University of Cambridge

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Ebenezer Antwi John P. Carr (grad student)
Thomas (Tom) ap ReesPlant metabolism
Warren Arinaitwe John P. Carr (grad student)
Hana Azuma John P. Carr (grad student)
Eseul Baek John P. Carr (post-doc)
Herbert G. Bakerplant evolution David Guthrie Catcheside (grad student)
Martin Balcerowicz20162019 Philip Wigge (grad student)
David Baulcombe
George Douglas Hutton Bellplant breeding1932 Frank Leonard Engledow (grad student)
Derek S. Bendallphotosynthetic electron transport1958 Robert Hill (grad student)
Jessica Bergman John P. Carr (post-doc)
Arden Berlinger John P. Carr (grad student)
Rowland Harry Biffengenetics, agricultural botany1899 Harry Marshall Ward (research assistant)
Surojit Biswas20152016 Philip Wigge (grad student)
Frederick Frost Blackmanphotosynthesis Francis Darwin (grad student)
Vernon Herbert BlackmanPlant physiology1895 Francis Darwin (research assistant)
Thomas J Brine John P. Carr (grad student)
Frederick Tom BrooksPlant pathology, mycology, fungal rusts1905 Harry Marshall Ward (grad student)
Luke Browning John P. Carr (post-doc)
John P. Carr
Rachael Carson John P. Carr (grad student)
Ross A CarterPlant Morphogenesis, bio-mechanics, computational biology
Marco CatoniPlant epigenetics20112018 Jerzy Paszkowski (post-doc)
Ana Bravo Cazar John P. Carr (grad student)
Kher Xing Chan Plant Sciences20142018 Howard Griffiths (grad student)
Valentine Jackson Chapman1935 Hugh Hamshaw Thomas (grad student)
Varodom Charoensawan20132015 Philip Wigge (grad student)
Stephen Chivasa John P. Carr (grad student)
Juliet Coates20002003 James P. Haseloff (post-doc)
Enrico Coen1982 Gabriel (Gabby) Dover (grad student)
David A CoomesForest ecology, remote sensing Plant Sciences Peter John Grubb (grad student)
Samuel Crawshaw John P. Carr (grad student)
Carlton Clarence CurtisBotany1899 Francis Darwin (post-doc)
Julia Davies
Patrick Dickinson20132017 Philip Wigge (grad student)
Richard A DixonPlant biochemistry; specialized metabolism; biotechnology Biochemistry19761978 Derek S. Bendall (post-doc)
Ruairí Donnelly John P. Carr (post-doc)
Zhiyou Du John P. Carr (post-doc)
Paul Dupreepolysaccharides, Golgi, glycosyltransferases, plant cell walls John Gray (grad student)
Frank Leonard Engledowagricultural botany1919 Rowland Harry Biffen (grad student)
Daphne Ezer20152017 Philip Wigge (grad student)
Fernan Federici Plant Biology2005 James P. Haseloff (grad student)
Andrew Firth
Richard B. Flavellplant genetics
Keith Fuller Plant Science Don H. Northcote (grad student)
Ian Furner
Androulla Gilliland John P. Carr (post-doc)
David R. GoddardSpectrophotometric study of the respiratory enzymes of higher plants, cytochrome system19501951 Frederick Gowland Hopkins (research scientist)
Norman E Goodphotosynthesis19521954 Robert Hill (post-doc)
John Gray
Peter Greig-Smith1944 Alexander Stuart Watt (grad student)
Howard Griffiths
Peter John Grubb1960 George Edward Briggs (grad student)
Michael Handford John P. Carr (grad student)
James P. HaseloffSynthetic Plant Biology
Ian Henderson Steven Erik Jacobsen (post-doc)
Robert Hillplant biochemistry Biochemistry19221926 Frederick Gowland Hopkins (grad student), David Keilin (post-doc)
Carol Ibe John P. Carr (post-doc)
David Stanley IngramPlant Pathology
Katja E. Jaeger20052009 Philip Wigge (grad student)
William Owen Jamesplant physiology1927 Frederick Frost Blackman (grad student)
Sanjie Jiang John P. Carr (grad student)
Jonathan D.G. Jonesblight resistance in potatoes1980 Richard B. Flavell (grad student), Gabriel (Gabby) Dover (grad student)
Jaehoon Jung20122019 Philip Wigge (grad student)
Shiv Ram KashyapBryology1912 Albert Charles Seward (research scientist)
Elena Kazamiaecology, microbes, phytoplankton, symbiosis Plant Sciences20082012 Alison G. Smith (grad student)
John Kilmartin MRC - Laboratory of Molecular Biology Max F. Perutz (grad student)
Uwe Kohler19961999 James P. Haseloff (post-doc)
Christopher J. Lambplant science1976 Philip H. Rubery (grad student)
Derek T. A. Lamportplant cell walls1961 Don H. Northcote (grad student)
