John C. Wingfield

University of California, Davis, Davis, CA 
"John Wingfield"
Cross-listing: Neurotree - Terrestrial Ecology Tree


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Sarah L. Foltz research assistant UC Davis (Neurotree)
Jennifer M. Gee research assistant University of Washington (Neurotree)
Catherine A. Marler research assistant Rockefeller (Neurotree)
Haruka Wada research assistant University of Washington (Neurotree)
Noah T. Ashley grad student University of Washington (Neurotree)
Z Morgan Benowitz-Fredericks grad student University of Washington (Neurotree)
Ellen H. Boyd grad student University of Washington (Neurotree)
Creagh W. Breuner grad student University of Washington (Neurotree)
Helen Chmura grad student UC Davis (Neurotree)
Kent D. Dunlap grad student University of Washington (Neurotree)
Thomas P. Hahn grad student University of Washington (Neurotree)
Pulmu Kylanpaa Honey grad student University of Washington (Neurotree)
Kathleen E. Hunt grad student University of Washington (Neurotree)
Jerry D. Jacobs grad student University of Washington (Neurotree)
Sharon E. Lynn grad student University of Washington (Neurotree)
Kathleen M. O'Reilly grad student University of Washington (Neurotree)
Jonathan H. Pérez grad student UC Davis (Neurotree)
Nicole Perfito grad student University of Washington (Neurotree)
Karen Word grad student UC Davis (Neurotree)
Jesse S. Krause grad student 2009- UC Davis (Neurotree)
Kathleen S. Matt grad student 1982 University of Washington
Michael C. Moore grad student 1982 University of Washington
Stephan J. Schoech grad student 1990-1995 University of Washington (Neurotree)
Donna L. Maney grad student 1993-1998 University of Washington (Neurotree)
Kiran K. Soma grad student 1994-2000 University of Washington (Neurotree)
Devorah A. Bennu grad student 2002 University of Washington (Neurotree)
Meta M. Landys grad student 2003 University of Washington (Neurotree)
Matthew I. Richardson grad student 2003 University of Washington (Neurotree)
Brian G. Walker grad student 2003 University of Washington (Neurotree)
Lisa S. Hayward grad student 2004 University of Washington (Neurotree)
D. Shallin  S. Busch grad student 2000-2006 University of Washington (Neurotree)
Frances Bonier grad student 2001-2006 University of Washington (Evolution Tree)
Douglas W. Wacker grad student 2007 University of Washington (Neurotree)
Alexander J. Coverdill grad student 2002-2008 University of Washington (Neurotree)
Sara O'Brien grad student 2009 University of Washington (Neurotree)
Gang Wang grad student 2009 University of Washington (Neurotree)
Elizabeth A. Addis grad student 2003-2009 University of Washington (Neurotree)
Aaron D. Clark grad student 2010 University of Washington (Neurotree)
J. Patrick Kelley grad student 2012 UC Davis (Neurotree)
Jonathan Patrick Kelley grad student 2007-2012 UC Davis (Neurotree)
Daniel Afik post-doc University of Washington (Neurotree)
Frederic Angelier post-doc University of Washington (Neurotree)
Lee B. Astheimer post-doc University of Washington (Neurotree)
Lisa K. Belden post-doc University of Washington (Evolution Tree)
Timothy Boswell post-doc University of Washington (Neurotree)
William A. Buttemer post-doc University of Washington (Neurotree)
Hiroko Eda-Fujiwara post-doc University of Washington (Neurotree)
Paulina L. Gonzalez-Gomez post-doc University of Washington (Neurotree)
Wolfgang Goymann post-doc University of Washington (Neurotree)
Robert E. Hegner post-doc Rockefeller (Neurotree)
Nigella Hillgarth post-doc University of Washington (Neurotree)
Rebecca Holberton post-doc University of Washington (Terrestrial Ecology Tree)
Alexander S. Kitaysky post-doc University of Washington (Neurotree)
Rachel N. Levin post-doc University of Washington (Neurotree)
Simone L. Meddle post-doc University of Washington (Neurotree)
Ignacio T. Moore post-doc University of Washington (Neurotree)
Zoltan Nemeth post-doc UC Davis (Neurotree)
Samrrah A. Raouf post-doc University of Washington (Neurotree)
L. Michael Romero post-doc University of Washington (Neurotree)
Todd S. Sperry post-doc University of Washington (Neurotree)
Takayoshi Ubuka post-doc UC Davis (Neurotree)
Cheryl Wotus post-doc University of Washington (Neurotree)
Alfred M. Dufty post-doc 1981-1985 Rockefeller (Neurotree)
Gregory F. Ball post-doc 1983-1986 Rockefeller (Neurotree)
Mark T. Stanback post-doc 1991-1994 University of Washington (Neurotree)
Michaela Hau post-doc 1995-1998 University of Washington (Neurotree)
Martin Wikelski post-doc 1995-1998 University of Washington (Neurotree)
George E. Bentley post-doc 2001-2005 University of Washington (Neurotree)
Jason E. Davis post-doc 2005-2008 University of Washington (Neurotree)
Rebecca M. Calisi Rodríguez post-doc 2010-2013 UC Davis (Neurotree)
Motoko Mukai research scientist UC Davis (Neurotree)


