Year |
Citation |
Score |
2020 |
Pérez Hortal AA, Zawadzki I, Yau MK. A Heuristic Approach for Precipitation Data Assimilation: Effect of Forecast Errors and Assimilation of NCEP Stage IV Precipitation Analyses Monthly Weather Review. 148: 1629-1651. DOI: 10.1175/Mwr-D-19-0331.1 |
0.452 |
2019 |
Pérez Hortal AA, Zawadzki I, Yau MK. A Heuristic Approach for Precipitation Data Assimilation: Characterization Using OSSEs Monthly Weather Review. 147: 3445-3466. DOI: 10.1175/Mwr-D-19-0034.1 |
0.481 |
2017 |
Surcel M, Zawadzki I, Yau MK, Xue M, Kong F. More on the Scale Dependence of the Predictability of Precipitation Patterns: Extension to the 2009–13 CAPS Spring Experiment Ensemble Forecasts Monthly Weather Review. 145: 3625-3646. DOI: 10.1175/Mwr-D-16-0362.1 |
0.408 |
2017 |
Atencia A, Zawadzki I. Analogs on the Lorenz Attractor and Ensemble Spread Monthly Weather Review. 145: 1381-1400. DOI: 10.1175/Mwr-D-16-0123.1 |
0.366 |
2017 |
Atencia A, Zawadzki I, Berenguer M. Scale Characterization and Correction of Diurnal Cycle Errors in MAPLE Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology. 56: 2561-2575. DOI: 10.1175/Jamc-D-16-0344.1 |
0.429 |
2016 |
Surcel M, Zawadzki I, Yau MK. The case-to-case variability of the predictability of precipitation by a storm-scale ensemble forecasting system Monthly Weather Review. 144: 193-212. DOI: 10.1175/Mwr-D-15-0232.1 |
0.38 |
2015 |
Atencia A, Zawadzki I. A comparison of two techniques for generating nowcasting ensembles. Part II: Analogs selection and comparison of techniques Monthly Weather Review. 143: 2890-2908. DOI: 10.1175/Mwr-D-14-00342.1 |
0.396 |
2015 |
Jacques D, Zawadzki I. The impacts of representing the correlation of errors in radar data assimilation. Part II: Model output as background estimates Monthly Weather Review. 143: 2637-2656. DOI: 10.1175/Mwr-D-14-00243.1 |
0.446 |
2015 |
Surcel M, Zawadzki I, Yau MK. A study on the scale dependence of the predictability of precipitation patterns Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences. 72: 216-235. DOI: 10.1175/Jas-D-14-0071.1 |
0.423 |
2014 |
Jacques D, Zawadzki I. The impacts of representing the correlation of errors in radar data assimilation. Part I: Experiments with simulated background and observation estimates Monthly Weather Review. 142: 3998-4016. DOI: 10.1175/Mwr-D-14-00104.1 |
0.377 |
2014 |
Surcel M, Zawadzki I, Yau MK. On the filtering properties of ensemble averaging for storm-scale precipitation forecasts Monthly Weather Review. 142: 1093-1105. DOI: 10.1175/Mwr-D-13-00134.1 |
0.391 |
2014 |
Atencia A, Zawadzki I. A comparison of two techniques for generating nowcasting ensembles. Part I: Lagrangian ensemble technique Monthly Weather Review. 142: 4036-4052. DOI: 10.1175/Mwr-D-13-00117.1 |
0.381 |
2014 |
Szyrmer W, Zawadzki I. Snow studies. Part IV: Ensemble retrieval of snow microphysics from dual-wavelength vertically pointing radars Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences. 71: 1171-1186. DOI: 10.1175/Jas-D-12-0286.1 |
0.463 |
2014 |
Szyrmer W, Zawadzki I. Snow studies. Part III: Theoretical derivations for the ensemble retrieval of snow microphysics from dual-wavelength vertically pointing radars Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences. 71: 1158-1170. DOI: 10.1175/Jas-D-12-0285.1 |
0.35 |
2014 |
Sun J, Xue M, Wilson JW, Zawadzki I, Ballard SP, Onvlee-Hooimeyer J, Joe P, Barker DM, Li PW, Golding B, Xu M, Pinto J. Use of nwp for nowcasting convective precipitation: Recent progress and challenges Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. 95: 409-426. DOI: 10.1175/Bams-D-11-00263.1 |
0.344 |
2013 |
Radhakrishna B, Zawadzki I, Fabry F. Postprocessing model-predicted rainfall fields in the spectral domain using phase information from radar observations Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences. 70: 1145-1159. DOI: 10.1175/Jas-D-12-0175.1 |
0.413 |
2012 |
