Roelof Prakken

1945-1969 Department of Genetics Wageningen University, Wageningen, Gelderland, Netherlands 
Population and Quantitative Genetics, Cytogenetics, Biochemical Genetics, Mutagenesis, Microbial Genetics
"Roelof Prakken"
Roelof Prakken was born in the village of Enter on 13 November 1898.
After graduating from the Deventer Teachers Training College in 1918, he was a primary school teacher until 1927, first at Enter, then at Culemborg near Utrecht. In this period his interest in biology was evident from a number of articles on plant communities. By following lectures at the University of Utrecht, Prakken, in his spare time, prepared for the "Akte m.o. K IV" (geology and biology), which degree qualifies for teaching in all secondary schools.
In 1927 followed the appointment as teaching assistant in zoology and experimental histology at the Department of Zoology of Utrecht University where, in 1931, Prakken graduated cum laude in botany, zoology and genetics.
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Jan Antonie Honing research assistant Wageningen University
Jan Antonie Honing grad student 1934 Utrecht
 (Inheritance of colours and pod characters in Phaseolus vulgaris L.)