Year |
Citation |
Score |
2019 |
Silva D, Rikvold PA. Complete catalog of ground-state diagrams for the general three-state lattice-gas model with nearest-neighbor interactions on a square lattice. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics : Pccp. PMID 30829346 DOI: 10.1039/C8Cp07721E |
0.334 |
2018 |
Nishino M, Rikvold PA, Omand C, Miyashita S. Multistability in an unusual phase diagram induced by the competition between antiferromagnetic-like short-range and ferromagnetic-like long-range interactions Physical Review B. 98. DOI: 10.1103/Physrevb.98.144402 |
0.36 |
2018 |
Murase Y, Rikvold PA. Conservation of population size is required for self-organized criticality in evolution models New Journal of Physics. 20: 083023. DOI: 10.1088/1367-2630/Aad861 |
0.326 |
2017 |
Chan CH, Brown G, Rikvold PA. Macroscopically constrained Wang-Landau method for systems with multiple order parameters and its application to drawing complex phase diagrams. Physical Review. E. 95: 053302. PMID 28618623 DOI: 10.1103/Physreve.95.053302 |
0.378 |
2017 |
Chan CH, Brown G, Rikvold PA. Phase diagrams and free-energy landscapes for model spin-crossover materials with antiferromagnetic-like nearest-neighbor and ferromagnetic-like long-range interactions Physical Review B. 96. DOI: 10.1103/Physrevb.96.174428 |
0.369 |
2017 |
Nishino M, Miyashita S, Rikvold PA. Nontrivial phase diagram for an elastic interaction model of spin crossover materials with antiferromagnetic-like short-range interactions Physical Review B. 96. DOI: 10.1103/Physrevb.96.144425 |
0.319 |
2017 |
Buendía GM, Rikvold PA. Fluctuations in a model ferromagnetic film driven by a slowly oscillating field with a constant bias Physical Review B. 96. DOI: 10.1103/Physrevb.96.134306 |
0.361 |
2017 |
Chan C, Brown G, Rikvold PA. Density of states for systems with multiple order parameters: a constrained Wang-Landau method Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 921: 012019. DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/921/1/012019 |
0.332 |
2016 |
Rikvold PA, Brown G, Miyashita S, Omand C, Nishino M. Equilibrium, metastability, and hysteresis in a model spin-crossover material with nearest-neighbor antiferromagnetic-like and long-range ferromagnetic-like interactions Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 93. DOI: 10.1103/Physrevb.93.064109 |
0.366 |
2015 |
Buendía GM, Rikvold PA. A model for the catalytic oxidation of CO that includes CO desorption and diffusion, O repulsion, and impurities in the gas phase Physica a: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications. 424: 217-224. DOI: 10.1016/J.Physa.2015.01.011 |
0.358 |
2015 |
Chan CH, Rikvold PA. Fluctuations and Universality in a Catalysis Model with Long-range Reactivity Physics Procedia. 68: 20-24. DOI: 10.1016/J.Phpro.2015.07.103 |
0.308 |
2014 |
Brown G, Rikvold PA, Miyashita S. Monte carlo studies of the ising antiferromagnet with a ferromagnetic mean-field term Physics Procedia. 57: 20-23. DOI: 10.1016/J.Phpro.2014.08.125 |
0.363 |
2014 |
Rattield J, Richards HL, Molchanott J, Rikvold PA. Phase separation on a hyperbolic lattice Physics Procedia. 53: 82-89. DOI: 10.1016/J.Phpro.2014.06.031 |
0.366 |
2013 |
Juwono T, Rikvold PA. Dynamics of desorption with lateral diffusion. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 139: 124706. PMID 24089794 DOI: 10.1063/1.4821750 |
0.776 |
2013 |
Juwono T, Abou Hamad I, Rikvold PA. Effects of lateral diffusion on the dynamics of desorption Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry. 17: 379-384. DOI: 10.1007/S10008-012-1897-Y |
0.739 |
2012 |
Nakada T, Mori T, Miyashita S, Nishino M, Todo S, Nicolazzi W, Rikvold PA. Critical temperature and correlation length of an elastic interaction model for spin-crossover materials Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 85. DOI: 10.1103/Physrevb.85.054408 |
0.375 |
2011 |
Nishino M, Enachescu C, Miyashita S, Rikvold PA, Boukheddaden K, Varret F. Macroscopic nucleation phenomena in continuum media with long-range interactions. Scientific Reports. 1: 162. PMID 22355677 DOI: 10.1038/Srep00162 |
0.372 |
2011 |
Abou Hamad I, Novotny MA, Wipf DO, Rikvold PA. A new charging method for Li-ion batteries: Dependence of the charging time on the direction of an additional oscillating field Ecs Transactions. 33: 33-37. DOI: 10.1149/1.3589919 |
0.757 |
2011 |
Deskins WR, Brown G, Thompson SH, Rikvold PA. Kinetic Monte Carlo simulations of a model for heat-assisted magnetization reversal in ultrathin films Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 84. DOI: 10.1103/Physrevb.84.094431 |
