Robert Guardo - Publications

Genie Biomedical Ecole Polytechnique, Montreal (Canada) 
Biomedical Engineering, Electricity and Magnetism Physics, Radiology

28 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2012 Adler A, Guardo R. A neural network image reconstruction technique for electrical impedance tomography. Ieee Transactions On Medical Imaging. 13: 594-600. PMID 18218537 DOI: 10.1109/42.363109  0.63
2012 Ruan W, Guardo R, Adler A. Experimental evaluation of two iterative reconstruction methods for induced current electrical impedance tomography. Ieee Transactions On Medical Imaging. 15: 180-7. PMID 18215900 DOI: 10.1109/42.491419  0.651
2012 Adler A, Guardo R. Electrical impedance tomography: regularized imaging and contrast detection. Ieee Transactions On Medical Imaging. 15: 170-9. PMID 18215899 DOI: 10.1109/42.491418  0.662
2010 Hartinger AE, Guardo R, Kokta V, Gagnon H. A 3-D hybrid finite element model to characterize the electrical behavior of cutaneous tissues. Ieee Transactions On Bio-Medical Engineering. 57: 780-9. PMID 19932994 DOI: 10.1109/Tbme.2009.2036371  0.722
2010 Gagnon H, Guardo R, Kokta V, Hartinger AE. A hybrid FEM model to simulate the electrical characteristics of biological tissues at the cellular level Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 224: 012084. DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/224/1/012084  0.72
2009 Gendron M, Guardo R, Bertrand M. Experimental setup for developing acousto-electric interaction imaging. Conference Proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the Ieee Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Ieee Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual Conference. 2009: 2279-83. PMID 19965166 DOI: 10.1109/IEMBS.2009.5335080  0.623
2009 Robitaille N, Guardo R, Maurice I, Hartinger AE, Gagnon H. A multi-frequency EIT system design based on telecommunication signal processors. Physiological Measurement. 30: S57-71. PMID 19491440 DOI: 10.1088/0967-3334/30/6/S04  0.744
2009 Hartinger AE, Guardo R, Adler A, Gagnon H. Real-time management of faulty electrodes in electrical impedance tomography. Ieee Transactions On Bio-Medical Engineering. 56: 369-77. PMID 19272943 DOI: 10.1109/Tbme.2008.2003103  0.724
2007 Tanguay LF, Gagnon H, Guardo R. Comparison of applied and induced current electrical impedance tomography. Ieee Transactions On Bio-Medical Engineering. 54: 1643-9. PMID 17867356 DOI: 10.1109/Tbme.2007.892930  0.405
2007 Hartinger AE, Gagnon H, Guardo R. Accounting for hardware imperfections in EIT image reconstruction algorithms. Physiological Measurement. 28: S13-27. PMID 17664631 DOI: 10.1088/0967-3334/28/7/S02  0.746
2006 Marquis F, Coulombe N, Costa R, Gagnon H, Guardo R, Skrobik Y. Electrical impedance tomography's correlation to lung volume is not influenced by anthropometric parameters. Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing. 20: 201-7. PMID 16688390 DOI: 10.1007/S10877-006-9021-4  0.314
2006 Hartinger AE, Gagnon H, Guardo R. A method for modelling and optimizing an electrical impedance tomography system. Physiological Measurement. 27: S51-64. PMID 16636420 DOI: 10.1088/0967-3334/27/5/S05  0.753
2005 Coulombe N, Gagnon H, Marquis F, Skrobik Y, Guardo R. A parametric model of the relationship between EIT and total lung volume. Physiological Measurement. 26: 401-11. PMID 15886435 DOI: 10.1088/0967-3334/26/4/006  0.363
2002 Garon M, Légaré A, Guardo R, Savard P, Buschmann MD. Streaming potentials maps are spatially resolved indicators of amplitude, frequency and ionic strength dependant responses of articular cartilage to load Journal of Biomechanics. 35: 207-216. PMID 11784539 DOI: 10.1016/S0021-9290(01)00197-X  0.321
