Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Erwin Baur1903 Friedrich Oltmanns (grad student)
Ralph BockOrganelle Biology and Biotechnology1996 Hans Kössel (grad student)
Brigitte Bruns1986 Klaus Hahlbrock (grad student), Eberhard Schäfer (grad student)
Rüdiger Cerff1971 Hans Mohr (grad student)
B. Ehmann Eberhard Schäfer (research scientist)
Ewald Fernbach1991 Hans Mohr (grad student)
L. Fukshansky Eberhard Schäfer (research scientist)
Klaus Hahlbrockplant biochemistry1965 Hans Rudolf Grisebach (grad student)
Rainer Hertel
Friedrich Hermann Gustav HildebrandBotany
A. Hiltbrunner Eberhard Schäfer (research scientist)
Gerd Jürgens1977 Elisabeth Anna Franziska Gateff (grad student)
S. Kircher Eberhard Schäfer (research scientist)
Hans KniepBotany1907 Friedrich Oltmanns (post-doc)
T. Kretsch Eberhard Schäfer (research scientist)
T. Kunkel Eberhard Schäfer (research scientist)
Ulrich Kutschera Plant Physiology Zoology-Evolutionary Biology1985 Peter Schopfer (grad student), Gunther Osche (grad student)
Dieter Marmé1969 Hans Mohr (grad student)
Hans MohrPlant physiology
Friedrich OehlkersBotany19101914 Friedrich Oltmanns (research assistant)
Ralf OelmüllerRecognition of the growth-promoting fungus Recognition of the growth-promoting fungus Pirifomospora indica by Arabidopsis thaliana roots thaliana roots1985 Hans Mohr (grad student)
Friedrich Oltmanns
Gunther Osche
Heinrich Sandermann1968 Hans Rudolf Grisebach (grad student)
Eberhard SchäferPlant physiology1971 Hans Mohr (grad student)
Peter Schopfer1966 Hans Mohr (grad student)
Joseph Straubmicrobiology1936 Friedrich Oehlkers (grad student)
Alexander Wilhelm Oswald TschirchPharmacognosy, Pharmacy18811881 Friedrich Hermann Gustav Hildebrand (grad student)