0.313 |
2011 |
Nakada T, Rikvold PA, Mori T, Nishino M, Miyashita S. Crossover between a short-range and a long-range Ising model Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 84. DOI: 10.1103/Physrevb.84.054433 |
0.35 |
2011 |
Juwono T, Abou Hamad I, Rikvold PA, Wang S. Parameter estimation by Density Functional Theory for a lattice-gas model of Br and Cl chemisorption on Ag (1 0 0) Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry. 662: 130-136. DOI: 10.1016/J.Jelechem.2011.04.029 |
0.749 |
2010 |
Thompson SH, Brown G, Rikvold PA, Novotny MA. Two modes of magnetization switching in a simulated iron nanopillar in an obliquely oriented field. Journal of Physics. Condensed Matter : An Institute of Physics Journal. 22: 236001. PMID 21393773 DOI: 10.1088/0953-8984/22/23/236001 |
0.31 |
2010 |
Filotas E, Grant M, Parrott L, Rikvold PA. Positive interactions and the emergence of community structure in metacommunities. Journal of Theoretical Biology. 266: 419-29. PMID 20627108 DOI: 10.1016/J.Jtbi.2010.07.003 |
0.506 |
2010 |
Murase Y, Shimada T, Ito N, Rikvold PA. Effects of demographic stochasticity on biological community assembly on evolutionary time scales. Physical Review. E, Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 81: 041908. PMID 20481754 DOI: 10.1103/Physreve.81.041908 |
0.3 |
2010 |
Mori T, Miyashita S, Rikvold PA. Asymptotic forms and scaling properties of the relaxation time near threshold points in spinodal-type dynamical phase transitions. Physical Review. E, Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 81: 011135. PMID 20365351 DOI: 10.1103/Physreve.81.011135 |
0.363 |
2010 |
Murase Y, Shimada T, Ito N, Rikvold PA. Random walk in genome space: a key ingredient of intermittent dynamics of community assembly on evolutionary time scales. Journal of Theoretical Biology. 264: 663-72. PMID 20362586 DOI: 10.1016/J.Jtbi.2010.03.043 |
0.32 |
2010 |
Abou Hamad I, Novotny MA, Wipf DO, Rikvold PA. A new battery-charging method suggested by molecular dynamics simulations. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics : Pccp. 12: 2740-3. PMID 20200752 DOI: 10.1039/B920970K |
0.765 |
2010 |
Murase Y, Shimada T, Ito N, Rikvold PA. Effects of stochastic population fluctuations in two models of biological macroevolution Physics Procedia. 6: 76-79. DOI: 10.1016/J.Phpro.2010.09.031 |
0.319 |
2010 |
Rikvold PA. Degree correlations in a dynamically generated model food web Physics Procedia. 3: 1487-1492. DOI: 10.1016/J.Phpro.2010.01.210 |
0.349 |
2010 |
Filotas E, Grant M, Parrott L, Rikvold PA. The effect of positive interactions on community structure in a multi-species metacommunity model along an environmental gradient Ecological Modelling. 221: 885-894. DOI: 10.1016/J.Ecolmodel.2009.12.005 |
0.519 |
2009 |
Buendía GM, Machado E, Rikvold PA. Effect of CO desorption and coadsorption with O on the phase diagram of a Ziff-Gulari-Barshad model for the catalytic oxidation of CO. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 131: 184704. PMID 19916620 DOI: 10.1063/1.3262306 |
0.305 |
2009 |
Rikvold PA. Complex behavior in simple models of biological coevolution International Journal of Modern Physics C. 20: 1387-1397. DOI: 10.1142/S012918310901445X |
0.342 |
2009 |
Thompson SH, Brown G, Kuhnle AD, Rikvold PA, Novotny MA. Resolution-dependent mechanisms for bimodal switching-time distributions in simulated Fe nanopillars Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 79. DOI: 10.1103/Physrevb.79.024429 |
0.349 |
2009 |
Rikvold PA. Complex dynamics in coevolution models with ratio-dependent functional response Ecological Complexity. 6: 443-452. DOI: 10.1016/J.Ecocom.2009.08.007 |
0.346 |
2009 |
Hamad IA, Robb D, Rikvold PA. First-order Reversal Curve Analysis of Kinetic Monte Carlo Simulations of First- and Second-order Phase Transitions Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation. 123: 89-93. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-85625-2_14 |
0.349 |
2008 |
Buendía GM, Rikvold PA. Dynamic phase transition in the two-dimensional kinetic Ising model in an oscillating field: universality with respect to the stochastic dynamics. Physical Review. E, Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 78: 051108. PMID 19113096 DOI: 10.1103/Physreve.78.051108 |
0.396 |
2008 |
Sevim V, Rikvold PA. Chaotic gene regulatory networks can be robust against mutations and noise. Journal of Theoretical Biology. 253: 323-32. PMID 18417154 DOI: 10.1016/J.Jtbi.2008.03.003 |
