University of California, Berkeley

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Shu-Lun (Ben)Tang20122015 Christopher R. Somerville (post-doc)
Bassem Al-Sady2006 Peter H. Quail (grad student)
Mary Lynn Alleman1985 Michael Freeling (grad student)
Peter Alexander ArkPlant pathology1934 Ralph Eliot Smith (grad student)
Judith Armstrong Botany1973 Russell L Jones (grad student)
Daniel I. Arnonplant physiology1936 Dennis R. Hoagland (grad student)
Samuel Aronoffplant physiology, plant biochemistry1942 Melvin Calvin (grad student), Gordon MacKinney (grad student)
Jerome Melville Aronsonplant biology, plant physiology Botany1958 Leonard Machlis (grad student)
Julia Bailey-SerresBotany Biology, Biochemistry1990 Michael Freeling (post-doc)
Herbert G. Bakerplant evolution
Robert Francis Baker2003 Michael Freeling (grad student)
Kenneth Frank Bakerbiological control of plant pathogens
Lois Barnes Botany1982 Russell L Jones (grad student)
Tobias I. Baskin19871990 William Zacheus Cande (post-doc)
Matthew BauerGene Editing, Epigenetics, Molecular Biology, Reproductive Biology20072011 Robert L. Fischer (post-doc)
Philip W. BecraftMolecular Biology, Cell Biology1992 Michael Freeling (grad student)
James Percy BennettPlant Nutrition
Philipp Benz20112014 Christopher R. Somerville (post-doc)
Paul Bethke1995 Russell L Jones (grad student)
Jacob B. BialeBotany and Plant Biochemistry1935 Dennis R. Hoagland (grad student), William Henry Chandler (grad student)
Roberto BogomolniBiochemistry, Microbiology Biology1972 Melvin Calvin (grad student), Melvin P. Klein (grad student)
Lee Bonarpathogens and epiphytes of California native species
Bruce Albert BonnerPlant physiology1957 Leonard Machlis (grad student)
David M Braun Michael Freeling (post-doc)
Fred N. BriggsAgronomy1925 Roy Elwood Clausen (grad student), William Wylie Mackie (grad student)
Spencer Wharton Brown Genetics1943 Harold Paul Olmo (grad student)
Patricia Bubner EBI20122015 Christopher R. Somerville (post-doc)
Douglas S Bush1983 Russell L Jones (post-doc), John Graham McColl (grad student)
Andrew Carroll EBI20062010 Christopher R. Somerville (grad student)
Ru-fang Chen1973 Russell L Jones (grad student)
Shaolin Chen EBI20062011 Christopher R. Somerville (post-doc)
Roy Elwood ClausenGenetics1914 T. Brailsford Robertson (grad student), William Albert Setchell (research assistant)
Stanton Arnold Cook1961 Herbert G. Baker (grad student)
Edwin Bingham CopelandBotany, Pteridology
Alden Springer Crafts1930 James Percy Bennett (grad student)
Kelly Dawe1989 Michael Freeling (grad student)
Jill Deikman Botany1985 Russell L Jones (grad student)
Xing-Wang DengPlant Photomorphogenesis, Agricultural Biotechnology, Plant Hybrid Vigor, Applied Plant Bioinformatics1989 Peter H. Quail (post-doc), Wilhelm Gruissem (grad student)
Yolanda Drozdowicz1996 Russell L Jones (grad student)
Deborah Durnam1979 Russell L Jones (grad student)
Patrick Edger20122015 Michael Freeling (post-doc)
Emanuel EpsteinIon transport in plants; mineral plant nutrition; genetic and ecological aspects of plant nutrition; salt relations of plants and salt tolerance; development of salt tolerant crops; silicon in plant biology.1950 Perry Robert Stout (grad student)
Katherine Esauplant pathology1931 William Wylie Mackie (grad student)
Moises Exposito-AlonsoEvolutionary Genetics
Yiling Fang
Dennia Fantin1992 Russell L Jones (post-doc)
Angelika Fath1995 Russell L Jones (post-doc)
Lewis Feldman1977 Russell L Jones (post-doc)
Sheila Fennoy Botany1987 Russell L Jones (grad student)
John Edward Fowler1994 Michael Freeling (grad student)
Michael Freeling