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Arthur Palmer Arnold collaborator University of Washington (CSD Tree)
Andrew Bass collaborator University of Washington (Neurotree)
Natalie T. Boelman collaborator UC Davis (Neurotree)
P. Dee Boersma collaborator University of Washington (Neurotree)
Eliot A. Brenowitz collaborator University of Washington (Neurotree)
Charles R. Brown collaborator University of Washington (Neurotree)
David F. Clayton collaborator University of Washington (Neurotree)
Nicola Clayton collaborator University of Washington (Neurotree)
Pierre Deviche collaborator University of Washington (Neurotree)
Michelle M. Elekonich collaborator University of Washington (Neurotree)
Russell Fernald collaborator University of Washington (Neurotree)
Gene S. Fowler collaborator University of Washington (Neurotree)
Glen A. Fox collaborator University of Washington (Neurotree)
Arthur R. Goldsmith collaborator Rockefeller (Neurotree)
Laura Gough collaborator UC Davis (Neurotree)
Susan J. Hannon collaborator Rockefeller (Neurotree)
Sara M. Hiebert collaborator University of Washington (Neurotree)
George L. Hunt, Jr. collaborator University of Washington (Neurotree)
Susumu Ishii collaborator University of Washington
Lukas Jenni collaborator University of Washington (Neurotree)
Susanne Jenni-Eiermann collaborator University of Washington (Neurotree)
George J. Kenagy collaborator University of Washington (Evolution Tree)
Ellen D. Ketterson collaborator Rockefeller (Neurotree)
Kaoru Kubokawa collaborator University of Washington (Neurotree)
Fumin Lei collaborator University of Washington (Neurotree)
Dongming Li collaborator University of Washington (Neurotree)
Cheryl A. Logan collaborator University of Washington (Neurotree)
Peter R. Marler collaborator Rockefeller (Neurotree)
Bruce S. McEwen collaborator University of Washington (Neurotree)
Michael C. Moore collaborator University of Washington
Marty Morton collaborator Rockefeller (Neurotree)
Val Nolan collaborator Rockefeller (Evolution Tree)
Fernando Nottebohm collaborator Rockefeller (Neurotree)
Gordon H. Orians collaborator University of Washington (Terrestrial Ecology Tree)
Maria Elena Pereyra collaborator UC Davis (Neurotree)
Marilyn Ramenofsky collaborator UC Davis (Neurotree)
Sievert A. Rohwer collaborator University of Washington (Evolution Tree)
Robert M. Sapolsky collaborator University of Washington (Neurotree)
Barnett Schlinger collaborator University of Washington (Neurotree)
Hubert Schwabl collaborator Rockefeller (Neurotree)
Bengt Silverin collaborator Rockefeller (Neurotree)
G. Troy Smith collaborator University of Washington (Neurotree)
Anthony D. Tramontin collaborator University of Washington (Neurotree)
Kazuyoshi Tsutsui collaborator University of Washington (Neurotree)
Carol M. Vleck collaborator Rockefeller (Neurotree)
Masaru Wada collaborator University of Washington (Neurotree)
Juli S. Wade collaborator University of Washington (Neurotree)
Stephen C. Woods collaborator University of Washington (Neurotree)
Shuping Zhao collaborator UC Davis (Neurotree)
BETA: Related publications


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Wang L, Hao Z, Zuo L, et al. (2024) Female zebra finches are more vulnerable to social isolation stress than males: Involvement of the nonapeptide system. Zoological Research. 45: 1300-1312
Rivero de Aguilar J, Barroso O, Bonaccorso E, et al. (2024) Associations among MHC genes, latitude, and avian malaria infections in the rufous-collared sparrow (). Ecology and Evolution. 14: e11634
Wu Z, Miedzinska K, Krause JS, et al. (2024) A chromosome-level genome assembly of a free-living white-crowned sparrow (Zonotrichia leucophrys gambelii). Scientific Data. 11: 86
Gonzalez-Gomez PL, Villavicencio CP, Quispe R, et al. (2023) Perspectives on environmental heterogeneity and seasonal modulation of stress response in neotropical birds. Hormones and Behavior. 152: 105359
Snell KRS, Young RC, Krause JS, et al. (2022) Integrating orientation mechanisms, adrenocortical activity, and endurance flight in vagrancy behaviour. Scientific Reports. 12: 22104
Taff CC, Wingfield JC, Vitousek MN. (2022) The relative speed of the glucocorticoid stress response varies independently of scope and is predicted by environmental variability and longevity across birds. Hormones and Behavior. 144: 105226
Krause JS, Watkins T, Reid AMA, et al. (2022) Gene expression of sex steroid metabolizing enzymes and receptors in the skeletal muscle of migrant and resident subspecies of white-crowned sparrow (Zonotrichia leucophrys). Oecologia
Theuerkauf J, Villavicencio CP, Adreani NM, et al. (2022) Austral birds offer insightful complementary models in ecology and evolution. Trends in Ecology & Evolution
Austin SH, Krause JS, Viernes R, et al. (2021) Uncovering the Sex-Specific Endocrine Responses to Reproduction and Parental Care. Frontiers in Endocrinology. 12: 631384
Names GR, Schultz EM, Krause JS, et al. (2021) Stress in paradise: effects of elevated corticosterone on immunity and avian malaria resilience in a Hawaiian passerine. The Journal of Experimental Biology
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