0.716 |
2008 |
Hamad IA, Robb DT, Novotny MA, Rikvold PA. EC-FORC: A new cyclic voltammetry based method for examining phase transitions and predicting equilibrium Ecs Transactions. 6: 53-60. DOI: 10.1149/1.2831729 |
0.317 |
2008 |
Robb DT, Xu YH, Hellwig O, McCord J, Berger A, Novotny MA, Rikvold PA. Evidence for a dynamic phase transition in [Co/Pt]3 magnetic multilayers Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 78. DOI: 10.1103/Physrevb.78.134422 |
0.369 |
2008 |
Miyashita S, Konishi Y, Nishino M, Tokoro H, Rikvold PA. Realization of the mean-field universality class in spin-crossover materials Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 77. DOI: 10.1103/Physrevb.77.014105 |
0.309 |
2008 |
Sevim V, Rikvold PA. Network growth with preferential attachment for high indegree and low outdegree Physica a: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications. 387: 2631-2636. DOI: 10.1016/J.Physa.2008.01.034 |
0.719 |
2008 |
Filotas E, Grant M, Parrott L, Rikvold PA. Community-driven dispersal in an individual-based predator-prey model Ecological Complexity. 5: 238-251. DOI: 10.1016/J.Ecocom.2008.01.002 |
0.523 |
2007 |
Robb DT, Rikvold PA, Berger A, Novotny MA. Conjugate field and fluctuation-dissipation relation for the dynamic phase transition in the two-dimensional kinetic Ising model. Physical Review. E, Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 76: 021124. PMID 17930023 DOI: 10.1103/Physreve.76.021124 |
0.35 |
2007 |
Rikvold PA, Sevim V. Individual-based predator-prey model for biological coevolution: fluctuations, stability, and community structure. Physical Review. E, Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 75: 051920. PMID 17677111 DOI: 10.1103/Physreve.75.051920 |
0.734 |
2007 |
Rikvold PA. Self-optimization, community stability, and fluctuations in two individual-based models of biological coevolution. Journal of Mathematical Biology. 55: 653-77. PMID 17534620 DOI: 10.1007/S00285-007-0101-Y |
0.352 |
2007 |
Buendía GM, Rikvold PA, Kolesik M, Park K, Novotny MA. Nanostructure and velocity of field-driven solid-on-solid interfaces moving under a phonon-assisted dynamic Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 76. DOI: 10.1103/Physrevb.76.045422 |
0.37 |
2007 |
Hamad IA, Robb DT, Rikvold PA. New cyclic voltammetry method for examining phase transitions: Simulated results Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry. 607: 61-68. DOI: 10.1016/J.Jelechem.2006.10.037 |
0.341 |
2007 |
Rikvold PA, Wandlowski T, Abou Hamad I, Mitchell SJ, Brown G. Reply to "Remarks on the simulation of Cl electrosorption on Ag(1 0 0) reported in Electrochimica Acta 50 (2005) 5518", Electrochimica Acta. 52: 1932-1935. DOI: 10.1016/J.Electacta.2006.07.059 |
0.752 |
2006 |
Sevim V, Rikvold PA. Effects of preference for attachment to low-degree nodes on the degree distributions of a growing directed network and a simple food-web model. Physical Review. E, Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 73: 056115. PMID 16803006 DOI: 10.1103/Physreve.73.056115 |
0.733 |
2006 |
Buendía GM, Rikvold PA, Kolesik M. Microstructure and velocity of field-driven solid-on-solid interfaces moving under stochastic dynamics with local energy barriers Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 73. DOI: 10.1103/Physrevb.73.045437 |
0.374 |
2006 |
Buendía GM, Rikvold PA, Kolesik M. Field-driven solid-on-solid interfaces moving under a stochastic Arrhenius dynamics: Effects of the barrier height Journal of Molecular Structure: Theochem. 769: 207-210. DOI: 10.1016/J.Theochem.2006.04.031 |
0.347 |
2006 |
Buendía GM, Machado E, Rikvold PA. Response of a model of CO oxidation with CO desorption and diffusion to a periodic external CO pressure Journal of Molecular Structure: Theochem. 769: 189-192. DOI: 10.1016/J.Theochem.2006.01.039 |
0.331 |
2006 |
Frank S, Rikvold PA. Kinetic Monte Carlo simulations of electrodeposition: Crossover from continuous to instantaneous homogeneous nucleation within Avrami's law Surface Science. 600: 2470-2487. DOI: 10.1016/J.Susc.2006.03.042 |
0.432 |
2005 |
Machado E, Buendía GM, Rikvold PA. Decay of metastable phases in a model for the catalytic oxidation of CO. Physical Review. E, Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 71: 031603. PMID 15903439 DOI: 10.1103/Physreve.71.031603 |
0.376 |
2005 |