Berenguer M, Surcel M, Zawadzki I, Xue M, Kong F. The diurnal cycle of precipitation from continental radar mosaics and numerical weather prediction models. Part II: Intercomparison among numerical models and with Nowcasting Monthly Weather Review. 140: 2689-2705. DOI: 10.1175/Mwr-D-11-00181.1 |
0.449 |
2012 |
Radhakrishna B, Zawadzki I, Fabry F. Predictability of precipitation from continental radar images. part v: Growth and decay Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences. 69: 3336-3349. DOI: 10.1175/Jas-D-12-029.1 |
0.304 |
2010 |
Surcel M, Berenguer M, Zawadzki I. The diurnal cycle of precipitation from continental radar mosaics and numerical weather prediction models. Part I: Methodology and seasonal comparison Monthly Weather Review. 138: 3084-3106. DOI: 10.1175/2010Mwr3125.1 |
0.432 |
2010 |
Szyrmer W, Zawadzki I. Snow studies. Part II: Average relationship between mass of snowflakes and their terminal fall velocity Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences. 67: 3319-3335. DOI: 10.1175/2010Jas3390.1 |
0.319 |
2010 |
Zawadzki I, Jung E, Lee G. Snow studies. Part I: A study of natural variability of snow terminal velocity Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences. 67: 1591-1604. DOI: 10.1175/2010Jas3342.1 |
0.35 |
2010 |
Lee HC, Lee YH, Ha JC, Chang DE, Bellon A, Zawadzki I, Lee G. McGill algorithm for precipitation nowcasting by lagrangian extrapolation (MAPLE) applied to the South Korean radar network. Part II: Real-time verification for the summer season Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences. 46: 383-391. DOI: 10.1007/S13143-010-1009-9 |
0.388 |
2010 |
Bellon A, Zawadzki I, Kilambi A, Lee HC, Lee YH, Lee G. McGill algorithm for precipitation nowcasting by lagrangian extrapolation (MAPLE) applied to the South Korean radar network. Part I: Sensitivity studies of the Variational Echo Tracking (VET) technique Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences. 46: 369-381. DOI: 10.1007/S13143-010-1008-X |
0.449 |
2009 |
Chung KS, Zawadzki I, Yau MK, Fillion L. Short-term forecasting of a midlatitude convective storm by the assimilation of single-doppler radar observations Monthly Weather Review. 137: 4115-4135. DOI: 10.1175/2009Mwr2731.1 |
0.511 |
2009 |
Berenguer M, Zawadzki I. A study of the error covariance matrix of radar rainfall estimates in stratiform rain. Part II: Scale dependence Weather and Forecasting. 24: 800-811. DOI: 10.1175/2008Waf2222210.1 |
0.425 |
2009 |
Lee CK, Lee GW, Zawadzki I, Kim KE. A preliminary analysis of spatial variability of raindrop size distributions during stratiform rain events Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology. 48: 270-283. DOI: 10.1175/2008Jamc1877.1 |
0.398 |
2008 |
Berenguer M, Zawadzki I. A study of the error covariance matrix of radar rainfall estimates in stratiform rain Weather and Forecasting. 23: 1085-1101. DOI: 10.1175/2008Waf2222134.1 |
0.416 |
2008 |
Heyraud C, Szyrmer W, Laroche S, Zawadzki I. Modeling of the melting layer. Part IV: Brightband bulk parameterization Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences. 65: 1991-2001. DOI: 10.1175/2007Jas2448.1 |
0.418 |
2007 |
Hocking WK, Carey-Smith T, Tarasick DW, Argall PS, Strong K, Rochon Y, Zawadzki I, Taylor PA. Detection of stratospheric ozone intrusions by windprofiler radars Nature. 450: 281-284. PMID 17994096 DOI: 10.1038/Nature06312 |
0.373 |
2007 |
Lee GW, Seed AW, Zawadzki I. Modeling the variability of drop size distributions in space and time Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology. 46: 742-756. DOI: 10.1175/Jam2505.1 |
0.407 |
2007 |
Vasić S, Lin CA, Zawadzki I, Bousquet O, Chaumont D. Evaluation of precipitation from numerical weather prediction models and satellites using values retrieved from radars Monthly Weather Review. 135: 3750-3766. DOI: 10.1175/2007Mwr1955.1 |
0.443 |
2007 |
Kollias P, Szyrmer W, Zawadzki I, Joe P. Considerations for spaceborne 94 GHz radar observations of precipitation Geophysical Research Letters. 34. DOI: 10.1029/2007Gl031536 |
0.406 |
2006 |
