, et al. Modeling of beam-ionized sources for plasma accelerators Proceedings of the Ieee Particle Accelerator Conference. 3: 1933-1935. |
0.564 |
2003 |
Barnes CD, O'Connell C, Decker FJ, Emma P, Hogan MJ, Iverson P, Krejcik P, Siemann RH, Walz D, Blue B, Clayton CE, Huang C, Johnson D, Joshi C, Marsh KA, et al. Improvements for the third generation Plasma Wakefield experiment E-164 at SLAC Proceedings of the Ieee Particle Accelerator Conference. 3: 1530-1532. |
0.338 |
2002 |
Dodd ES, Hemker RG, Huang CK, Wang S, Ren C, Mori WB, Lee S, Katsouleas T. Hosing and sloshing of short-pulse GeV-class wakefield drivers. Physical Review Letters. 88: 125001. PMID 11909466 DOI: 10.1103/Physrevlett.88.125001 |
0.81 |
2002 |
Joshi C, Blue B, Clayton CE, Dodd E, Huang C, Marsh KA, Mori WB, Wang S, Hogan MJ, O'Connell C, Siemann R, Watz D, Muggli P, Katsouleas T, Lee S. High energy density plasma science with an ultrarelativistic electron beam Physics of Plasmas. 9: 1845-1855. DOI: 10.1063/1.1455003 |
0.73 |
2001 |
Wang S, Clayton CE, Blue BE, Dodd ES, Huang CK, Marsh KA, Mori WB, Joshi C, Lee S, Muggli P, Katsouleas T, Decker FJ, Hogan MJ, Iverson RH, Riamondi P, et al. Observation of spontaneous emitted x-ray betatron radiation in beam-plasma interactions Proceedings of the Ieee Particle Accelerator Conference. 5: 3999-4001. |
0.418 |
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