Andrew Fielding Huxley
Affiliations: | University College London, London, United Kingdom |
"Andrew F. Huxley"Bio:
(1917 - 2012)
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1963 was awarded jointly to Sir John Carew Eccles, Alan Lloyd Hodgkin and Andrew Fielding Huxley "for their discoveries concerning the ionic mechanisms involved in excitation and inhibition in the peripheral and central portions of the nerve cell membrane".
Cross-listing: Neurotree
Sign in to add mentorAlan Lloyd Hodgkin | grad student | 1939-1941 | Marine Biological Laboratory |
Sign in to add traineeJack Diamond | grad student | UCL | |
Lincoln E. Ford | grad student | UCL | |
Max Lab | grad student | Imperial College London | |
Norman Saunders | grad student | UCL (Neurotree) | |
Michael Francis Land | grad student | 1963 | UCL (Neurotree) |
Brenda Russell | grad student | 1969-1971 | UCL (Microtree) |
Clay M. Armstrong | post-doc | UCL (Neurotree) | |
Silvio Weidmann | post-doc | 1948-1950 | Cambridge |
Albert M. Gordon | post-doc | 1960-1962 | UCL |
Yale E. Goldman | post-doc | 1975-1979 | UCL (Neurotree) |
Lee Peachey | research scientist | 1958-1959 | UCL (Cell Biology Tree) |
Sign in to add collaboratorRolf Niedergerke | collaborator | UCL | |
Alan Lloyd Hodgkin | collaborator | 1939-1963 |
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Huxley A. (2002) From overshoot to voltage clamp Trends in Neurosciences. 25: 553-558 |
Huxley AF. (1995) Muscle contraction. Crossbridge tilting confirmed. Nature. 375: 631-2 |
Slawnych MP, Seow CY, Huxley AF, et al. (1994) A program for developing a comprehensive mathematical description of the crossbridge cycle of muscle. Biophysical Journal. 67: 1669-77 |
Goldman YE, Huxley AF. (1994) Actin compliance: are you pulling my chain? Biophysical Journal. 67: 2131-3 |
Huxley AF. (1994) Parallels in Nerve and Muscle Research European Review. 2: 23-29 |
Hodgkin AL, Huxley AF. (1990) A quantitative description of membrane current and its application to conduction and excitation in nerve. 1952. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology. 52: 25-71; discussion 5- |
Huxley AF. (1990) A theoretical treatment of diffraction of light by a striated muscle fibre Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 241: 65-71 |
Ford LE, Huxley AF, Simmons RM. (1986) Tension transients during the rise of tetanic tension in frog muscle fibres. The Journal of Physiology. 372: 595-609 |
Ford LE, Huxley AF, Simmons RM. (1985) Tension transients during steady shortening of frog muscle fibres. The Journal of Physiology. 361: 131-50 |
Ford LE, Huxley AF, Simmons RM. (1981) The relation between stiffness and filament overlap in stimulated frog muscle fibres. The Journal of Physiology. 311: 219-49 |