Bousquet O, Lin CA, Zawadzki I. Analysis of scale dependence of quantitative precipitation forecast verification: A case-study over the Mackenzie river basin Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society. 132: 2107-2125. DOI: 10.1256/Qj.05.154 |
0.44 |
2006 |
Cho YH, Lee GW, Kim KE, Zawadzki I. Identification and removal of ground echoes and anomalous propagation using the characteristics of radar echoes Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology. 23: 1206-1222. DOI: 10.1175/Jtech1913.1 |
0.364 |
2006 |
Germann U, Zawadzki I, Turner B. Predictability of precipitation from continental radar images. Part IV: Limits to prediction Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences. 63: 2092-2108. DOI: 10.1175/Jas3735.1 |
0.418 |
2006 |
Campos EF, Zawadzki I, Petitdidier M, Fernández W. Measurement of raindrop size distributions in tropical rain at Costa Rica Journal of Hydrology. 328: 98-109. DOI: 10.1016/J.Jhydrol.2005.11.047 |
0.346 |
2006 |
Lee G, Zawadzki I. Radar calibration by gage, disdrometer, and polarimetry: Theoretical limit caused by the variability of drop size distribution and application to fast scanning operational radar data Journal of Hydrology. 328: 83-97. DOI: 10.1016/J.Jhydrol.2005.11.046 |
0.453 |
2005 |
Laroche S, Szyrmer W, Zawadzki I. A microphysical bulk formulation based on scaling normalization of the particle size distribution. Part II: Data assimilation into physical processes Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences. 62: 4222-4237. DOI: 10.1175/Jas3621.1 |
0.457 |
2005 |
Szyrmer W, Laroche S, Zawadzki I. A microphysical bulk formulation based on scaling normalization of the particle size distribution. Part I: Description Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences. 62: 4206-4221. DOI: 10.1175/Jas3620.1 |
0.348 |
2005 |
Zawadzki I, Szyrmer W, Bell C, Fabry F. Modeling of the melting layer. Part III: The density effect Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences. 62: 3705-3723. DOI: 10.1175/Jas3563.1 |
0.383 |
2005 |
Bellon A, Lee GW, Kilambi A, Zawadzki I. Real-time comparisons of VPR-corrected daily rainfall estimates with a gauge Mesonet 11th Conference On Mesoscale Processes and the 32nd Conference On Radar Meteorology. 1781-1791. DOI: 10.1175/Jam2502.1 |
0.362 |
2005 |
Bellon A, Lee GW, Zawadzki I. Error statistics of VPR corrections in stratiform precipitation Journal of Applied Meteorology. 44: 998-1015. DOI: 10.1175/Jam2253.1 |
0.387 |
2005 |
Lee GW, Zawadzki I. Variability of drop size distributions: Noise and noise filtering in disdrometric data Journal of Applied Meteorology. 44: 634-652. DOI: 10.1175/Jam2222.1 |
0.319 |
2005 |
Lee GW, Zawadzki I. Variability of drop size distributions: Time-scale dependence of the variability and its effects on rain estimation Journal of Applied Meteorology. 44: 241-255. DOI: 10.1175/Jam2183.1 |
0.353 |
2005 |
Lin C, Vasić S, Kilambi A, Turner B, Zawadzki I. Precipitation forecast skill of numerical weather prediction models and radar nowcasts Geophysical Research Letters. 32: 1-4. DOI: 10.1029/2005Gl023451 |
0.447 |
2004 |
Lee G, Zawadzki I, Szyrmer W, Sempere-Torres D, Uijlenhoet R. A general approach to double-moment normalization of drop size distributions Journal of Applied Meteorology. 43: 264-281. DOI: 10.1175/1520-0450(2004)043<0264:Agatdn>2.0.Co;2 |
0.321 |
2004 |
Turner BJ, Zawadzki I, Germann U. Predictability of precipitation from continental radar images. Part III: Operational nowcasting implementation (MAPLE) Journal of Applied Meteorology. 43: 231-248. DOI: 10.1175/1520-0450(2004)043<0231:Popfcr>2.0.Co;2 |
0.364 |
2004 |
Miriovsky BJ, Bradley AA, Eichinger WE, Krajewski WF, Kruger A, Nelson BR, Creutin J, Lapetite J, Lee GW, Zawadzki I, Ogden FL. An Experimental Study of Small-Scale Variability of Radar Reflectivity Using Disdrometer Observations Journal of Applied Meteorology. 43: 106-118. DOI: 10.1175/1520-0450(2004)043<0106:Aesosv>2.0.Co;2 |
0.416 |
2004 |
Germann U, Zawadzki I. Scale dependence of the predictability of precipitation from continental radar images. Part II: Probability forecasts Journal of Applied Meteorology. 43: 74-89. |
