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Winthrop J. V. Osterhout grad student 1919 Harvard (Chemistry Tree)
 (The Effects of Electrolytes on Organisms and on Gelatin)
Henry Hallett Dale research scientist 1922-1924 UCL
Archibald Vivian Hill research scientist 1922-1924 UCL


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Hermann Rahn grad student 1938 Rochester (DevTree)
Leon A. Heppel grad student 1941 Rochester (Chemistry Tree)
Aser Rothstein grad student 1943 Rochester (Chemistry Tree)
Bruce McLain Breckenridge grad student 1952 Rochester
Samuel Victor Perry post-doc 1948-1949 Rochester (Chemistry Tree)
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Fenn WO, Boschen V. (1969) Oxygen consumption of frog tissues under high hydrostatic pressure. Respiration Physiology. 7: 335-40
Fenn WO. (1967) Interactions of oxygen and inert gases in Drosophila. Respiration Physiology. 3: 117-29
CRAIG AB, OHR EA, FENN WO. (1961) Factors affecting the sodium and potassium contents of glycerinated frog muscle. The American Journal of Physiology. 200: 561-4
KNOWLES JH, NEWMAN W, FENN WO. (1960) Determination of oxygenated, mixed venous blood carbon dioxide tension by a breath-holding method. Journal of Applied Physiology. 15: 225-8
AGOSTONI E, FENN WO. (1960) Velocity of muscle shortening as a limiting factor in respiratory air flow. Journal of Applied Physiology. 15: 349-53
FENN WO, ROGERS TA, OHR EA. (1958) Muscle electrolytes in acid and alkaline solutions. The American Journal of Physiology. 194: 373-8
FENN WO. (1957) Sodium and potassium contents of frog muscle after extraction in 50% glycerol. Proceedings of the Society For Experimental Biology and Medicine. Society For Experimental Biology and Medicine (New York, N.Y.). 96: 783-5
FENN WO, DEJOURS P. (1954) Composition of alveolar air during breath holding with and without prior inhalation of oxygen and carbon dioxide. Journal of Applied Physiology. 7: 313-9
FENN WO, OTIS AB, SUSKIND M. (1954) The accumulation of carbon dioxide in apneic dogs during intermittent oxygen insufflation. American Journal of Physical Medicine. 33: 299-312
FENN WO, GERSCHMAN R, FISCHER G, et al. (1951) Experiments on the role of potassium in the blocking of neuromuscular transmission by curare and other drugs. The Journal of General Physiology. 34: 607-17
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