Peter F. Baker

University of Cambridge, Cambridge, England, United Kingdom 
 King's College London, London, UK 
"Peter Baker"
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Adam-Vizi V, Allen TJ, Baker PF. (1988) The effects of nitroprusside and putative agonists on guanylate cyclase activity in squid giant axons. Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta. 938: 461-8
Baker PF, Umbach JA. (1987) Calcium buffering in axons and axoplasm of Loligo. The Journal of Physiology. 383: 369-94
Allen TJ, Baker PF. (1986) Influence of membrane potential on calcium efflux from giant axons of Loligo. The Journal of Physiology. 378: 77-96
Baker PF. (1986) The sodium-calcium exchange system. Ciba Foundation Symposium. 122: 73-92
Knight DE, Baker PF. (1986) Observations on the muscarinic activation of catecholamine secretion in the chicken adrenal. Neuroscience. 19: 357-66
Baker PF, Allen TJ. (1984) The voltage-sensitivity of Na-Ca exchange in the squid axon. Progress in Clinical and Biological Research. 168: 89-94
Baker PF, Carruthers A. (1984) Hormone-Sensitive Cyclic Nucleotide Metabolism in Giant Axons of Loligo Current Topics in Membranes and Transport. 22: 271-276
Baker PF, Dipolo R. (1984) Axonal Calcium and Magnesium Homeostasis Current Topics in Membranes and Transport. 22: 195-247
Baker P. (1984) Sodium-calcium exchange Cell Calcium. 5: 266
Whitaker MJ, Baker PF. (1983) Calcium-dependent exocytosis in an in vitro secretory granule plasma membrane preparation from sea urchin eggs and the effects of some inhibitors of cytoskeletal function. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological Sciences. 218: 397-413
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