0.302 |
2003 |
Bellon A, Zawadzki I. A 9-year summary of radar characteristics of mesocyclonic storms and of deep convection in Southern Québec Atmosphere - Ocean. 41: 99-120. DOI: 10.3137/Ao.410201 |
0.411 |
2003 |
Torlaschi E, Zawadzki I. The effect of mean and differential attenuation on the precision and accuracy of the estimates of reflectivity and differential reflectivity Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology. 20: 362-371. DOI: 10.1175/1520-0426(2003)020<0362:Teomad>2.0.Co;2 |
0.325 |
2003 |
Hendrantoro G, Zawadzki I. Derivation of parameters of Y-Z power-law relation from raindrop size distribution measurements and its application in the calculation of rain attenuation from radar reflectivity factor measurements Ieee Transactions On Antennas and Propagation. 51: 12-22. DOI: 10.1109/Tap.2003.808543 |
0.315 |
2003 |
Chandrasekar V, Meneghini R, Zawadzki I. Global and Local Precipitation Measurements by Radar Meteorological Monographs. 30: 215-236. DOI: 10.1007/978-1-878220-36-3_9 |
0.427 |
2002 |
Montmerle T, Caya A, Zawadzki I. Short-term numerical forecasting of a shallow storms complex using bistatic and single-Doppler radar data Weather and Forecasting. 17: 1211-1225. DOI: 10.1175/1520-0434(2002)017<1211:Stnfoa>2.0.Co;2 |
0.759 |
2002 |
Caya A, Laroche S, Zawadzki I, Montmerle T. Using single-doppler data to obtain a mesoscale environmental field Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology. 19: 21-36. DOI: 10.1175/1520-0426(2002)019<0021:Usddto>2.0.Co;2 |
0.742 |
2002 |
Laurence H, Fabry F, Dutilleul P, Bourgeois G, Zawadzki I. Estimation of the spatial pattern of surface relative humidity using ground based radar measurements and its application to disease risk assessment Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 111: 223-231. DOI: 10.1016/S0168-1923(02)00019-9 |
0.387 |
2002 |
Fabry F, Zawadzki I. New observational technologlies Scientific and societal impacts International Geophysics. 83: 72-82. DOI: 10.1016/S0074-6142(02)80158-9 |
0.4 |
2002 |
Germann U, Zawadzki I. Scale-dependence of the predictability of precipitation from continental radar images. Part I: Description of the methodology Monthly Weather Review. 130: 2859-2873. |
0.313 |
2001 |
Montmerle T, Caya A, Zawadzki I. Simulation of a midlatitude convective storm initialized with bistatic Doppler radar data Monthly Weather Review. 129: 1949-1967. DOI: 10.1175/1520-0493(2001)129<1949:Soamcs>2.0.Co;2 |
0.756 |
2001 |
Protat A, Zawadzki I, Caya A. Kinematic and thermodynamic study of a shallow hailstorm sampled by the McGill bistatic multiple-doppler radar network Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences. 58: 1222-1248. DOI: 10.1175/1520-0469(2001)058<1222:Katsoa>2.0.Co;2 |
0.713 |
2001 |
de Elía R, Zawadzki I. Optimal Layout of a Bistatic Radar Network Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology. 18: 1184-1194. DOI: 10.1175/1520-0426(2001)018<1184:Oloabr>2.0.Co;2 |
0.381 |
2001 |
Gosset M, Zawadzki I. Effect of nonuniform beam filling on the propagation of the radar signal at X-band frequencies. Part I: Changes in the k(Z) relationship Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology. 18: 1113-1126. DOI: 10.1175/1520-0426(2001)018<1113:Eonbfo>2.0.Co;2 |
0.33 |
2001 |
Nissen R, Hudak D, Laroche S, De Elía R, Zawadzki I, Asuma Y. 3D wind field retrieval applied to snow events using doppler radar Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology. 18: 348-362. DOI: 10.1175/1520-0426(2001)018<0348:Wfrats>2.0.Co;2 |
0.467 |
2001 |
Zawadzki I, Fabry F, Szyrmer W. Observations of supercooled water and secondary ice generation by a vertically pointing X-band Doppler radar Atmospheric Research. 59: 343-359. DOI: 10.1016/S0169-8095(01)00124-7 |
0.356 |
2000 |
Laprise R, Varma MR, Denis B, Caya D, Zawadzki I. Predictability of a nested limited-area model Monthly Weather Review. 128: 4149-4154. DOI: 10.1175/1520-0493(2000)129<4149:Poanla>2.0.Co;2 |
