Dustin T. Offermann, Ph.D. - Publications

2008 Ohio State University, Columbus, Columbus, OH 
Optics Physics

26 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2016 Offermann DT, Welch DR, Rose DV, Thoma C, Clark RE, Mostrom CB, Schmidt AE, Link AJ. Transition from Beam-Target to Thermonuclear Fusion in High-Current Deuterium Z-Pinch Simulations. Physical Review Letters. 116: 195001. PMID 27232025 DOI: 10.1103/Physrevlett.116.195001  0.376
2015 Park J, Krall NA, Sieck PE, Offermann DT, Skillicorn M, Sanchez A, Davis K, Alderson E, Lapenta G. High-energy electron confinement in a magnetic cusp configuration Physical Review X. 5. DOI: 10.1103/Physrevx.5.021024  0.346
2015 Schollmeier M, Sefkow AB, Geissel M, Arefiev AV, Flippo KA, Gaillard SA, Johnson RP, Kimmel MW, Offermann DT, Rambo PK, Schwarz J, Shimada T. Laser-to-hot-electron conversion limitations in relativistic laser matter interactions due to multi-picosecond dynamics Physics of Plasmas. 22. DOI: 10.1063/1.4918332  0.679
2015 Coleman JE, Moir DC, Crawford MT, Welch DR, Offermann DT. Temporal response of a surface flashover on a velvet cathode in a relativistic diode Physics of Plasmas. 22. DOI: 10.1063/1.4914851  0.473
2013 Flippo KA, Johnson RP, Shimada T, Gaillard SA, Offermann DT, Shah RC, Archuleta F, Evans SC, Gonzales RP, Hurry TR, Kline JL, Reid SM. The TRIDENT laser at LANL: New "dial-a-contrast" and high-contrast experimental capabilities Epj Web of Conferences. 59. DOI: 10.1051/epjconf/20135907003  0.451
2013 Welser-Sherrill L, Fincke J, Doss F, Loomis E, Flippo K, Offermann D, Keiter P, Haines B, Grinstein F. Two laser-driven mix experiments to study reshock and shear High Energy Density Physics. 9: 496-499. DOI: 10.1016/J.Hedp.2013.04.015  0.358
2012 Kluge T, Gaillard SA, Flippo KA, Burris-Mog T, Enghardt W, Gall B, Geissel M, Helm A, Kraft SD, Lockard T, Metzkes J, Offermann DT, Schollmeier M, Schramm U, Zeil K, et al. High proton energies from cone targets: Electron acceleration mechanisms New Journal of Physics. 14. DOI: 10.1088/1367-2630/14/2/023038  0.626
2012 Palaniyappan S, Hegelich BM, Wu HC, Jung D, Gautier DC, Yin L, Albright BJ, Johnson RP, Shimada T, Letzring S, Offermann DT, Ren J, Huang C, Hörlein R, Dromey B, et al. Dynamics of relativistic transparency and optical shuttering in expanding overdense plasmas Nature Physics. 8: 763-769. DOI: 10.1038/Nphys2390  0.546
2012 Bartal T, Foord ME, Bellei C, Key MH, Flippo KA, Gaillard SA, Offermann DT, Patel PK, Jarrott LC, Higginson DP, Roth M, Otten A, Kraus D, Stephens RB, McLean HS, et al. Focusing of short-pulse high-intensity laser-accelerated proton beams Nature Physics. 8: 139-142. DOI: 10.1038/Nphys2153  0.58
2011 Bartal T, Flippo KA, Gaillard SA, Offermann DT, Foord ME, Bellei C, Patel PK, Key MH, Stephens RB, McLean HS, Jarrott LC, Beg FN. Proton focusing characteristics relevant to fast ignition Ieee Transactions On Plasma Science. 39: 2818-2819. DOI: 10.1109/Tps.2011.2155682  0.416
2011 Cobble JA, Flippo KA, Offermann DT, Lopez FE, Oertel JA, Mastrosimone D, Letzring SA, Sinenian N. High-resolution Thomson parabola for ion analysis Review of Scientific Instruments. 82. DOI: 10.1063/1.3658048  0.407
2011 Offermann DT, Flippo KA, Cobble J, Schmitt MJ, Gaillard SA, Bartal T, Rose DV, Welch DR, Geissel M, Schollmeier M. Characterization and focusing of light ion beams generated by ultra intensely irradiated thin foils at the kilojoule scale Physics of Plasmas. 18. DOI: 10.1063/1.3589476  0.37
2011 Gaillard SA, Kluge T, Flippo KA, Bussmann M, Gall B, Lockard T, Geissel M, Offermann DT, Schollmeier M, Sentoku Y, Cowan TE. Increased laser-accelerated proton energies via direct laser-light-pressure acceleration of electrons in microcone targets Physics of Plasmas. 18. DOI: 10.1063/1.3575624  0.646
2010 Workman J, Cobble J, Flippo K, Gautier DC, Montgomery DS, Offermann DT. Phase-contrast imaging using ultrafast x-rays in laser-shocked materials. The Review of Scientific Instruments. 81: 10E520. PMID 21034048 DOI: 10.1063/1.3485109  0.541
