Year |
Citation |
Score |
2018 |
Djuth FT, Carlson HC, Zhang LD. Incoherent Scatter Radar Studies of Daytime Plasma Lines Earth, Moon, and Planets. 121: 13-43. DOI: 10.1007/S11038-018-9513-5 |
0.683 |
2015 |
Carlson HC, Djuth FT, Perillat P, Sulzer M. Low-latitude 10 eV electrons: Nighttime plasma line as a new research capability Geophysical Research Letters. 42: 7255-7263. DOI: 10.1002/2015Gl065172 |
0.698 |
2014 |
Carlson HC, Jensen JB. HF Accelerated Electron Fluxes, Spectra, and Ionization Earth, Moon and Planets. DOI: 10.1007/S11038-014-9454-6 |
0.398 |
2014 |
Skjaeveland Å, Moen J, Carlson HC. Which cusp upflow events can possibly turn into outflows? Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics. 119: 6876-6890. DOI: 10.1002/2013Ja019495 |
0.419 |
2013 |
Carlson HC, Oksavik K, Moen JI. Thermally excited 630.0 nm O(1D) emission in the cusp: A frequent high-altitude transient signature Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics. 118: 5842-5852. DOI: 10.1002/Jgra.50516 |
0.404 |
2012 |
Carlson HC. Sharpening our thinking about polar cap ionospheric patch morphology, research, and mitigation techniques Radio Science. 47. DOI: 10.1029/2011Rs004946 |
0.374 |
2012 |
Moen J, Carlson HC, Rinne Y, Skjæveland A. Multi-scale features of solar terrestrial coupling in the cusp ionosphere Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics. 87: 11-19. DOI: 10.1016/J.Jastp.2011.07.002 |
0.362 |
2011 |
Skjæveland A, Moen J, Carlson HC. On the relationship between flux transfer events, temperature enhancements, and ion upflow events in the cusp ionosphere Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics. 116. DOI: 10.1029/2011Ja016480 |
0.368 |
2010 |
Pedersen T, Gustavsson B, Mishin E, Kendall E, Mills T, Carlson HC, Snyder AL. Creation of artificial ionospheric layers using high-power HF waves Geophysical Research Letters. 37. DOI: 10.1029/2009Gl041895 |
0.431 |
2009 |
Blagoveshchenskaya NF, Carlson HC, Kornienko VA, Borisova TD, Rietveld MT, Yeoman TK, Brekke A. Phenomena induced by powerful HF pumping towards magnetic zenith with a frequency near the F-region critical frequency and the third electron gyro harmonic frequency Annales Geophysicae. 27: 131-145. DOI: 10.5194/Angeo-27-131-2009 |
0.414 |
2009 |
Pedersen T, Gustavsson B, Mishin E, MacKenzie E, Carlson HC, Starks M, Mills T. Optical ring formation and ionization production in high-power HF heating experiments at HAARP Geophysical Research Letters. 36. DOI: 10.1029/2009Gl040047 |
0.323 |
2008 |
Carlson HC, Oksavik K, Moen J. On a new process for cusp irregularity production Annales Geophysicae. 26: 2871-2885. DOI: 10.5194/Angeo-26-2871-2008 |
0.364 |
2008 |
Moen J, Qiu XC, Carlson HC, Fujii R, McCrea IW. On the diurnal variability in F2-region plasma density above the EISCAT Svalbard radar Annales Geophysicae. 26: 2427-2433. DOI: 10.5194/Angeo-26-2427-2008 |
0.39 |
2007 |
Carlson HC, Pedersen T, Basu S, Keskinen M, Moen J. Case for a new process, not mechanism, for cusp irregularity production Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics. 112. DOI: 10.1029/2007Ja012384 |
0.372 |
2007 |
Rinne Y, Moen J, Oksavik K, Carlson HC. Reversed flow events in the winter cusp ionosphere observed by the European Incoherent Scatter (EISCAT) Svalbard radar Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics. 112. DOI: 10.1029/2007Ja012366 |
0.347 |
2007 |
Carlson HC. Role of neutral atmospheric dynamics in cusp density and ionospheric patch formation Geophysical Research Letters. 34. DOI: 10.1029/2007Gl029316 |
0.354 |
2006 |
Moen J, Carlson HC, Oksavik K, Nielsen CP, Pryse SE, Middleton HR, McCrea IW, Gallop P. EISCAT observations of plasma patches at sub-auroral cusp latitudes Annales Geophysicae. 24: 2363-2374. DOI: 10.5194/Angeo-24-2363-2006 |
