Texas A & M University

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Robert T Anderson Biochemistry and Biophysics20102014 John E Mullet (grad student)
Howard G. Applegate
Elexis Cook Bashaw1953 Richard Carmechial Potts (grad student), Ethan Cleddy Holt (grad student)
Brian J Baumgartner Biochemistry and Biophysics19851991 John E Mullet (grad student)
Erin Bell1991 John E Mullet (post-doc)
Bob Benson John E Mullet (post-doc)
Tineke (Aukje Hubertiena) Berends1989 John E Mullet (grad student)
Susanne Berger John E Mullet (post-doc)
John S. BoyerPlant Physiology
Scott Boyer Biochemistry and Biophysics19821987 John E Mullet (grad student)
David D. Briske
Mark David BurowPeanut Breeding and Genetics
Deanna Crista Callerame Biochemistry and Biophysics2019 John E Mullet (grad student)
Anna L Casto Biochemistry and Biophysics2019 John E Mullet (grad student)
Robert Chemelewski Biochemistry and Biophysics2016 John E Mullet (grad student)
Kevin L Childs Biochemistry and Biophysics19962002 John E Mullet (post-doc), John E Mullet (research scientist), Page Wesley Morgan (grad student)
Harry T. Cralle
Robert A Creelman19861992 John E Mullet (post-doc)
Arnold DuBell Biochemistry and Biophysics19891995 John E Mullet (grad student)
Lutz A Eichacker John E Mullet (post-doc)
Joseph P Evans20062012 John E Mullet (grad student)
Richard A Ferrieri1980 Yi-Noo Tang (grad student)
Patricia E Gamble Biochemistry and Biophysics19851989 John E Mullet (grad student)
Felix D Guerreroarthropod genomics Biochemistry and Biophysics19831988 John E Mullet (grad student)
Wayne Clark HallPlant Physiology
Karen R Harris-ShultzCrop Genetics and Breeding Research20012007 John E Mullet (grad student)
Josie L Hilley Biochemistry and Biophysics20082017 John E Mullet (grad student)
Ethan Cleddy Holt
Tzung-Fu Hsieh Biology19911998 Terry L Thomas (grad student)
Jennifer T. Jones Biochemistry and Biophysics19891994 John E Mullet (grad student)
Jung-mook KimPlant biology Biochemistry and Biophysics19891994 John E Mullet (grad student)
Minkyun Kim Biochemistry and Biophysics19901995 John E Mullet (grad student)
Robert R Kleinplants, molecular biology1984 John E Mullet (post-doc)
Hisashi KoiwaMolecular Biology
Austin Lamb Biochemistry and Biophysics2017 John E Mullet (grad student)
Sangyun Lim Biochemistry and Biophysics2006 John E Mullet (grad student)
R. Daniel Linebergerplant tissue culture, chimeras, micropropagation, Web technology, World Wide Web
Jane Mary Oakes MagillGenetics
Ashley Mattison Biochemistry and Biophysics20112017 John E Mullet (grad student)
Ryan F McCormick Biochemistry and Biophysics20102017 John E Mullet (grad student)
Brian A McKinley Biochemistry and Biophysics Biochemistry and Biophysics Biochemistry and Biophysics20192018 John E Mullet (post-doc), John E Mullet (research scientist), John E Mullet (grad student)
Page Wesley Morgancotton, sorghum1961 Wayne Clark Hall (grad student)
Daryl T. Morishige Biochemistry and Biophysics John E Mullet (post-doc)
John E MulletPlant Molecular Biology, Genonics, Proteomics, Bioinformatics, Gene Structure and Regulation, Cell and Developmental Biology
Rebecca MurphyCrop research Biochemistry20062012 John E Mullet (grad student)
Joel Oliver Biochemistry and Biophysics2015 John E Mullet (grad student)
Sara N Olson (Moussa)Agtech, biopesticides, crop protection, emerging agrifood tech Biochemistry and Biophysics20062012 John E Mullet (grad student)
Sujata Pammi19901993 John E Mullet (post-doc)
Alan Pepper Joanne Chory (post-doc)
Ian Plews Biochemistry and Biophysics2007 John E Mullet (grad student)
Richard Carmechial Potts
Jeffrey C Rapp Biochemistry and Biophysics1993 John E Mullet (grad student)
Kimberley B Ritter John E Mullet (post-doc)
Avi Sadka19921995 John E Mullet (post-doc)
Ron A Salzman John E Mullet (post-doc)
D Janine SherrierSymbiosis, plant-microbe interactions, nodule, agriculture, bioinoculant Biology Kathryn A. VandenBosch (grad student)
Roberta H. Smith
James Douglas Smith Peter Peterson (grad student)
Junqi Song Xinnian Dong (grad student)
Zhijun Tang Biochemistry and Biophysics19921996 John E Mullet (grad student)
Terry L Thomas
Sandra Truong Biochemistry and Biophysics20122017 John E Mullet (grad student), Peter B Howard (grad student)
Paul Ulanch Biochemistry and Biophysics1999 John E Mullet (grad student)
Jean-Philippe Vielle-Calzada1995 Mark A. Hussey (grad student)
Mark Whitsitt Biochemistry and Biophysics19881996 John E Mullet (grad student)
Shanshan YangGenomics, Bioinformatics Biochemistry and Biophysics20092014 John E Mullet (grad student)
Ka Man Jasmine Yu Biochemistry and Biophysics2016 John E Mullet (grad student)