Donald Boulter
Affiliations: | 1958-1966 | University of Liverpool, Liverpool, England, United Kingdom | |
1966-1991 | Biological Sciences | University of Durham, Durham, England, United Kingdom |
plant geneticsWebsite:
"Donald Boulter"Bio:
(1926 - 2012)
DOI: 10.1111/j.1469-8137.1955.tb06153.x
Opus is saddened to report the death of the following Old Portmuthians and colleagues Prof. Donald BOULTER CBE, MA, DPhil (Botany) (1926-2012) Donald Boulter, Emeritus Professor in the Department of Biological Sciences at the University of Durham, was at PGS from 1938-1944 and, through a distinguished academic career, established himself as one of the world’s leading experts in plant genetics. The Boulter Prize in Molecular Biology and Biochemistry is an annual award made by the University to a student reading for a degree in Molecular Biology who performs most meritoriously, at or near first class standard, in either the second year or Finals examinations. Professor Boulter was also instrumental in establishing the world-renowned Durham University Botanic Garden, which is set amongst beautiful mature woodlands on the southern outskirts of the city. The Boulter Room, part of the Garden’s Visitor Centre, hosts educational talks and public lectures on all aspects of botany and horticulture. Always “Prof” to his students, Donald was an inspirational teacher whose aim was to achieve better crop production through the application of biochemistry and molecular biology. He did much to shape the path of plant science and its leading institutions across the world.
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Sign in to add mentorWilliam Owen James | grad student | 1953 | Oxford | |
(The cytochrome - cytochrome oxidase system and associated oxidases of barley seedlings.) |
Sign in to add traineeIain E. P. Taylor | grad student | 1964 | University of Liverpool (BME Tree) |
You can help our author matching system! If you notice any publications incorrectly attributed to this author, please sign in and mark matches as correct or incorrect. |
Hilder VA, Powell KS, Gatehouse AMR, et al. (1995) Expression of snowdrop lectin in transgenic tobacco plants results in added protection against aphids Transgenic Research. 4: 18-25 |
Evans IM, Fawcett T, Boulter D, et al. (1994) A homologue of the 65 kDa regulatory subunit of protein phosphatase 2A in early pea (Pisum sativum L.) embryos. Plant Molecular Biology. 24: 689-95 |
Wang MB, Boulter D, Gatehouse JA. (1994) Characterization and sequencing of cDNA clone encoding the phloem protein PP2 of Cucurbita pepo. Plant Molecular Biology. 24: 159-70 |
Shi Y, Wang MB, Powell KS, et al. (1994) Use of the rice sucrose synthase-1 promoter to direct phloem-specific expression of β-glucuronidase and snowdrop lectin genes in transgenic tobacco plants Journal of Experimental Botany. 45: 623-631 |
Boulter D. (1993) Insect pest control by copying nature using genetically engineered crops. Phytochemistry. 34: 1453-66 |
Gatehouse AMR, Shi Y, Powell KS, et al. (1993) Approaches to insect resistance using transgenic plants Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. 342: 279-286 |
Wang MB, Boulter D, Gatehouse JA. (1992) A complete sequence of the rice sucrose synthase-1 (RSs1) gene. Plant Molecular Biology. 19: 881-5 |
Boulter D, Gilroy JS. (1992) Partial sequences of 18S ribosomal RNA of two genera from each of six flowering plant families. Phytochemistry. 31: 1243-6 |
Edwards GA, Hepher A, Clerk SP, et al. (1991) Pea lectin is correctly processed, stable and active in leaves of transgenic potato plants Plant Molecular Biology. 17: 89-100 |
Scutt CP, Gates PJ, Gatehouse JA, et al. (1990) A cDNA encoding an S-locus specific glycoprotein from Brassica oleracea plants containing the S5 self-incompatibility allele. Molecular & General Genetics : Mgg. 220: 409-13 |