Bernardo Houssay

IBYME-CONICET Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina 
"Bernardo Houssay"

(1887 - 1971)
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1947 was divided, one half jointly to Carl Ferdinand Cori and Gerty Theresa Cori, née Radnitz for their discovery of the course of the catalytic conversion of glycogen and the other half to Bernardo Alberto Houssay for his discovery of the part played by the hormone of the anterior pituitary lobe in the metabolism of sugar.
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Horacio G. Piñero grad student 1911 Universidad de Buenos Aires
 (M. D. Studies on the physiological action of pituitary extract.)
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Houssay BA. (2015) The discovery of pancreatic diabetes | El descubrimiento de la diabetes pancreática Revista Argentina De Endocrinologia Y Metabolismo. 52: 2-7
Rathgeb I, Houssay BA, Ashkar E, et al. (1973) Epinephrine deficiency potentiates cortisol elevation of glucose turnover in the dog. Endocrinology. 93: 1336-41
Houssay BA. (1972) [Not Available]. Medicina E Historia. 8-26
Houssay BA. (1971) [Julio Cabello Ruz (1908-1970)]. Revista De La Sociedad Argentina De BiologíA. 46: 1-2
Houssay BA. (1969) [Enrique B. del Castillo (1897-1969)]. Revista De La Sociedad Argentina De BiologíA. 45: 107-9
Houssay BA. (1969) [Enrique Augusto Aubrun (October 30, 1903--July 13, 1969)]. Revista De La Sociedad Argentina De BiologíA. 45: 113-4
Houssay BA. (1968) [Emigration of scientists and technicians from Argentina]. La Prensa MéDica Mexicana. 33: 362-9
Ashkar E, Stevens JJ, Houssay BA. (1968) Role of the sympathicoadrenal system in the hemodynamic response to exercise in dogs. The American Journal of Physiology. 214: 22-7
Houssay BA. (1968) [Corneille Heymans]. Revista De La Sociedad Argentina De BiologíA. 44: 85-6
Houssay BA. (1968) [Prof. Alfredo Sordelli (1891-1967)]. Revista De La Sociedad Argentina De BiologíA. 44: 1-3
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