2010 Palaniyappan S, Shah RC, Johnson R, Shimada T, Gautier DC, Letzring S, Jung D, Hörlein R, Offermann DT, Fernández JC, Hegelich BM. Pulse shape measurements using single shot-frequency resolved optical gating for high energy (80 J) short pulse (600 fs) laser. The Review of Scientific Instruments. 81: 10E103. PMID 21033968 DOI: 10.1063/1.3464258  0.576
2010 Offermann DT, Flippo KA, Gaillard SA, Gautier DC, Letzring S, Cobble JC, Wurden G, Johnson RP, Shimada T, Montgomery DS, Gonzales RP, Hurry T, Archuleta F, Schmitt MJ, Reid SM, et al. Carbon ion beam focusing using laser irradiated, heated diamond hemispherical shells Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 244. DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/244/2/022053  0.43
2010 Kluge T, Gaillard SA, Bussmann M, Flippo KA, Burris-Mog T, Gall B, Geissel M, Kraft SD, Lockard T, Metzkes J, Offermann DT, Rassuchine J, Schollmeier M, Schramm U, Sentoku Y, et al. Theoretical understanding of enhanced proton energies from laser-cone interactions Aip Conference Proceedings. 1299: 715-720. DOI: 10.1063/1.3520418  0.625
2010 Flippo KA, Gaillard SA, Kluge T, Bussmann M, Offermann DT, Cobble JA, Schmitt MJ, Bartal T, Beg FN, Cowan TE, Gall B, Gautier DC, Geissel M, Kwan TJ, Korgan G, et al. Advanced laser particle accelerator development at LANL: From fast ignition to radiation oncology Aip Conference Proceedings. 1299: 693-698. DOI: 10.1063/1.3520414  0.525
2009 Foord ME, Mackinnon AJ, Patel P, Bartal T, Beg FN, Freeman R, Key M, Le Pape S, MacPhee A, Offermann DT, Stephens R, Town R, VanWoerkom L. Simulations of proton generation and heating from intense laser irradiated foils Ieee International Conference On Plasma Science. DOI: 10.1109/PLASMA.2009.5227322  0.436
2009 Roth M, Alber I, Bagnoud V, Brown CRD, Clarke R, Daido H, Fernandez J, Flippo K, Gaillard S, Gauthier C, Geissel M, Glenzer S, Gregori G, Günther M, Harres K, ... ... Offermann D, et al. Proton acceleration experiments and warm dense matter research using high power lasers Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion. 51. DOI: 10.1088/0741-3335/51/12/124039  0.57
2009 Offermann DT, Freeman RR, Van Woerkom LD, Foord ME, Hey D, Key MH, MacKinnon AJ, MacPhee AG, Patel PK, Ping Y, Sanchez JJ, Shen N, Bartal T, Beg FN, Espada L, et al. Observations of proton beam enhancement due to erbium hydride on gold foil targets Physics of Plasmas. 16. DOI: 10.1063/1.3212588  0.526
2008 MacPhee AG, Akli KU, Beg FN, Chen CD, Chen H, Clarke R, Hey DS, Freeman RR, Kemp AJ, Key MH, King JA, Le Pape S, Link A, Ma TY, Nakamura H, ... Offermann DT, et al. Diagnostics for fast ignition science (invited). The Review of Scientific Instruments. 79: 10F302. PMID 19044615 DOI: 10.1063/1.2978199  0.687
2008 Ma T, Beg FN, MacPhee AG, Chung HK, Key MH, Mackinnon AJ, Patel PK, Hatchett S, Akli KU, Stephens RB, Chen CD, Freeman RR, Link A, Offermann DT, Ovchinnikov V, et al. Electron heated target temperature measurements in petawatt laser experiments based on extreme ultraviolet imaging and spectroscopy. The Review of Scientific Instruments. 79: 10E312. PMID 19044474 DOI: 10.1063/1.2965260  0.692
2008 Ma T, MacPhee AG, Key MH, Hatchett SP, Akli KU, Barbee TW, Chen CD, Freeman RR, King JA, Link A, Mackinnon AJ, Offermann DT, Ovchinnikov V, Patel PK, Stephens RB, et al. Determination of electron-heated temperatures of petawatt laser-irradiated foil targets with 256 and 68 eV extreme ultraviolet imaging. The Review of Scientific Instruments. 79: 093507. PMID 19044413 DOI: 10.1063/1.2987683  0.694
2007 Pasley J, Wei M, Shipton E, Chen S, Ma T, Beg FN, Alexander N, Stephens R, MacPhee AG, Hey D, Le Pape S, Patel P, MacKinnon A, Key M, Offermann D, et al. Experimental observations of transport of picosecond laser generated electrons in a nail-like target Physics of Plasmas. 14. DOI: 10.1063/1.2815790  0.594
2006 Link A, Chowdhury EA, Morrison JT, Ovchinnikov VM, Offermann D, Van Woerkom L, Freeman RR, Pasley J, Shipton E, Beg F, Rambo P, Schwarz J, Geissel M, Edens A, Porter JL. Development of an in situ peak intensity measurement method for ultraintense single shot laser-plasma experiments at the Sandia Z petawatt facility Review of Scientific Instruments. 77. DOI: 10.1063/1.2336469  0.712
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