1998 Adler A, Shinozuka N, Berthiaume Y, Guardo R, Bates JHT. Electrical impedance tomography can monitor dynamic hyperinflation in dogs Journal of Applied Physiology. 84: 726-732. PMID 9475886 DOI: 10.1152/Jappl.1998.84.2.726  0.574
1997 Adler A, Amyot R, Guardo R, Bates JHT, Berthiaume Y. Monitoring changes in lung air and liquid volumes with electrical impedance tomography Journal of Applied Physiology. 83: 1762-1767. PMID 9375349 DOI: 10.1152/Jappl.1997.83.5.1762  0.548
1997 Debiais F, Durand LG, Guo Z, Guardo R. Time-frequency analysis of heart murmurs. Part II: Optimisation of time-frequency representations and performance evaluation Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing. 35: 480-485. PMID 9374051 DOI: 10.1007/Bf02525527  0.342
1997 Debiais F, Durand L, Pibarot P, Guardo R. Time-frequency analysis of heart murmurs. Part I: Parametric modelling and numerical simulations. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing. 35: 474-479. PMID 9374050 DOI: 10.1007/Bf02525526  0.318
1997 Cohen-Bacrie C, Goussard Y, Guardo R. Regularized reconstruction in electrical impedance tomography using a variance uniformization constraint. Ieee Transactions On Medical Imaging. 16: 562-71. PMID 9368111 DOI: 10.1109/42.640745  0.417
1996 Adler A, Guardo R, Berthiaume Y. Impedance imaging of lung ventilation: do we need to account for chest expansion? Ieee Transactions On Biomedical Engineering. 43: 414-420. PMID 8626190 DOI: 10.1109/10.486261  0.636
1995 Shahidi AV, Guardo R, Savard P. Impedance tomography: Computational analysis based on finite element models of a cylinder and a human thorax Annals of Biomedical Engineering. 23: 61-69. DOI: 10.1007/Bf02368301  0.501
1991 Guardo R, Boulay C, Murray B, Bertrand M. An experimental study in electrical impedance tomography using backprojection reconstruction Ieee Transactions On Biomedical Engineering. 38: 617-627. PMID 1879853 DOI: 10.1109/10.83560  0.467
1991 Ross R, Leger L, Guardo R, Guise JD, Pike BG. Adipose tissue volume measured by magnetic resonance imaging and computerized tomography in rats. Journal of Applied Physiology. 70: 2164-2172. PMID 1864799 DOI: 10.1152/Jappl.1991.70.5.2164  0.306
1985 Savard P, Ackaoui A, Gulrajani RM, Nadeau RA, Roberge FA, Guardo R, Dube B. Localization of cardiac ectopic activity in man by a single moving dipole. Comparison of different computation techniques. Journal of Electrocardiology. 18: 211-21. PMID 4031724 DOI: 10.1016/S0022-0736(85)80045-5  0.324
1985 Dubé B, Savard P, Guardo R, Gulrajani RM, Drouhard JP. Surface integration and least-squares procedures for the inverse recovery of cardiac multipole components. Annals of Biomedical Engineering. 13: 43-58. PMID 4003872 DOI: 10.1007/Bf02371249  0.32
1985 Guise JD, Gulrajani RM, Savard P, Guardo R, Roberge FA. Inverse Recovery of Two Moving Dipoles from Simulated Surface Potential Distributions on a Realistic Human Torso Model Ieee Transactions On Biomedical Engineering. 126-135. PMID 3997167 DOI: 10.1109/Tbme.1985.325433  0.355
1983 Bonneau G, Bertrand M, Guardo R, Lafortune M, LeBlanc AR. A Preprocessor for On-Line Data Reduction in Accelerated Playback of ECG’s Ieee Transactions On Biomedical Engineering. 197-200. PMID 6862497 DOI: 10.1109/Tbme.1983.325110  0.347
1982 Savard P, Mailloux GE, Roberge FA, Gulrajani RM, Guardo R. A Simulation Study of the Single Moving Dipole Representation of Cardiac Electrical Activity Ieee Transactions On Biomedical Engineering. 700-707. PMID 7173934 DOI: 10.1109/Tbme.1982.324863  0.46
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