0.412 |
2000 |
Zawadzki I, Szyrmer W, Laroche S. Diagnostic of supercooled clouds from single-doppler observations in regions of radar-detectable snow Journal of Applied Meteorology. 39: 1041-1058. DOI: 10.1175/1520-0450(2000)039<1041:Doscfs>2.0.Co;2 |
0.383 |
2000 |
De Elia R, Zawadzki I. Sidelobe contamination in bistatic radars Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology. 17: 1313-1329. DOI: 10.1175/1520-0426(2000)017<1313:Scibr>2.0.Co;2 |
0.709 |
2000 |
Protat A, Zawadzki I. Optimization of dynamic retrievals from a multiple-Doppler radar network Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology. 17: 753-760. DOI: 10.1175/1520-0426(2000)017<0753:Oodrfa>2.0.Co;2 |
0.323 |
2000 |
Sánchez-Diezma R, Zawadzki I, Sempere-Torres D. Identification of the bright band through the analysis of volumetric radar data Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres. 105: 2225-2236. DOI: 10.1029/1999Jd900310 |
0.355 |
2000 |
Sempere-Torresl D, Sanchez-Diezma R, Zawadzki I, Creutin JD. Identification of stratiform and convective areas using radar data with application to the improvement of DSD analysis and Z-R relations Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Part B: Hydrology, Oceans and Atmosphere. 25: 985-990. DOI: 10.1016/S1464-1909(00)00138-6 |
0.399 |
1999 |
Szyrmer W, Zawadzki I. Modeling of the melting layer. Part I: Dynamics and microphysics Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences. 56: 3573-3592. DOI: 10.1175/1520-0469(1999)056<3573:Motmlp>2.0.Co;2 |
0.358 |
1999 |
Protat A, Zawadzki I. A variational method for real-time retrieval of three-dimensional wind field from multiple-Doppler bistatic radar network data Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology. 16: 432-449. DOI: 10.1175/1520-0426(1999)016<0432:Avmfrt>2.0.Co;2 |
0.463 |
1998 |
Malinowski SP, Zawadzki I, Banat P. Laboratory observations of cloud-clear air mixing at small scales Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology. 15: 1060-1065. DOI: 10.1175/1520-0426(1998)015<1060:Loocca>2.0.Co;2 |
0.323 |
1998 |
Yu W, Lin CA, Benoit R, Zawadzki I. High resolution model simulation of precipitation and evaluation with Doppler radar observation Water Science and Technology. 37: 179-186. DOI: 10.1016/S0273-1223(98)00331-X |
0.455 |
1997 |
Fabry F, Frush C, Zawadzki I, Kilambi A. On the extraction of near-surface index of refraction using radar phase measurements from ground targets Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology. 14: 978-987. DOI: 10.1175/1520-0426(1997)014<0978:Oteons>2.0.Co;2 |
0.362 |
1997 |
Bellon A, Zawadzki I, Fabry F. Measurements of melting layer attenuation at X-band frequencies Radio Science. 32: 943-955. DOI: 10.1029/97Rs00492 |
0.312 |
1995 |
Tremblay A, Glazer A, Szyrmer W, Isaac G, Zawadzki I. Forecasting of Supercooled Clouds Monthly Weather Review. 123: 2098-2113. DOI: 10.1175/1520-0493(1995)123<2098:Fosc>2.0.Co;2 |
0.346 |
1995 |
Fabry F, Zawadzki I. Long-term radar observations of the melting layer of precipitation and their interpretation Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences. 52: 838-851. DOI: 10.1175/1520-0469(1995)052<0838:Ltroot>2.0.Co;2 |
0.391 |
1994 |
Gu Songshan, Zawadzki I, Laroche S. Retrieval of horizontal wind perturbation fields from simulated single Doppler radar observations Acta Meteorologica Sinica. 8: 89-108. |
0.332 |
1993 |
Fabry F, Zawadzki I, Cohn S. The influence of stratiform precipitation on shallow convective rain: a case study Monthly Weather Review. 121: 3312-3325. DOI: 10.1175/1520-0493(1993)121<3312:Tiospo>2.0.Co;2 |
0.422 |
1983 |
Torlaschi E, Zawadzki I. The dependence of rain attenuation statistics on meteorological parameters Radio Science. 18: 225-229. DOI: 10.1029/Rs018I002P00225 |
0.378 |
1983 |
Calheiros RV, Zawadzki II. REFLECTIVITY RAIN RATE RELATIONSHIP FOR RADAR HYDROLOGY IN BRAZIL Conference On Radar Meteorology of the American Meteorological Society. 687-692. |
0.319 |
Show low-probability matches. |