0.397 |
2006 |
Carlson HC, Moen J, Oksavik K, Nielsen CP, McCrea IW, Pedersen TR, Gallop P. Direct observations of injection events of subauroral plasma into the polar cap Geophysical Research Letters. 33. DOI: 10.1029/2005Gl025230 |
0.343 |
2005 |
Oksavik K, Moen J, Carlson HC, Greenwald RA, Milan SE, Lester M, Denig WF, Barnes RJ. Multi-instrument mapping of the small-scale flow dynamics related to a cusp auroral transient Annales Geophysicae. 23: 2657-2670. DOI: 10.5194/Angeo-23-2657-2005 |
0.301 |
2004 |
Moen J, Lockwood M, Oksavik K, Carlson HC, Denig WF, van Eyken AP, McCrea IW. The dynamics and relationships of precipitation, temperature and convection boundaries in the dayside auroral ionosphere Annales Geophysicae. 22: 1973-1987. DOI: 10.5194/Angeo-22-1973-2004 |
0.351 |
2004 |
Carlson HC, Oksavik K, Moen J, Pedersen T. Ionospheric patch formation: Direct measurements of the origin of a polar cap patch Geophysical Research Letters. 31: L08806 1-4. DOI: 10.1029/2003Gl018166 |
0.371 |
2003 |
Pedersen TR, McCarrick M, Gerken E, Selcher C, Sentman D, Carlson HC, Gurevich A. Magnetic zenith enhancement of HF radio-induced airglow production at HAARP Geophysical Research Letters. 30: 18-1. DOI: 10.1029/2002Gl016096 |
0.334 |
2001 |
Pedersen TR, Carlson HC. First observations of HF heater-produced airglow at the high frequency active auroral research program facility: Thermal excitation and spatial structuring Radio Science. 36: 1013-1026. DOI: 10.1029/2000Rs002399 |
0.415 |
2001 |
Moen J, Van Eyken AP, Carlson HC. EISCAT Svalbard Radar observations of ionospheric plasma dynamics in relation to dayside auroral transients Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics. 106: 21453-21461. DOI: 10.1029/2000Ja000378 |
0.41 |
2000 |
Gurevich AV, Carlson HC, Milikh GM, Zybin KP, Djuth FT, Groves K. Suprathermal electrons generated by the interaction of powerful radio wave with the ionosphere Geophysical Research Letters. 27: 2461-2464. DOI: 10.1029/2000Gl003770 |
0.668 |
2000 |
Mishin E, Carlson HC, Hagfors T. On the electron distribution function in the F region and airglow enhancements during HF modification experiments Geophysical Research Letters. 27: 2857-2860. DOI: 10.1029/2000Gl000075 |
0.431 |
1999 |
Djuth FT, Bernhardt PA, Tepley CA, Gardner JA, Kelley MC, Broadfoot AL, Kagan LM, Sulzer MP, Elder JH, Selcher C, Isham B, Brown C, Carlson HC. Large airglow enhancements produced via wave-plasma interactions in sporadic E Geophysical Research Letters. 26: 1557-1560. DOI: 10.1029/1999Gl900296 |
0.675 |
1999 |
Wickwar VB, Carlson HC. Ionospheric and thermospheric couplings: Vertical, latitudinal and longitudinal Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics. 61: 141-152. |
0.577 |
1996 |
Mantas GP, Carlson HC. Reinterpretation of the 6300-Å airglow enhancements observed in ionosphere heating experiments based on analysis of Platteville, Colorado, data Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics. 101: 195-209. DOI: 10.1029/95Ja02760 |
0.441 |
1995 |
Weiss LA, Reiff PH, Weber EJ, Carlson HC, Lockwood M, Peterson WK. Flow-aligned jets in the magnetospheric cusp: Results from the Geospace Environment Modeling Pilot Program Journal of Geophysical Research. 100: 7649. DOI: 10.1029/94Ja03360 |
0.339 |
1994 |
Carlson HC. The dark polar ionosphere: Progress and future challenges Radio Science. 29: 157-165. DOI: 10.1029/93Rs02125 |
0.361 |
1994 |
Lockwood M, Carlson HC. Reply [to “Comments on ‘Production of polar cap electron density patches by transient magnetopause reconnections’”] Geophysical Research Letters. 21: 2337-2338. DOI: 10.1029/93Gl03390 |
0.328 |
1993 |