Frank S, Roberts DE, Rikvold PA. Effects of lateral diffusion on morphology and dynamics of a microscopic lattice-gas model of pulsed electrodeposition. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 122: 064705. PMID 15740394 DOI: 10.1063/1.1847653 |
0.388 |
2005 |
Machado E, Buendía GM, Rikvold PA, Ziff RM. Response of a catalytic reaction to periodic variation of the CO pressure: increased CO2 production and dynamic phase transition. Physical Review. E, Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 71: 016120. PMID 15697671 DOI: 10.1103/Physreve.71.016120 |
0.345 |
2005 |
Sevim V, Rikvold PA. Effects of correlated interactions in a biological coevolution model with individual-based dynamics Journal of Physics a: Mathematical and General. 38: 9475-9489. DOI: 10.1088/0305-4470/38/43/005 |
0.749 |
2005 |
Robb DT, Novotny MA, Rikvold PA. First-order reversal curve analysis of homogeneous nucleation in the two-dimensional kinetic Ising model Journal of Applied Physics. 97. DOI: 10.1063/1.1849555 |
0.359 |
2005 |
Hamad IA, Mitchell SJ, Wandlowski T, Rikvold PA, Brown G. Cl electrosorption on Ag(1 0 0): Lateral interactions and electrosorption valency from comparison of Monte Carlo simulations with chronocoulometry experiments Electrochimica Acta. 50: 5518-5525. DOI: 10.1016/J.Electacta.2005.03.057 |
0.39 |
2004 |
Buendia GM, Rikvold PA, Park K, Novotny MA. Low-temperature nucleation in a kinetic Ising model under different stochastic dynamics with local energy barriers. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 121: 4193-202. PMID 15332967 DOI: 10.1063/1.1772358 |
0.366 |
2004 |
Park K, Rikvold PA, BuendÃa GM, Novotny MA. Low-temperature nucleation in a kinetic Ising model with soft stochastic dynamics. Physical Review Letters. 92: 015701. PMID 14754000 DOI: 10.1103/Physrevlett.92.015701 |
0.38 |
2004 |
Zia RKP, Rikvold PA. Fluctuations and correlations in an individual-based model of biological coevolution Journal of Physics a: Mathematical and General. 37: 5135-5155. DOI: 10.1088/0305-4470/37/19/003 |
0.341 |
2004 |
Hamad IA, Rikvold PA, Brown G. Determination of the basic timescale in kinetic Monte Carlo simulations by comparison with cyclic-voltammetry experiments Surface Science. 572. DOI: 10.1016/J.Susc.2004.09.026 |
0.401 |
2004 |
Brown G, Novotny MA, Rikvold PA. Projective dynamics analysis of magnetization reversal Physica B: Condensed Matter. 343: 195-199. DOI: 10.1016/J.Physb.2003.08.093 |
0.305 |
2004 |
Wang S, Mitchell SJ, Rikvold PA. Ab initio Monte Carlo simulations for finite-temperature properties: Application to lithium clusters and bulk liquid lithium Computational Materials Science. 29: 145-151. DOI: 10.1016/J.Commatsci.2003.06.006 |
0.367 |
2003 |
Rikvold PA, Kolesik M. Microstructure and velocity of field-driven Ising interfaces moving under a soft stochastic dynamic. Physical Review. E, Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 67: 066113. PMID 16241310 DOI: 10.1103/Physreve.67.066113 |
0.366 |
2003 |
Kolakowska A, Novotny MA, Rikvold PA. Update statistics in conservative parallel-discrete-event simulations of asynchronous systems. Physical Review. E, Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 68: 046705. PMID 14683077 DOI: 10.1103/Physreve.68.046705 |
0.326 |
2003 |
Rikvold PA, Zia RK. Punctuated equilibria and 1/f noise in a biological coevolution model with individual-based dynamics. Physical Review. E, Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 68: 031913. PMID 14524809 DOI: 10.1103/Physreve.68.031913 |
0.349 |
2003 |
Korniss G, Novotny MA, Guclu H, Toroczkai Z, Rikvold PA. Suppressing roughness of virtual times in parallel discrete-event simulations. Science (New York, N.Y.). 299: 677-9. PMID 12560543 DOI: 10.1126/Science.1079382 |
0.332 |
2003 |
Kolesik M, Novotny MA, Rikvold PA. Extreme long-time dynamic Monte Carlo simulations for metastable decay in the d = 3 Ising ferromagnet International Journal of Modern Physics C. 14: 121-131. DOI: 10.1142/S0129183103004279 |
0.389 |
2003 |
Abou Hamad I, Wandlowski T, Brown G, Rikvold PA. Electrosorption of Br and Cl on Ag(1 0 0): Experiments and computer simulations Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry. 554: 211-219. DOI: 10.1016/S0022-0728(03)00178-5 |
0.773 |
2002 |
Korniss G, Rikvold PA, Novotny MA. Absence of first-order transition and tricritical point in the dynamic phase diagram of a spatially extended bistable system in an oscillating field. Physical Review. E, Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 66: 056127. PMID 12513576 DOI: 10.1103/Physreve.66.056127 |