Albert W. Frenkel1942 Samuel Ruben (grad student), Martin David Kamen (grad student), Gordon MacKinney (grad student)
Kenneth Gabard Botany1979 Russell L Jones (grad student)
Michael Oliver Garraway1966 Albert Raymond Weinhold (grad student)
David R. GoddardSpectrophotometric study of the respiratory enzymes of higher plants, cytochrome system1932 Lee Bonar (grad student), William Albert Setchell (research assistant)
Richard Harry Hagemanplant nitrogen metabolism1954 Daniel I. Arnon (grad student)
Sarah Carter Hake1987 Michael Freeling (post-doc)
Hans Nicholas Hansenfungi which cause plant disease Plant Pathology1928 Ralph Eliot Smith (grad student)
Nicholas Harberd1987 Michael Freeling (post-doc)
Angela S. HayGenetics, Molecular Biology, Plant Physiology2002 Sarah Carter Hake (grad student)
Ulrich HeberPlant physiology19611962 Melvin Calvin (post-doc)
Eugene Woldemar Hilgard
Hans Erik HoltanMolecular Biology, Botany Biology, Genetics, Plant Physiology2003 Sarah Carter Hake (grad student)
Tzung-Fu Hsieh20012012 Robert L. Fischer (research scientist)
Eva Huala19901996 Ian M. Sussex (post-doc)
Thomas Forsyth Hunt
Andrew O. Jacksonplant viruses
Tobias Jacob1999 Russell L Jones (post-doc)
Louis JacobsonPlant biochemistry1943 James Percy Bennett (grad student)
Jean-Pierre JacquotPlant biochemistry and biology Bob B. Buchanan (research scientist)
Douglas James Botany1978 Russell L Jones (grad student)
Russell L Jones
Karen A. KaczorowskiPlant Physiology, Molecular Biology2004 Peter H. Quail (grad student)
Nicholas J. KaplinskyGenetics, Botany Biology2002 Michael Freeling (grad student)
Ann Keown1975 Russell L Jones (grad student)
Ann Keown1975 Russell L Jones (grad student)
Rajnish KhannaPhotobiology, soil health, biotechnology Plant Gene Expression Center Integrative Biology20182006 Peter H. Quail (post-doc), Britt Koskella (collaborator)
Elise A. KikisMolecular Biology2007 Peter H. Quail (grad student)
Watson M. Laetsch
Audrone LapinaiteRNA modifications, structural biology, NMR, SAXS, snoRNAs MCB MCB2015 Jennifer A. Doudna (post-doc), Jamie H.D. Cate (post-doc)
Marta J Laskowski Ian M. Sussex (post-doc)
George G Latiesplant physiology1947 Dennis R. Hoagland (grad student)
Colin Daniel LeasureGenetics, Plant Physiology, Botany Biology2006 Michael Freeling (grad student), Jennifer Fletcher (grad student)
Nels R. LerstenBotany1964 Adriance Sherwood Foster (grad student)
Igor Libourel2004 Russell L Jones (grad student)
Charles Bernard Lipman1910 Winthrop J. V. Osterhout (grad student)
Damon R Lisch Genetics1995 Michael Freeling (grad student)
Jennifer E. LonsdalePlant Physiology, Cell Biology, Molecular Biology2000 Russell L Jones (grad student)
Eric Harold Lyons Plant Biology2008 Michael Freeling (grad student)
Leonard Machlis1943 Dennis R. Hoagland (grad student)
William Wylie MackieAgronomy, plant breeding1916 John Washington Gilmore (grad student)
Enrico Magnanigenetics2007 Russell L Jones (grad student)
Bruce E. Mahall1974 Roderic B. Park (grad student)
Robert A MartienssenHeterochromatin Reprogramming, Small Interfering RNA, Germ Cell Fate1988 Michael Freeling (post-doc)
Gordon E. McBride1968 Johannes Max Proskauer (grad student)
Anastasios MelisMicrobiology Biology, Biochemistry, Plant Physiology, Alternative Energy
Diane L Melroy1987 Russell L Jones (grad student)
Carol Morrison Moll1980 Russell L Jones (grad student)
Benjamin A Moll1980 Russell L Jones (grad student)
David Morrow Botany1983 Russell L Jones (grad student)
Linda Nash1976 Russell L Jones (post-doc)
Jennifer Marie Nelson2002 Michael Freeling (grad student)