Wing-Sham Lee John P. Carr (grad student)
Mathew G. LewseyGenomics, epigenomics, virology, systems biology, hormones, RNA silencing Department of Plant Sciences20022005 John P. Carr (grad student)
Ottoline Leyserphytohormones, auxin, plant development19861990 Ian Furner (grad student)
Zheng Li John P. Carr (grad student)
Soheila A-H. Mackerness John P. Carr (post-doc)
Enid A. C. MacRobbieBiophysics
Roy Markhamplant pathology1944 Norman Wingate (Bill) Pirie (grad student)
Catherine (Cathie) Rosemary Martin1981 Don H. Northcote (grad student)
Carl N Mayers John P. Carr (grad student)
Karam Chand MehtaPlant pathology, mycology1922 Frederick Tom Brooks (grad student)
Charles Russell Metcalfe1931 George Herbert Pethybridge (grad student), Frederick Tom Brooks (grad student)
Netsai Mhlanga John P. Carr (grad student)
Andrew J. MillarCircadian rhythms, mathematical modelling, research data management, plant genetics, algal proteomics, scientific communities Department of Botany19851988 Thomas (Tom) ap Rees (research assistant)
Cathy Moore John P. Carr (post-doc)
Jenny C Mortimer Plant Sciences20072013 Paul Dupree (post-doc), Julia Davies (grad student)
Rebecca A. MosherGenetics, Molecular Biology
Edwige Moyroud François Parcy (grad student)
Alex M Murphy John P. Carr (research scientist)
Josiah Musembi Mutuku John P. Carr (post-doc)
Martin Naylor John P. Carr (grad student)
Farhat Nazir John P. Carr (grad student)
Don H. NorthcotePlant Biochemisty1950 David James Bell (post-doc)
Giles E. D. Oldroyd
Allan Olspert John P. Carr (grad student), Andrew Firth (post-doc)
Bettina Otto John P. Carr (grad student)
Jerzy Paszkowski
George Herbert Pethybridge
Jacqueline Poon John P. Carr (grad student)
Sun-Ju Rhee John P. Carr (post-doc)
Pamela Ribone20172019 Philip Wigge (grad student)
Keith Roberts1970 Don H. Northcote (grad student)
Rutherford N. Robertsonplant physiology19361939 George Edward Briggs (grad student)
Fiona Robertson John P. Carr (grad student)
Philip H. Rubery1970 Don H. Northcote (grad student)
David Schoepfer20132019 Philip Wigge (grad student)
Sebastian SchornackPlant Science, Plant-Microbe Interactions
Christoph Schuster Elliot M Meyerowitz (research scientist)
D Janine SherrierSymbiosis, plant-microbe interactions, nodule, agriculture, bioinoculant Biochemistry Paul Dupree (post-doc)
Fu Shi-Feng John P. Carr (grad student)
Kirby Siemering19951998 James P. Haseloff (post-doc)
Davinder P Singh John P. Carr (post-doc)
Alison G. Smith Plant Sciences John Gray (grad student)
Amy K Smith John P. Carr (grad student)
Roger Morgan SpanswickIon Transport and Plant Membrane Biology19641967 Enid A. C. MacRobbie (post-doc)
Dorothee Stöckle Katja E. Jaeger (grad student)
Andrew J Tanentzapecosystem ecology, global change David A Coomes (grad student)
Danielle Taylor John P. Carr (grad student)
David Thoday19061911 Frederick Frost Blackman (research assistant)
James Philip Thornberplant biochemistry, photosynthesis1961 Don H. Northcote (grad student)
Stephen Francis Hilary Threlkeldgenetics1961 Harold Leslie Keer Whitehouse (grad student)
Trisna Tungadi John P. Carr (grad student)
John Stewart Turner Botany19301934 Frederick Frost Blackman (grad student)
Charles Underwood
Satish Bharathwaj Viswanathan John P. Carr (grad student)
David Alan WalkerPhotosynthesis Meirion Thomas (grad student)
Francis O Wamonje John P. Carr (grad student)
Ertao Wang Giles E. D. Oldroyd (post-doc)
Harry Marshall Wardbotany, mycology, and plant pathology.
Lewis G Watt John P. Carr (grad student)
Jack H. Westwood John P. Carr (grad student)
Harold Leslie Keer Whitehousefungal genetics1948 David Guthrie Catcheside (grad student)
Philip Wigge MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology19962000 Detlef Weigel (post-doc), John Kilmartin (grad student)
Chui-Eng Wong John P. Carr (grad student)
Andrew Tung Yep John P. Carr (post-doc)
Argyris Zardilis
Heng-Mu Zhang John P. Carr (post-doc)
Tao Zhou John P. Carr (post-doc)
Heiko Ziebell John P. Carr (grad student)
Piotr A Ziolkowski Ian Henderson (post-doc)