0.392 |
2002 |
Park K, Novotny MA, Rikvold PA. Scaling analysis of a divergent prefactor in the metastable lifetime of a square-lattice Ising ferromagnet at low temperatures. Physical Review. E, Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 66: 056101. PMID 12513550 DOI: 10.1103/Physreve.66.056101 |
0.357 |
2002 |
Rikvold PA, Kolesik M. Microstructure and velocity of field-driven solid-on-solid interfaces: analytic approximations and numerical results. Physical Review. E, Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 66: 066116. PMID 12513356 DOI: 10.1103/Physreve.66.066116 |
0.397 |
2002 |
Buendía GM, Mitchell SJ, Rikvold PA. Surface scaling analysis of a frustrated spring-network model for surfactant-templated hydrogels. Physical Review. E, Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 66: 046119. PMID 12443271 DOI: 10.1103/Physreve.66.046119 |
0.333 |
2002 |
Mitchell SJ, Wang S, Rikvold PA. Halide adsorption on single-crystal silver substrates: dynamic simulations and ab initio density functional theory. Faraday Discussions. 53-69; discussion 97. PMID 12227586 DOI: 10.1039/B111572N |
0.404 |
2002 |
Brown G, Rikvold PA. Numerical confirmation of late-time t(1/2) growth in three-dimensional phase ordering. Physical Review. E, Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 65: 036137. PMID 11909195 DOI: 10.1103/Physreve.65.036137 |
0.308 |
2002 |
Park K, Novotny MA, Dalal NS, Hill S, Rikvold PA, Bhaduri S, Christou G, Hendrickson DN. Defects, tunneling, and EPR spectra of single-molecule magnets Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings. 746: 241-252. DOI: 10.1557/Proc-746-Q1.3 |
0.322 |
2002 |
Korniss G, Novotny MA, Rikvold PA, Guclu H, Toroczkai Z. Going through rough times: From non-equilibrium surface growth to algorithmic scalability Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings. 700: 297-308. DOI: 10.1557/Proc-701-T10.10.1 |
0.31 |
2002 |
Wang S, Rikvold PA. Ab initio calculations for bromine adlayers on the Ag(100) and Au(100) surfaces: The c (2×2) structure Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 65: 1554061-1554069. DOI: 10.1103/Physrevb.65.155406 |
0.317 |
2002 |
Rikvold PA, Kolesik M. Soft versus hard dynamics for field-driven solid-on-solid interfaces Journal of Physics a: Mathematical and General. 35. DOI: 10.1088/0305-4470/35/9/102 |
0.344 |
2002 |
Novotny MA, Brown G, Rikvold PA. Large-scale computer investigations of finite-temperature nucleation and growth phenomena in magnetization reversal and hysteresis (invited) Journal of Applied Physics. 91: 6908-6913. DOI: 10.1063/1.1452188 |
0.329 |
2001 |
Fujisaka H, Tutu H, Rikvold PA. Dynamic phase transition in a time-dependent Ginzburg-Landau model in an oscillating field. Physical Review. E, Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 63: 036109. PMID 11308711 DOI: 10.1103/Physreve.63.036109 |
0.375 |
2001 |
Korniss G, White CJ, Rikvold PA, Novotny MA. Dynamic phase transition, universality, and finite-size scaling in the two-dimensional kinetic Ising model in an oscillating field. Physical Review. E, Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 63: 016120. PMID 11304327 DOI: 10.1103/Physreve.63.016120 |
0.392 |
2001 |
Fujisaka H, Tutu H, Rikvold PA. Erratum: Dynamic phase transition in a time-dependent Ginzburg-Landau model in an oscillating field [Phys. Rev. E63, 036109 (2001)] Physical Review E. 63. DOI: 10.1103/Physreve.63.059903 |
0.341 |
2001 |
Brown G, Novotny MA, Rikvold PA. Langevin simulation of thermally activated magnetization reversal in nanoscale pillars Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 64: 1344221-13442214. DOI: 10.1103/Physrevb.64.134422 |
0.33 |
2001 |
Brown G, Novotny MA, Rikvold PA. Thermal magnetization reversal in arrays of nanoparticles Journal of Applied Physics. 89: 7588-7590. DOI: 10.1063/1.1358820 |
0.339 |
2001 |
Mitchell SJ, Brown G, Rikvold PA. Static and dynamic Monte Carlo simulations of Br electrodeposition on Ag(1 0 0) Surface Science. 471: 125-142. DOI: 10.1016/S0039-6028(00)00892-X |
0.363 |
2000 |
Korniss G, Toroczkai Z, Novotny MA, Rikvold PA. From massively parallel algorithms and fluctuating time horizons to nonequilibrium surface growth Physical Review Letters. 84: 1351-4. PMID 11017516 DOI: 10.1103/Physrevlett.84.1351 |
0.305 |
2000 |
Kou X, Novotny MA, Rikvold PA. Simulation of magnetization switching in biaxial single-domain ferromagnetic particles Ieee Transactions On Magnetics. 36: 231-240. DOI: 10.1109/20.822534 |
