Arash Mahnan

University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN 
Perception, Haptics, VR
"Arash Mahnan"
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Misono S, Xu J, Oh J, et al. (2023) Atypical Activation of Laryngeal Somatosensory-Motor Cortex During Vocalization in People With Unexplained Chronic Cough. Jama Otolaryngology-- Head & Neck Surgery. 149: 820-827
Khosravani S, Mahnan A, Yeh IL, et al. (2019) Laryngeal vibration as a non-invasive neuromodulation therapy for spasmodic dysphonia. Scientific Reports. 9: 17955
Khosravani S, Mahnan A, Yeh IL, et al. (2019) Atypical somatosensory-motor cortical response during vowel vocalization in spasmodic dysphonia. Clinical Neurophysiology : Official Journal of the International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology
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