University of Minnesota, Twin Cities

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Ernst C Abbe
Clyde Clarence Allison1937 Elvin Charles Stakman (grad student)
Neil O. Anderson Horticulture19831989 Peter D. Ascher (grad student)
Michael P. Anderson Agronomy & Plant Genetics Gary H. Heichel (grad student)
Albert Cedric Arny1918 Edward Monroe Freeman (grad student)
Peter D. Ascher
Donald K. Barnesplant genetics
Beat C. Boller Agronomy & Plant Genetics Gary H. Heichel (post-doc)
Norman Ernest Borlaug“green revolution”1942 Jonas Jergon Christensen (grad student), Clyde Martin Christensen (grad student)
Laura S. Brophy Agronomy & Plant Genetics Gary H. Heichel (grad student)
Allan H. Brown
Gregory Neil Brown
Warren William Chase1934 Rodney Beecher Harvey (grad student), Henry Schmitz (grad student)
Ratan ChopraCrop Genomics, Breeding and Genetics, Molecular Breeding, Plant Domestication
Clyde Martin Christensen1937 Elvin Charles Stakman (grad student)
Jonas Jergon Christensen1925 Elvin Charles Stakman (grad student)
Harry T. Cralle Agronomy & Plant Genetics Gary H. Heichel (grad student)
Troy Mansell Currence
Michael Niven DanaHorticulture1982 Peter D. Ascher (grad student)
Sharon Lee Desboroughpotato genetics
Margaret Dietrich Botany1990 Thomas Joseph Guilfoyle (grad student)
John DoebleyGenetics, Biostatistics Biology, Molecular Biology
Kevin M DornPlant Biology Plant Biology Agronomy and Plant Genetics20102015 M. David Marks (grad student), Donald L. Wyse (grad student)
Raymond Starr Dunham1932 Herbert Kendall Hayes (grad student)
Carl John EidePlant Pathology1934 Elvin Charles Stakman (grad student)
Kathleen A. Fishbeck Agronomy & Plant Genetics Gary H. Heichel (post-doc)
Harold Henry Florgenetics of host-pathogen interactions1929 Claude Wilbur Edgerton (grad student), Elvin Charles Stakman (grad student)
Albert W. Frenkel
Gary M GardnerMolecular Biology, Botany Biology, Biochemistry
Jon Lee GeadelmannCorn Plant Breeding
Norman E Goodphotosynthesis1952 Allan H. Brown (post-doc)
David Gottliebplant pathology1942 Elvin Charles Stakman (grad student), Helen Hart (grad student)
Thomas Joseph Guilfoyleplant biology
Ethan HackPlant-pathogen interactions, biofuels from algae Botany Thomas Joseph Guilfoyle (post-doc)
Gretchen Hagenplant hormone, auxin Biochemistry19801983 Thomas Joseph Guilfoyle (post-doc)
Gudni Hardarson Agronomy & Plant Genetics Gary H. Heichel (post-doc)
Paul M. Harmer1920 Frederick J. Alway (grad student)
J George Harrar1935 Elvin Charles Stakman (grad student)
Monty Deverl Harrisonpotato diseases1962 Carl John Eide (grad student)
Helen Hartplant pathology1929 Elvin Charles Stakman (grad student)
Herbert Kendall Hayes
J Walter HendrixPlant Pathology1948 Elvin Charles Stakman (grad student)
Robert A. Henson Agronomy & Plant Genetics Gary H. Heichel (grad student)
Christine Izuno Botany1986 Thomas Joseph Guilfoyle (grad student)
Steven Erik Jacobsen1993 Neil Edward Olszewski (grad student)
Iver Johannas Johnson1931 Albert Cedric Arny (grad student), Herbert Kendall Hayes (grad student)
Kenneth John Kashaplant genetics1962 Charles Russel Burnham (grad student)
Fumiaki Katagiri
Milton Frederick Kernkamp1941 Elvin Charles Stakman (grad student)
Brooke Kirby Bootan Thomas Joseph Guilfoyle (post-doc)
Ann Kleinschmidt Botany1984 Thomas Joseph Guilfoyle (post-doc)
Philip Otto Larsen
Russell Edward Larsonplant breeding, genetics, and vegetable production1942 Troy Mansell Currence (grad student)
Nicholas C. LauterGenetics, Biostatistics Biology, Molecular Biology2001 John Doebley (grad student)
Julian Gilbert Leachplant pathology1922 Elvin Charles Stakman (grad student)
Michael LeeMaize genetics1986 Jon Lee Geadelmann (grad student)
Xin LiPlant Biology2017 Gary J. Muehlbauer (grad student)
Barbara E LiedlSpecialty Crop Production and Breeding Horticulture Horticultural Science20031989 Sharon Lee Desborough (grad student), Neil O. Anderson (collaborator)
Margaret Lindberg Botany1981 Thomas Joseph Guilfoyle (grad student)
Lewis N. LukensGenetics, Botany Biology2000 John Doebley (grad student)
Conway Macmillan
Jane Mary Oakes MagillGenetics
M. David MarksMolecular biology and plant domestication
Loren Marsh Botany1987 Thomas Joseph Guilfoyle (post-doc)
John Thomas Medler1940 Alexander A. Granovsky (grad student)
John Harold Miller1957 Raymond Starr Dunham (grad student)
Mary Mosher Botany Thomas Joseph Guilfoyle (post-doc)
Harry Haruo MurakishiPlant Sciences1948 Carl John Eide (grad student)
Royce Peak Murphy Agronomy and Plant Genetics19371941 Herbert Kendall Hayes (grad student)
Min Ni Peter H. Quail (post-doc)
Bernard O. Phinney Biology19401946 Ernst C Abbe (grad student)
Loren D. Potter1949 Donald Buermann Lawrence (grad student)
Curtis Woodard Roane1953 Elvin Charles Stakman (grad student), Jonas Jergon Christensen (grad student), Carl John Eide (grad student)
Masanao SatoSystems biology,Host-microbe interactions,Virology Department of Plant Biology20042009 Fumiaki Katagiri (post-doc)
Henry Schmitzforestry
David Clyde Smith1934 Herbert Kendall Hayes (grad student)
Leon Carleton Snyder
John C. Snyder Horticultural Science19711978 Sharon Lee Desborough (grad student)
James P Spychallapotato gene editing Horticulture19841989 Sharon Lee Desborough (grad student)
Elvin Charles Stakmanplant pathology1913 Edward Monroe Freeman (grad student), Conway Macmillan (grad student)
Otto Ludwig Stein1954 Ernst C Abbe (grad student)
JoAnne Suzich Botany1986 Thomas Joseph Guilfoyle (post-doc)
Horace LeRoy Thomas1931 Herbert Kendall Hayes (grad student)
David Harry Timothy1956 Horace LeRoy Thomas (grad student)
Scott N. Twary Agronomy & Plant Genetics Gary H. Heichel (grad student)
George C. Webster1952 Albert W. Frenkel (grad student)
Brenda Wingfield Botany1984 Thomas Joseph Guilfoyle (grad student)
Richard Wright
Donald L. WyseAgricultural Engineering, Environmental Sciences, Soil Science Agriculture
Linda Zurfluh Botany1982 Thomas Joseph Guilfoyle (grad student)