0.345 |
2000 |
Brown G, Novotny MA, Rikvold PA. Micromagnetic simulations of thermally activated magnetization reversal of nanoscale magnets Journal of Applied Physics. 87: 4792-4794. DOI: 10.1063/1.373161 |
0.326 |
2000 |
Rikvold PA, Kolesik M. Analytic approximations for the velocity of field-driven Ising interfaces Journal of Statistical Physics. 100: 377-403. DOI: 10.1023/A:1018664301115 |
0.347 |
2000 |
Novotny MA, Rikvold PA, Kolesik M, Townsley DM, Ramos RA. Simulations of metastable decay in two- and three-dimensional models with microscopic dynamics Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. 274: 356-363. DOI: 10.1016/S0022-3093(00)00223-4 |
0.405 |
2000 |
Mitchell SJ, Brown G, Rikvold PA. Dynamics of Br electrosorption on single-crystal Ag(100): A computational study Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry. 493: 68-74. DOI: 10.1016/S0022-0728(00)00296-5 |
0.435 |
1999 |
Brown G, Rikvold PA, Sutton M, Grant M. Evolution of speckle during spinodal decomposition. Physical Review. E, Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary Topics. 60: 5151-62. PMID 11970383 DOI: 10.1103/Physreve.60.5151 |
0.502 |
1999 |
Brown G, Rikvold PA, Novotny MA, Wieckowski A. Simulated dynamics of underpotential deposition of Cu with sulfate on Au(111) Journal of the Electrochemical Society. 146: 1035-1040. DOI: 10.1149/1.1391717 |
0.369 |
1999 |
Sides SW, Rikvold PA, Novotny MA. Kinetic Ising model in an oscillating field: Avrami theory for the hysteretic response and finite-size scaling for the dynamic phase transition Physical Review E - Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary Topics. 59: 2710-2729. DOI: 10.1103/Physreve.59.2710 |
0.392 |
1999 |
Ramos RA, Rikvold PA, Novotny MA. Test of the Kolmogorov-Johnson-Mehl-Avrami picture of metastable decay in a model with microscopic dynamics Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 59: 9053-9069. DOI: 10.1103/Physrevb.59.9053 |
0.387 |
1999 |
Korniss G, Novotny MA, Rikvold PA. Parallelization of a Dynamic Monte Carlo Algorithm Journal of Computational Physics. 153: 488-508. DOI: 10.1006/Jcph.1999.6291 |
0.31 |
1998 |
Novotny MA, Brown G, Rikvold PA. Computer simulations of thermal switching in small-grain ferromagnets Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings. 517: 279-284. DOI: 10.1557/Proc-517-279 |
0.307 |
1998 |
Sides SW, Rikvold PA, Novotny MA. Kinetic ising model in an oscillating field: Finite-size scaling at the dynamic phase transition Physical Review Letters. 81: 834-837. DOI: 10.1103/Physrevlett.81.834 |
0.39 |
1998 |
Kolesik M, Novotny MA, Rikvold PA. Projection method for statics and dynamics of lattice spin systems Physical Review Letters. 80: 3384-3387. DOI: 10.1103/Physrevlett.80.3384 |
0.325 |
1998 |
Brown G, Rikvold PA, Grant M. Universality and scaling for the structure factor in dynamic order-disorder transitions Physical Review E. 58: 5501-5507. DOI: 10.1103/Physreve.58.5501 |
0.542 |
1998 |
Sides SW, Rikvold PA, Novotny MA. Stochastic hysteresis and resonance in a kinetic Ising system Physical Review E - Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary Topics. 57: 6512-6533. DOI: 10.1103/Physreve.57.6512 |
0.37 |
1998 |
Sides SW, Rikvold PA, Novotny MA. Hysteresis loop areas in kinetic Ising models: Effects of the switching mechanism Journal of Applied Physics. 83: 6494-6496. DOI: 10.1063/1.367600 |
0.346 |
1998 |
Rikvold PA, Brown G, Novotny MA, Wieckowski A. Equilibrium and non-equilibrium applications of lattice-gas models in electrochemistry Colloids and Surfaces a: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects. 134: 3-14. DOI: 10.1016/S0927-7757(97)00308-7 |
0.421 |
1998 |
Novotny MA, Kolesik M, Rikvold PA. Magnetization switching in single-domain ferromagnets Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 177: 917-918. DOI: 10.1016/S0304-8853(97)00312-0 |
0.304 |
1997 |
Brown G, Rikvold PA, Sutton M, Grant M. Speckle from phase-ordering systems Physical Review E. 56: 6601-6612. DOI: 10.1103/Physreve.56.6601 |
0.539 |
1997 |
Kolesik M, Novotny MA, Rikvold PA. Monte Carlo simulation of magnetization reversal in Fe sesquilayers on W(110) Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 56: 11791-11796. DOI: 10.1103/Physrevb.56.11791 |
0.346 |
1997 |
Kolesik M, Richards HL, Novotny MA, Rikvold PA, Lindgård PA. Magnetization switching in nanoscale ferromagnetic grains: Simulations with heterogeneous nucleation Journal of Applied Physics. 81: 5600-5602. DOI: 10.1063/1.364612 |