Harold Paul Olmoviticulture1934 Roy Elwood Clausen (grad student)
Karen Sanguinet Osmont2003 Michael Freeling (grad student)
Roderic B. Parkplant physiology19581960 Melvin Calvin (post-doc)
Robert E Paull1974 Russell L Jones (grad student)
Johannes Max Proskauerhornworts, liverworts
Peter H. Quail
Theodore K RaabBiogeochemistry Plant and Microbial Biology19881994 Norman Terry (grad student)
Martin M Sachs1981 Michael Freeling (grad student)
Karl Saxcytology and genetics, focusing on chromosomal studies and their application to cross breeding of agricultural varieties, Chromosome aberrations induced by X-rays Ernest Brown Babcock (grad student)
Michael Scanlon1998 Michael Freeling (post-doc)
Michail Schaedle1964 Louis Jacobson (grad student)
James C. SchnablePlant Biology, Comparative Genomics, Phenotyping, Maize Plant Biology2012 Michael Freeling (grad student)
Milton Neil SchrothPlant Pathology1961 Peter Alexander Ark (grad student), William Cowperthwaite Snyder (grad student)
Stacey Sharzer1995 Russell L Jones (post-doc)
Neelima Roy SinhaEvolution and Development Biology, Molecular Biology1992 Michael Freeling (post-doc)
R. Keith SlotkinGenetics, Molecular Biology, Plant Physiology2005 Michael Freeling (grad student)
Ralph Eliot Smithplant pathology
William Cowperthwaite SnyderPlant Pathology
Jürgen Soll19821983 Bob B. Buchanan (post-doc)
Christopher R. SomervilleBiochemistry, molecular genetics
Nadav Sorek20112015 Christopher R. Somerville (post-doc)
Mary Eileen Stapleton Spencerplant physiology, influence of ethylene on biochemical processes1951 William Lyons Stanley (grad student)
Yoav N. SpiegelCell Biology, Plant Physiology2002 Russell L Jones (grad student)
Susan C. Spiller1979 Norman Terry (grad student)
Dale Marriott Steffensen Genetics1953 Spencer Wharton Brown (grad student)
William Stepka1951 Melvin Calvin (grad student)
Frederick Campion Stewardplant tissue culture; genetic engineering and plant biotechnology19281929 Dennis R. Hoagland (post-doc)
Perry Robert Stout1939 Dennis R. Hoagland (grad student)
David Stuart1976 Russell L Jones (grad student)
Sabarinath SubramaniamGenetics, Bioinformatics Biology Plant Biology2013 Michael Freeling (grad student)
Venkatesan Sundaresan1990 Michael Freeling (post-doc)
Sarah Swanson1998 Russell L Jones (grad student)
Anne W. SylvesterMolecular Biology, Genetics, Cell Biology1991 Michael Freeling (post-doc)
Heidi Szemenyei20102014 Christopher R. Somerville (post-doc)
James Tepperman
Norman TerryEnvironmental Plant Biology
Athanasios TheologisPlant Biology
Gabriela Toledo-OrtizPhotobiology, Light modulation of chloroplast metabolism Plant Biology19982005 Peter H. Quail (grad student), Wilhelm Gruissem (grad student)
Randall G. TyersGenetics, Botany Biology2000 Michael Freeling (grad student)
Tamara Vellosillo EBI20122015 Christopher R. Somerville (post-doc)
Susan D. Waaland1969 Roderic B. Park (grad student)
Nigel Stephen Walker2000 Michael Freeling (grad student)
Albert Raymond Weinhold
Eric Sodden West1922 Charles Bernard Lipman (grad student)
Noah K. Whiteman
Edward James Wicksonagriculture
Mary Catherine WildermuthBiochemistry
Christie E Williams1987 Michael Freeling (grad student)
Margaret H. WoodhouseGeneral Biology, Genetics2006 Michael Freeling (grad student)
Miki L. YamamotoMolecular Biology, Plant Pathology Agriculture2005 Peter H. Quail (grad student)
Trevor Yeats EBI20122015 Christopher R. Somerville (post-doc)
Daniel Zilberman
Daniel ZoharyVariation and evolution in plants. The orgin of cultivated plants. Genetic resources in plants and their conservation.19521956 G. Ledyard Stebbins (grad student)