John Innes Centre

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Ruth Bastow20012004 Caroline Dean (post-doc)
Scott Boden20092011 Philip Wigge (grad student)
Caroline Dean
Yiliang DingRNA structure, plant biology CELL AND DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY20052009 Giles E. D. Oldroyd (grad student)
Sreeramaiah N GangappaPhotobiology, Thermosensory signaling Cell and Developmental Biology20142018 S. Vinod Kumar (grad student)
Thomas Greb Cell and Developmental Biology Caroline Dean (post-doc)
Michael J HoldsworthPlant genetics
David Jackson Catherine (Cathie) Rosemary Martin (grad student)
Hailing JinMolecular mechanisms of plant immunity and pathogen virulence Catherine (Cathie) Rosemary Martin (grad student)
S. Vinod Kumar Cell and Developmental Biology20062011 Philip Wigge (grad student)
Doris Lucyshyn20092011 Philip Wigge (grad student)
Catherine (Cathie) Rosemary Martin
Jeremy D. Murray
Kevin Pykechloroplast biology
Sonali RoySymbiosis, Nitrogen Fixation, Peptide, Hormones Cell and developmental biology20112015 Jeremy D. Murray (grad student)
D Janine SherrierSymbiosis, plant-microbe interactions, nodule, agriculture, bioinoculant Genetics Nicholas J. Brewin (post-doc)