0.309 |
1997 |
Sides SW, Ramos RA, Rikvold PA, Novotny MA. Kinetic Ising system in an oscillating external field: Stochastic resonance and residence-time distributions Journal of Applied Physics. 81: 5597-5599. DOI: 10.1063/1.364611 |
0.352 |
1997 |
Brown G, Rikvold PA, Grant M. Numerical simulations of scattering speckle from phase ordering systems Physica a: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications. 239: 363-372. DOI: 10.1016/S0378-4371(96)00492-X |
0.532 |
1996 |
Richards HL, Novotny MA, Rikvold PA. Analytical and computational study of magnetization switching in kinetic Ising systems with demagnetizing fields. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter. 54: 4113-4127. PMID 9986314 DOI: 10.1103/Physrevb.54.4113 |
0.333 |
1996 |
Zhang J, Sung Y, Rikvold PA, Wieckowski A. Underpotential deposition of Cu on Au(111) in sulfate‐containing electrolytes: A theoretical and experimental study The Journal of Chemical Physics. 104: 5699-5712. DOI: 10.1063/1.471769 |
0.318 |
1996 |
Richards HL, Sides SW, Novotny MA, Rikvold PA. Kinetic Ising systems as models of magnetization switching in submicron ferromagnets Journal of Applied Physics. 79: 5749-5751. DOI: 10.1063/1.362175 |
0.351 |
1996 |
Sides SW, Ramos RA, Rikvold PA, Novotny MA. Response of a kinetic ising system to oscillating external fields: Amplitude and frequency dependence Journal of Applied Physics. 79: 6482-6484. DOI: 10.1063/1.361978 |
0.378 |
1996 |
Rikvold PA, Zhang J, Sung YE, Wieckowski A. Lattice-gas models of adsorption in the double layer Electrochimica Acta. 41: 2175-2184. DOI: 10.1016/0013-4686(96)00049-7 |
0.376 |
1995 |
Lee J, Novotny MA, Rikvold PA. Method to study relaxation of metastable phases: Macroscopic mean-field dynamics. Physical Review. E, Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary Topics. 52: 356-372. PMID 9963440 DOI: 10.1103/Physreve.52.356 |
0.351 |
1995 |
Richards HL, Sides SW, Novotny MA, Rikvold PA. Magnetization switching in nanoscale ferromagnetic grains: description by a kinetic Ising model Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 150: 37-50. DOI: 10.1016/0304-8853(95)00402-5 |
0.326 |
1995 |
Rikvold PA, Gamboa-Aldeco M, Zhang J, Han M, Wang Q, Richards HL, Wieckowski A. Computational lattice-gas modeling of the electrosorption of small molecules and ions Surface Science. 335: 389-400. DOI: 10.1016/0039-6028(95)00440-8 |
0.408 |
1994 |
Fiig T, Gorman BM, Rikvold PA, Novotny MA. Numerical transfer-matrix study of a model with competing metastable states. Physical Review. E, Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary Topics. 50: 1930-1947. PMID 9962195 DOI: 10.1103/Physreve.50.1930 |
0.379 |
1994 |
Rikvold PA, Tomita H, Miyashita S, Sides SW. Metastable lifetimes in a kinetic Ising model: Dependence on field and system size. Physical Review. E, Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary Topics. 49: 5080-5090. PMID 9961829 DOI: 10.1103/Physreve.49.5080 |
0.356 |
1994 |
Gorman BM, Rikvold PA, Novotny MA. Finite-range-scaling analysis of metastability in an Ising model with long-range interactions. Physical Review. E, Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary Topics. 49: 2711-2725. PMID 9961536 DOI: 10.1103/Physreve.49.2711 |
0.353 |
1994 |
Günther CCA, Rikvold PA, Novotny MA. Application of a constrained-transfer-matrix method to metastability in the d = 2 Ising ferromagnet Physica a: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications. 212: 194-229. DOI: 10.1016/0378-4371(94)90147-3 |
0.364 |
1993 |
Günther CC, Rikvold PA, Novotny MA. Numerical transfer-matrix study of metastability in the d=2 Ising model. Physical Review Letters. 71: 3898-3901. PMID 10055103 DOI: 10.1103/Physrevlett.71.3898 |
0.305 |
1993 |
Richards HL, Novotny MA, Rikvold PA. Numerical transfer-matrix study of surface-tension anisotropy in Ising models on square and cubic lattices. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter. 48: 14584-14598. PMID 10007880 DOI: 10.1103/Physrevb.48.14584 |
0.31 |
1993 |
Rikvold PA, Gorman BM, Novotny MA. Critical finite-range scaling in scalar-field theories and Ising models. Physical Review. E, Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary Topics. 47: 1474-1485. PMID 9960166 DOI: 10.1103/Physreve.47.1474 |
0.316 |
1993 |
Gamboa-Aldeco M, Mrozek P, Rhee CK, Wieckowski A, Rikvold PA, Wang Q. Adsorption of urea on the Pt(100) electrode: experiments and lattice-gas modeling Surface Science. 297. DOI: 10.1016/0039-6028(93)90212-3 |