Lockwood M, Carlson HC, Sandholt PE. Implications of the altitude of transient 630-nm dayside auroral emissions Journal of Geophysical Research. 98: 15571. DOI: 10.1029/93Ja00811 |
0.335 |
1988 |
Newman AL, Carlson HC, Mantas GP, Djuth FT. Thermal response of the f-region ionosphere for conditions of large HF-induced electron-temperature enhancements Geophysical Research Letters. 15: 311-314. DOI: 10.1029/GL015i004p00311 |
0.64 |
1984 |
Carlson HC, Wickwar VB, Weber EJ, Buchau J, Moore JG, Whiting W. PLASMA CHARACTERISTICS OF POLAR CAP F-LAYER ARCS Geophysical Research Letters. 11: 895-898. |
0.621 |
1982 |
Carlson HC, Mantas GP. An experimental test of the ionosphere electron gas cooling rate by excitation of the fine structure of the ground state of atomic oxygen Journal of Geophysical Research. 87: 4515. DOI: 10.1029/Ja087Ia06P04515 |
0.349 |
1982 |
Carlson HC, Wickwar VB, Mantas GP. Observations of fluxes of suprathermal electrons accelerated by HF excited instabilities Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics. 44: 1089-1100. DOI: 10.1016/0021-9169(82)90020-4 |
0.658 |
1981 |
Mantas GP, Carlson HC, LaHoz CH. Thermal response of theFregion ionosphere in artificial modification experiments by HF radio waves Journal of Geophysical Research. 86: 561. DOI: 10.1029/Ja086Ia02P00561 |
0.45 |
1978 |
Mantas GP, Carlson HC, Wickwar VB. Photoelectron flux buildup in the plasmasphere Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics. 83: 1-15. DOI: 10.1029/Ja083Ia01P00001 |
0.664 |
1978 |
Carlson HC, Wickwar VB, Mantas GP. Correction [to “The plasma line revisited as an Aérönömieal diagnostic: Suprathermal electrons, solar EUV, electron‐gas thermal balance” by H.C. Carlson, Jr., V.B. Wickwar, and G.P. Mantas Geophysical Research Letters. 5: 223-223. DOI: 10.1029/Gl005I003P00223 |
0.642 |
1977 |
Carlson HC, Duncan LM. HF excited instabilities in space plasmas Radio Science. 12: 1001-1013. DOI: 10.1029/RS012i006p01001 |
0.523 |
1977 |
Benson RF, Bauer P, Brace LH, Carlson HC, Hagen J, Hanson WB, Hoegy WR, Torr MR, Wand RH, Wickwar VB. Electron and ion temperatures-A comparison of ground-based incoherent scatter and AE-C satellite measurements Journal of Geophysical Research. 82: 36-42. DOI: 10.1029/Ja082I001P00036 |
0.63 |
1977 |
Carlson HC, Wickwar VB, Mantas GP. The plasma line revisited as an aeronomical diagnostic: Suprathermal electrons, solar EUV, electron‐gas thermal balance Geophysical Research Letters. 4: 565-567. DOI: 10.1029/Gl004I012P00565 |
0.7 |
1974 |
Gordon WE, Carlson HC. ARECIBO HEATING EXPERIMENTS. Radio Science. 9: 1041-1047. DOI: 10.1029/Rs009I011P01041 |
0.594 |
1974 |
Cogger LL, Wickwar VB, Carlson HC. Combined airglow and incoherent scatter observations as a technique for studying neutral atmospheric variations Radio Science. 9: 205-210. DOI: 10.1029/RS009i002p00205 |
0.605 |
1974 |
Wickwar VB, Cogger LL, Carlson HC. The 6300 Å O1D airglow and dissociative recombination Planetary and Space Science. 22: 709-724. DOI: 10.1016/0032-0633(74)90141-X |
0.562 |
1974 |
0.547 |
1972 |
Carlson HC, Gordon WE, Showen RL. High frequency induced enhancements of the incoherent scatter spectrum at Arecibo Journal of Geophysical Research. 77: 1242-1250. DOI: 10.1029/Ja077I007P01242 |
0.644 |
1971 |
Gordon WE, Showen R, Carlson HC. Ionospheric heating at Arecibo: First tests Journal of Geophysical Research. 76: 7808-7813. DOI: 10.1029/Ja076I031P07808 |
0.613 |
1966 |
Carlson HC, Gordon WE. Radar spectrographic estimates of ionic composition from 225 to 1400 kilometers for solar minimum winter and summer conditions Journal of Geophysical Research. 71: 5573-5578. DOI: 10.1029/Jz071I023P05573 |
0.575 |
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