Thomas Lewis

Medicine University College Hospital, London, London, England, United Kingdom 
cardiac electrophysiology
"Thomas Lewis"

(1881 - 1945)


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James Mackenzie research scientist
 (Pearce, J. Sir Thomas Lewis MD, FRS. (1881–1945). J Neurol 253, 1246–1247 (2006).
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Lewis T. (1918) The Tolerance Of Physical Exertion, As Shown By Soldiers Suffering From So-Called "Irritable Heart.". Bmj. 1: 363-365
Lewis T. (1917) "Soldier'S Heart." The Lancet. 189: 510
Lewis T, Cotton, Barcroft J, et al. (1916) BREATHLESSNESS IN SOLDIERS SUFFERING FROM IRRITABLE HEART. British Medical Journal. 2: 517-9
Meakins JC, Parkinson J, Gunson EB, et al. (1916) A Memorandum UPON HEART AFFECTIONS IN SOLDIERS: WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO PROGNOSIS OF "IRRITABLE HEART.". British Medical Journal. 2: 418-20
Lewis T. (1913) Illustrations of heart-sound records Qjm. 441-451
Lewis T. (1912) Electro-cardiography and its Importance in the Clinical Examination of Heart Affections. Bmj. 1: 1421-1423
Lewis T. (1912) The physician and pathologist on heart failure British Medical Journal. 1: 757
Lewis T, Gilder MDD. (1912) The Human Electrocardiogram: A Preliminary Investigation of Young Male Adults, to form a Basis for Pathological Study Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. 202: 351-376
Lewis T. (1911) Congenital heart-block British Medical Journal. 1: 593
Lewis T. (1911) The origin of the electric oscillations and the direction of contraction of the ventricle in instances of complete irregularity of the heart (auricular fibrillation) Qjm. 11-14
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