0.401 |
1992 |
Hilton DK, Gorman BM, Rikvold PA, Novotny MA. Structural phase transitions and oxygen-oxygen interaction energies in YBa2Cu3O6+x. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter. 46: 381-389. PMID 10002222 DOI: 10.1103/Physrevb.46.381 |
0.346 |
1992 |
Kimel JD, Rikvold PA, Wang YL. Phase diagram for the antiferromagnetic Blume-Capel model near tricriticality. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter. 45: 7237-7243. PMID 10000496 DOI: 10.1103/Physrevb.45.7237 |
0.393 |
1992 |
Rikvold PA, Wieckowski A. Some applications of lattice-gas models to electrochemical adsorption Physica Scripta. 1992: 71-76. DOI: 10.1088/0031-8949/1992/T44/011 |
0.368 |
1991 |
Rikvold PA, Novotny MA, Aukrust T. Macroscopic effects of local oxygen fluctuations in YBa2Cu3O6+x. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter. 43: 202-209. PMID 9996204 DOI: 10.1103/Physrevb.43.202 |
0.359 |
1991 |
Rikvold PA. Non-equilibrium information from transfer matrices Physica Scripta. 1991: 36-39. DOI: 10.1088/0031-8949/1991/T38/009 |
0.342 |
1991 |
Dünweg B, Milchev A, Rikvold PA. A model for adsorption of O on Mo(110): Phase transitions with nonuniversal behavior The Journal of Chemical Physics. 94: 3958-3973. DOI: 10.1063/1.460673 |
0.385 |
1991 |
Rikvold PA, Deakin MR. Lateral interactions and enhanced adsorption Surface Science. 249: 180-193. DOI: 10.1016/0039-6028(91)90843-H |
0.399 |
1991 |
Rikvold PA. Effects of lateral interactions in multicomponent adsorption Electrochimica Acta. 36: 1685-1687. DOI: 10.1016/0013-4686(91)85027-5 |
0.357 |
1990 |
Günther CC, Rikvold PA, Novotny MA. First-order structural phase transitions in a lattice-gas model for YBa2Cu3O6+x. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter. 42: 10738-10741. PMID 9995336 DOI: 10.1103/Physrevb.42.10738 |
0.359 |
1989 |
Collins JB, Sacramento P, Rikvold PA, Gunton JD. Lateral interactions in catalyst poisoning Surface Science. 221: 277-298. DOI: 10.1016/0167-2584(89)90022-4 |
0.6 |
1988 |
Collins JB, Rikvold PA, Gawlinski ET. Finite-size scaling analysis of the S=1 Ising model on the triangular lattice. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter. 38: 6741-6750. PMID 9945352 DOI: 10.1103/Physrevb.38.6741 |
0.756 |
1988 |
Rikvold PA, Collins JB, Hansen GD, Gunton JD. Three-state lattice gas on a triangular lattice as a model for multicomponent adsorption Surface Science. 203: 500-524. DOI: 10.1016/0039-6028(88)90096-9 |
0.598 |
1987 |
Rikvold PA, Collins JB, Hansen GD, Gunton JD, Gawlinski ET. Three-State Lattice-Gas Model of H-S on Pt(111) Mrs Proceedings. 111: 249. DOI: 10.1557/Proc-111-249 |
0.517 |
1986 |
Rikvold PA. Erratum: Determination of multicritical points for lattice-gas models by finite-size scaling of the susceptibility Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter. 33: 6523. PMID 9939217 DOI: 10.1103/Physrevb.33.6523 |
0.31 |
1985 |
Rikvold PA. Determination of multicritcal points for lattice-gas models by finite-size scaling of the susceptibility. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter. 32: 4756-4759. PMID 9937662 DOI: 10.1103/Physrevb.32.4756 |
0.309 |
1985 |
Kaski K, Kumar B, Gunton JD, Rikvold PA. Dynamical scaling in the order-disorder herringbone transition Surface Science. 152: 859-867. DOI: 10.1016/0039-6028(85)90497-2 |
0.585 |
1984 |
Rikvold PA, Kaski K, Gunton JD, Yalabik MC. Finite-size scaling study of a lattice-gas model for oxygen chemisorbed on tungsten Physical Review B. 29: 6285-6294. DOI: 10.1103/Physrevb.29.6285 |
0.6 |
1984 |
Kaski K, Kumar S, Gunton JD, Rikvold PA. Kinetics of the order-disorder herringbone transition Physical Review B. 29: 4420-4425. DOI: 10.1103/Physrevb.29.4420 |
0.51 |
1983 |
Rikvold PA, Kinzel W, Gunton JD, Kaski K. Finite-size-scaling study of a two-dimensional lattice-gas model with a tricritical point Physical Review B. 28: 2686-2692. DOI: 10.1103/Physrevb.28.2686 |
0.577 |
1982 |
Rikvold PA, Gunton JD. Scaling function for the structure factor in first-order phase transitions Physical Review Letters. 49: 286-289. DOI: 10.1103/Physrevlett.49.286 |
0.56 |
1982 |
Rikvold PA. Simulations of a stochastic model for cluster growth on a square lattice Physical Review A. 26: 647-650. DOI: 10.1103/Physreva.26.647 |
0.324 |
1977 |
Rikvold PA. Stochastic model for the dynamics of a spin-oscillator coupled system Zeitschrift F�R Physik B Condensed Matter and Quanta. 26: 195-199. DOI: 10.1007/Bf01325273 |
0.303 |
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