Lincoln Taiz, PhD
Affiliations: | Molecular, Cell & Developmental Biology | University of California, Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA, United States |
Plant development, Plant physiologyWebsite:
"Lincoln Taiz"Children
Sign in to add traineeAngus S. Murphy | grad student | 1996 | UC Santa Cruz (Chemistry Tree) |
Johann Peter Gogarten | post-doc | 1987-1989 | UC Santa Cruz (Cell Biology Tree) |
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Robinson DG, Ammer C, Polle A, et al. (2023) Mother trees, altruistic fungi, and the perils of plant personification. Trends in Plant Science |
Taiz L, Alkon D, Draguhn A, et al. (2020) Reply to Trewavas et al. and Calvo and Trewavas. Trends in Plant Science |
Taiz L, Alkon D, Draguhn A, et al. (2019) Plants Neither Possess nor Require Consciousness. Trends in Plant Science |
Alpi A, Amrhein N, Bertl A, et al. (2007) Plant neurobiology: no brain, no gain? Trends in Plant Science. 12: 135-6 |
Sze H, Schumacher K, Müller ML, et al. (2002) A simple nomenclature for a complex proton pump: VHA genes encode the vacuolar H+-ATPase Trends in Plant Science. 7: 157-161 |
Murphy AS, Hoogner KR, Peer WA, et al. (2002) Identification, purification, and molecular cloning of N-1-naphthylphthalmic acid-binding plasma membrane-associated aminopeptidases from Arabidopsis Plant Physiology. 128: 935-950 |
Brune A, Müller M, Taiz L, et al. (2002) Vacuolar acidification in citrus fruit: Comparison between acid lime (Citrus aurantifolia) and sweet lime (Citrus limmetioides) juice cells Journal of the American Society For Horticultural Science. 127: 171-177 |
Peer WA, Brown DE, Tague BW, et al. (2001) Flavonoid accumulation patterns of transparent testa mutants of arabidopsis Plant Physiology. 126: 536-548 |
Brown DE, Rashotte AM, Murphy AS, et al. (2001) Flavonoids act as negative regulators of auxin transport in vivo in arabidopsis Plant Physiology. 126: 524-535 |
Murphy A, Peer WA, Taiz L. (2000) Regulation of auxin transport by aminopeptidases and endogenous flavonoids Planta. 211: 315-324 |